The Fraud Will Never End By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It was oh so predictable, that Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat would win by cosmological margins. Funny though how many Republican voters went to vote and found that someone had already voted Democrat for them, and below one source says that 70 percent of people found that their vote had already been cast for them! Clearly, Republicans who have not made moves for secession, should accept that they will never get anyone elected ever again. Not even a library monitor position. Game over.

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Insulate Britain is Insulating Britain! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is the latest craziness from the climate change activists here in the UK. A group calling itself, “Insulate Britain,” decided to block roads surrounding London’s orbital motorway, as this seemed to them to be a swell protest idea. But, as noted below, an actual insulation engineer was prevented from getting to work! Who knows what harm this did, in a kick-on effect. Anyway, the whole lot of these block-headed road blockers should have been arrested, but police moved to protest the little darlings from people whose livelihood was threatened, because that is just what climate change/Covid police do nowadays, when they are not ignoring grooming gangs raping white British children. It’s the new normal.

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The Australian Churches Take a Stand Against Vaccine Mandate Tyranny! By Peter West

With major institutions and elites of Australia in a vaccine mandate feeding frenzy, it is cheering to see New South Wales church leaders not kneeling to Canberra’s dictate of turning away unvaccinated church goers. This was an outrageous secular humanist slap in the face to religion, and had to be kicked back against. “With Anglican Archbishop Kaniska Raffel, I would insist that ‘Jesus is Lord of all, and his gospel is a gospel for all. A “No Entry” sign at the door of the church is wholly inconsistent with the Gospel preached inside,’” Archbishop Fisher said in a statement, issued on September 9. And right he is.

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Weather, Climate and Model Madness By Viv Forbes

Weather or climate? It pays to know the difference before we slaughter our economy on the climate alarm altar.


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Australia: The Covid Surveillance State By James Reed


Caitlin Johnstone is, an independent journalist based in Melbourne. She puts the case, and rightly so, that there has been a rapid movement into Australia becoming a surveillance state, not only from the Covid-19 over-reach, but with new laws, prima facie to combat terrorism, which allow police to hack into on-line accounts of targets, and alter information, to prevent the commission of crimes, although it is far from clear how this would operate in practice. Certainly the entire process could be subject to massive abuses. Overall she expresses a view that I definitely agree with: “Australia is not a free country. Westerners are trained to believe that that’s what you call any wealthy English-speaking nation with liberal cultural values, but really it’s just a continent-sized US military base with kangaroos. Human rights are allowed only where they are convenient, which is why they are continually disintegrating.” However, this is where agreement ands: “There’s a lot that’s going to have to shift before Australians gain stable protections for their civil liberties, which will necessarily have to include not just some kind of bill of rights but becoming an actual republic and finally getting that ugly old woman off our coins and ending the illegitimate US military occupation here once and for all. This will not happen until there’s an expansion in public consciousness of the need to do this, which may or may not be born out of conditions getting a lot worse before they get better. It may also be born out of a critical mass of Australians deciding they’re fed up and beginning a real push toward becoming a free country.”

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To Hell with Your Job! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Fear not, oh valiant Covid fighters, hope is not yet gone! A Washington Post-ABC News poll found 16 percent of unvaccinated US workers would get the jab, 35 percent would ask for a medical or religious exemption and 42 percent would quit their job. That indicates a strong level of resistance to the Covid-vax regime, even if probably most of those people are not up to date at the latest VAERS adverse effects figures, or evidence of the ramifications of Covid vax spike proteins.

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The Heart, Punctured by Covid Vax Spike Proteins … Ouch! By Brian Simpson


A new study presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, has detailed the Covid-19 vaccine induced spike protein could change cells in the heart disrupting its regular function.  The spike protein binds to cells called pericytes, which in turn release chemicals causing an inflammatory response. The paper notes: “This mechanism has the potential to spread cellular and organ injury beyond the infection sites and may have important clinical implications.

