Trumpers, Public Enemies No 1! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Beijing Biden started this, but really the definition of Trump supporters as enemies of the state to be executed, started with the cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt on January 6. While criminal druggie, now saint, George Floyd brought a nation to its knees, literally by communist activists burning down America, and getting off scot free, Trumpers are now prey to be hunted down and destroyed. There was even a TV show about this theme. You see, without resistance one becomes little more than a battery hen. I blame Trump for his weakness and senility, allowing the genocidal communists to take over. There needs to be a new leader for the punters, as this burger-eater is controlled opposition.

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CDC Wants Masks Even for Covid Vaccinated Now! By Brian Simpson

Here is the latest controversy in the US, but one we saw coming. The CDC has revised its previous position, and now even those who have been vaccinated must wear masks indoors in many circumstances. This shows that masks will be the new normal, despite their limits, and ill-health effects. Masks are symbols of obedience to the Covid New World Order. Citizens are made into children. That’s the way they like it.

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Who Killed Ashli Babbitt? Trump Did! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been much speculation about who killed ex-service woman Ashli Babbitt. Of course, film footage shows a suited Black killing her, but his identity has been closely protected. However this pans out with the parent’s law suit, it is clear that Trump should never have set up the faithful to be targets of the Deep State. There has been no explanation given as to why Trump trusted a monster like Pence, unless Trump was corrupt or a total moron. Thus, it is Trump’s fault that Ashli was assassinated.

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Covid European Protests By Richard Miller (London)

I see on the telly that people in Sydney have been out protesting. I have heard that the Australian army will be used for establishment of order, locking down people in problematic suburbs. Not much talk about these hot spots, which are the most multicultural. How will troops go down with this there? Tanks on the street? Assault rifles for dramatic effect? Welcome to Europe!

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French Early Warnings about Wuhan Lab By Brian Simpson

France had warned the US in 2015 about problems with biosecurity at the Wuhan lab. The French were involved with the US in helping set up the lab, but in 2017, were kicked out of the lab, causing even more concerns. What was the CCP up to? This was then in Trump’s tour of duty, but he did what he did best, nothing, but bask in his ego. What a bunch of suckers the West are, digging their own graves because of centuries of cosmopolitan brainwashing.

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The Simple Evolutionary Virtues of Natural Immunity By Brian Simpson

With articles today raising some doubts about whether in the long term, even effective vaccines will be sufficient, the idea of achieving natural immunity comes up. How does natural immunity to Covid compare to the vaccines?

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The Mathematics of the Covid Vaccines By Brian Simpson

The establishment holds to the faith that Covid-19 vaccines will end the “pandemic.” Then we can get back to doing capitalist things, realising the true meaning of life. But, one of the challenges to this, as the US CDC admits, is virus evolution. Vaccines will set the virus off mutating to overcome this, which it may. But, apart from that biological arms race, there are intrinsic problems reaching herd immunity.


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China Covid Origin Hypothesis is “Racist”! By James Reed

There is nothing so absurd that there is not a student proposing it. Somewhere, at some time.

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Vaxtermination? By Chris Knight (Florida)

“Vaxtermination,” is the term used by Mike Adams to describe US government policies in various jurisdictions, of requiring employees to be vaccinated. As he sees the vaccines as problematic, to put it mildly, the consequences will be grave, so to speak. If he is right, libertarians who want a reduced public sector, may get a surprise.

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The Threat of the Great Replacement By Richard Miller (London) had a great piece a few weeks back on the issue of the Great Replacement of whites, also known as white genocide. The interesting thing was it was written by a Venezuelan immigrant, who knew a thing or two about the way the Left sand communists operate. Race is but one of their political weapons. The observations about the UK are spot on, in my opinion, being on the ground here.

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Transhumanism: The Great, and Final Reset By Brian Simpson

Here is great material from Dr Mercola, our go-to man for all the tech details of the coming dystopia, stitching together the Great Reset, Covid, and transhumanism. The gene therapies that now are said to be “vaccines,” he sees as the first major steps in transhumanism, changing the very genetic nature of human beings. The ultimate goal is to eliminate biology completely, make a robot world, then go to the stars, for what purpose, no-one knows.

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We Will Wear Masks Forever! By Brian Simpson

I hate masks, breathing back in my bad air, which should go out into the environment, increasing carbon dioxide concentrations. But, if the elites, who only wear masks when the media is watching, have their way, the mask fetish will go on forever. Masks are signs of the faithful, the obedient, in the Covid New World Order. I saw one YouTube clip, of a gym guy, who simply cut a mask out of ladies (clean) pantyhose easy to breathe through! But, soon, the mask police will be checking, so I don’t recommend that!If we have to wear masks, best to get proper ones.


