The Face of the Left by James Reed

I don’t know how I got onto the site, but today I was in horror, reading a Leftist environmentalist blog. I would strongly recommend that readers with a morbid desire for self-punishment have a look at the latest entries at This is a very well presented site, with highly skilled web design. But, the articles an politics, are …well… just consider…

“Useless Eaters And Ethnic Purity; The Trump/Bannon War For Biological Nationhood,” by Chris Floyd, which pushes the idea that Trump is trying to follow a Nazi agenda and create an ethnically pure state. No matter that his daughter is married to a Jewish man, and is in fact a practising  Jew herself. No, Trump wants to cut some social welfare programs (never mind that feminist icon Julia Gillard did more), and his man Stephen Bannon (spelt wrongly in one part of the article), likes French philosopher Charles Maurras, and he was a Nazi sympathiser.

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Oxford: Child Sex Abuse and Civilizational Breakdown by Peter Ewer

Oxford police have charged seven men: Shabir Dogar, 22; Shabaz Khan, 23; Shohab Dogar, 23; Yasin Hamid, 20; Usman Iddris, 22; and Joseph Suraina, 22, with alleged sex offences against women, including a girl under 16 years-of-age, between 2008 and 2015: Hussain has also been charged with the attempted sexual assault of a girl under 13, as have Shabir Dogar and Shohab Dogar.

Another 10 men were arrested in the police operation known as Operation Nautical.
Britain has had other child sex abuse cases, most notably in Rotherham:

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One Nation Firearms Policy by John Steele

One Nation has released its firearms and gun control policy, and it’s politically sound: On the bad side, the policy compromises too much with the establishment, saying that it will “maintain the general principle of the National Firearms Agreement in restricting access to high powered, high capacity firearms.” That could lead a government to further gun banning’s and control.

Nevertheless, there are many good things said though, such as recognising firearms ownership as a right by law-abiding citizens in a free society, the recognition of the right to self-defence, and the proposed abolition of the  “genuine reasons/need” test for firearm ownership. That test was just another bit of nasty gun-banning totalitarianism.

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Poem to The Editor

To The Age

No, freedom is the shield of truth, my friend.
Without it, tyranny is round the bend,
When prophets can be stoned or even worse
And only sycophants can publish verse.
To claim that freedom lovers wish to hate
Is stooping to ignoble insult, mate.
It is unworthy of your genius, I say,
And in debate a most ungenerous way.
Opponents of this law are on the ball
If there’s to be a fair go for us all.
In other nations folk are sent to jail
To prop opinions that in fact are frail.
That’s not the Aussie way, old man,
To stifle talk and most unjustly ban.
Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Deborah Lipstadt claims, in regard to the history of the Nazis, that ‘there are some facts that are not open to debate’ (‘Truth on trial in film “for our times”’, 5/4). Facts or opinions? The truth is that the film ‘Denial’ is a propaganda film and Philippa Hawker’s article is propaganda on its behalf.

As to the film itself, its bias is visually proclaimed by its choice of a screen goddess to play the dowdy Lipstadt and a male actor of unusual facial appearance which is easily made to look monstrous to play David Irving. As to the article, it is so one-sided: plenty of favourable comment on Lipstadt and the main actors, but no effort at all to report on Irving’s views of the film or the views, available online, of several critics who have exposed the film’s inaccuracies and misrepresentations.
Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Age
The Fairfax Ipsos Poll on section 18C (‘Most oppose PM’s weaker race-hate law’, 28/3) was too simplistic to be useful. How many of the respondents (a mere 1400 out of our millions) were adequately informed on the various ramifications of the proposed changes?
One can admire Australian of the Year finalist Deng Adut for achieving professional success here after starting as a refugee, but at the same time doubt his impartiality on this issue because of his background.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Let Pamela Geller Tell This One! by P. Button

Here is Angel Merkel’s latest award. It is best to view the comments on this at Jewish social critic Pamela Geller’s site, given how terribly nervous I am, at times quivering in my Ugg boots. And, her comments sound a lot like what many of the stronger writers at this site say: You be the judge.

