The Tipping Point: Social Credit and the Alt Right Could be Inevitable by Brian Simpson

We know that an alternative economic/financial position such as social credit, which would ring in an era of untold freedom and prosperity, is held at present by a minority of the population, say less than 10 percent. But, what happens as more people hear about the doctrine and word spreads? Scientists have now shown that a minority opinion, once reaching 10 percent of the population grows fast and soon becomes the dominant paradigm:

A team of scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,  who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. According to SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski,

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On Europeans, Creativity and Human Achievement by Brian Simpson

Today it is not politically correct to argue with pride for the achievements of the white race, especially the Nordic group. According to the political Left, races are a social construction, and do not exist until it is convenient for the elites to do a flip flop on that, when whites need to be genocided, punished, abused or non-whites need rewarding by affirmative action. Then races exist.

I notice with interest Charles Murray’s tables in Human Accomplishment  (Harper Collins, 2003), reproduced at This is worth considering in detail because it shows that White Europeans did succeed, for better or for worse, in creating the modern world, because if we are to fight for survive, it is important to know that there is something worth fighting for, some higher ideal.

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Not Fight Club, But Feminism Club! by Mrs Vera West

The latest in the gender agenda war is that feminism clubs are being established in schoolyards right across the country, to fight for gender equality which has still not come, and never will, and to  attack “white male privilege” and “hegemonic masculinity,” you know, the usual nonsense:

This sort of compost is produced by academic feminists by the truckloads each day at tax payer funded universities. These women, or womyn, are all well paid. They are well fed, and warmly wrapped in their traditional Leftoid scarves, unlike the thousands of homeless men struggling to survive on our streets:

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Letter to The Editor

To the Herald Sun 4/5/17 
Fat cats need a diet 
As Australia's resources fat cats made the billionaires top 100 list again, I was reminded of Alaska which in 1976, nine years after oil was discovered, amended its Constitution to dedicate its yearly oil revenues, in part, to a state investment fund.
Every person since 1982, a permanent fund dividend has been paid to every Alaskan men, woman and child in recognition of the ownership, in part, of its resources.
From a 2008 high of $3269, in more recent years the PFD has been between $1000 and $1500 per person.

Similarly, following Norway's discovery of North Sea oil, Norway created the State Petroleum Fund in 1990. A substantial amount of oil profits, viewed as belonging to all Norwegians, has created a found balance of almost $60 billion. Unlike Alaska, however, always priority is to find community-wide benefits.
Norway has a steady growth rate, almost no poverty, free health, free education (at all levels) and negligible unemployment. Workers enjoy eight weeks paid leave, liberal sick leave, three-year maternity leave and reliable and inexpensive day care. Creative part-time and tell communicating opportunities help keep women in the workforce.
Sadly, I don't see the income from Australia's resources providing the same benefits – it just seems to be making the fat cats fatter.
John Seaton, Prospect Vale, Tas.

You Say You Want A Revolution By James Reed

    So sang John Lennon with the Beatles in 1968. Now it seems, Generation Y and Z may be looking in precisely that direction for social change:

    A survey of around 580,000 young Europeans, from 13 countries, as part of an EU-sponsored survey, titled, Generation What?, asked the question: would you actively participate in a large-scale uprising against the generation in power if it happened in the next days or months. Over half of the 18 to 34 year olds said that they would. For example,  67 percent of young people in Greece, and 65 percent in Italy were prepared to join a large-scale uprising, but only 37 percent of Germans. However, 61 percent of the French were willing to revolt, a figure which coheres with the large-scale disillusionment of French voters with the political process and elections: There is a small chance that the 14 million people who are boycotting the elections could lead to Le Pen becoming president, which would be a sweet irony. But, it won’t happen, because the NWO elites will not permit it, even for a token resistance, as given by Trump.

