Civil Disobedience is Not Anarchism? The Troublemakers were Probably Communists! By James Reed

The Sydney protests against the lockdowns made international news. It was odd for this violence, such as pelting bottles at police, and I think in at least one case beating an officer to unconsciousness, to occur in Australia. The last time we saw this was during the 1960s anti-Vietnam War protests, mainly by the Left. Of course, in recent times there have been the BLM/antifa protests, but most of the violence was in the US. Nevertheless, after pouring over the footage, the attackers to my eyes do not have the appearance of conservatives, and have a distinctive Leftist look about them. If I was able to smell them, with my dog-like sense of smell, I could give a positive ID, for sure. My guess is that international socialists and commos were there to stir up trouble, like they did in the US on January 6. Unfortunately, good conservative folk, only concerned about freedom, will get tarred too. I think any protest breaking the law should be avoided at all costs. Think of alternatives, as the Left will lead you on the road to legal hell.

Thus, the police may have been technically mistaken characterising the rioters as anarchists, when I think communists would be more accurate. If you want to find the trouble makers, do a quick trip to the universities.

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Racism and History: Against Critical Race Theory By James Reed

“Racism,” according to Critical Race theory is a social construct arising from white supremacy, and white supremacy, is an inevitable product of whiteness. What “whiteness” actual is, is the Big Question, but most take it to be the white people that can be seen, or the few that can still be seen, working like faithful bees to keep this system going, a system which as I see it, is now toxic to them. That aside, “racism,” as even conventionally defined, is much older than Western civilisation, so the Critical Race Theory account is full of historical holes. Let’s ask The Washington Post.

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Senile Joe was Cleaned Up That Day! By Chris Knight (Florida)

What an embarrassment! Does false President Joe intend to have the CCP laugh themselves to death? Well, at least some poor nurse is cleaning him up before he goes to dribble over people, or put used masks in their hands. But it makes poetic sense; a senile nation gets a senile leader.

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Did I Read this Correctly? Do I Need Another Eye Test? By Brian Simpson

Do I need another eye test? I had the free one from Medicare two weeks ago …  eye sight going downhill, but might last a few years, pounding out articles, right up until the bitter end. Still, I thought I read the word “poison.” I cut and pasted it, as below. Can anyone help me out here? Surely it does not say that? Or does “poison” really mean, “yummy”? I just don’t know.

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Mike Adam’s QAnon? Or Satire? Or Both? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

If you are a dedicated Trump supporter, but anti-vax and also hold that the US 2020 election was stolen, one has a problem reconciling all of this. It is the case that Trump was fanatically pro-vax (“it’s a good vaccine”), and operation Warp Speed pushed the vaccines without the normal checks and balances. And, he did nothing to prevent the US falling into communist hands, when he could. Oh, it was a tactical manoeuvre to get Democrats to take a vaccine that might bump them off! Amusing, clever as satire, but not to be taken seriously. Trump is a mainstreamer, who believes in vaccines, and who let the election be stolen. But, a good effort from Mike to do the impossible. Really, if Trump is the saviour, what hope have we? And if people still believe in him, they will believe in anything.


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But, it Could Have Been Worse… By Charles Taylor (Florida)

On this one, all I can say is that the lad could have been in a worse situation, and he is lucky it was just a dirty mask! Creepy. Just as well he is just the president and not a child care worker!

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Critical Race Theory: “White” is Not a Colour! By James Reed

Hamid Dabashi gives us a good look, from the other side at how Critical Race theorists think. The material is thus instructive. His thesis is: “the word “white” in the context of talking about racism is not a signifier for skin colour. In this vital context, “white” is an ideology. You are only “white” in this sense if you think you are entitled to certain privileges that must be denied to others whom you in the same breath call “Black”, “brown”, “red”, “yellow”, etc.’

That is very interesting, because it takes the idea that race, and hence racism as a social construction to its logical conclusion. It can be argued from the Right, that accepting this, few are “racist” as defined, but the real “racists” are the elites and corporate globalists, who preach equality, but harvest the riches of workers through mass exploitation.

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The Nordic Faces of the Kalash Tribe, Pakistan By Brian Simpson

This one was not behind a pay wall, which is good. It features photographs by Lebanese photographer Omar Reda, with interesting ones of the Kalash tribe, Pakistan, who have Nordic features, such as blonde hair and blue eyes. The genetics of this Indo-Aryan group are controversial, but it is possible that they are the remains of the Aryan invaders from thousands of years ago. But, there are alternatives: “A study by Qasim Ayub, Massimo Mezzavilla, and Chris Tyler-Smith (2015) found no evidence of their claimed descent from soldiers of Alexander. The study, however, found that they shared a significant portion of genetic drift with MA-1, a 24,000-year-old Paleolithic Siberian hunter-gatherer fossil and the Yamnaya culture. The researchers thus believe they may be an ancient north-drifted Eurasian stock from which some of the modern European and Middle Eastern population also descends. Their mitochondrial lineages are predominantly from western Eurasia. Due to their uniqueness, the researchers believed that they were the earliest group to separate from the ancestral stock of the modern population of the Indian subcontinent estimated around 11,800 years ago.”


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The Inevitable March to Mandatory Vaccines By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is hard to keep track, but across the West there is a rapid movement to mandatory vaccines, done in the usual Fabian strategy of gradualism, but a more rapid gradualism, if that makes sense. Thus, here in the US, the Department of Veterans Affairs will now require its health care workers to receive the Covid jab. This will set a precedent, so that before long all federal workers will need to be jabbed.