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Donny Trump Smells Commos …Everywhere! (But, He is Part of the Team) By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Only now is Donald Trump proclaiming that communists are everywhere in the US, and certain destruction is coming. Yet, this is someone who could easily have prevented this. Trump is the one responsible for allowing the 2020 election crooks to get away with it. After the corrupt courts refused to hear the state of Texas, he should have gone on war alert. To have trusted Pence must be ranked as the greatest folly in human politics, or just complicity in treason. Trump should have sacked Pence on the morning of January 6, and appointed a patriot, like General Flynn.  At the very least, he should not have called the faithful to Washington DC, like lambs to the Deep State slaughter. This guy is part of the team, and the great tragedy is that few conservatives want to see it, because then reality is grim. Worse of all are those otherwise good conservative internet social critics who still defend Trump out of fear of losing subscribers. We know who you are.


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A Chinese Race-Based Bioweapon? By James Reed

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has more animal juices than the pathetic excuse, Trump, and has continued to fight the good fight. Imagine her as the first US female president! Anyway, she believes, on the basis of a briefing from Chinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan who defected from Hong Kong in 2020, that China is actively working on bioweapons to use against the West, and that Covid-19 was part of the program. What the CCP intends to do when the global economy collapses, and there are no dopey Westerners to buy their junk, I do not know.

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Covid Booster Shots, For Years and Years By Brian Simpson

The establishment is proclaiming, just get the jab, the magic bullet, and we can get back to the main game of the economy and commerce, which is everything in our universe. But, insiders are now saying that there might need to be multiple jabs. For years and years. Better yet, forever. What a money spinner that is going to be!

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Open US Borders to all but Cubans Fleeing Communism By Chris Knight (Florida)

As Robert Spencer observes, there will soon be millions of illegal South American being permitted to invade Beijing Biden’s America, because they will become Democrat voters, promised endless chain migration and social welfare goodies, before the system collapses. But, there is no energy at all getting in people from Cuba, who would be solid anti-communists and vote Republican. The border crisis was manufactured for Democrat votes. But, given their level of corruption and electoral fraud, one wonders why they even bother with the Constitution, voting and democracy at all, and just don’t openly declare a communist dictatorship now and get it over with? Conservatives will let them, turning the other cheek to get it in the neck. After all, they let the 2020 election be stolen right from their fat fingers, dripping from fast food grease. No fight in the dying old dogs; affluence and the good life comfort have produced a “mouse utopia,” with inevitable extinction.


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The Orwellian Threat of AI By Brian Simpson

The dystopic threat of AI has been warned about by social critics from writers to film, the Terminator movies being examples of the latter. However, some from within the AI fraternity also have concerns, such as Microsoft president, Brad Smith. He thinks that laws are needed to protect the public. However, the Dr Frankensteins have always found a way to get around any such regulations, but, it is worth a shot.


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That Pest, Freedom of Speech, to be Eradicated By Richard Miller (London)

The advisory board in the German Ministry of Economics called “Junge Digitale Wirtschaft” (Young Digital Economy) has advocated policy measures, to combat racism, especially on-line sentiments critical of immigration by severe punishments. Their hope is to restrict free speech, so that no-one makes a pip, ever again. They deserve to have their sacred economy collapse, and face a new South Africa on their door step. Then practice your censorship to your heart’s content.

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Decertification in Pennsylvania By Chris Knight (Florida)

Doubts about the integrity of the US electoral system continue to be raised, even from outside of Trump circles. Thus, there has been a decertification of the voting system of rural Fulton County for future elections, by the Pennsylvania Department of State as an assessment by a third party had violated the Keystone State’s election code.

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Why the Vaccines May be Defeated by Evolution By Brian Simpson

At present the system is placing their faith in Covid-19 vaccines as magic bullets to save their economic bacon. Shutdowns are destroying the Western economies. While many see this as a conspiracy by China, which may be true, in the long run, if the West collapses, then export-based China does too. The riots there will be like nothing ever seen in the West, as the CCP will be directly challenged. However, even some conventional sources, such as from the US CDC itself, are warning that the Covid virus is still undergoing mutations, and will probably evolve to escape the vaccines. Then what? Back to square one. And, when the next virus is released, the same problem.

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