The UN Climate Conference is a Climate Catastrophe! By James Reed

     Yes, it is the holiday season, a time of love and joy,  but I have come to hate the hypocrisy of these UN climate types. As one wit has put it: “Nothing says Imminent Climate catastrophe quite like 28,000 United Nations affiliated people flying into Poland, spewing millions of litres of aviation fuel into the atmosphere to attend the UN climate conference, to convince the world there is an imminent climate catastrophe.”

     So, we have, according to the UN only 12 years until climatic doomsday, but the UN itself admits that this conference will have a carbon footprint of 55,000 tons of CO2, taking 6 million trees 20 years to offset. If these false-environmental prophets, sorry, profits, fools really do think that the planet is hurtling towards disaster, then it is because of socialists like that. The ordinary people, who keep close to the ground have low carbon impacts, but they are the ones the jet-setting elites point there claws at. Disgusting!



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