Letter to The Editor

     Attempts to link criticism of Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s Anzac Day post with opposition to section 18C (Daughn McGuinness, 28/4),  thus implying inconsistency, if not hypocrisy, in campaigners against that section, fail because they are based on a misleading comparison. Abdel-Magied has not been threatened with an unjust legal process that could lead to great financial loss. For the same reason Duncan Fine’s assertion (‘Right wants free speech, but only on its terms’, 27/4) that the whole conservative campaign against 18C was a ‘sham’ is incorrect. The ‘conservative right’ does not seek to ‘dictate to us the meaning of words’ (Margaret Maguire, 28/4), but to return to us - all of us - genuine free speech on important issues involving ethnicity.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

     Concern that ‘safe place policies’ in universities are leading to unwelcome political censorship (‘Why make uni students allergic to ideas’, 28/4) appears to be justified by the peculiar venom and intransigence becoming more and more apparent in various leftist publications and utterances. ‘Rigorous debate’ appears to be anathema to many ‘politically correct’ zealots. No doubt their attention will soon be turned on the thoroughly reasonable plans of the Australian and NSW governments to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Captain Cook’s discovery of our continent.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Book Review Michael Moran, The Pocket Paderewski, Australian Scholarly, Melbourne, 2016, $44.00 hc.

     This beautifully produced 384-page biography of Australian-born pianist Edward Cahill (1885-1975) has been written by his nephew and will be of primary interest to lovers of the Western classical music canon and its piano repertoire in particular.
     However, it will be of great usefulness also to lovers of our British tradition and culture, for it contains fascinating details about topics germane to our struggle to protect our heritage. These include (1) cultural life in and around Queensland in the period 1890 to 1920 (Cahill was born in Beenleigh, near Brisbane); (2) the cultural life of the British Raj in the 1920’s and 1930’s (Cahill toured there); (3) the life of the British aristocracy during the first half of the 20th century and its dreadful decline (Cahill pursued a brilliant career playing before royalty and the upper class); (4) the rise of the Nazis (Cahill was in Germany in 1934-35); (5) the apartheid regime in South Africa (Cahill lived there from 1948 to 1962); and (6) the lifestyles of British residents in the Riviera (where Cahill also lived for extended periods of time).
     The Pocket Paderewski is filled with information about these and associated matters. It contains a most useful bibliography that includes many studies of aspects of British history now largely forgotten.
     A photograph of the author, who lives in Warsaw and has published studies of Poland and of the old empires of the South-West Pacific, shows him looking like some sanguine adventurer in a Joseph Conrad novel. His authorial style is often witty and humorous; his mode of intellectual gossip casts much light on human nature and the human condition; and he writes about controversial matters sensibly, moderately and without deferring to ‘political correctness.’ Thus his text is continually entertaining and surprising, as well as being comprehensively informative.
-    Nigel Jackson

Anne Coulter’s Tweet Twittered by Twitty Twitter By Bruce Bennett

     US journalist firebrand Ann Coulter, someone we don’t have the equivalent to here in Australia, has been given a swift smack on the knuckles by Twitter for this alleged case of “hate speech”:
Ann Coulter posted a link to a recent article on her titled “To Say, ‘Stop Raping Me!’ In English, Press ‘1’ Now” on Twitter earlier this week. She added the comment, “Liberals are all for rape, provided that the penis forcibly inserted in you is attached to an illegal immigrant.” From: http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/05/13/ann-coulter-tweet-flagged-as-hate-speech-by-twitter/.

     Twitter said that the comments violated its “hateful conduct policy,” which defined “hateful conduct” as:
•    violent threats;
•    wishes for the physical harm, death, or disease of individuals or groups;
•    references to mass murder, violent events, or specific means of violence in which/with which such groups have been the primary targets or victims;
•    behavior that incites fear about a protected group;
•    repeated and/or non-consensual slurs, epithets, racist and sexist tropes, or other content that degrades someone.

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China Doing Crazy Things in Space, Just Because it Wants To. By Brian Simpson

     I guess when you have plenty of money you can relax and do crazy things. If you are a nation, longing to overcome the humiliations of the past, as China is seeking to do (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_of_humiliation),  then you attempt things like trying to capture an asteroid and fire it into the moon’s orbit: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/china-considering-mission-capture-asteroid-fire-it-into-moons-orbit-1621217?mkfrom=adsup&read=1. The initial idea is to mine the asteroid for minerals, but just for the heck of it, it would be one-upmanship to put the asteroid in the moon’s orbit too. Trump that, Trump!

