Letter to The Editor

To The Age
No, we should not ban Christianity (Letters, 27/2), but Christian sacred tradition needs to be better understood in many quarters. The profound initiatory teaching of Jesus, plainly visible in the canonical gospels, has become embedded in a mire of erroneous dogma and incompatible cult practices. Yes, there’s another swamp that needs to be drained!

However, the great religions (Christianity, Islam and others) remain vitally important for the sustaining of just and viable political orders within nations. This is mainly because of their insistence on the need for humanity to maintain connections with the worlds beyond, angelic and divine. It is those connections that support the practice of virtue and nourish qualities such as humility, love and honour.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Star-Struck Starbucks by Chris Knight

Coffee house Starbucks was one company that was first off the mark to oppose president Trump’s temporary hold on immigration from seven countries which had been flagged by the Obama administration as being a source of terrorists. It then announced that it would hire 10,000 Muslim refugees in  response.

But, if Starbucks feels so morally superior, why hadn’t it employed these migrants before? Why not 20,000? Why not have an entire Muslim staff, including senior management?

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The Economic Cost of Immigration by Chris Knight

Some indication of the enormous economic costs of immigration are given by Breitbart news in a cost estimate of the amount of money that will be needed to support the 519,018 refugees who have been resettled by the United States government since October 2009: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/02/19/refugees-will-cost-taxpayers-an-estimated-4-billion-in-fy-2017/.

The cost is US $ 4.1 billion. The article grimly notes, “Even if the Trump administration were to entirely shut down the flow of refugees into the United States in FY 2018 and beyond, the refugees who have already arrived in the country will cost at least another $3.5 billion in 2018, and about $2 billion to $3 billion annually thereafter until FY 2022 and beyond.”

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Here is What Trump Has Been “Smoking”: Swedish Ethnoracial Social Chaos by Peter West

The “false news” media zeroed in on Trump for allegedly speaking of a “phony terror attack” in Sweden and the former Swedish foreign minister wondered what Trump was “smoking”:  http://nypost.com/2017/02/19/swedes-ask-what-trumps-smoking-after-he-cites-unknown-terror-attack/.

Trump, however, did not state that a terrorist attack as such had occurred in Sweden, but said, “You’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
Do you see any mention in this of a terrorist attack, at least conventionally defined? No, anyone with eyes would see that this is not so.

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The Need for Walls by Brian Simpson

Without cell walls, with open border cells, cells would fall apart and cease to exist. Cell membranes hold cells together and prevent invading organisms from destroying the cell. What is true at the microbiological level, is also true at the macro-sociological level.

Frontex, the European Border and coast Guard Agency, has reports that there has been an overwhelmingly significant drop in illegal immigration in countries which have constructed walls, and strong border defences:  http://reliefweb.int/report/world/frontex-annual-risk-analysis-2017.

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Japan Shows the Way on Refugeeism by Michael Ferguson

The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, has said to the UN General assembly that Japan must improve the living standards of its own people before considering to take in Syrian refugees – in 2016 Japan received 5,000 refugee applications, but accepted 11 people, which is probably about right: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/30/japan-says-it-must-look-after-its-own-before-allowing-syrian-refugees-in.
However, Japan will give US $ 1.6 billion to assist Syrians and Iraqis.
That seems to be a more sensible approach rather than the “feel good’ open border policy adopted in Germany.

Two migrants to Japan out of the first batch, have been accused of raping a Japanese woman: http://www.tokyoreporter.com/2016/02/22/tokyo-cops-arrest-turkish-asylum-seekers-in-gang-rape-of-woman/. This will no doubt harden Japan’s policy, which is a good thing for them.

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The Crash of Testosterone by John Steele

There is something of a broad emerging consensus among the diverse groups and free-wheeling thinkers, going under the umbrella term “Alt Right,” that the key to dealing with the multitude of problems facing us – whether it be the financial/money question, race realities, immigration, feminism, etc. – is that there needs to be strong manly people to seek solutions and to fight for them. But manhood, along with other virtues of our civilisation, has been undermined.

Many see the destruction of manhood in purely socio-political terms, and of course, at a minimum, there is in this, much truth. But, as Roosh, a microbiologist, argues in his article “The Decline in Testosterone is Destroying the Basis of Masculinity,” http://www.rooshv.com/the-decline-in-testosterone-is-destroying-the-basis-of-masculinity, there is probably an underlying biochemical explanation for the rise of leftism and general cuckoldry, or what we may now call, “cuckism.”

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The War on Trump by Chris Knight

We need to be paying close attention to how the elites are fighting against Trump, because it gives us an indication of how they would battle, say, alternative financial movements, such as social credit. Of course we already have seen what they have done in the past, with the Alberta experiment, but we have not seen anything yet, as the evil empire strikes back.

