Biden: Let Them Eat Cake … No, Nothing! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This goes back a little way, but is still relevant. Joe Biden gave a speech stating that there will be “real food shortages,” but gave no suggestion of what could be done about it, other, perhaps from literal belt tightening. “The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia; it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries, as well. Including European countries and our country, as well.” That makes no sense at all, as sanctions are supposed to hurt the other guy, not be unilateral in effect. It is like having a nuclear hand grenade, that blows up the thrower as well as the target.

“Astonishingly, the president of the United States stood before the world this week, predicting “real food shortages” without mentioning a plan to keep us fed.

“With regard to food shortages—yes, we did talk about food shortages, and, uh, and it’s gonna be real,” His Fraudulency Joe Biden said at a Thursday news conference. “The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia; it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries, as well. Including European countries and our country, as well.”

Naturally, Biden said this just a few days after Press Secretary Lyin’ Ginger said Americans are unlikely to face food shortages.

“While we’re not expecting a food shortage here at home, we do anticipate that higher energy, fertilizer, wheat, and corn prices could impact the price of growing and purchasing critical fuel supply, food supplies for countries around the world,” she said.

But now, per the president himself, America will face “real” food shortages. So what’s the plan!!???

Food shortages. Real food shortages. That sounds like a pretty big deal to me. That sounds like something an American president might like to start mobilizing for. You know, we are still America. We are still a dynamic country with millions and millions of square miles of unused farmland that could easily make up for losing Ukraine as the “breadbasket of the world.”

But what’s Slow Joe’s plan?

Get a load of this bunk:

Biden said, “Russia and Ukraine have been the breadbasket of Europe in terms of wheat,” and insisted that he and other leaders had a “long discussion in the G7” about the need to “increase and disseminate” food production.

“In addition to that, we talked about urging all the European countries, and everyone else, to end trade … limitations on sending food abroad,” Biden said. “And, so, we are in the process of working out with our European friends what it would take to help alleviate the concerns relative to the food shortages.”

That’s not a plan. That’s BS. That’s a plan to come up with a plan.


Imperial Japan has just bombed Pearl Harbor, and the left-wing socialists in Nazi Germany have just declared war on us. What’s the plan, President Roosevelt?

Well, we’re going to increase and disseminate war machinery and troops.

If Biden honestly believes food shortages will be “real” — food shortages, y’all: FoodShortages. — every government alarm, every government priority, everything possible should be done to feed the American people. The first priority must be mobilizing efforts to ensure America can produce enough food to feed its own. Once that’s accomplished, we must do what we can to feed the world.

There is no reason why America cannot become the world’s breadbasket and do so by this summer.

One of the blessings of America is our bounty of plenty. Everyone has enough to eat, a decent place to live, medical care, and all kinds of stuff. That’s a beautiful thing, truly. But this bounty is such a given in American life it blinds us to the idea that life could be anything else. We are blessed, but this blessing helps us forget that for most of human history and much of the world still, things like food, shelter, housing, medical care, and stuff are not the norm.

Full shelves, full bellies, stuff, stuff, stuff… It all comes to us so effortlessly, almost like magic. Store shelves are full because of course, they are!

But beneath this magic is a whole weave of slender threads that make our full shelves and bellies possible, and if just one of those threads breaks, we will face untold misery. And most of us, including myself, are so spoiled by this bounty we have no idea what to do if one of those slender threads breaks. We’re not prepared to hunt or grow or gather.

So here we are, currently living in a country where the American president is predicting “real” food shortages, something this country has not faced in a hundred years, and he’s not doing a damn thing about it… This is especially galling when we live in a bountiful country with all the resources (and then some) to ensure we never again have to depend on a foreign country to feed our own.

This, like the historically high gas prices currently battering the poor and working-class, are perfect opportunities for a leader, a real leader, a compassionate leader, to say, Enough of this outsourcing of the American way of life. America has these resources, and we will never again depend on a slender thread.

But Biden will never do that because he’s a monster who sees the effects of industrial farming and oil drilling on Mother Earth as not worth the benefits those things offer human beings, including Americans.

