Election Time, is time for the Revenge of the Unvaxxed, the Forced Vaxxed, the Vax Injured and all Harmed by the Lockdowns … Make Labor AND Liberal Pay! Teach Them a Lesson They Will Not Soon Forget! By James Reed

First up for the AEC, electoral comment written and authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA. Whoa, political payback time, here we come! Diggers, a call to battle!


Come on fellow “lepers” (see below extract for an explanation), let’s not have the pathetic result delivered in South Australia, where one tyrant, Liberal, is simply replaced by another, Labor, who will go onto do who knows what, maybe even besting Victoria and WA in the totalitarian stakes. We just don’t know. What needs to be done is to send a message home to the mainstream parties (including the Greens) by taking away the power of these demonic monsters with as many independents as possible who are anti-Covid mandates. One Nation and the United Australia Party (UAP) have been excellent, but there will be many others to choose from for your electorate, so check it out because Lib-Lab decide our fates and we cannot allow them to act again as they have done over the last two years. There must be justice and retribution, which in politics is quite justified, as it establishes social order and harmony, unlike personal feuds. The ideal will be for the balance of power to sit with independents, who will not bend. I never liked Pauline Hansen or Clive Palmer much, but on the Covid stuff, they have both been great. And that is just for starters.


I hope for once that the people, who our side see as the great heroes of history, actually do something truly historic this time with their pencils, and not deliver more of the same. To think that in ages gone by, people had to use swords, rather than pencils for freedom. If they do put back Lab-Lib, then they are truly sheeple and deserve what they are going to get because they have been warned, and it is a pity to have to suffer with this mob. But, hopefully not.


What to do? How about a new round of anti-Covid rallies, this time with the theme of “What We Have Been Subjected To, Never Again.” I suggest the title: “LOCKDOWN THE POLITICIANS!” The rallies can be gathering spots to get manpower and people organised for the anti-Covid independents and others. That momentum of protest should not be lost.



“Like the Grim Reaper, the spectre of Covid’s warped vaccines is stalking the major parties in the Australian federal election. Gone are the halcyon days of summer when Prime Minister Scott Morrison and immigration minister Alex Hawke took tennis star Novak Djokovic to court not once but twice to ban him from entering the country not just because he was unvaccinated, but because they knew it would be popular.

Belatedly, the Coalition has realised it is facing a tightrope election and every ballot counts, especially an estimated 1.2 million people of voting age who are unvaccinated, and many more who were coerced into taking a jab they only submitted to because the alternative was to lose their job. The latest Newspoll shows the price the Coalition has paid. Its primary vote has dropped from 41.4 per cent at the last federal election to 35 per cent this week. Meanwhile, One Nation and United Australia Party (UAP) have 8 per cent of the vote, 4 per cent each.

There’s plenty for the Prime Minister – a God-fearing, coal-loving man – to repent. A new Compass poll shows that of those people who voted Coalition last time and are voting for a minor party or an independent this time, 44 per cent have gone either to One Nation (32 per cent) or UAP (12 per cent), around five times more than government has lost to the Climate 200 independents (8 per cent) or to the Greens (9 per cent). The top reasons Coalition voters gave for switching to One Nation are the government’s policies on climate change (27 per cent), vaccination (25 per cent) and because they are fed up with wokeness (23 per cent). For those who are switching to UAP it was vaccination (23 per cent), abortion and euthanasia policies (20 per cent) and climate change (14 per cent).

Labor is down one point, to 36 per cent but the Greens are up two points to 12 per cent, making the prospect of a hard left, hung Labor parliament a sobering possibility. That won’t worry Albanese, who is more Joe Biden than Bob Brown or Bob Hawke; happy to build green elephant generators because he can’t remember the unemployment rate.

Yet Labor is also regretting that of those voting for One Nation or UAP at this election, 10 per cent voted Labor last time.


