More Bad News for the Covid Vax Cult By Chris Knight (Florida)

There are reports that the medical journal, The lancet, has published a paper claiming that both messenger RNA (mRNA) injections from Moderna and Pfizer were found to not save lives, having no effect upon over-all mortality. Among the 74,000 patients who participated in the trial, 31 vaccinated patients died while only 30 unvaccinated patients died. The study stated: "Based on the RCTs with the longest possible follow-up, mRNA vaccines had no effect on overall mortality despite protecting against fatal COVID-19." How that was possible was not explained, but at least the paper was published. Small mercies and all that.

“The prestigious British medical journal the Lancet has published a new study exposing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” as medically useless when it comes to saving lives.

Both messenger RNA (mRNA) injections from Moderna and Pfizer were found to not save lives, as claimed. More people actually died in the injected group than in the non-injected group, the paper revealed. Both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections also cause AIDS-like syndrome.

Among the 74,000 patients who participated in the trial, 31 vaccinated patients died while only 30 unvaccinated patients died.

“Based on the RCTs with the longest possible follow-up, mRNA vaccines had no effect on overall mortality despite protecting against fatal COVID-19,” reported the Blaze‘s Daniel Horowitz about the study, which was funded by the Danish government.

“So how is it that mRNAs had no effect on all-cause mortality but protect against fatal COVID?”

Horowitz’s conclusion is that the mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna “don’t really protect against COVID, or the nominal benefit is washed away by the mortality from adverse events.”

Given, a bulk of the trial participants were healthy adults, which means they probably would not have died regardless. But if the shots supposedly save lives, then why did 31 people who got the injections still die?

“They surmise that for sicker adults, the mRNAs might have induced a better mortality result, but that is pure speculation,” Horowitz further wrote.

“What is clear, however, is that the mRNA vaccine makers understood that there was no mortality benefit for healthy people and pushed the shots on them anyway, even though they came with substantial non-COVID risk of adverse events.”

About 98 percent of all confirmed COVID “cases” in New Zealand occurred when most of the country was already vaccinated

One case study out of New Zealand supports the findings of the new study, revealing that COVID shots are ineffective at reducing overall mortality, despite government claims to the contrary.

It is a good case study for evaluating the matter further, Horowitz said, because New Zealand is an island country with very few COVID-related deaths during the first two years of the plandemic.

Every age bracket in New Zealand has a jab rate higher than 90 percent – except for the 5-11 category. More than half of all New Zealand adults, especially those considered to be highly vulnerable, also got “boosted” already.

New Zealand, according to that study, experienced a bulk of its deaths after this was all accomplished. In other words, introducing the jabs did absolutely nothing to minimize deaths, and appears to have caused many of them.

“As of Nov. 4, 2021, New Zealand recorded just 29 COVID deaths, but the country now has 469,” reported WND. “And that spike has happened, Horowitz pointed out, during the wave dominated by omicron, a variant that largely produces an upper respiratory infection with mild symptoms.”

Interestingly, nearly all confirmed “cases” of the Fauci Flu in New Zealand occurred after the country was mass-vaccinated. The data shows that only two percent of COVID cases occurred before the shots were introduced there.

A similar situation occurred in both California and New York, wrote Dr. Meryl Nass, a clinician and epidemiologist, on her Substack page. The vast majority of all new COVID cases in those two highly populous states occurred in people who took the jabs, and after the jabs were widely distributed.

“She found vaccinated Californians and New Yorkers were three times more likely to develop COVID than those who had prior immunity and were unvaccinated,” WND reported.

“A long-term study published by the prestigious British journal The Lancet that follows up on participants in the Moderna and Pfizer trials found the vaccines had no effect on overall mortality.

Among 74,000 trial participants, there were 31 all-cause deaths among the vaccinated and 30 among the placebo groups as of January, reported Daniel Horowitz of The Blaze.

Curiously, as Horowitz noted, the authors of the Danish-government-funded study state: "Based on the RCTs with the longest possible follow-up, mRNA vaccines had no effect on overall mortality despite protecting against fatal COVID-19."

Horowitz asked: "So how is it that mRNAs had no effect on all-cause mortality but protect against fatal COVID?"

He supposed that either the vaccines "don't really protect against COVID, or the nominal benefit is washed away by the mortality from adverse events."

Horowitz noted that the authors concede that the clinical trials were mainly conducted on healthy adults.

"They surmise that for sicker adults, the mRNAs might have induced a better mortality result, but that is pure speculation," he wrote.

"What is clear, however, is that the mRNA vaccine makers understood that there was no mortality benefit for healthy people and pushed the shots on them anyway, even though they came with substantial non-COVID risk of adverse events."

Horowitz pointed out that epidemiological data also indicate the shots are ineffective in reducing mortality overall.

New Zealand is a good case study, he wrote, because the island state had very few COVID deaths for the first two years of the pandemic. Further, nearly every age bracket had a vaccination rate higher than 90%, except for those ages 5-11. And more than half of all adults, especially those in vulnerable categories, received a booster shot.

Nevertheless, New Zealand experienced nearly all of its deaths after all of that was accomplished. As of Nov. 4, 2021, New Zealand recorded just 29 COVID deaths, but the country now has 469. And that spike has happened, Horowitz pointed out, during the wave dominated by omicron, a variant that largely produces an upper respiratory infection with mild symptoms.

About 98% of all confirmed COVID cases in New Zealand occurred after February 2022.

Other data
CDC and U.K. government data also have indicated that the COVID-19 vaccines not only are ineffective in preventing cases and transmission, they rapidly lose protection against severe illness or death while posing risks.

Dr. Meryl Nass, a clinician and epidemiologist, presented on her Substack page an analysis of CDC data on 30 million adults in California and New York, three-quarters of whom were vaccinated. Nass compared COVID hospitalization and case rates in those who were vaccinated and had no prior COVID illness with adults who were never vaccinated but had recovered from COVID and presumably had natural immunity. The data were collected from June to November 2021, before the Omicron wave appeared.

She found vaccinated Californians and New Yorkers were three times more likely to develop COVID than those who had prior immunity and were unvaccinated.

Further, vaccinated Californians had a higher rate of hospitalizations (severe illness) than those who were unvaccinated but had prior immunity. New York did not provide hospitalization data.

In the U.K., the age-standardized data from the Office of National Statistics indicated the double-vaccinated were protected against death for most of 2021. But in December 2021 and January 2022, COVID death rates in the doubly vaccinated but unboosted were higher than in those who had never been vaccinated.

Meanwhile, a former adviser to the FDA commissioner who continues to serve in an oversight role says the agency is ignoring its requirement to disclose clear safety and efficacy problems with the COVID-19 vaccines. Last month, an Army flight surgeon testified in federal court that she was ordered by high-level command not to discuss the controversy over Department of Defense data indicating a massive spike in serious injuries and illnesses among military personnel when the vaccines were rolled out in 2021. And, among many other safety signals, an analysis of CDC data by a former Wall Street executive an an insurance industry expert shows an alarming rise in excess deaths among Millennials over the past year amid the COVID vaccine rollout.

Earlier this month the Food and Drug Administration released a briefing document that says the composition of the current COVID-19 vaccines might need to be changed to ensure high levels of protection.”





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