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Iran and Nuclear Weapons: Coming Soon By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Iran regime has capitalised upon the weakness, and possible pro-radical Islamic sympathies common to the Left today, and certainly the US Democrats, with the result being the Biden administration's appeasement policies towards the Iranian regime. This is leading the mullahs' nuclear program to advance at a rapid pace, so that by some estimates, they may have nuclear weapons in months, if not weeks. This will be a greater danger to peace than even nuclear North Korea, since the Iran regime poses a direct existential threat to Israel, and this is not going to be taken lightly, and nor should it. It is likely, and quite plausible, that Israel moves in its own defence, given that the US has basically surrendered to the forces of radical jihad, dramatically seen by the Taliban victory. Who could trust a country that arms its own enemy?

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Satanists and Abortion By Mrs Vera West

The recent Supreme Court of the United States decision to uphold Texas’ anti-abortion heart beat rule, has really brought them out of the wood work, and we have got to see the diverse forces that support the abortion industry. Take Satanists for example. Here is how they fit into the picture.


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A Lawsuit Against the Vaccine Mandate! Natural Immunity, Rules! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A small point, but it shows the spirit of resistance to the Covid regime. “A University of California Irvine professor has filed a lawsuit against his system’s board of regents and campus president, challenging the legality of their COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Aaron Kheriaty filed the lawsuit on behalf of individuals in the UC system who have natural immunity to COVID-19 due to a previous infection of the coronavirus, including his own immunity from a bout with the virus in July 2020.” Hopefully we will see similar law suits in Australia if the universities go down the same road.

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Teachers Saying: No! More Good Stuff By James Reed

I was very surprised to see this, but a group of teachers are opposing the mandatory Covid-19 jab. I was surprised given the political correctness of schools, which is still true, but this Covid issue is starting to spill over the old political divides. Just watch things if the I am Legend vaccine apocalypse turns out to be true.

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What If It was Me, or You? By Brian Simpson

Here is the story of one young lady, in the prime of her life, who received  debilitating conditions, including severe neurological complications, pain and at times, an inability to walk, following her first jab of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. In reading this, I cannot but think, well, what if this was me? I certainly would not want to go through this. The authorities say that the odds of this happening are small; and maybe they are. But, so what, if they are MY odds! I don’t want to play this probability game at all with something that is still experimental. I have had the tetanus shot, with no worries and was never anti-vax, but I did not get any shots beyond tetanus, believing in the superiority of natural immunity for the standard diseases. And, I still do. If I get Covid, I get it. If die, I die.

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This Week’s US Covid Vax Misery Report By Brian Simpson

Each week thanks to the greatly informative site Children’s Health, I give their summary of Us deaths and adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccines, so that we in Australia can see what is happening with a much bigger population sample space than ours. In summary from data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  showed that between December 14, 2020 and September. 3, 2021, a total of 675,593 adverse events following COVID vaccines were recorded. This included a total of 14,506 reports of deaths, an increase of 595 over last week. As well, there were 88,171 reports of serious injuries, including the reports of deaths, during the same time period, an increase of 2,200 compared with last.


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When is a “Vaccine” Not a Vaccine? By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola in a must-read article, outlines the true nature of two of the Covid “vaccines,” which are not traditional vaccines as previously defined, but are gene therapies, with the term, “vaccine,” now being re-defined by the CDC to encompass this. The claim that these “vaccines” are gene therapies is regarded as false news by the fact-checkers. Dr Mercola goes into detail about why these so-called fact checkers are wrong, and that the mRNA “vaccines”: are gene therapies, as the mRNA prefix well illustrates.  The argument is complex, as expected, but explained simply enough for most of us to follow. He looks at how the classic definition of a “vaccine” was changed by the CDC to accommodate the Covid mRNA “vaccines,” and the political and public policy significance of this.