This explains why both the Coalition and Labor are trying to win back the people they branded ‘anti-vaxxers’ and booted out of jobs and civil society. South Australia ended the vaccine mandate for teachers and transport workers. Queensland, Victoria and the Northern Territory are allowing the unvaxxed back into pubs and clubs. Victoria is ending vaccine mandates for all but ‘essential’ occupations. NSW has ended vaccine mandates for teachers. Even federal health minister Greg Hunt quietly dropped the requirement that Australians had to be vaccinated to leave the country last week.

Yet that hardly solves the problem. While unvaccinated health care workers are unemployed, Andrews admitted that hospitals in Victoria have been crippled by vaccinated staff who have caught Covid or are isolating. It’s the same story at airports where staff shortages created chaos at airports over Easter. Yet no journalist has asked whether vaccine injuries are contributing to either crisis.

Not so in the US. On Easter Tuesday, Joshua Yoder of usfreedomflyers.org told the Stew Peters Show that on 9 April a captain in command of an American Airlines airbus with 200 passengers onboard went into cardiac arrest in the cockpit, moments after landing. The captain is now suing the company for coercing him to get vaccinated. The health of pilots is strictly monitored, and the pilot had a clean record until he was jabbed. Yoder said he has been contacted by hundreds of flight crew who have suffered heart problems including strokes, blood clots and severe chest pains.

One flight attendant has had four strokes since being vaccinated and feared she would soon die. He says pilots are failing their medicals and losing their licences at an unprecedented rate. He alleges that some are still flying with chest pains, putting the public at risk. Yoder says the regulator, the unions and the airlines are covering up the crisis but that the court case against AA and other airlines will bring the facts to light.

On Easter Saturday cricket legend Ryan Campbell, 50, said to be ‘fit as a fiddle’, was hospitalised with a massive heart attack which can be caused by myocarditis, a known side effect of the mRNA vaccines. He’s the latest in a wave of elite athletes and coaches being struck down with serious health issues. Earlier this month, 15 players were unable to finish the Miami Open tennis tournament, including the male and female favourites. A website called goodsciencing.org has recorded 933 athletes worldwide who have had cardiac arrests or other serious injuries since the vaccines were rolled, of whom 617 died. Gary Dempsey, a professional footballer who played nearly 500 games over nearly 20 years from 1996, said he couldn’t remember a single cardiac arrest. Yet when Sunderland manager Lee Johnson said the Covid vaccine might have caused the heart issues suffered by his goalkeeper Lee Burge, he was sacked. As was Southampton football legend Matt Le Tissier for being, as he sees it, a vaccine realist.

A few heart specialists are speaking up. On 14 March, UK cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra said on GB News that in a clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine, there were four cardiac arrests in the vaccine arm and only one in the placebo, which looked like a safety signal, and he thought ‘the vaccine may well have played a role’ in Shane Warne’s death.

Last week, eminent Sydney cardiologist Ross Walker, speaking on 3AW, said he’d seen in his own practice a lot of people having heart problems after the Pfizer and Moderna jabs and he thought they were worse than the AstraZeneca shot.

On Easter Monday, Seven News reporter Jennifer Bechwati tweeted that a 12-year-old girl the Prime Minister met at Westmead Children’s hospital had lost the use of her legs after getting a Covid vaccine and doctors don’t know whether her paralysis would be permanent. Bechwati said when she raised it with the Prime Minister, he wouldn’t take her question. That’s hardly surprising. None of the major parties want to deal with Covid’s warped vaccines but like the Grim Reaper, sooner or later, the time will come.”

It would be good for the organisers of the Covid protests to put people back on the streets again to protest about both Labor and liberal, maybe even getting recruitments for letter boxing and election hjelp. Each of these thousands of protesters, if they are worth their salt should get out of their comfort zone and help campaign against the main parties. They need not do any more that run off a few thousand leaflets saying that people who have suffered from the Covid mandates and vaxxes need to support independents. It could turn the election.





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