The woke libtards never fail to miss an opportunity to say crazy things. After all, Biden’s official line is that Trump supporters are the greatest national security threat ever seen, thus defining his political opponents as an enemy to be dealt with by the security forces. Others say that the dispossessed majority of Americans are a greeter threat than jihad terrorists. It would not have such pathos, if the Trumpers actually did something, anything legal, such as mass protests, or strikes, But, they are basically fish in a barrel. They should learn the lesson from the Taliban in Afghanistan, that the US forces of imperialism, are not so tough, and certainly not unbeatable, and to defeat them, we do not even need ballistic conflict, everything can be done legally. There just needs to be the political leadership, which Trump, unfortunately does not supply.
What is it liked to get the spiked protein jab? Say you did die, and a friendly autopsy cutter got to work with a saw to examine your inner parts. What would he see? What would your organs look like? Apparently, spiked as well., has a different political position from us, but the article extracted below it sees the fall of the American empire as clearly as we do. The failure of state-building in Afghanistan was inevitable, since this tribal society was highly resistance to American modernisation. But, this all foreshadows the fact that America is itself a failing state, and it is only a matter of time before it too falls apart. I see this as inevitable, and hope that the break-up of America comes soon, so we can be freed from living with the libtards.
France is the model of how things are expected to go in the Covid New World Order, with the vaccine passport. In late July 2020, the French Parliament approved the COVID-19 health pass law, and France’s top court, the Constitutional Council, upheld the law on August 5. There is also a law mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for all health workers, and I have seen reports of some grocery shops not allowing people to shop without the vaccine passport. However, the French people, used to protests from the yellow vest movement, have taken to the streets, over 200,000 people with some battling police. It will be interesting to say the least to see where this will all go.
Here is an interview with renowned Covid vax sceptic, Dr Vladimir Zelenko, who along with Dr Michael Yeadon and Professor Luc Montagnier, a world-famous virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV, believes that there is some likelihood of the Covid vax apocalypse hypothesis being true; namely that because of pathological priming, and subsequent systems overload, many who get the jabs and subsequent booster shots, could die within two to three years. Mike Adams, who champions this still speculative thesis, believes that at worse, up to 80 percent of the human race could die off, which would absolutely lead to a collapse of civilisation and the dawning of a Mad Max era. I am sceptical of this, but keep an open mind, always. It is best to “be prepared,” although I am not exactly sure how one would prepare for the world falling apart like a badly glued box.
On most days I snitch on my neighbours, mostly for things that they do not do, and even on neighbours I do not have! I am therefore right in the mood for the New Covid snitch society, where to be an obedient peasant, or pheasant, it is necessary to report neighbours, or anyone else for that matter to authorities. It is just like being in CCCP land, with an extra “C” added for good luck.
On an unrelated note, I noticed that I have started to get “droopy eye” syndrome, with my face starting to melt down into my neck. If I was not so scared of being force-vaccinated I would see a doctor. Still, there is always, Dr Google.
There is a YouTube video featuring the Taliban playing around with weights in the gym of Kabul’s presidential palace. They are obviously not gym users, and the famous Nassim Nicholas Taleb, criticized them for not trying to deadlift. This is simply stupid, since soldiers rarely need the sort of strength that comes from dedicated weight training; that is the myth of the Rambo movies, or at least the early ones, not Rambo: Last Blood. Soldiers need coordinated and disciplined action, not lone Rambos bursting with muscle. Muscle is, after all not bullet proof. The strength needed for war comes from long marches with gear, and daily activities. Weight training is basically an urban training form for those not doing much real world physical activity.
After delivering an experimental Covid vaccine at Star Trek “warp speed” (Trump must have come up with that one), Trump now is concerned about all the booster shots, which he sees as just money making. Didn’t this occur to him at the time? Probably not as he is not the sharpest syringe in the rack. No doubt he was playing his stupid art of the deal, where there are simplistic business answers to everything.
Little old ice-cream eater Joe Biden is saying that he is constantly speaking with the Taliban, to get Americans, and those who cooperated with them, out of Afghanistan, as the US retreats, its tail between its legs, like beaten dog of war. However, the reality is a bit different, as the Taliban is now on a rampage of revenge, murdering those who helped the US to terrorise the locals.
Trump, for all his failings, would have left the special forces behind to prevent this, but, Biden, or rather those who control him, are in charge now, bringing the show down. All I can say is that I am glad I never died during my tour of duty of that place. I never understood at the time why we were even there.
Victor Davis Hanson, “Are We in a Revolution and Don’t Even Know It?’ makes the case that there is a revolution occurring in the US in real time that many do not even know about. That may be true for some normies, but I think an increasing number of people are aware that something bad is going down, but there is no leadership by the likes of the ever-pathetic Trump to oppose this. Maybe some leader will arise at the 11th hour, as we wait for Godot.
“Institutions are being absorbed not just by the woke apparat, but by an array of ideologies that seeks to destroy them. The collective madness that ensued from the pandemic, the quarantine, the self-induced recession, the George Floyd killing and subsequent months of exempted riots, the election year, and the resurgence of variants of the Chinese-engineered coronavirus, all ignited the fuse of formerly inert socialist dynamite. And the ensuing explosion of revolutionary fervor in just a few months has made America almost unrecognizable.
