No Bows Please, We’re Trying to Destroy You, After All by Paul Walker

Superstar JoJO Siwa (no, I have never heard of her either, but my 14 year-old daughter has), is a 13-year old Nordic dance sensation, whose thing is wearing large bows: While all this sounded good theoretically, after watching the above clip of her song “Boomerang,” I wondered if her future would follow that of other icons like Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus:;

Hopefully though, she may go down the less degrading path of Nordic goddess Taylor Swift:

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Build Your Border Walls High! by Charles Taylor

Mexican Congressmen Braulio Guerra, was feeling pretty proud of himself. He was able, so he claimed, although I suspected that he had a leg-up, to climb a 30-foot fence on the US-Mexican border, and blow a raspberry at President Donald Trump: You see how easy it is to climb the wall and get into the United States Mr Trump. Your wall cannot stop the US becoming a part of Mexico. Nothing can stop us.

Just ask Jorge Ramos, who has declared that the United States belongs to Latino migrants, “it is our country, not theirs”: Illegal migrants are not going to go, he said. Of course, the sociological evidence indicates that dangers in border crossings are a significant determinant of the intention to illegally immigrate, and a threat risk decreases immigration: E. Ryo, “Deciding to Cross: Norms and Economics of Unauthorized Migration,” American Sociological Review, vol. 78, 2013, pp. 574-603.

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How the Politically Correct Courts Manipulate the Law By Ian Wilson LL.B.

If only I could get before a court and give them my wisdom and reason, why I could change the world. I have heard this many, many, times, and am sorry to say that it is just not true. On the big questions, courts always come down on the side of the Establishment and Deep State, for the very good reason, that they are part of the team.

For example, the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, much like our Federal court, upheld Maryland’s ban on assault rifles, holding that the Second Amendment did not cover weapons “most useful in military service.” The Court concluded that assault rifles are “devastating weapons of war whose only legitimate purpose is to lay waste to a battlefield full of combatants.” See:

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The Green Socialist Pope on Population by Peter West

Now I would not want anyone to think that I am a religious bigot, but as a cradle Catholic, and one now departed from the faith, I believe I have the freedom to make stronger criticisms of Catholicism than my Protestant colleagues do.

All that out of the way, let us turn to the latest adventures of the no-hope Pope. I came from a traditional Latin mass Catholic family. That meant no contraception, openness to pregnancy in all sex, and ultimately large numbers of Catholics, to dilute the rest of the population, and keep numbers up on the pews. Sorry, but that is what it is in sociobiological terms. It is a rather cleaver evolutionary strategy.

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No Christianity Please, We’re Islamic Now by Peter Ewer

Does anyone remember the film, No Sex Please, We’re British (1973)? You don’t? Me neither. But if I had seen it, rather than just remembering the title, after thumbing through the film section of the newspaper in the 1970s, I would no doubt feel that it represented the West’s plight today, which is becoming a tragicomic theatre of the absurd:

Christianity has been banned from New Jersey public schools, only to be replaced by, guess what…Islam, the emerging religion of the global elites, at least level 2:

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On the Great Slippery Slope to Hanson by James Reed

I imagine the local globalists, certainly from the Liberals, have nightmares something like being in a great nationalist amusement park, and sliding down a slippery slope into a giant Hanson-like face, with large engulfing mouth and big teeth. Or, thereabouts.

The Australian (February 27, 2017, p. 1), reports “Libs Slide as Voters Turn to Hanson.” The latest Newspoll is all bad news for hyper-capitalist globalist, Mal Turnbull, as the government, if it can be called that, trials Labor 45 to 55 percent in two part terms. People who have had enough have pushed One Nation to 10 percent of the primary vote. This is double the party’s support since November 2016, when, to rub it in their faces again, Donald J. Trump defeated globalist candidate, Hillary Clinton. Can I say it again: Hillary lost!

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Immigration is Building a Monster Future for Australia by James Reed

Urban development elites have reported that Australia within 20 years will consist of 30 million people crammed into four super-cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth – where one in three “Australian” will live, if it can be called that. (The Australian, march 1, 2017, p. 6) The rest of the regions will be starved of economic development and will wither on the vine.

However, the super-cities will come to have most of the predictable problems of all other super-cities, such as rising housing costs and costs of living, and resource shortages, not to mention the problem of decaying infrastructure:

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Section 18C is a Symbol of the Coming Need for Secessionism in Australia by Ian Wilson LL.B.

