Fried Rice by Charles Taylor

President Donald Trump has stated that he believes that (former) President Obama’s former national security adviser Susan Rice committed a crime when she reportedly unmasked American citizens involved with Trump’s election campaign:

While the establishment is doing overtime to try and show that Trump is a Russian agent, #SurveillanceGate is exploding over the alternative news sites, that there was a criminal conspiracy to debunk Trump campaign officials using the state intelligence machinery to put all of these officials under surveillance, a year before the 2016 elections! Rice had a detailed spreadsheet, which she shared with Obama of all details that could be used against them. Obama then signed an order allowing 16 intelligence agencies access to this material, thus ensuring that information would be leaked to the media.

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The Slippery Slope Towards Totalitarianism, Via Technocracy by Brian Simpson

The concerns about the dystopian impacts of technology are many, and being voiced by a wide spectrum of thinkers. Let us leave aside he issue of the CIA’s snooping into everything electronic, and its erosion of privacy:

The loss of jobs has also been discussed, with automation threatening up to 38 percent of US workers in the next 15 years: The Australian, April 6, 2017, p. 22. That, however, is not my concern today, as serious as it is. The threat runs deeper and challenges what it means to be human and live in a free  society.

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The Epidemic of Universitis by James Reed

It has been reported that there is a major mental health crisis sweeping through “our” universities, with over 70 percent of students experiencing high or very high levels of stress, and over one in three saying that they have contemplated self-harm or suicide:

A national survey found that over half of students sampled had reported feelings of worthlessness, had panic attacks or experienced trouble sleeping. If one does a bit of Googling, one finds that there are similar results across the world:

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Gerard Henderson tells an important story about cultural integrity within Australia and other Western nations (‘Conservative values not safe in Liberal academic hands’, 1-2/4). He notes that the new executive director of the Ramsay Centre, Simon Haines, ‘has never stood up in the public debate in defence of Western civilisation or any other cause’ and that his ‘public quietude’ has been through fear that ‘his academic career would suffer.’

It certainly seems true that conservatives in Australia are inhibited by various factors from full discussion of the nature and extent of the different threats to our traditional culture, civilisation and quality of life. This appears to be even true of brave defenders of freedom such as ‘The Australian’ and ‘Quadrant Magazine’ in some contexts. We need more conservatives willing to risk all for truth - and more investigative journalism into the inhibiting factors.
Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Multicult Egg on their Faces By Paul Walker

Shyam Acharya, a bogus doctor, managed to practice in hospitals across New South Wales for over a decade. (The Australian, March 14, 2017, p. 3) He stole the name of another doctor, and worked in various hospitals. He had obtained a false passport to travel from India to Australia, and used this to gain registration as a practitioner with the Medical Board of New South Wales in 2003.

Now my interest here, is not a shock, horror that someone would do this, but rather the shock, horror, that the system was so inept as not to be able to detect the fraud. How could he have bluffed his way through medical procedures? Could it be that being a medical practitioner is not as difficult as it is made out to be, and that a conman could pick it up by reading a few bits and pieces on Google?
This story is a classic that shows that the system has holes in it big enough to drive a truck through.

Privileged Wealthy Students Hate Free Speech by James Reed

A study by the Brookings Instiute (, has found, unsurprisingly, that those students found to be protesting and yelling about oppression and privilege, are the children of wealthy elites, and those most likely to attempt to suppress conservative speakers.

The authors Richard Reeves and Dimitrios Halikias, concluded:

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The Religious Will Inherit the Earth by Peter West

Usually about this time of the year, at Easter, I write something which some readers perceive as anti-Christian, and everybody gets stuck into me. See if this article offends anyone (well, maybe atheists).
An article, L. Ellis (et al.), “The Future of Secularism : A Biologically Informed Theory Supplemented with Cross-Cultural Evidence,” Evolutionary Psychological Science, March 8, 2017, argues that secularism is basically doomed. Secular people generally use contraception more, being geared towards material satisfaction, and thus have less children. Feminists are a good example of this.
The paper offers three testable hypotheses about the future of secularism:

Prediction 1: For humanity as a whole, religiosity will increase. This forecast is not simply due to the positive correlation between religiosity and fertility. While the pace at which this prediction unfolds will no doubt vary considerably from country to country, we expect that it will be easily detected in all countries with reliable baseline data by the end of this century.

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The Zombie Apocalypse is Old News by Brian Simpson

The idea of zombies, associated with end times and civilizational collapse, is not new, and has an ancient European ancestry. According to research published by Mays et al, “A multidisciplinary study of a burnt and mutilated assemblage of human remains from a deserted Mediaeval village in England,” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.02.023, dealing with the threat of zombies, corpses raising from the dead, was a common problem.

The way that villagers dealt with this was to decapitate bodies before burial, so that they would not rise from the dead. It sounds a bit grim, but I suppose that is the world that the global elite will be sending us back to, if anything survives the coming nuclear war: The problem will be, that potential zombies will so outweigh the living, that dispatching them will be a fulltime job!
Oh, there won’t be any migrants to import to do the work. 