That’s the bottom line to all this.

That’s why Biden admits he believes America will face “real” food shortages and won’t do a damn thing about it.

Like the rest of the Democrats and organized left, Biden would rather see us suffer and starve than open our own lands to energy and food production.

Do you want to count on China to feed your family? You don’t have to if you stop voting for these sociopaths who call themselves “Democrats.””

“The non-elected, criminally-installed “fake” president Joe Biden is now warning about food shortages coming to America. At a press conference held in Brussels yesterday, he answered questions from reporters about food security. One reporter asked, “Can you say whether there’s the conversation is a turn to the subject of food shortages and what the US will do to address wheat shortages in particular, as a result of this?”

Biden answered, “With regard to food shortages. Yes, we did talk about food shortages. And, and it’s gonna be real.”

He even went on to explain how he was working on efforts to worsen food shortages around the world, literally saying, “And we both talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly, food shortages.” (emphasis added)

Being a mentally incompetent fake president, of course, he may have tripped over his words. In later answers, he contradicted this and seemed to indicate that he was working to reduce food shortages.

Astonishingly, he also admitted that Americans will have to pay the price for economic sanctions levied against Russia. He is clearly attempting to set the narrative that when food scarcity and starvation strike America, the White House and the compliant corporate media will, in unison, attempt to place blame Russia.

It doesn’t really matter what Joe Biden says, of course, since Biden is a cognitively impaired puppet controlled by Democrat operatives who tell him what reporters to call on and which cue cards to read. Their goal is the complete economic and cultural destruction of America. That was also Obama’s goal, of course, which is why fake president Biden is widely considered to be fulfilling “Obama’s third term.”


Biden’s puppet masters have realized they can’t hide the food inflation and scarcity forever, so they’re trying to reframe it

What you’re watching unfold here is the realization of Biden’s handlers that food inflation and scarcity will become shockingly obvious to everyone later in 2022. That’s because everyone buys food. According to official sources, food inflation in the last year (Feb 2021 – Jan 2022) was over 20%. By the time 2022 comes to an end, we anticipate another 20% – 30% price inflation just in 2022 alone. This means food prices will very nearly have doubled from early 2020 to late 2022.

What happens in 2023 is going to be even worse. That’s because clueless bureaucrats and politicians will attempt to print more money and hand out UBI (Universal Basic Idiocracy) debit cards to everyone in a whole new kind of “helicopter money” scenario. The politicians will claim they are “helping” people afford rising food prices caused by Russia. In reality, they are printing money to chase price inflation that was caused by printing money in the first place.

The vicious feedback loop of hyperinflation will be well under way as money printing keeps pushing up inflation while the world’s nations increasingly dump the dollar due to rapid devaluation. In the end, as I wrote yesterday, the dollar goes to zero value, and the American people who bet on the dollar (by holding it) will be left penniless, starving and angry.

This is one of the easiest predictions I’ve ever made: In 2022 – 2025, we are going to see:

  • Food riots in America
  • Mass looting of grocery retailers
  • Increased theft of food from individuals and businesses
  • Food RATIONING efforts by the government
  • Food price controls in certain cases, leading to worsening shortages

Those who don’t own food — and those whose assets are kept in dollars — are going to be utterly wiped out and very likely destroyed. Many will die from the resulting violence.

Those who own food, gold, silver, ammo and certain types of crypto will survive the collapse and resulting chaos.

No one is condemned to being destroyed in all this, however, unless they are dumb enough to trust Joe Biden, the Federal Reserve and the treasonous, complicit media. Smart people are already dumping dollars and moving into gold, silver, ammo, storable food and certain types of crypto such as privacy coins (which are impossible for governments to track or seize).

Personally, I consider owning gold and silver to be absolutely essential for survival. Ammo, food, emergency first aid, heirloom garden seeds, emergency communications gear, diesel fuel and other similar items can always be used as barter for food. Those who fail to prepare will end up selling things like their homes, vehicles, land or even their own bodies once the starvation becomes sufficiently severe.”





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