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Mr Li on the Supposed Backwardness of Nordic By Brian Simpson

    Mr Li, who is from China, has been conducting a critique of our work he arguing in defence of the superiority of East Asians. In a recent email he is angered at the idea proposed that Northern Europeans have high intelligence and creativity, and he cites Jared Diamond’s popular book Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997), p. 22 in refutation. This is a popular book, with few scholarly references, and in the concluding paragraph of this essay, critics are referenced.

    Essentially the point is that according to Diamond the people of northern Europe contributed nothing to civilisation until the last one thousand years. The cold regions were a backwater. As Mr Li notes that claim does not withstand scrutiny, and is based on dated Middle eastern biased archaeological evidence. I have been reporting for years about all matter of Northern European technologies and scientific ideas at this site, which Li is free to search. There are numerous discoveries, including astronomical innovations which the Northern Europeans produced, some dating from the Upper Paleolithic, and thus older than anything found in Asia and the Middle East:;;;

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Aesop’s Fables: The Metaphor of the Axe By Chris Knight

    “A man came into a wood one day with an axe in his hand and begged all the trees to give him a small branch which he wanted for a particular purpose. The trees were good-natured and gave him one of their branches. What did the man do but fix it into the axe head, and soon set to work cutting down tree after tree. Then the trees saw how foolish they had been in giving their enemy the means of destroying themselves.” Aesop’s Fables (Oxford University Press, 2008)
    Guess who the trees are, and who the axeman is.

Enjoying the Decline By Uncle Len, in Permanent Decline

    My title is from a book which I have not read, but I saw somewhere, but I forgot where, by some author, whose name I can’t remember. Brain fogs seem to be my lot for much of my waking hours. Anyway, I digress from what I was writing about. What was that? I can’t remember. Well not exactly can’t remember, more like, I never said what it was that I was going to say in the first place. Hell, Greenacres made a comedy series about this kind of brain flatulence, with its delightful character Hank Kimball (played by Alvy Moore, 1921-1997) where  the Encyclopedia of Television states that Kimball “personifies a kind of infinite regress, where every empirical statement branches into multiple statements that in turn preclude it, spiraling each new observation back and away from itself like an inductive Ecsherism.” He qualified himself to death, the ultimate fate of government agencies:

    That brings me to dropping out, something I would have done if I had gone to university in the 1960s, dropped out and never returned. In fact, it is a mighty good thing to do today, saving oneself great debt while being unemployed. But many folk are now downscaling selling their homes and hitting the road in mobile homes:;;
    I definitely welcome the movement to downscaling. With jobs set to disappear, and the evil financial system in place still, people will need to adopt these alternative life styles. I hope someday to put together a book about this, Uncle Len’s Tips for the Simple Life, if my busy schedule permits, and I remember.
Remember, what?

Ye Should Put No Faith in Le Pen By Bruce Bennett

    In a desperate Trump-like U-turn, Le Pen, at the 11th hour is now saying that as president she will allocate at least 0.7 percent of the French gross domestic product to Africa, which is 15 billion Euros on an annual basis: This is more than the amount now spent on the EU, which she campaigned against.

    This cultural cringing, to attempt to get black votes has dramatically failed, as French voters in Africa overwhelmingly reject her, as does the multicult in France. Like Trump, she has surrendered her support base, but she has backed off even sooner than Trump. In the future Right nationalist candidates will be openly globalist and cosmopolitan, identical to socialist candidates, thus saving time and producing efficiency. Take Trump’s administration today. No more useless talk about defending America; Russia is the treat and the sooner there is nuclear war to destroy the politically incorrect Putin, the better: If the planet burns, that is just the cost for eliminating the scourge of nationalism: Better dead than free.

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Philosophy Against Political Correctness By Chris Knight

    There are very few academic philosophers who have opposed political correctness and the agendas of the Left. Philosophy, unlike sociology is not an over-the-top Left wing discipline, but it is not one to support Traditionalist values, at least in the Anglo-sphere. France is a little different.

    Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), who was at one time a socialist, and always a liberal, was at least freethinking enough to write the little essay “The Superior Virtue of the Oppressed,” in Unpopular Essays, (Unwin, 1950), pp. 69-75, which mildly attacked one of the early doctrines of the pc cult, namely that minorities are in some way morally superior. Not so, Russell showed easily enough, since there is zero evidence for this thesis. He concluded:  “sooner or later the oppressed class will argue that its superior virtue is a reason in favour of its having power, and the oppressors will find their own weapons turned against them.” (p. 74)

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Voltaire Would Not Have Been Amused By Paul Walker

    Voltaire François-Marie Arouet (21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778), was a leading French Enlightenment thinker, who was infamous in his day for his attacks upon the Catholic church, and for advocating free thought and free speech. If a law such as section 18 C had existed in his day, he would have been prosecuted. There is considerable debate about this, but Voltaire by today’s standards, and by the standards of section 18 C would be regarded as an anti-Semite:; D. Prager and J. Telushkin, Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism, (Simona nd Schuster, 1983), pp. 128-129; L. Poliakov, The History of Anti-Semitism from Voltaire to Wagner, (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1975), pp. 88-89. These authors quote quite shocking passages from Voltaire that would be in violation of section 18 C, even if  this section was reasonably constructed.

    Hence, Voltaire is a controversial figure, to say the least, but I agree that he was a keen free speech advocate. However, he was a destroyer of almost everything and he would be attacking the Australian establishment relentlessly – from a prison cell – if he was alive in Australia today.

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The War of Open Borders By James Reed

    Back in the days when people seriously regarded Trump as an opponent of globalism and open borders, rather than being just another neo-conman stooge,  Salon writer Anis Shivani wrote a piece, “Everyone’s Wrong on Immigration: Open Borders are the Only Way to Defeat Trump and Build a Better World.” : He quotes studies showing that world economic output would double if people could freely move wherever they wanted, which means, to the West from the Third World in their billions. Nations are not like homes he says, but are abstractions, only as good as the freedom within it.

    This sort of argument is advanced purely for the West to take migrants. India, China and Japan are exempt from taking in the tens of millions of poor Africans, or the billions of them in the future. To suppose that this would increase economic output is just economic theology, because it is more likely to lead to the collapse of the West rather than any economic revival. Let India and China take in proportionately more migrants than the West, and then maybe we should think about it.

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
     It may be true (‘Indigenous leaders rail at “beads and trinkets”’, 8/5) that, because there was ‘no consent’ by the Kaurareg people to Captain Cook’s claiming British sovereignty over eastern Australia in 1770, a wrong was committed at that time, but it is not an ‘enduring wrong’ and indigenous groups are foolish to see it as a ‘grievance which Australia must now make right.’ Owing to the lack of effective resistance nearly 250 years ago and also to the passage of time the nation of Australia possesses full de iure right to its current territory.

     Any ‘nationwide resistance campaign against minimalist change’ will not be welcomed by most Australians; nor will any tampering with our Constitution, something which will be seen indeed as ‘substantive change’ by most of us.
     Finally, it is inconsistent - if not hypocritical - for a particular ethnic group to demand special treatment while rejecting any discrimination of an ethnic kind.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic


I recently came upon a copy of Sir Edward “Weary” Dunlop’s “War Diaries” published forty years after WWII. Sir Edward was one of Australia’s great heroes. In the foreword British officer, Colonel Sir Laurens van der Post wrote of his brief experiences with the American and Australian soldiers of war, along with the British, in the early days of the Japanese internment and he described prison life as “the war within the War”.

For the first three months and under the inspired leadership of (then) Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Dunlop, an all out effort was made to not only invest the resources available to them for “the physical well being” of the men, and to unite them as of the British-Commonwealth, but a “vast educational system was set up” to cater for their mental and spiritual well being. To aid in their “physical survival and spiritual sanity”, the officers set up schools, classes and lectures, even a microcosm of a *Commonwealth parliament in prison.