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The Good Book, or Facebook? By James Reed

Facebook now wants church goers to stay home by their computers, don’t engage in the fellowship of meeting, and use Facebook instead, with virtual services. How Catholics will take the Host is a mystery. What would Jesus do? Surely, this must be the ultimate alienation, and would destroy the church in no time. Fortunately, the idea has sunk like a lead balloon. Play it again, Zucky!


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The Evidence of the Patents By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola gives a fine discussion of David E. Martin, Ph.D., who presents  evidence that SARS-CoV-2  a manmade bioweapon, and has been under construction  for decades, with research funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Dr Martin alleges that there are more than 4,000 patents relating to the SARS coronavirus. He has been in the business of tracking patent applications, and his team investigated Covid-19. “"We took the reported gene sequence, which was reportedly isolated as a novel virus, indicated as such by the ICTV, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses of the World Health Organization. We took the actual genetic sequences that were reportedly novel and reviewed those against the patent records that were available as of the spring of 2020. And what we found, as you'll see in this report, are over 120 patented pieces of evidence, to suggest that the declaration of a 'novel coronavirus' was actually entirely a fallacy. There was no novel coronavirus. There are countless, very subtle modifications of coronavirus sequences that have been uploaded, but there was no single identified 'novel coronavirus' at all.”


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American Gulag By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is something one would have imagined in USSR concentration camps … peaceful protesters arrested by the Beijing Biden regime, to be made examples of by torture, resist the tyrants by signing the national anthem every night at about 9 pm. It is a great spirit of resistance against the Biden communist regime. There is no better reason for breaking up the evil empire, and decaying one, that the US now is.

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Defund the Police, but Not Our Armed Protection! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Yet another example of the hypocrisy of the Left and democrats.  In 20 cities run by Democrat mayors, there have been public calls to defund the police, but the mayors have police protection. If they had any guts, and consistency, they would go without police protection. I would say that to a goblin, they would also be against guns and any form of self-protection, so let them go unarmed as well. But of course, the federal Democrat program of disarming by Beijing Biden, is just for conservatives, with the endgame being tyranny and genocide, as commos know only too well to deliver.


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Pick Your Favourite Dystopia By James Reed

With unending lockdowns, that may still continue even after mass vaccination, it is time to vote on what dystopia we are likely to have just around the bend, 1984, Brave New World, or something else. For those who have not read these novels, see below. I tend to think that it might be more like the British zombie apocalypse movie 28 Weeks Later, with social collapse, but still a military that lingers on, ruling something like warlords. But, if the tech does not collapse, and it keeps on its tyrannical path, maybe Terminator will edge out the popular favourite, Blade Runner. I see no hope for the Star Trek scenarios. In the long run, Mad Max and The Road, unless people realise that their lives, and civilisation is facing an existential threat.

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Call in the Covid Army! By Brian Simpson

ScoMo is serious, considering using the Australian Defence forces to deal with the latest Covid outbreak in Sydney. This has not happened yet, but did happen in Melbourne in 2020, so who knows what is in store? I guess tanks in the street will break up the boredom of the normal Covid day. But, at least put black attack choppers in the air, and fighter jets overhead. That will keep them off the streets, for sure.

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Taking a Judicial Scalpel to Abortion Case Roe v. Wade By Chris Knight (Florida)

As far as sacred cow legal cases go, Australia has Mabo, the US, Roe v Wade (1973), the case that found that abortion was a constitutional right. How amazed the Founding Fathers of the constitution would be if they were resurrected to learn this! As well, they would perhaps be equally astonished to find that the Supreme court had decided that homosexual marriage was also a constructional right. Clearly, these are decisions made to fit the Leftist progressive politics of the time.

Thus, it is good to see that Mississippi’s attorney general has asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday to overturn the  abortion decision Roe v. Wade. “The conclusion that abortion is a constitutional right has no basis in text, structure, history, or tradition,” he argued. That is for sure.

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The Growth of Secessionism By Charles Taylor

The Epoche Times certainly has great material. Anyway, plugs aside, this material reports on the growing support for secession in the US, something which I have been championing for some time. Even if it has not reached Robertson’s ethnostate level, breaking away from the blue Democrats will be necessary, as they now pose an existential threat as great as any contemplated by theorists of the past.

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Back off, Macron, Back Boy, Back! By Richard Miller (London)

Who said that protests get nowhere? Mass protests have led to French president macron backing down on his former proposal of having mandatory vaccine passports for entry into shopping malls, restaurants bars, hospitals, bars, cafés and access public transport. Covid passports are now only required for malls with a surface area of more than 20,000 square metres.

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The Political Censorship of the Mask Wearing by Children Study By Brian Simpson

A peer-reviewed study which was published in a leading medical journal, presented evidence that children’s Covid masks trapped dangerously high levels of carbon dioxide. But the paper was pulled, and the lead author said that the decision was not on academic grounds, “the retraction was political, because some people did not like our data.” This does not surprise me, given the way other academic journals suppressed the Wuhan lab release hypothesis of the origin of Covid.

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Lockdowns, Suicides and Children By Brian Simpson

With lockdowns gripping most of Australia, there is obviously enough, no discussion of the short-term, or longer-term psychological consequences of this. It is likely to be highly significant, as one study, according to The Epoche Times has indicated that five times more children and young people committed suicide than died of COVID-19 during the first year of the pandemic in the United Kingdom. This shows that the lockdowns have been detrimental to children’s health than Covid itself, in that period, in the UK. Clearly, more research is necessary, if it is still possible to do it, and publish it.

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