Libtards Going Extra-Mad! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Democrat libtards are going extra-mad over the draft Roe v Wade SCOTUS over-ruling decision. Roe v Wade is the holy grail of the Left, at the foundation of the sexual degeneracy that has been seen since the 1970s, not the cause, but a part. Abortion on demand fits in well with a culture of sexual promiscuity, where sexual “mistakes” can be dealt with by Big Medicine in its production line facilities. Instead of children from marriage, we have abortion and Third World immigration.


Fake American Indian Senator Elizabeth Warren was at her most hysterical after the leak went public. Among other things she said that the same legal principles employed in the reasoning, namely that abortion is not mentioned the US constitution, would also strike inter-racial marriage and homosexual marriage, both of which the Founding Fathers did reject, but which came to be seen as “rights” through the march of liberalism. But these areas will not be dealt with any time soon, and are best to be considered when America breaks up after World War III, and a new start is made, if that is possible.

“Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Friday on ABC’s “The View” that interracial marriage and gay marriage are in jeopardy because Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito‘s legal reasoning in a leaked draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

Co-host Ana Navarro said, I’ve gotten calls from a lot of my gay friends this week who are terrified as a result of this leak because of what you just referred to as settled law, settled law, which isn’t so settled as we thought. Now, my friends on the right bring up Plessy versus Ferguson, which is the separate but equal. And they said when that got overturned, nobody had an issue. So when is settled law settled law? Should people in gay marriages be afraid? What does this mean when it comes to established law?”

Warren said, “So when you read Justice Alito’s opinion, what he focuses on is history, and he says we don’t have to protect our access to abortion because historically we haven’t had that access. Boy, that ought to make your gay friends nervous because we don’t have a long history of protecting equal marriage. We don’t have a long history of protecting interracial marriage. We don’t have a long history of protecting access to contraception. All of those things that we have now counted on instead — that’s the America we are — could potentially, under Justice Alito’s own analysis, go out. This is the reason we cannot have a right-wing fringe court dictate to the rest of America.”

Co-host Joy Behar said, “Right. It’s so divisive also. It’s going to just split the country.”

We must hope that it does split the country, and that secession, the Great Divorce of leaving the libtards to rot in their own country, comes to pass.




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