There is consensus among conservatives that section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, has been, and certainly is now, a threat to free speech, even a very modest version. (The Australian, March 1, 2017, p. 4). This is because, as shown by recent cases, this law makes it unlawful to make public statements that are offensive to ethnic minorities, and the question of offensiveness is decided not by consideration of the standards of the ordinary reasonable person, but by the ethnic community that has been offended. Talk about a conflict of interest!

How could one not get tyranny from such a result? What if the ethnic community in question, call them Martians, had done things, which were bad, harmful to the interests of another community? This, after all, is what ethnic conflict is all about. It becomes impossible to criticise that ethnic community because by definition, someone will be offended, because that is part of having an ethnic interest. So, freedom of speech becomes impossible because the bar of “offense” is impossibility low. What happens then when there is no longer a lawful method of dealing with conflict through words? Take an educated guess.

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The Incredible Double Standard of the Establishment by Chris Knight

The way the game now seems to be played, is that any US politician who met with Russian officials, if they are on team Trump, must be dumped for the purposes of national security.
However, flying in the face of this double standard, we see evidence of Nancy Pelosi, minority leader of the US House of Representatives, sitting across the table from the Russian Ambassador, even though she said that she has never met him: Can this be proof that magic happens? Are all the Marvel superhero movies, such as Dr Strange (2016), the tremendous magician, correct?

More likely though, it seems that if you are on the side of the Liberal-Left, telling the truth is something one does not have to do, because we live in a post-truth world, where reality is a social construct, the product of the deranged minds of sociologists:

Leftists in Germany Want to Give the Right to Vote to Their Cats! by Peter Ewer

Oh, I am only joking, just tickling the false news censors. Now we are relaxed, we can note that German Leftists, although perhaps liking to have everyone in the universe who could cement their power do so, their present quest remains with non-citizens:

In answer to a survey, about whether non-citizens like refugees should be given the vote, supporters of the Social Democrats (SPD), 63.7% supported the proposal, along with 64.8% of Green Party voters, while supporters of the anti-immigration AfD party opposed the idea by a margin of 96.9%.

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“White People Shouldn’t Breed,” But They Can be Spat On With Impunity by Chris Knight

This one has it all in one power-packed toxic capsule: “RACIST THUG WALKS FREE: Man Escapes Jail after SPITTING in 9-Month-Old Baby’s Face and Screaming at Stunned Mum: ‘White People Shouldn’t Breed’” at

Rezzas Abdulla spat on little Layla-Jean in her pram and told the stunned mother his thoughts on racial eugenics. Although any “White” person would have faced not only the full wrath of the courts, and endless attacks by Leftoids and other chatterers, Mr Spit, who had two previous convictions for race-hate attacks on White women, escaped jail and was handed an eight month sentence, suspended for 18 months, thank you very much, to attend psychiatrists paid for from the public purse.

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The Right Stuff by Michael Ferguson

UK Tory MP Pauline Latham has shown some spirited resistance against the New World Order philosophy of open borders, by claiming that the Dubs Amendment, regarding refugees, would act as a “pull factor” and encourage more so-called refugees to flood into Europe. The best thing that the UK could do is to push to ensure that refugees remained in their homelands. “We should stop being so sentimental and be looking at what [is] the best thing to do for these families and children and that is keep them in the region,” she said during an emergency House of Commons debate over the scrapping of the Dubs amendment.

Latham also said that France is not “Nazi Germany.”
“These children are not under threat of murder, they are in safe countries, [and] the governments [of those countries] should be dealing with [them].”
If France is “rat-infested,” it has nothing to do with Britain, she chirped.
Good to see some old-fashioned cannon fire from Britain.

Creeping Sharia by Peter Ewer

A Danish man, who filmed himself burning the Quran, and placed the film on Facebook, will be charged for blasphemy, the first prosecution in 46 years:

Here is what Denmark’s  Jan Reckendorff, from the public prosecutor’s office in Viborg, said: “It is the prosecution’s view that circumstances involving the burning of holy books such as the Bible and the Quran can in some cases be a violation of the blasphemy clause, which covers public scorn or mockery of religion.
“It is our opinion that the circumstances of this case mean it should be prosecuted so the courts now have an opportunity to take a position on the matter.”