Whodunit? by Charles Taylor

On the subject  of “whodunit,” it looks like Don Trump was not insane and deserving of impeachment on the grounds of insanity and not doing exactly what the global conspiracy wants: Obama may have tapped his phone, or as they put it “Trump’s personal communications may have been collected’:

However, the real issue is not whether this happened in the past, but whether the shadow government is still doing this. After all, no matter what evidence is dropped in Trump’s lap, he is impotent to act against his supposed enemies, and always takes it on the chin. So much for all the “god emperor” memes put out by enthusiastic lads on the net, searching for a father figure:

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Why Uncle Len is Afraid of Rubbish Bins, and You Should Be Too! by Len the Ex-Wheelie Bin Wizard

Once upon a time, I was Len the Cleaner, someone who knows all there was to know about rubbish bins. Someone who people showed respect to, by directly spitting in my face, not ignoring me. I was important enough to be abused.

Then my luxurious position was replaced by Asians. After that I developed, not a racial hatred for Asians, because I love the entire human race, but a hatred of bins. Yes bins. I blamed innate plastic for my downfall, and people thought that I was insane. And, I was, or indeed, am. But, that does not mean that I am necessarily wrong, for even the mad can be right about some things.
Consider:, and say that I am crazy for my phobia about bins. The article says, in sparkling prose:

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Things are Not Always as They Say They Are by P. Button

Attacks on Jewish cemeteries were, according to reports, not due to crazed white nationalists: “The NYPD says after consultation with the management of the Washington Cemetery in Brooklyn, it was determined the 42 tombstones came down as a result of a number of factors. Those include long-term neglect or lack of maintenance, as well as environmental factors such as soil erosion.”

Here is a bit of older news: “Man Arrested for Jewish Center Bomb Threat is Black, Anti-Trump, Communist”:
No, I am not making this all up. Again, the horrible Alt Right Nazi thugs did not do it.

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London’s Terrorism: A Snapshot of London’s Magnificent Diversity by Paul Walker

The Australian papers have spilt much ink pushing the line that the London terrorist attack was an attack on the west, as The Australian put it on page one, splashed right across the paper, “Attack on Democracy.” The Australian, March 24, 2017, p. 1 While I was going to comment on some of the numerous articles published on that day on that theme, upon reflection, it is probably a waste of our space.

It is utterly obvious that an attack at Westminster is an attack on Western civilisation, but also all of the other terrorist attacks, and the mass rapes of White British children at Rotherham (covered up for years by the Establishment: and mass immigration in general.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Peter Waterhouse rightly warns against ‘an endarkenment of cultural common sense’ in today’s Australia (28/3) and calls for ‘public leaders who can speak a grounding prophetic word’ to us. What would such leaders say?
They would begin by calling for a rediscovery of the sacred - of metaphysical truth and its nature as the indispensable basis for any programme of political action that is truly ethical. This in 2017 requires a far-reaching reappraisal of our Christian tradition and a readjustment of its theological doctrines more drastic than the Reformation of the 15th and 16th centuries.
Secondly, such leaders would emphasise that social restoration can only occur if sufficient ordinary people base their lives on genuine truth-seeking and unselfishness. The current consumerist ethos and leftist fanaticism are equally incompatible with this ideal.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Australian May have to Take One for the Team; Korean Nuclear Holocaust by Paul Walker

I was as alarmed, as no doubt as you were, to read that US General Vincent K. Brooks, told foreign Minister Julie Bishop last month, that North Korea’s Unha-3 missile is now capable of lopping a nuclear bomb on Australia. The Australian, March 27, 2017, p. 1. It is nice that the Americans tell us such things, because this was apparently the first time that the Minister had heard this, indicating that our security spooks, are just not in the international loop.

How might this all be played out? I have bad news for Australia. Under one of my strategic scenarios, manic Kim Jong-un may decide to drop a nuke on Australia rather than America to show that he means business. We all know it; in world terms, we mean little and could very well be made to take one for the team.

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The Nick Xenophon Team Have to Go! by Ian Wilson LL.B

According to a recent article (The Australian, March 27, 2017, p. 6), Nick Xenophon says that the wording of section 18 C is “non-negotiable.” The NXT are opposed to reform of section 18 C, but support an overhaul of the Human Rights Commission.