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Charles Ferguson’s 'The Great News' (1915)

This article stemmed from reading a paper written by an Indian chap on a proposal for a National Dividend for India.  An excellent paper, it has just one small historical error:  from his readings, the chap believed that A.R. Orage coined the term ‘social credit’ which was published in an edition of 'The New Age'. Historically, this was not so, and historical accuracy is important, so this error will be corrected.

But it did send me back to Charles Ferguson’s 'The Great News' (1915).

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More Establishment Scientists Calling Out Trump over False Flag Syrian Gas Attack by Peter Ewer

The Syrian gas attack has fast become another 9/11, with increasingly more establishment figures calling out Trump over the attack, which they believe is a false flag.
The latest scientist to criticise the gas attacks is Theodore Postol, a professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): He has issued three reports attempting to refute the White House’s claim that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad perpetrated the attack on 4 April.

He concluded that the US government’s report does not provide any “concrete” evidence that Assad was responsible, adding it was more likely that the attack was perpetrated by players on the ground.
Postol said: “I have reviewed the [White House’s] document carefully, and I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria at roughly 6am to 7am on 4 April, 2017.

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North Korea is Just Plain Wrong about Australia by James Reed

North Korea has threatened Australia with a nuclear attack because the leaders of this fine nation have been supporting the USA and telling big fat lies about the DPRK:

What Kim what’s-his-name needs to understand is that since the Keating era, and probably going back to Arthur Calwell, Australia has been a part of Asia, and now is a part of China. Which part you may ask? Well, Paul Keating told us the answer to that one:; On this view, and I am not supporting it, only abusing it, Australia would not even be worth a nuclear weapon.

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Even Biochemistry Favours the Elite’s Destruction of Manhood by Mrs Vera West

Here is the abstract from Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Sep;38(9):1777-85. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2013.02.014. Epub 2013 Mar 23.
“Oral contraceptive use in women changes preferences for male facial masculinity and is associated with partner facial masculinity,”
Little AC, Burriss RP, Petrie M, Jones BC, Roberts SC, just so you know that I am not making this stuff up:

“Millions of women use hormonal contraception and it has been suggested that such use may alter mate preferences. To examine the impact of oral contraceptive (pill) use on preferences, we tested for within-subject changes in preferences for masculine faces in women initiating pill use. Between two sessions, initiation of pill use significantly decreased women’s preferences for male facial masculinity but did not influence preferences for same-sex faces. To test whether altered preference during pill use influences actual partner choice, we examined facial characteristics in 170 age-matched male partners of women who reported having either been using or not using the pill when the partnership was formed. Both facial measurements and perceptual judgements demonstrated that partners of women who used the pill during mate choice have less masculine faces than partners of women who did not use hormonal contraception at this time. Our data (A) provide the first experimental evidence that initiation of pill use in women causes changes in facial preferences and (B) documents downstream effects of these changes on real-life partner selection. Given that hormonal contraceptive use is widespread, effects of pill use on the processes of partner formation have important implications for relationship stability and may have other biologically relevant consequences.”

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Swedish White Pathology by Bruce Bennett

Sweden is white pathology at its viral peak, peak disease. Following the Islamic State-linked terrorist attack earlier this month in Stockholm, one opinion poll found that more people feel that the country is heading in the “right direction,” and they don’t mean “Right” with a capital “R.” Women are the main one’s feeling “positive.”

They don’t call it the “Stockholm syndrome,” the loving of abusers, for nothing:

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Look! Up in the Sky! It’s A Bird! It’s A Plane! No, its Antifa! by Peter West

Looks like we have to reconsider the antifa girl fiasco, where it turns out that the sweet little dreadlocked porno model, was using a bottle as a weapon:

But, that won’t stop the Damigo from probably being kicked out of uni:, or from Captain America, coming after this former marine corporal:

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