First, according to the New York Post (http://nypost.com/2017/02/11/how-obama-is-scheming-to-sabotage-trumps-presidency/), Obama has set up a “shadow government” in a bunker less than two miles from the White House, and has an army of agitators, numbering at least 30,000, working to bring Trump down. Already the Obama shadows worked to destroy former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, using waves of damaging stories, before details about Obama’s Iran nuclear deal was revealed: http://www.collapse.news/2017-02-15-traitors-inside-the-bureaucracy-civil-war-heats-up-as-obamas-sleeper-cells-succeed-in-destroying-flynn.html.

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Burning France, Again and Again by Bruce Bennett

“The life of man upon earth is a warfare, and his days are like the days of a hireling.” Job 7:1-2
France is in flames, as the latest wave of race riots sweeps this Third World Republic. I mean that literally after reading Steve Sailer’s piece, “Le Grand Remplacement” (“The Great Replacement”), at http://takimag.com/article/le_grand_remplacement_steve_sailer#axzz4ZAdOzFGR. France is rapidly being transformed into a non-white Third World country, as is reflected in the vibrancy of the riots: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/paris-riots-black-teen-allegedly-sodomized-police-officer-baton/.

Sailer attempts to give some estimations of this, as the French government thinks that it is racist to keep ascertain ethnoracial statistics and data, contrary to the spirit of la République.

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Ah McCain, You’ve Done It Again! by Charles Taylor

With Republican friends like John McCain – you know, the “war hero’ who stood against Obama, but really wanted Obama to win because he was black – Trump does not need enemies, but he has them by the truck load anyway.

According to The Washington Post, news we know we can trust (after all, they publish Russian and Chinese communist propaganda: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-19-revealed-the-same-washington-post-that-accused-200-web-sites-of-being-puppets-for-russian-propaganda-actually-takes-money-from-russia.html),  “John McCain Just Systematically Dismantled Donald Trump’s Entire Worldview,”  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/02/17/john-mccain-just-systematically-dismantled-donald-trumps-entire-worldview/?utm_term=.b919cf7e8a30.

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Germany Must Perish! by Peter Ewer

Theodore Kaufman published Germany Must Perish! in 1941, advocating the genocide of the Germans through the sterilization of all Germans. Louis Nizer, in What to Do with Germany, published in 1944, disagreed with mass sterilization but wanted collective punishment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany_Must_Perish!

Following World War II there was the Morgenthau plan (ultimately abandoned at the 11th hour), to deindustrialize Germany, leading to the extermination of 40 percent of its population: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_Plan; http://www.fpp.co.uk/bookchapters/Morgenthau.html.

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Time to wake in fright. Countering Russiaphobia by Charles Taylor

The strategy of the elite at the moment is to undermine President Trump by pushing the line that he is under the influence of Russia. Hence impeach him.
There is a nice counter to this, published by Philip Weiss, “Israel Interferes in Our politics All the Time, and It’s Never a Scandal,” at http://mondoweiss.net/2017/02/interferes-politics-scandal/. He says:

“Israel tried to interfere in that 2012 election, as Chris Matthews sensibly reminded his audience recently: Benjamin Netanyahu tried to help Mitt Romney beat Obama. Sheldon Adelson held a fundraiser in Jerusalem for Romney.
Netanyahu didn’t stop there. After Romney lost, Netanyahu came to Congress to tell the Congress to reject President Obama’s nuclear deal. That was an unprecedented interference of a foreign leader in our policy-making, enabled by the Israel lobby; but there were never any investigations about that. Subsequently Chuck Schumer said he was torn between a Jewish interest and the American interest, before voting against the president, and he paid no political/reputational price for it; while President Obama said that it would be an “abrogation” of his constitutional duty if he considered Israel’s interest ahead of the U.S.; for which Obama was called an anti-semite.”

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Hoisted by their Own Petards by Peter Ewer

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petard, Pétard comes from the Middle French péter, to break wind, from the root pet, expulsion of intestinal gas, derived from the Latin peditus, past participle of pedere, to break wind. In modern French, a pétardis is a firecracker (and it is the basis for the word for firecracker in several other European languages).

Shakespeare in Hamlet Act 3, Scene 4, has Hamlet use the phrase, “hoist with his own petard,” to mean, “defeated/blown up with their own plan/bomb.” A petard is a small bomb that was once used to blow up gates and walls when breaching them.