     Now, given Murphy’s law: http://www.murphys-laws.com/, there are a multitude of problems with this. Imagine a screw-up that leads to the asteroid not orbiting the moon, but deciding in its infinite cosmic wisdom to pay mother earth a visit, ground zero for impact, Beijing. Very dishonourable asteroid. Very desolate planet.

Letter to The Editor

     As a grateful product of education ‘back in the 1950s’, I point out that there is much more to the traditional style of education promoted by Kevin Donnelly than the ‘rote learning, memorisation, mental arithmetic and explicit teaching’ quoted by Dr Linda Zibell (12/5). This is summed up in his 2016 booklet ‘The Culture of Freedom’, where he explains that education, as the main vehicle used to hand on culture from generation to generation, is ‘not moribund or concerned with preserving the status quo’, because it involves ‘questioning once accepted truisms and orthodoxies’ and a new ‘search for truth.’ Such an approach very definitely encourages children through all three levels of education to use their imagination. It needs foundations, however, including the four processes Dr Zibell appears to disdain.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

     Intolerant rejection of Islam as a whole (12/4) itself needs to be firmly rejected. It is possible to admire and/or follow this sacred tradition without supporting repressive aspects of man-made Muslim law practised in some nations. Thus there is both truth and falsity in Catholic Babette Francis’s claim that ‘Muslims are the main victims of Islam and need liberation.’ Equally true-and-false would be a claim that Christians are the main victims of Christianity, whose erratic ‘orthodoxy’ was not so long ago a straitjacket imposed by burnings at the stake and witch-hunts.

     John George notes that ‘Turkey was once a country where Christianity and Islam lived harmoniously side by side.’ Australia, now and in the future, can be the same. Both Christians and Muslims need, however, to acknowledge that their sacred scriptures are the products of human writers, inspired in varying degrees in some parts and thus needing subtle and compassionate interpretation. If Islam is understood as ‘submission to God’ and not, say, acceptance of all sharia law, then it is indeed ‘the only religion’ - one recognised by Christians as ‘obedience to the Almighty’.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

     There is no doubt that Wagner was a great musical genius (‘Wagner’s chorus of racial hatred’, 13-14/5), but there is also a strange tone or timbre in much of his work that causes unease and may be the musical expression of a powerful and self-indulgent egoism. There is also no doubt that he published commentary on Jews and Judaism which is an embarrassment to his admirers. However, he was not the first or the last genius to have serious personal deficiencies.

     The parable of the tares suggests that the wisest approach to such people is to harvest what is valuable and leave aside that which is not. Wagner’s greatest works - beautiful, profound and spiritual - are a worthy contribution to Western and even world culture. The man can be adversely criticised for his own faults, but not fairly for the faults of those who came after him. And, after all, not everything he wrote about Jews is wrong. Like any other people they have their limitations and failures.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

     The so-called ‘unique circumstances of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ (‘”Let us take the lead on reforms”’, 15/5) do not in any way prove that there should be any kind of special constitutional recognition for them. Such proposals need to take into account the future well-being of not only this small group of Australians but of all Australians. Seen in this light it is apparent that the whole process of seeking such recognition should be ended as soon as possible. Equity and national security demand this.

     In some matters - and this is one - the clock cannot be put back. The proper kinds of recognition of these peoples, past and present, should be kept within the ambit of historical and cultural respect. No Australian citizen today - or particular sub-group of Australians - should be given any privileged constitutional status over others. We do not want a divided nation or a partitioned continent.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Is it Ok to Beat Your Wife? By Mrs Vera West

    Ah, multiculturalism, simply wonderful…According to a group of women it is alright for Muslim men to hit their wives: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/its-ok-to-hit-wives-say-hizb-uttahrir-women/news-story/52dd838887cb0a0c32686c7a31cb96d8. As I want to get this accurate, I will attempt the magic trick of cutting and pasting from the article with my electronic scissors:

“Muslim men are allowed to hit their wives — but only gently, and not with fists, instead using short sticks and pieces of fabric, according to a new video produced by the Australian women’s branch of radical Islamic political movement Hizb ut-Tahrir.

