The 2020 US Election Stolen by Ballot Box Stuffing! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While various characters, well meaning, presumably, have said that the 2020 election will be overturned based upon their “special” evidence, nothing has happened. The next big thing is that the claim that the  Democrats rigged the election by the good old-fashioned means of ballot box stuffing. As reported by Breitbart News’ Matthew Boyle:

Conservative election integrity group True The Vote has been conducting a months-long massive and clandestine voter fraud investigation into the 2020 presidential election, the results of which may soon start coming out, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

A document that the group’s founder Catherine Engelbrecht circulated to prospective donors, obtained by Breitbart News, details several facets of the investigation—which centers on what the group describes as the collection of cell phone GPS ping data in key election hotspots around the country including Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. The document says that True The Vote has spent the last several months since late last year collecting more than 27 terabytes of geospatial and temporal data—a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The data includes geofenced points of interest like ballot dropbox locations, as well as UPS stores and select government, commercial, and non-governmental organization (NGO) facilities.

“From this we have thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona,” True The Vote’s document says. “According to the data, each trafficker went to an average of 23 ballot dropboxes.”

In other words, what the document says is that True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states.”

The investigation is continuing, and by the time of the next election steal, November 2022, then November 2024, it may be established that the 2020 election was stolen. By then, there will be no country left to worry about, anyway.

“For more than a year and a half since the November 2020 election, debate has raged over exactly how the Democrats pulled off the rigging of the vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Very early on in the discussion of how this happened, people like Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, General Michael Flynn, Patrick Byrne and others seized and held attention for months as they focused much of the population’s attention like a laser on the Chinese hacking theory.

Lindell spent almost 8 months crafting a narrative in which he was going to definitively prove that hackers stole the election by electronically manipulating the vote totals in all 50 states and most counties. He made a series of boastful videos with names like “Absolute Proof” and “Absolutely 9-0” [which advanced the claim that when the Supreme Court saw the evidence he was going to present to it, all nine Justices would vote to overturn the 2020 election].

All that activity culminated in two embarrassing fiascos: a Cyber Symposium where an audience was lured into attendance based on finally being able to see the much vaunted PCAPs [they were never produced] and supposed Supreme Court filing with multiple states Attorneys General signing on to challenge the 2020 election [the filing was never made].

It may be that instead of relying on electronic manipulation of vote totals by hackers in China or some other foreign venue to steal it for Joe Biden, the Democrats relied on the old tried and true method that has served them so well in the past: good old-fashioned ballot box stuffing. But done on a level never seen before the 2020 election.

This is going to be a painful admission for many like me to make after having spent over a year chasing the rainbow of PCAPs and server images and supposed absolute proof of electronic vote totals being manipulated.

But the same month that Lindell’s Cyber Symposium ran off the rails, there was another development that received little attention at the time.

It was in late August of last year that the group True The Vote was revealed to have been buying and collecting and sifting through trillions of commercially available cell phone tracking signals as a means of tracking ballot box stuffers [who are commonly referred to as ‘mules’].

As reported by Breitbart News’ Matthew Boyle:

Conservative election integrity group True The Vote has been conducting a months-long massive and clandestine voter fraud investigation into the 2020 presidential election, the results of which may soon start coming out, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

A document that the group’s founder Catherine Engelbrecht circulated to prospective donors, obtained by Breitbart News, details several facets of the investigation—which centers on what the group describes as the collection of cell phone GPS ping data in key election hotspots around the country including Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

It seems that after initially proving just how well the cell phone GPS ping data could track the mules making dozens of trips to the ballot boxes in their city, Engelbrecht was looking for additional funding to expand the investigation.

I’ll also note from the way this Breitbart News piece is written that True The Vote and Englebrecht do not appear to have been ready yet to go public with their investigation. They seem to have been caught off guard by Boyle contacting them about what they were doing. Boyle himself in his own article describes the effort as ‘clandestine’ which, of course, it wasn’t any more the moment he published this story.

When reached and asked to comment on the forthcoming investigation, Engelbrecht confirmed the authenticity of the document and its contents but declined further comment at this time.

The document says that True The Vote has spent the last several months since late last year collecting more than 27 terabytes of geospatial and temporal data—a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The data includes geofenced points of interest like ballot dropbox locations, as well as UPS stores and select government, commercial, and non-governmental organization (NGO) facilities.

“From this we have thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona,” True The Vote’s document says. “According to the data, each trafficker went to an average of 23 ballot dropboxes.”

In other words, what the document says is that True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states.

It certainly looks as if someone blew their investigative cover by providing the document to Boyle. That’s why when contacted about it, Englebrecht would only confirm that the document was accurate and then had no further comment for Boyle.

I can’t help but wonder if the early outing of their investigation by Breitbart News had any negative effects on what True The Vote was doing. I’m currently trying to learn if Engelbrecht gave Boyle permission to quote from the True The Vote fundraising document, and if she asked him to hold off on publication of this article that would expose the method True The Vote was utilizing in it’s election fraud investigation.”




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