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The Time for One Nation by James Reed

This time round Pauline Hanson is tougher and more politically streetwise. She is speaking up on the big issues of concern to Australian, such as the recent revelations that within three years each child will owe $ 100,000. (The Australian, February 15, 2017, p. 1)

Australia’ gross public debt is set to rise from $ 474 billion to over $ 600 billion in the next three years. The debt burden per capita threatens, under the conventional economic system, to erode away the standard of living of young Australians. Billions are wasted on a multitude of politically correct programmes, that should have been abandoned long ago, but are financed because of the power of the multicult/ethnoracial lobby.

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Stand Tall, Fight Hard from Bernard Gaynor

The last three weeks have been as busy as ever and the attacks on sanity grow daily. Gillian Triggs continues to pretend the Australian Human Rights Commission did the right thing in the QUT case, Bill Shorten is upset over Trump's measures to restrict Islamic immigration, and the entire state of South Australia is shutting up shop thanks to the wonders of eco-friendly power.

The good news is that we finally have an admission from Australia's Islamic leadership that Islam allows wife-beating. However, all the feminists (including the Chief of Defence Force's gender advisor) have failed to notice because they're out rallying around Yassmin Abdel-Magied. She supports Sharia law and recently claimed that Islam is the most feminist religion. Ever.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
There is no truth in Greg Craven's claim ('"King Charles" would skew our republican debate', 23/2) that the death of Her Majesty the Queen 'could set off a constitutional crisis here.' Upon her death Prince Charles would be at once proclaimed King of the United Kingdom and he would then immediately become King of Australia and of the other royal realms. There is no possibility of interruption of a smooth process of succession.

Prince Charles is one of the most intelligent and dedicated royal personages in the 1100-year history of the British monarchy. He holds a university degree and is the author of a brilliant book on the world's ecological crisis ('Harmony') and of many profound and perceptive speeches on a wide range of important cultural matters. He has worked tirelessly for many charities and performed his long period of service as heir apparent with great dignity. Craven's description of him as 'an unlikeable nutjob' is nonsense.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Age
Kevin Donnelly's conservative critique of multiculturalism ('Multiculturalism is no recipe for success', 23/2) has its heart in the right place, but may be a bit old-fashioned. He should have developed more carefully his important qualifying insight that 'Western civilisation is far from perfect.' This being the case, it is not clear that 'if there is any conflict between imported values and our way of life then traditional Australian values win out.'  For example, superior insights from Islamic Sufism, Chinese Taoism and Indian Hinduism may be just what our own sacred tradition of Christianity needs in order to regain the capacity to wisely guide society. Nor is a disguised plutocratic oligarchy masquerading as 'liberal democracy' deserving of uncritical acceptance. We need a sensible balance between diversity ('the spice of life') and a core of shared values in accord with truth.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Sunday Age
Don Mackay’s ‘Faith’ column only scratches at the surface of the topic of the afterlife (26/2). It seems clear that our ordinary mind (or everyday level of consciousness) is unable to conceive an answer to questions such as ‘What is the universe? Why is it here? Who or what created it?’ This suggests that a higher or deeper level of cognition is required; and the great sacred traditions confirm that this is so. Connected to this enigma is the tradition that we do not know who we are and that answering this question is ‘the first step towards wisdom.’

It seems that there may not be any future life for who we think we are, but that there may be for who we really are. There does seem to be a large worldwide consensus that our ‘souls’ or ‘spirits’ do continue; and that what happens to them is shaped by what we have done here. The matter deserves serious thought because the kind of political order we live in is ultimately shaped by our religious beliefs.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Adelaide Advertiser
Many have claimed the need for both Israel and Palestine to negotiate their peace. Such a superficial comment lacks any regard for the Palestinians. 
Recognition of borders would be a fundamental requisite to any talks and while Israel continues expanding across the shared border, does anyone expect reasonable peace talks to begin?

Israel has ignored UN policy to recognise borders and defiantly stated that any seized land will not be relinquished to Palestine. What would the world say if President Trump decided to build his Mexican wall one kilometre inside Mexico?
Why should Israel be different?
KG, Naracoorte, SA

Stand Tall, Fight Hard from Bernard Gaynor

The last three weeks have been as busy as ever and the attacks on sanity grow daily. Gillian Triggs continues to pretend the Australian Human Rights Commission did the right thing in the QUT case, Bill Shorten is upset over Trump’s measures to restrict Islamic immigration, and the entire state of South Australia is shutting up shop thanks to the wonders of eco-friendly power.

The good news is that we finally have an admission from Australia’s Islamic leadership that Islam allows wife- beating. However, all the feminists (including the Chief of Defence Force’s gender advisor) have failed to notice because they’re out rallying around Yassmin Abdel-Magied. She supports Sharia law and recently claimed that Islam is the most feminist religion. Ever.

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