The Real Face of Gun Control in Real Time in Afghanistan and the US, Two Totalitarian Societies By John Steele

The Senile old man Biden regime fled Afghanistan leaving behind for the Taliban billions of dollars of weapons. There is something just not right about it, given that no official explanation has been made. It would be damn easy to simply blow up all the weapons with only enough C4 to fill a small truck. So, the Biden regime wanted the Taliban to secure power, no other explanation makes sense. This is not surprising given that the Biden anarcho-tyranny has declared war on Trump supporters, its political opponents at home, this is how deranged and depraved it is. Also, the way is paved for China to move in and by its colonialism, take strategic resources, which is what the communist Democrats want.

Note well, that the Taliban immediately began seizing weapons from civilians, like all tyrannical regimes. It is what Biden and the Democrats intend to do as well, for they are the Taliban of America, now also ruling with a communist iron fist.

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The Silence of the Decadent Western Feminists on Afghanistan By Mrs Vera West

Old King Cole Joe Biden has openly denied that the Taliban is committing acts of violence against the Afghan people, and in an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, he said that nobody had been killed. However, as he said it, reported 12 murdered. As well, one woman was shot dead for not having the appropriate sharia head covering. Western feminists have also been deathly silent about the treatment of women, since, well, this is a non-white regime, and feminists’ only mission is to take down white Western civilisation.


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Climate Change Hypocrisy, Big Time By James Reed

Bill Gates, when not pushing vaccines, is big into climate change, you know, here I am saving the planet and all that. But a mineral exploration company backed by Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Michael Bloomberg has entered into a joint venture with the London-based mining firm Bluejay to mine for raw materials in Greenland. Yep, such mining, even to get minerals for whatever Greenie adventure will increase carbon emissions. Not that we are against mining, or increasing carbon emissions, which we love,  but it is just another example of the globalists’ hypocrisy.


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Lessons from Tolstoy’s "Anna Karenina" ? By Mrs Vera West

I read Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina many years ago, and forgot all about it, until reading an interesting piece by Carmel Richardson in The American This is the story of sexual libertarian woman’s fall from social grace, to self-destruction. The tale of adultery would have been shocking 145 years ago, but is pretty ordinary now. What I take away from all this, is how the times have changed. It would be Anna Karenina’s first husband who would, under the modern legal regime, get taken to the cleaners and lose his wealth, something Tolstoy would find simply unbelievable, that a society would reward adultery. Tolstoy’s entire world has been inverted. It is an example of how far things have gone, and how much further the gender agenda will go.


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Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Takes a Stand on Covid-19 Mandates: There is a Right to Decline! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), has issued a rebuttal to the American Medical Association (AMA) “Joint Statement in Support of COVID-19 Mandates for All Workers in Health and Long-Term Care,” holding that contrary to the AMA position on mandatory vaccinations, there is a right to decline. This is significant because we are dealing with health professions here, who can assess the evidence, or lack of it, as part of their job. It means, by default that there is a legitimate case for vaccine scepticism.  


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Elusive Herd Immunity By Brian Simpson

The expression of faith at the moment, is that lockdowns will end when everyone is vaccinated, or rates pass 70 percent, an arbitrary figure. Apparently, unlike Sweden, we cannot live with the virus, the following article putting the mainstream case;

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Fight back for Farmers! By Viv Forbes


An urgent message for all Farmers, ex-Farmers, their Families, their Friends, their Politicians and their Media in all Australian states and in other countries:

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The West … Going … Going … Gone! By Peter West

With the fall of Afghanistan, with the Taliban tasking it over even while bumbling Joe Biden was saying that this would not occur, the fear that America is falling apart rapidly in real time, is being expressed at numerous sites. Let it be said that this was all predicted years ago at the blog by writers like James Reed and Chris Knight. Richard Miller has said the same for Europe. Australia is going to face the same future of collapse, not exactly as America, maybe worse, as James Reed has portrayed in his blog pieces.