Peter Hitchens Let’s Rip into Neo-Conners and Trumpeters! by Chris Knight

Ok, I was wrong about Trump and all of my work last year was for nothing. After hitting the bottle for a day or so, I have sobered up, and  I am angry. It’s like having a bride, going out and working each day, just to buy her things, only to find that she has been having an affair with the migrant next door. As you never got a prenuptial agreement, now you are going to lose the business and house you built for her, and you will be kicked out of your home, and the migrant will move into your bed. That happens everyday, but now it has happened to the West.

Right; now let’s sink the boots into the bastard! Oh, can I say that here? A lot of good work is already being done for us by the MSM, thanks to them hating Trump anyway.   People like Peter Hitchens, have argued that puppet Trump has dropped bombs for the terrorists:
Here is a big beefy chunk of sense from him about why this is so:

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Walls! Not Wars! Alt Right Protests Have Begun by Peter Ewer

Alt Right protests against Trump’s Syrian bombing have begun:, with Richard Spencer emerging again as a natural leader: Spencer has a video on this “The Trump Betrayal,” which is well worth a look: Another Alt Righter, Mike Enoch tweeted: “So Trump’s first forceful action as President was supposedly to defend the same people that mow down white children with trucks.”

What is interesting about the Spencer protest meeting, was that the antifa were not interested in joining in a protest against the looming war, but simply wanted to bash Alt Righters. This shows that this part of the Left is degenerate beyond redemption (at least in a secular political sense, of course), and that nothing sane can be expected from them. The anti-war movement will need to come from grass roots, former Trump supporters. This will be the Vietnam era turned upside down.

Nuclear Apocalypse Update by Paul Walker

Ah, journalism on the brink of the apocalypse, is fast and exciting, with things changing by the minute, just the way doomsday should be.
A few days ago it was gassed “beautiful babies,” but now, Trump is on full war footing, ready to use force against Syria and North Korea: Even the normal mice in the Whitehouse are scared. Why, war ships are ready to blast North Korea as we read: He has gone full-on war monger, and the elites love it. How can they lose; they get to take out their enemies, and Trump destroys himself, thanks to his merry men.

The one thing that could go wrong with this is that the US may have under-estimated Russia’s military technology, such as the Satan II missile that can obliterate entire US states. If China gets involved, which is less likely, as they are probably going to let the US and Russia eliminate themselves and emerge as the new world rulers, the US is finished anyway. Russia developed hyper-weapons of mass destruction, while the US worried about transgender bathrooms.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Janet Albrechtsen’s intemperate piece (‘Islam’s local derby is for them to resolve’, 12/4) does not convince me that the US ambassador to the UN deserves three cheers for her diatribe against the Syrian government. Moreover, we should always be wary when someone writes about ‘unspeakable crimes’ and accuses a national leader of ‘murdering’ hundreds and thousands of his own people. What, single-handed?

More credible are sceptics such as Tim Anderson (‘Academia’s chance to fly Assad’s flag’) and strategic expert Rod Barton (‘Syrian blast crater “too small” for toll’). President Trump’s despatch of Tomahawk missiles looks like part of a ‘false flag’ operation engineered by very powerful interests behind the US throne. And Albrechtsen misleadingly makes light of the enormous amount of opposition to the US attacks widely published on the internet by many authoritative commentators.
Of course, a columnist who presumes to instruct the millions of adherents of a major sacred tradition to reform their religion to a mere ‘private personal faith’ plainly lacks wisdom, impartiality and the capacity for self-criticism.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Age
Evan Mulholland is unconvincing in his claim that ‘cutting our immigration intake ‘ is ‘a reactionary populist policy’ (‘Cut false rationales, cut the red tape’, 12/4). It is a policy of sanity and wisdom. At age 77  I have seen the disastrous drop in quality of life that Melbourne has experienced already thanks to excessive immigration promoted by governments unrepresentative of the majority will. A skyline of obnoxious multi-storey boxes, clogged public transport, a rise in crime, a loss of the sense of shared community, the ugliness of the crowds in Swanston Street, the loss of free speech on race thanks to selfish minority ethnic groups and so on.

No thanks, I don’t want an increase of ‘all sensible high-density development’ in the inner city and leafy suburbs. Unless a major change in immigration policy occurs, Australia will become an unhappy realm of a small class of the rich, together with their nomenklatura, and a huge class of underlings, many without adequate water in time of drought.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Do You Feel It Yet? White Displacement by Peter Ewer

Two articles for those thinking that there is not a problem, and that it is all just economics. First, from America:, a North Hollywood school faces funding cuts because the number of white students have risen:
“Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood is one of nine schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District facing staff cuts and in turn larger class sizes because the percentage of nonwhite students has dipped below 70 percent.
Following a 1978 Los Angeles Superior Court-ordered integration program, LAUSD schools in neighborhoods with large minority populations get more funding when the proportion of white students is below 30 percent.
The nonwhite population at Reed Middle School has fallen below the 70 percent mark for the past two years, according to a March 22 letter sent to parents from Local District Northeast Superintendent Linda Del Cueto. The district has continued to fund the school as if it still met the 70 percent threshold of Hispanic, black, Asian and non-Anglo students. But in the fall, the school will no longer be counted as predominantly minority.”
So, if you are White, you won’t even make it to the back of the bus! Schools are for “minority-majorities, now.

