The German Media is Blaming the Swedish riots on the White Right Wing, as Well as the Extinction of the Dinosaurs! By Richard Miller (London)

The German media is blaming the Swedish riots on the white Right wing. Apparently, miles of video footage showing who was committing the violence can be ignored. Or, perhaps it is like the 2020 situation in America, where alleged BLM violence was blamed by the cognitively impaired elites on white racists, wearing clever masks. Yes, that must be it!

“German media outlets responded to violent riots in Sweden mainly involving Muslim migrants by claiming the unrest occurred as a result of “right-wing demos.”

Yes, really.

Multiple Swedish towns and cities have been hit with violent domestic disorder over the past week, unrest that continued into the Easter weekend as 26 police officers were injured.

Mobs of Muslim migrant youths set police vehicles on fire and hurled stones at police officers, with some shouting, “Allahu Akbar” during the rampage.

As the Associated Press reported, Swedish authorities said the riots specifically targeted police and were the work of “criminal gangs,” a common euphemism for Muslim migrant youths.

“There is a lot to suggest that the police were targeted,” said Sweden’s National Police Commander Jonas Hysing, noting that “the main target for the rioters was Swedish police and society,” not Rasmus Paludan, a right-wing politician who threatened to burn copes of the Koran.

Muslim youths routinely stage riots in Swedish cities in response to authorities arresting violent criminals. Large scale riots also occurred in 2020.

However, according to the German media, the riots were actually staged by shadowy right-wing extremists.

Broadcaster ZDF reported that there were “riots at right-wing demos” in Malmo.

“After the approval of right-wing rallies, there were riots again in Sweden during the night,” states the article, with no mention that the police were actually being attacked by Muslim gangs.

“To the uninformed reader, the riots actually involved right-wing extremists attacking police,” reports ReMix News.


“The article seems to be an attempt by the ZDF to downplay the role of Muslims in yet another public disturbance in the already highly-troubled immigrant neighborhoods in Swedish cities.”

Tagesschau also downplayed the responsibility of Muslim migrants for the riots, reporting, “In Sweden there were violent protests in several cities on Saturday evening and Sunday night after a right-wing extremist party was allowed to hold rallies.”

“Other German-language outlets had even more egregious content on the riots, with the Austrian online portal OE24 headline for a video reading: “Riots in Malmö: right-wing extremists set fire to a bus.” This is an outright lie. No right-wing extremists were involved in any of the rioting or arson attacks over the weekend,” writes John Cody.”




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