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Libertarianism: A Recipe for National Suicide By Chris Knight

    Freedom types in the US typically are libertarians, lovers of freedoms such as gun rights, and wanting limited governments and interference, but also holding to open borders for trade and the free movement of people. Central to their worldview is economicism, a belief that the economy is of central importance, and that the nation does not exist, in fact society does not exist beyond individuals. Anything else is socialism! Ayn Rand (Alisa Rosenbaum), is one leading exponent, although some disagree with even this claim: http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2012-11-29/ayn-rand-was-not-libertarian.

    I object to libertarianism because they are simply wrong about the ontology of society. Sure, socialism goes too far into collectivism, but it is an unscientific mind that cannot see that humans are social beings who inherited not only a genotype, but a cultural phenotype from past societies. Society does exist, races and ethnic groups do exist, and human history and anthropology says that they do. Big business is not the friend of the people, but our enemy, plundering the planet for power and profit. The Left failed to say this, being concerned with promoting White genocide.

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Out of Africa and the Origins of Europeans By Brian Simpson

     A.Klyosov and I. Rozhanskii, “Re-Examining the “Out of Africa” theory and the Origins of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy,” Advances in Anthropology, vol. 2, 2012, pp. 80-86, challenges aspects of the out of Africa dominant politically correct paradigm: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2014/01/anthropologys-obsession-with-african-origins/.

     These researchers examined 7,556 haplotypes, which are a set of genetic determinants inherited from a single parent, including European and African haplotypes. It was found that there were a large number of haplogroups not carried by the Europeans, specifically the “out of Africa” hypothesis was disproved by non-African people lacking the African haplogroup A genes.

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Dreaming the Dreamtime By Brian Simpson

    An article that was mentioned briefly before in these pages, needs to be remembered: https://cairnsnews.org/2015/09/25/dreamtime-a-cruel-delusion-of-british-anthropologists/. The article makes the argument that following anthropologist Alfred Cort Haddon’s book, The Races of Man (1909), the Aborigines are likely to be new comers, compared to a Negrito people who allegedly originally inhabited the country. Pre-1770 explorers such as William Dampier who visited West and Northern Australia in the late 1600s saw these people. He described a race of people with hair “curled like the Negroes,” which the modern Aborigine does not have. The Aborigines may displaced them, for where else could they have gone?

    Anyone supporting this theory will need to address arguments such as that given by R. Tobler (et al.), “Aboriginal Mitogenomes Reveal 50,000 Years of Regionalism in Australia,” Nature, (2017); doi:10.1038/nature21416, which allegedly found “evidence for the continuous presence of populations in discrete geographic areas dating back to around 50 [thousand years], in agreement with the notable Aboriginal Australian cultural attachment to their country.”

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Look, Up in the Sky…It’s Space Junk! By Brian Simpson

    It is no conspiracy, there really is a lot of space junk floating above the Earth, in orbit: http://collapse.news/2017-05-05-space-pollution-reaching-dangerous-levels-as-750000-pieces-of-debris-are-orbiting-earth.html; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/04/21/750000-pieces-debris-orbiting-earth-threaten-future-spaceflight/.

    There are over 750,000 hunks of dangerous material orbiting the Earth, coming from 5,250 space launches since 1957. These objects are larger than one cm and there are an estimated 166 million pieces of junk larger than one mm, all of this material traveling faster than a bullet. It is somewhat surprising that more damage has not occurred to modern satellites given that they are essentially in a shooting gallery.

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Adieu La France: L’échec de Le Pen By Peter West

    Predictably enough, Le Pen was crushed by her globalist former Rothschild banker opponent, like a truck going over a biro. I know that there is a large case to be made of dirty tactics, cheating and all the rest, but at some point the good guys need to face up to internal weaknesses that have led to a culture of defeats. Given the weak nature of modern Whites, it is necessary to constantly whistle in the dark, to keep the nerve of the weak up. But, alone here in private, we can talk frankly.

    The fact remains that the majority of the population, at least in France, are not “on side.” They consent to continual immigration and terrorist attacks. That is exactly how the ruling globalist elites will interpret Le Pen’s defeat. France will be slammed by globalism as never before, and no doubt has now reached a tipping point where no (sic) dumocratic solution to its problems is possible. Given the cucked nature of the population, France will disintegrate into chaos, ultimately with a sharia law government gaining control of its nuclear weapons. Prediction: that will happen by 2030 at the latest.