As this article from The Economic Collapse, details, cultural collapse in America, is almost complete. This will in turn erode the economy producing economic collapse, as the final curtain falls. For Australians who just don’t see it, even still, hearing a multitude of voices might ram the message home before it is too late.

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Covid and Discrimination Unlimited By Mrs Vera West

John Steele referred me to this nice article by Daisy Luther. She would be a great person to have on any team to sit the apocalypse out with, brilliant, friendly. practical and full of insights. Here is her take on the coming Covid discrimination world. The Organic is now one of my daily, go-to sites, well worth checking out. It is a female take on survivalism, with less of the macho gun stuff, and more home-spun wisdom which is what I like as a woman. People like John can protect the perimeter, I will clean the house and do the cooking.

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Dr Fauci, Technocratic Master of the Universe! By James Reed

Here is an update on the latest from technocratic ruler of the Covid universe, Dr Fauci. Updates are needed because the good doctor changes his position almost as frequently as the virus that should bear his name now mutates. Oh, that is why there will need to be booster shots for eternity. Big Pharma will be rolling in loot until global economic collapse, say, next year. Or World War III mercifully puts the system out of its misery! Aaaah …. just joking folks, everything is going to be alright as a mentally disabled YouTube knife reviewer says as his by-line. Trust me, we will win this, as dark as things now seem. I keep praying for a miracle, and you should to.

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A Transgender Viking? No Way Ragnar! By Brian Simpson

Those who champion the gender agenda look for historical confirmations of their views, on the smallest sample of evidence, even while viewing history as a social construction. The claim has been made by the woke academic establishment that a 1,000 year-old grave in Finland, basically at the end of the Viking era, was that of a non-binary person. There were in the grave what they interpret to be, projecting cultural bias, “female” clothing and jewels, but also symbols of masculinity, including a sword. There was a DNA analysis conducted, which was admitted to be based upon limited samples, and thus open to error, allegedly showing that the individual had Klinefelter syndrome. This involves a male having an extra X chromosome, thus being XXY. Such individuals, while male, have small penises and are usually infertile. Some males do not even realise that they have this syndrome, so there is no “typical” “gay’ behaviour necessarily.

This is an example of modern researchers, biased with contemporary gender agenda ideologies, reading back into time and planting their biases upon past data. There is nothing that can be inferred about how society regarded this individual. What they are trying to cook up is that this a gay male dressed in female clothing, but it is cultural prejudice to suppose that the clothing and small amount of jewels are “female,” or that a sword is exclusively male. It would be like supposing that a raincoat from the 1940s discovered 1,000 years later by Martian archaeologists going though the ruins of the Earth, indicated the transgenderism of today, when it simply had some unisex attributes, all culturally relative. Or, that past Scottish kilts indicated transgenderism, when it is nothing of the sort, and I am sure William Wallace would show offence. Don’t offend Bill. Kilt he may wear, but his sword is long and broad.

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Hey, this is Fishy, Pfizer! By Brian Simpson

If employees eat at their very own restaurant that they work at, you can guess that the food is probably pretty good, as they would know about what goes down in preparation. Now, what about pharmaceuticals? Same principle I contend. So, that brings us to what goes on in shop at Pfizer. Spell check saved me, as I missed out the “P” first hit. Whatever would that spell?

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Where are You Going Homo Saps? By Brian Simpson

The virologist Dr  Geert Vanden Bossche is concerned about the governments of the world attempting to vaccinate the entire human race, in the middle of a pandemic. The problem is that this is creating an evolutionary force, producing new variations. “Mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic is prone to promoting selection and adaptation of immune escape variants that are featured by increasing infectiousness and resistance to spike protein (S)-directed antibodies (Abs), thereby diminishing protection in vaccines and threatening the unvaccinated.” In other words, by society’s panic, we are revving up viral evolution. But, the Big Pharma drunk system is not going to listen to evolutionary sense, as the assumption is that technology solves every problem.