Already, there is a movement to water down changes to see if the NXT allow it through. Why does a so-called pragmatic group suddenly have such a strong position, which is beyond negotiation? Say it again Pauline, “please explain.”

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Retail Apocalypse by Chris Knight

Here is what the global financial tyranny has in store as punishment for the people failing to follow their globalist agenda:

The news is from the United States, but it is important for us to keep an eye on trends there which soon will sweep to our shores. A third of all US shopping malls are projected to close in 2017. “Space Available” signs are appearing all over America, like poison toadstools:

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The Italian Job by Bruce Bennett

Italy has been complaining that if members of the EU, such as Hungary or Slovakia build walls to ensure border protection, then Italy will withhold it funding to the EU budget: Ordinary Italians are battling migrants, as seen in the village of Gorino, where local residents barricaded entrances to the town. This led to the Italian government relocating the latest flood of migrants.

Italy should be building a migrant-proof fence, rather than just funnelling the migrants onto northern Europe. The ocean could be wired off with nets, like those used to hold back sharks, and the Italian navy could tow migrant vessels away, or just not let them land. Instead, the Italian navy brings the migrants in:; It is effectively a migration agency!

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The Face of Migration by Richard Miller

Immigration and multiculturalism, we are told in a never-ending bombast of propaganda, enrich our culture. That means, at a minimum that this is a positive thing. Isn’t that so as a point of logic?
As another point of logic, does it not follow that there can therefore be negative aspects of immigration and multiculturalism? How could it be otherwise because if there are positive benefits, this opens up the possibility of negative ones as well. But, as we all know, the negative effects are ignored by the new class because they are, “inconvenient truths.”

We do not ignore them, and offer the photograph of “Linda,” a European victim of migrant crime, as something to consider:

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Back Door Gun Banning by John Steele

Gun owners may not be aware, but major changes are at foot. The thing to be aware of, and get active about quickly is the National Firearms Agreement: If the name sounds familiar, then think back to the 1996 version of this, which devastated gun ownership in Australia, the responsibility of John Howard:

Those power groups supporting the changes are opposed to people being able to use a firearm for self-defence: Basic rights which people in the past had will be gone.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Despite the federal government's failure to get its partial reform of the Racial Discrimination Act fully accepted by the Senate, political and religious censorship continues to be 'on the nose' in Australia. It is good that, recognising this, the government plans 'to keep the full reform plan as policy' so as to be able to deal quickly with future cases seriously threatening free and fair speech ('Brandis set to pull back on 18C', 30/3).
The government must also maintain a strong public stance in favour of free speech and make this a major aspect of its next election campaign; and free speech supporters, generally, should 'maintain their rage' loudly and noisily.

A careful study of the handling of the controversy in 'The Australian' (against 18C) and in Melbourne's 'The Age' (for 18C) suggests that the case for complete repeal has intellectually won the day. Some of the major arguments against 18C were largely or wholly ignored by its supporters and the repeated misrepresentation of free speech advocates as 'racists' was deplorable. Temporarily a combination of idealistic fanaticism and pandering to minorities for electoral advantage has won the day.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic   

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Letter to The Editor

To The Age
So the Turnbull government, like the Abbott government before it, has been unable to return to Australians free speech on race and matters involving ethnicity.
I wonder if supporters of 18C are really aware of the intense ongoing attack on free speech that is happening around the world and which threatens to further limit debate here. Just two examples. The first is the currently showing film 'Denial' which is a political attack on British historian David Irving designed to stifle interest in his vast range of writings. 'Denial' visually distorts the truth by casting a screen goddess to play the very ordinary-looking Deborah Lipstadt and making a troll out of a male actor in order to show Irving as an inhuman ogre. That is only where the misrepresentation begins.

Second example: the London School of Economics where efforts are being made to censor American professor Richard Falk and Jewish writer Gilad Atzmon because of their defences of the Palestinians and negative assessments of Jewish activities. "Known fascists shouldn't be allowed on campus,' one Jewish activist stated.
The protection of free debate on momentous political and religious controversies is far more necessary for human welfare than Nanny-state laws to prevent hurt feelings.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

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