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France: A Part of Africa by Michael Ferguson

The French republican ideal of the creation of a raceless, placeless cosmopolitan republic, one that is open to all cultures in its blanket embrace of universalism, is rapidly imploding. This is seen daily as rioters simply burn the country to the ground, as French police flee armed mobs in Paris:

The end of France, the nation, as it was once known, is also seen in the tale of demographics. Falko Baumgartner, “The Africanization of France …as of 2014,” at, consulting medical data relating to the prevalence of sickle cell disease in newborns, a disease found primarily in Africans, concluded that one third of all French newborns are non-white, mainly of African or Middle Eastern origin:

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Destruction of Freedom Update: The Censorship by Google by Charles Taylor

This seems to be the beginning of “The Swamp” biting back, a metaphor recently used on the pro-freedom site, “The Saker”: The forces of darkness are now beginning to censor Alt Right pro-Trump sites, bringing them down.

A chilling example is Google essentially blacklisting the entire site, claimed by Mike Adams here:

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Why Trump was Right On Sweden by Peter West

No sooner than I had finished my article on Trump and Sweden, and sent it to the editor via carrier pigeon, did I come across an article by two leading Swedish politicians, saying that Trump was right about Sweden being full of refugee-generated crime: Jimmie Akesson and Mattias Karlsson, “TRUMP IS RIGHT: SWEDEN’S EMBRACE OF REFUGEES ISN’T WORKING”:

People off the street cannot get into the article, but a summary is offered: “The country has accepted 275,000 asylum-seekers, many without passports – leading to riots and crime.”

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Time to Alinsky the Alinskyians by John Steele

Leftist agitator, Saul Alinsky published an influential book in 1971, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals. Obama and Clinton both were weaned on it. I could not find a copy of the book, but here are the rules, thanks to Wikipedia:

1.    “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people.
“Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
2.    “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
3.    “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
4.    “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
5.    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
6.    “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
7.    “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
Don’t become old news.
8.    “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
9.    “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
10.    “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.” It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
11.    “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
12.    “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
13.    “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
It is going to be very hard at this stage for Malcolm Turnbull to offer ‘a credible reason why conservatives should remain within the tent’ (‘The crisis of conservatism’, 25-26/2). He had his chance: he could have promoted Abbott and Bernardi to ministerial rank at least, but he didn’t; and now look at the result!  Paul Kelly painstakingly shows the mess the Liberal Party is now in, but not how it can regain electoral momentum.

It is correct that, historically, conservatism has been weak in Australia and for the reasons Kelly notes; but this does not mean that, with a lengthening history and more chance of developing political maturity, it cannot become stronger. One serious problem is indeed that ‘there is no leadership figure accepted as the authoritative voice of conservatism.’ Perhaps a more serious problem is that the Christian churches have failed to provide significant support for conservative philosophy, too many of their leaders fellow travelling with the left.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

The Liberal Road to Ruin by James Reed

The Weekend Australian, February 25-26, 2017, has a big spread on the crisis in the Liberals. First, there was the cover story about Tony Abbott’s continuing criticisms of Malcolm Turnbull, where he sees Mal as lacking the conservative values to lead the party. On this line of thought, there will be a continuous drift of voters to One Nation, and the Liberal party will be doomed.

On this, I first note that Abbott showed himself to be lacking in basic conservative, let alone liberal values. He did not pursue his promise to axe section 18 C, cowardly caving in to the ethno-multicult lobby. Why should anyone therefore listen to him? He is yesterday’s man.

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Beware: Indigenous Demands by Ian Wilson LL.B.

The latest on the Aboriginal recognition issue: predictably enough a treaty and an elected body with the power to veto legislation, has emerged from nationwide indigenous discussion meetings on constitutional reform: The Weekend Australian, February 25-26, 2017, p. 10. This, of course, is quite contrary to the hype given by conservatives, that the changes will only be cosmetic and of no political significance.

As has been argued in many articles at this site, this will lead to the breakup of Australia, and will make law-making virtually unworkable. It is time that the barely disguised radical agenda behind this issue be fully exposed to the public. Ensure that all you speak to know, to vote “No”!  Get onto Pauline Hanson and educate her on this issue. It is high time for her to speak up on it. Enough on Muslim immigration!