The Afghanistan situation is getting worse by the day, as ISIS-K, the Islamic State offshoot, is set to target Kabul airport and surrounding regions. If the terrorist group was seriously going to attack, perhaps using mortars, or even some discarded US weapons to attack planes, there is not much that could be done, for the planes are vulnerable, let alone if missiles are on the cards. Did Beijing Biden’s controllers sit down and plan how to make the most humiliating disaster that could be done, or did it all just fall out that way?
Home invasions by youths carrying melee weapons such as knives, axes and machetes is becoming common In Australian cities. What is different today is that the youths are quite ready to use the weapons, as the attack upon rugby star Toutai Kefu and his family have indicated. The attack occurred at 3 am in the morning, and the attackers were not concerned about people being home, being willing to fight, stabbing, slashing and chopping the entire family.
Clearly, people will need to move to the South African mode of living, by hardening homes, and not leaving signs of affluence visible from the street. It is not perfect, but a hardened home, which cannot be easily broken into, gives time to ring the police, and get ready. And what if the police cannot get there in time, or one lives out in the more rural areas, where you are essentially on one’s own? It would be nice to have a right to self-defence, wouldn’t it?
This conclusion is straight from the British Medical Journal, based upon UK data. While inferring a pro-vaccination conclusion, predictably enough, the paper does state that “the potential for fully vaccinated individuals to transmit the virus to others would make achieving herd immunity more of a challenge.” While there are as yet no firm conclusions about how much transmission occurs from people who are fully vaccinated and get the Delta variant of Covid, it is clear that even from a mainstream position, the idea that vaccinations will magically solve the Covid problem, as is the present Australian hope, is problematic to say the least.
While I am opposed to the lockdowns on scientific grounds, and sympathise with people who are hurting, assaulting police and putting them in hospital will be totally counter-productive, beyond the obvious wrongs. The ordinary Australian people do not support this sort of violent civil disobedience, which is right out of the US antifa little red book. The assaulters came for a fight taking weapons like beer bottles with them; so much for concern about Covid. I hypothesise that many of the violent protesters were from the Left, but there is no information on this.
The protests will only extend the lockdowns, and worse, before too long someone is going to get killed, the way things are out of control. By all means protest the lockdowns on-line, but breaking the law is quite another thing.
In both Australia and the US, the present Covid surges are being blamed on the unvaccinated, it is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Hence the push for ever-more mass vaccinations. But, the statistical analysis to back this all up is flawed, as detailed by Dr Mercola, and even some US news outlets have been at work exposing this. The situation in Israel, as a mass vaccinated country, also with Covid breakthrough surges, counts against the mainstream narrative.
For information purposes, and we all need more information, Dr Mercola reports the views of The Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable, hosted by Katherine Macbean, a panel of health professions concerned about the Covid medical establishment. There is a link via the article to the two-hour presentation, which covers all of the controversial issues. While there are differences of opinion between the doctors, all express serious concerns. A summary follows below.
Trying to be helpful to Sco Mo bozzo, I suggested bribing, no outrightly drugging, the population with beer and alcohol to ensure vaccination compliance. Get them drunk then dunk, will be the new motto. But, medical ethics had something to do with my evil plan not getting taken up, as well as bad optics. I am saddened, nay, disappointed, since a government that has moved to what the international media call martial law, by putting the army out to control us plebs, should not worry about fragile things like ethics. Oh, then there is social science stuff on nudges and all that too might be significant, since basically, these sorts of schemes don’t work. Guess we have to keep old moth-eaten freedom of will!
The Pfizer vaccine is regarded by our elites as just the ant’s pants, to solve the Coviddy crisis. However, studies have been presented that purport to show that the Pfizer vaccine less effective than the Moderna vaccine. And the Covid king, Dr Fauci, does not like it, one bit. Now why would that be?
The Australian media is frantically pushing the line that social freedoms can only be given back if there is a greater than 70 percent vaccination rate. Ideally, everyone gets the might Vaxes, and happy, happy. But will it be? Take Israel, with the sort of dream percentage of people vaccinated that the Australian technocrat class must nightly dream about. What is being seen now are infections among the unvaccinated, to be sure, but even more infections among the vaccinated, at numbers that would shut down Australian states and cause premiers to get a wee bit hysterical.
As well, while there is an almost fanatical religious faith that the Pfizer vaccine is a magic bullet here in Australia, preliminary vaccine data published in Israel in July 2020, reported that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was just 40.5 percent effective on average at preventing symptomatic disease. Some religion!
Natural features an interview with Dr Richard Fleming, who has a book coming out entitled: Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation. The book presents the evidence of the virus escaping from the Wuhan labs, as part of a bioweapons program. As well, this bioweapons research is charging ahead, and the next “release” is likely to be far more deadly in terms of deaths, being based upon HIV-like properties designed to suppress human immunity. If this is true, the Mike Adams depopulation hypothesis, which initially seemed outlandish, could prove to be correct. But, hey, without thinking machines to be the next slaves, the elites must badly want to live in a Mad Max world!