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With the Missing Votes, How Could the Election be Fair? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has  released a research report on the 2020 election Thursday, reporting that more than 440,000 mail ballots in Pennsylvania “went missing or undeliverable” in a state Joe Biden won by a certified margin of only 80,555 votes. There was a total of 3.1 million ballots mailed to Pennsylvania voters in 2020, but what happened to 425,606 of these mail ballots is “unknown,” according to data provided by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and analysed by PILF. There were 15,175 votes determined to be “undeliverable,” and 34,171 mail ballots returned by voters were rejected by election officials. It is possible that most of the missing votes were for Trump. We don’t know this, but it should have been enough to decertify that state. Nobody won it.

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To Hell with the Economy! Go Ahead, Shut Me Out! (Am Already Out!) By John Steele

Bull Hansen has produced some interesting, thoughtful videos on survivalism and the Covid tyranny. In his recent vid. he deals with the real issue of how the Covid communist state, as seen in Australia and other places like Italy and France, is squeezing the unvaccinated out of mainstream society. While, like us, he suggests pushing back against this, as people are, there should be a Plan B, to live off grid as much as possible. That may be difficult for city people living in high rise Covid-enriched ghettos, so all the more reason to move beyond that. Maybe there is some better life in country and regional Australia, especially if one has a trade. It may be possible, indeed necessary, to build alternative communities and local economies, outside of the mainstream.

There is a wealth of literature on the back to the land movement from the 1960s, one of the only good parts of the Left. They had their reasons for this that we do not accept, but still, there are things that can be borrowed, from bartering to permaculture. This form of radical decentralisation, is consistent with basic social credit principles of individual liberty, and the flourishing of freedom. I will cover practical off grid living in articles to come at this blog.

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A Bush in the Hand is Better than a Terrorist in the Bush. What? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The title is the sort of senile garble of former president George Bush, who has publicly compared 9/11 to Jan 6. They want Trump supporters treated like jihadists, so that they can kill them, because the system is evil and genocidal, in short, and good men have done nothing, so evil has flourished. It is like The Lord of the Rings, only with no army of good guy warriors, and dark clouds of evil all over the land.

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Australia Needs to Study Israel By James Reed

The Australind Covid position reminds me of the most extreme of religious cultists, who hold to some dogma however false, in the face of all contrary evidence. Why is there no discussion of an example of the end goal that Australia wants, a vaccine rate like Israel’s?   But in Israel,  nearly 60 percent of the country’s 514 patients who are currently hospitalized with severe or critical Covid  virus symptoms, are fully vaccinated. This has been detailed in an August 16, 2021 report. “Israel is among the world’s highest vaccination levels, with some 5.4 million people—or 78 percent of those 12 and older—fully vaccinated. The vast majority received the Pfizer shot. The country is, however, showing one of the highest infection rates in the world, potentially a sign of waning vaccine immunity as the Delta variant now accounts for the largest portion of all COVID-19 infections in the country.” But in Australia, that news is just water off a very oily duck’s Covid back. The faith is that the magic vax will solve all problems, clearly a medical cargo cult.

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“These Vaccines are Unlikely to “Completely Sterilize” a Population”: Professor Sir John Bell, SAGE! By James Reed

Hear this to the end as Professor John Bell matter of fact says that the vaccines are unlikely to “completely sterile” a population, only 60-70 percent! That is great news! I thought 90 percent was the New World Order kill figure! It just goes to show how merciful the Dark Satanic Lords of the Covid New World Order are!


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BS from SCOTUS! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is the Supreme Court of the United States showing its Left wing bias: Justice Stephen Breyer said on a broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” that they did not hear President Donald Trump’s 2020 election case because it did not meet “normal criteria.” He did not say what this meant, but it is nonsense on stilts. For one thing, there were affidavits by thousands of witnesses seeing fraud before their very eyes, and evidence of mathematicians of the statistical impossibility of the election results, only a small sample of the evidence. But in any case, SCOTUS did not even grant standing to the state of Texas to be heard. So, go ahead Biden, put ten thousand Leftist judges on this corrupt circus. Conservative America needs to break away from this utter rottenness. It is finished, so wake up or die!

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