Oh, we don’t have absurdities like that in Australia, do we? Well, consider the story of Tara Coverdale, discussed by journalist Miranda Devine:
This story is about how a racially Nordic (Northern European) mother with blonde hair and a red-haired child, was excluded from a playgroup that was reserved for non-Anglos. The long of the short is that the Minister for Education ended up instructing the organisers to let in all families. For my purposes, which is to somehow kickstart a deracinated, detribalised and cucked people, the comments of Devine are instructive:
“ It is politically incorrect to say so, but anti-white racism is now acceptable in Australia, in the name of diversity and “celebrating difference”.
In the ADF, for instance, there are attempts to erase the “Anglo-Saxon” warrior culture, and a recent lamb advertisement stated there are “too many white people” on TV, and lined up Caucasians sneeringly labelled “white-whites, translucent whites, beige whites, red whites, and dark whites”.
Bigotry is condoned as a corrective to so-called “white privilege”.
But reinforcing separate cultural identities inevitably leads to the balkanization of Australia and the disowning of our national identity.”
Wake up, or die!

Britain: The Coming Islamic State by Peter Ewer

In London, as right across Britain and Europe, Christian churches are fast being replaced by Islamic mosques: The Gatestone Institute (, reports that “London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together”, according to Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, one of the Islamic preachers who now lead “Londonistan”, as the journalist Melanie Phillips has called the English capital. No, Rizvi is not a right-wing extremist. Wole Soyinka, a Nobel Laureate for Literature, was less generous; he called the UK “a cesspit for Islamists”.

“Terrorists cannot stand London multiculturalism”, London’s mayor Sadiq Khan said after the recent deadly terror attack at Westminster. The opposite is true: British multiculturalists are feeding Islamic fundamentalism. Above all, Londonistan, with its new 423 mosques, is built on the sad ruins of English Christianity.”

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Global Nuclear Holocaust Update by Paul Walker

A top-ranking North Korean defector has said in an interview with Lester Holt of NBC News, that North Korea’s  dictator Kim Jong Un not only has highly effective nuclear weapons, but that he’s getting ready to use them to destroy America:

According to  NBC News:
According to Thae, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is “desperate in maintaining his rule by relying on his [development of] nuclear weapons and ICBM… Once he sees that there is any kind of sign of a tank or an imminent threat from America, then he would use his nuclear weapons with ICBM.”

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The Legal Lessons from Brad Pitt by Ian Wilson LL.B

It is no surprise that the marriage between cosmopolitans Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is over, and wedding bells are being replaced by divorce court palpitations: He is apparently looking thinner and worried, and who would not be when facing a divorce.

From what I can gather, Pitt and Jolie had an “ironclad’ prenuptial agreement:, and Pitt’s worries are about access to the children. But many men, and a growing number of women, face the threat of losing much of their wealth from a divorce by not having a prenuptial agreement. Even family trusts, stitched up after a marriage, can in principle be undone.

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Nuclear War with Russia? A Great Idea, Dick! by James Reed

The Western elites are busting their britches to have war with Russia, with British subs apparently on red nuclear alert at the moment:

A taste of this desire comes from neo-con Dick Cheney, who has been trumpeting that Russian interference in the US election is an “act of war”:

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London Terrorism and the Immigration Connection by Bruce Bennett

The case of the recent London terrorist attack, has been processed by the chattering class who are proclaiming that the attack has nothing to do with immigration. They always are, because if it was otherwise they would have to accept that there were valid criticisms of immigration.

Thus, Matthew d’Ancona has written: “As we now know, the attacker, Khalid Masood, was British, born in Kent and brought up as Adrian Russell Elms. His story is one of radicalisation, the question being when and how he embraced extremist Islamist ideology: the path that led him to an act of murderous violence has nothing to do with immigration”:

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Economic Collapse Watch by James Reed

Apart from the concern about nuclear-armed NATO subs being on war alert, ready for war which they hope to provoke with Russia, being puppets of power-drunk insane global elites, there is major concern about a looming fiscal crisis, primarily in the US, based on the collapse of pensions:

Due to a multiple of compounding factors, such as industry job losses, a reduction in the tax base, and changing demographics, nearly one million Americans face the possible collapse of their pension plans. For example, the US state of Illinois had for its government-run pensions a $ 111 billion deficit in 2015, which is rapidly growing. It was reported in June 2016, that the Teamster’s Central States pension Fund is in financial trouble and may fall this year, wiping away the pensions of thousands of Americans.

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