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Died While Fully Vaxed, but Could be Worse? How, Exactly? By Brian Simpson

I don’t make fun of anyone, as we are all frail and vulnerable, especially people who have died or suffered injuries from Covid vaccines. However, it is instructive to observe this story, where a woman’s fully vaccinated father died from Covid-19, and she said she “can't imagine how much more he would have suffered if he had not gotten the vaccine.” With all due respect to all involved in  of this terribly sad story, it seems like an academic question, since the father who had both heart problems and diabetes, which make Covid much worse, unfortunately did suffer greatly, and then died. Whether his suffering would have been even greater still is a moot question, because at some point, disease makes human life an utter misery, and this poor man seems to have faced this. What we would have liked to have seen is the father being protected by the vaccine, which did not happen.

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The Covid Decline Preceded Vaccines By Brian Simpson

Robert M. Kaplan is no anti-vaxer.  However, he observes the fact that Covid-19 infections declined in the US long before vaccines came on the scene. This same sort of decline prior to vaccines has been observed with other diseases that have been taken to be solely eliminated or dealt with by vaccines, including tuberculosis, scarlet fever, influenza, pneumonia, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, smallpox, typhoid, and polio. While Kaplan does not go there, there is an argument here that vaccines in general are much less important that the establishment thinks, compared to public health measures and natural resistance and health.

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A Crook Taking the Money and Running By Peter West

It is pretty much a toss-up which is the most embarrassing, leaving billions of dollars of weapons for the Taliban, or former President Ghani, fleeing like a rat jumping ship, but first stuffing a helicopter with the contents of four cars full of money! The crook was not able to get all of the loot into the chopper, so part of the thief was left on the tarmac. This was the sort of puppet the US installed. Who says it was his money to take?

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Does Afghanistan Even Exist? By Richard Miller (London)

Daniel Greenfield has an interesting argument that Afghanistan as a country did not exist before the West politically constructed it, and what here has been there, as in Africa, are groups of tribes, and commitment to the tribal order comes before any notion of nation. The United States could not grasp, that being brainwashed by modernist concepts such as equality, that there are no racial differences and the like. As well, Greenfield argues, they could not understand the social dynamics of the region. Worse, the West wants to make everyone on the planet like themselves, when in fact this is not possible, that the ideas and modes of living of the West in many respects cannot be maintained in places like Afghanistan. Things will go back to how they were before the Americans intervened. It is just the natural order.

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An Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Apocalypse? By Brian Simpson

“Antibody Dependent Enhancement” (ADE), is the hypothesis that of vaccines priming the immune system for a hyper-inflammatory response to future infections. Thus, the immune system goes into overload, and somehow self-destructs. Mike Adams presents the case for this below. The caveat is made that this is hypothesis as yet, but it is scientific, having some background evidence, and is capable of verification and falsification, if only speculative at present. But, since the consequences could be the deaths of millions, and a crash of civilisation, at least, we should at least hear this out. That does not imply endorsement, only an open mind.   

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Uncovering Vaccine Injuries By Chris Knight (Florida)

Natural is doing a good job on Covid vaccine injury reporting, and this article extracted below deals with Moderna, which has got less critical attention than the other vaccines.  The article discusses a leaked report that alleges that the number of vaccine injuries from this vaccine is much greater than recorded in the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).


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Is it a False Comparison between BLM Protests and Anti-Lockdown Protests? By James Reed

The material below from July 26 from, where the case is attempted to be made that the Leftist antifa/BLM protests were peaceful, like being at church, but with masks and social distancing. Well, for America, there may have been masks, but that was solely a disguise, not Covid related. And it is a joke to say that these were not the most violent confrontations yet seen in America; YouTube stuff is still up. As for Australia, much less violence that is sure, but the two events are completely different, as the Covid protesters are actually the victims, while BLM are not imprisoned. As well, across the world the Leftist protests were permitted, even being super-spreader events, but the anti-lockdown protests, suppressed. And, Google images does show many BLM protesters with Covid-style masks, but I dare say most back in 2020 did not have them, or at least a sizeable percentage.

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