Is the Covid Tide Turning” By Brian Simpson

Here is useful information from Natural, which gives an indication that the mainstream press may be beginning to question the Covid narrative that the vaccines are totally safe and effective. There is the admission that the vaccinated are still getting the disease, but isn’t the case that vaccines are supposed to prevent that? Wouldn’t any other vaccine which was not politically protected, be rejected on these grounds alone?

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Jonathan Turley on the Ashli Babbitt Murder By Charles Taylor

The assassination of Ashli Babbitt disturbs me deeply, and I have compared it to George Floyd’s death, and it shows how low America can go. As I see it, this was a murder by an incompetent agent who had racial panic. Ashli who was unarmed, and half George Floyd’s weight, could have been physically subdued, rather than executed. But, it was done because whites do not stand up for their rights, and this is well known. If a white cop had gunned down a Black instead, in the same situation, this would have got interesting, as there would have been a conflict of the regime’s values. Probably the white cop would have been thrown under a bus by the regime as well.

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The Afghan Refugee Racket and the Great Replacement By Charles Taylor (Florida)

James Kirkpatrick at, has an excellent piece on how the so-called Afghan refugee crisis is being used to play into the same open borders mentality seen at the US border. Apart from this material, I look at how the Biden administration is settling masses of these refugees in swinging states. Even using election fraud is not enough for these vile tyrants, who must replace the citizens to ensure a communist dictatorship forever. Hopefully, the Yellow Stone super-volcano will erupt and bury this nation in the molten crap it deserves to be buried in. of, the conservative sheeple will finally wake up.

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Eric Clapton’s Anti-Covid Tyranny Song By James Reed

Back in the day, I preferred Eric Clapton to the likes of Beatle George Harrison, with whom he has been compared, and with whom they shared a woman, Eric stealing George’s wife, Patti Boyd, which is what rock legends do, apparently. Still Eric although vaxxed has taken a musical stand against the Covid craziness which is more than the remaining Beatles, or is it Beetles (?), and the likes of Dobby Dylan have done. The song’s title is “This Has Gotta Stop.” Indeed, it does, but really, it has to be stopped by political action for the elite have their agenda, and are not going to simply give up power.

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The Crime of Not Wearing a Mask in Singapore By James Reed


Singapore is an oppressive little place. An example of this, by no means unique to it, as most places are now oppressive, is the crime of not wearing a mask, that can lead to being treated as a terrorist, and put in Changi Japanese prisoner of war camp, no sorry wrong century, Changi prison. The story of abuse is detailed below. Australia is not yet that bad, but on the way. Couple of days, as Con the Fruiter used to say.

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The Cancel Culture is Busy Cancelling By Chris Knight (Florida)

I saw this coming for some time, where the cancel culture will move to harassment levels, cancelling bank accounts, maybe even stealing one’s mail. Expect to see even registered letters suddenly go missing, or be “delayed” while the Deep State work over your letter, like the thugs/mugs they are.


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Is Opposing Masks … Racist? By James Reed

It is the day job of professional ethnics and coloured folk, especially academics, to find some way of connecting whiteness, really meaning white people, to anything they or the system does not like. Thus, opposition to masks has been seen by one US professor as a product of whiteness. Well, is this backed up by comprehensive empirical data from surveys with statistically rigour methodologies? Of course not, it is just hear-say and speculation, like most of the Arts farts and social sciences.


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Amazing Death Switching Records, Before Your Very Eyes! By James Reed

Now why would the health authorities switch from recording patients dying “with” rather than “from” Covid? Surely this is an outright case of generating false positives? Yes, it may be difficult, if not impossible to know if elderly people with a range of comorbidities died from Covid, but that is just the epidemiological problem, and beefing up deaths does not give faith in the system. It makes the disease look more deadly than it actually is. Now, why would the establishment want to do that?

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The Ezekiel Declaration By Peter West

Now this is more like it, church action at last! Over 400 church leaders have taken a stand against vaccine passports in delivering an open letter to PM Sco Mo bozo. All you need to know about this now follows. I like the name, “the Ezekiel Declaration,” very Old Testament, but most of all I like it that the church has taken a stand on the issue of freedom.


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The Beauty and the Covid By Richard Miller (London)

An owner of a beauty salon has been given a hefty fine for aiding a protest during Covid lockdown in Merseyside. What was once a democratic right of protest is now a crime.

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Those Who Stand Against the Lockdowns By James Reed

Here is a great summary of those parliamentarians who have taken a stand against the lockdowns. Queensland LNP Senator Matt Canavan, has emphasised that lockdowns have not harmed the rich, especially benefitting Big Tech, but the poor have been devastated. Queensland MP George Christensen, Federal Member for Dawson, also from the Liberal National Party, has strongly spoken out against the lockdowns and the rest of the polies. “The restrictions haven’t stopped the virus, and they won’t stop the virus. Australia will have to live with Covid-19, rather than in constant fear of it. We the people want our freedom back.