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Immigration and the End of Australia by Peter West

Assimilation, the idea that small numbers of migrants, very gradually come to integrate into a dominant culture, and then blend in, is one of the great myths of liberalism. It has been debunked, first by  recent Islamic immigration, not only with home-grown terrorism: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/12/opinions/orlando-homegrown-terror-bergen/, but also with the process of endless chain migration which has now been set into motion: http://www.dw.com/en/report-nearly-one-in-two-muslims-in-germany-engaged-in-aiding-refugees/a-38137761, and its dispossessing effects upon the dwindling numbers of locals: http://gatesofvienna.net/2013/05/everything-you-have-learned-in-school-is-wrong/.

Secondly, the assimilation thesis is defeated  by the sheer numbers of migrants which have completely transformed Western society. Australia, in particular is paraded as a “successful” multicultural society because the elites have been completely able to transform its Anglo-Saxon basis, 99 percent at Federation, to one where nearly half of all Australians, which only has a legal meaning, were either born overseas or have at least one parent who was: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/australias-demographic-details-will-shock-you-almost-half-of-us-are-foreigners-or-their-children/news-story/7ae164c13cf15f7e9b5d3ee7c6465816. This is “successsful” because the transformation was done without a civil revolt, because of the deracination of Anglos and white pathology, something which needs discussion all on its own. It is not “successful’ considering the ethnic interests: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Genetic_Interests of the displaced group, any more than Aboriginalists see their displacement as “successful.”

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The Universal Lesson of East Timor By John Pilger

Ref: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/
Filming undercover in East Timor in 1993 I followed a landscape of crosses: great black crosses etched against the sky, crosses on peaks, crosses marching down the hillsides, crosses beside the road. They littered the earth and crowded the eye.  
The inscriptions on the crosses revealed the extinction of whole families, wiped out in the space of a year, a month, a day.  Village after village stood as memorials.

Kraras is one such village. Known as the "village of the widows", the population of 287 people was murdered by Indonesian troops.

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More from Mr Li On Intelligence, Creativity and the West by Peter J. White

We have been debating a most delightful fellow from China who objects to our material. At first I thought that he was defending the notion that the Chinese were the smartest people on Earth, but he has said in a recent email that he is sceptical that intelligence differs between races, citing the falsification of the supposedly low genetic IQ scores of Hispanics when better environments are provided: see also Fred Reed’s critique of the racial realists on this point: http://takimag.com/article/race_realism_and_race_realists_fred_reed#axzz4fizFdR9t.

However Mr Li also believes that the Ashkenazi Jews are “smarter than my people, the East Asians.” He says that this is “Not because of genetics, but because of their culture, which emphasizes learning for the sake of knowledge, unlike ours, which merely emphasizes learning for the sake of getting a better life.”
Well, blow me over – so much for the Confucian ethic and the virtues of learning, all seemingly long gone:  https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/confucius.

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The University’s Time is Up! by James Reed

As the Libbies get ready to do us over with the next budget, the universities are in line for a thrashing. Student fees are likely to rise by 25 percent, students will start repaying their loans sooner, so that they can be obedient wage slaves all their pitiful lives, and they will be charged a loan fee at the start of their studies. Yes, as much as I hate the universities I cannot but wonder where does all of the money go from the trillions of full-fee-paying foreign students, who all eventually become migrants?

The universities soak up $ 9.5 billion each year in taxpayers’ money. Much of that goes to feed 66,500 administrators, and masses of senior academic staff receiving over $150,000 a year for doing as little as possible. It is well known that much of the teaching is done by junior staff, while the seniors just have a smooth ride from big pay to the next. What is worse is that thousands of academic draw a salary in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences from working to destroy Traditional Australia. They are now openly attacking Whites, even if they are White themselves, like a virus-infected disease organism, because the reward structure is good.

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Nordic Intelligence by Brian Simpson

While there is a move to attack and discredit IQ at this site, which I think is a good thing given the reductionist nature of this measure, perhaps some parting shots will be permitted before moving on.

Renewal vol. 20, no. 2, reported on IQ studies done on children born in Californian communes conducted by UCLA anthropologist Professor Thomas S. Weisner: http://articles.latimes.com/1991-12-06/news/mn-503_1_countercultural-children. These children were Anglo and had an IQ average of 113, with the Anglo control group having an IQ of 114. There have been a few studies like this, but it is politically incorrect to measure anything other than the broad category of “White,” which will certainly generate lower IQ scores given its vast variety (regression to the mean), taking in all manner of sub-groups with lower IQ scores.

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