We demand that there be no more lockdowns. We demand that there be no more curfews. We demand that there be no more mass mandates. We demand that there be no more state border closures. We demand that there be no more privacy invasion with mandatory QR code check-ins. We demand that there be no more discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated Australians.”

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Identity and Disrupt By James Reed

The Identify and Disrupt Bill 2021, passed both Houses of the Australian Parliament on 25 August 2021. It gives the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) the power to disrupt data by modifying, adding, copying or deleting data in order to frustrate the commission of serious offences online. That seems at first glance a good thing, but the objection has been raised that with this power come excess, the ability now to not just go after the bad guys, but also political types too. The critiques are detailed below. But, this thing is in now. I did not even know of its existence until today.

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Here Comes Jihad Unlimited! By Richard Miller (London)

This was so obvious that it is clearly something that the elites must have wanted: the Belgian police have sent out an internal email warning that with the Afghan refugees will come, violent jihadists. But, this is what the Left want, as the race card is now their form of revolutionary force, since the white working class in the West did not make revolution. But, like all communist dreams, the exact opposite is going to happen.

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Ashli Babbitt vs George Floyd By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd has been identified as the killer of ex-service woman Ashli Babbitt. Byrd was convicted of nothing by the state, and now is playing the race card, implying that he was in danger from rampaging racists. There is no evidence to support this at all, and hopefully the civil suit will establish this, although I do not trust the legal system all that much.


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The White Pathology of the White Left By Chris Knight (Florida)

Gregory Hood, discusses the contradiction that exists with the Left sand the Great Replacement of Whites, that it is a conspiracy if the opponents of the Left say it, but the Left can celebrate it. What I find interesting is how there is no questioning of where civilisation will go if they succeed in eliminating whites from the planet in active and/or passive genocide. Will they be happy in a universal South African world everywhere? It seems so. but, expect such a world to really be one where the environment is not protected at all and all the apocalypses of the Left will come true. Collapse this time is going to be global.

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Utter Contempt for the Locals By Richard Miller (London)

The immigration class are falling over themselves with the cornucopia delivered by the Afghanistan crisis, which will deliver more of the same as the Syria crisis. Even small villages in Europe are being swamped by Afghan migrants, all young males of course. You would have thought that if there were humanitarian concerns we would see woman and children, but the aim is the Great Replacement.

 It is utter contempt for the locals. At this point, I hope economic collapse comes sooner rather than later, but one coming from the intrinsic rottenness of the system, rather than an engineered New World Order One.

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Titanic Police Meme: Truer than They Thought! By Bruce Bennett (Sydney Lockdown Inmate)

Internet land is a-buzzing with controversy about a meme from the NSW Police comparing the Delta strain to the Titanic, basically the terrible soppy movie. My position is that light-hearted memes are quite inappropriate for so-called serious organisations such as the police force, who should not engage in humour, any more than they should engage in, say, religion or politics. The Sydney situation is quite tense, and while someone in the back rooms thought that a bit of humour might lighten the load, which is normally does, this is not the occasion, any more than humour at a funeral would be appreciated. People have had businesses and lives wrecked through the lockdowns, and the psychological ramifications have yet to be fully seen. So, serious, please!


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Magical Magnetic Covid Vaxxes in Japan! By Richard Miller (London)

Japan has announced that  announced that it is suspending the use of about 1.63 million doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine due to reports of contamination, with “foreign materials” were found in at least 390 doses—or 39 vials—of the Moderna vaccine coming from eight vaccination sites.  “It’s a substance that reacts to magnets … it could be metal,” a ministry official reportedly said, according to Nikkei Asia.”

It could well be that those on YouTube claiming that magnets stuck to their injection sites on their shoulders were pulling out legs, but it is ironic that they were almost right on the Japanese case!

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Denmark, Shining Light in the Covid Darkness? Not, Really By Richard Miller (London)

The news at first seemed great; Denmark will stop classifying Covid-19 as an “illness which is a critical threat to society.” But, this is only because of high vaccination rates. If there is an outbreak of breakthrough infections, I imagine that it will be back to square one, unlike in Sweden which took the “let it be” approach.

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The Conspiracy Against Natural Immunity By Brian Simpson

One of the new assumptions made in the present mainstream narrative about dealing with Covid-19, is that the vaccinations are superior to natural immunity. This idea underlies the quest to have the entire human race vaccinated, a highly profitable endeavour for Big Pharma indeed, as Donald Trump noted a few days ago! And, if this can be done for Covid, then why not for everything else, like the seasonal flu, which can also be a killer? Society could get into a freak-out mode over the flu as well, rather than choosing to offer vaccines which may or may not offer resistance, but living with it, accepting that hundreds of individuals will get sick and die, annually.

As detailed by Dr Mercola below, the case for the superiority of natural immunity is strong, contrary to the mainstream narrative, and is in fact backed up by research. Further, the vaccine does not prevent you from getting infected with Covid-19 or spreading it, as vaccinated individuals have been shown to be just as infectious as unvaccinated people, according to the CDC, even if they have fewer or milder symptoms.

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