Madonna, the “Terrorist” Who Drops the F-Bomb by John Steele

Ageing pop icon Madonna, has been leading the assault on Trump. At the girl’s march the other day, she said that she had thought about blowing up the White House. It’s surprising how these anti-gunners, suddenly become violent when they don’t get what they want. They are still children, and horrible ones at that.

Speaking of pathetic spoilt socialists, the Washington DC protestors who went mad and did the usual rioting will be, at long last, charged with felony rioting which has a 10-year gaol term and a US $ 25,000 fine. The punks are part of DisruptJ20, funded by George Soros:
Soros is the one that needs to be gone after using the USA Patriot Act.

If a heartbeat can be detected, the baby is protected


Rep. Steve King Files Federal Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill: ‘If a Heartbeat Is Detected, the Baby Is Protected’

Letter to The Editor

To the Sunday Age
I fear that One Nation's populist simplification about Islam threatens to make Muslims 'the new Jews' in Australia ('Right-hand drive as One Nation puts the foot down', 29/1). The claim that Islam 'is not a religion', not a valid sacred tradition, is ridiculous. Consider the profound history of Sufi mysticism and the world class intelligence of many Muslim sages and saints, such as Rumi and Ibn Arabi. Note also the inspired and comprehensive books on metaphysics penned last century by the Perennialist school of Rene Guenon and Frithjof Schuon. Observe, finally, the wonderful portrait of a humble Muslim worshipper in Rom Landau's chapter on 'The Marabout' in his book 'Personalia'.
Yes, some Muslims interpret their tradition too rigidly and can justly be described as 'theocratic' and 'totalitarian'; but Christian history, too, has its share of such bigots. Subtle and fair-minded analysis of the different manifestations of Islam is needed to avoid future persecution of the innocent majority.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

"The Delusion of Super-Production" - C. H. Douglas. English Review, December, 1918

It is hardly necessary to draw attention to the insistence with which we are told that in order to pay for the war we must produce more manufactured goods than ever before--a powerful section of the Press would have the whole military, political, social and industrial policy of the Allied Governments directed to the purpose, that, when by a complete victory we have acquired control of raw material and disposed of our most dangerous competitor, we may adjust our internal differences and settle down to an unfettered era of commercial activity, from which all other desirable things will, it is suggested, proceed naturally.

There are an almost infinite number of aspects to this proposition which is not dissimilar, so far as it goes, from that with which Germany went to war: it is possible to attack it from the point of view of the historian, the psychologist, or even the physiologist. It is even possible that certain quite indispensable suffrages have still to be obtained for it. But it is sufficiently interesting to take it as it stands on a frankly material, "practical" basis, and see what are its logical consequences.

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An Aberhart Broadcast to Canada 1943

from: The Social Crediter Saturday, June 26, 1943.
William Aberhart was Premier of the Province of Alberta, Western Canada, from 1935 until his death which occurred very shortly after he made this broadcast, transmitted on 6 May 1943. The Social Credit Government which he led swept to power in 1935, taking 56 of the 63 seats in the Provincial Legislature. Both before the election and during his years as Premier, Aberhart mobilised support for Social Credit ideas and policies through his broadcasts which informed and encouraged the many, many Social Credit study groups which met throughout the scattered population of the province.

The Plan for World Control
A few nights ago I was listening to one of those "quiz" programmes which have become so popular with radio stations; and it struck me very forcibly that it was but another example of how people are being taught today to guess rather than to think for themselves. The kind of questions being asked were: "Who is the Minister of Agriculture?" "Is Moscow further North or further South than Quebec?" and so forth. The participant either knew the answers or he had to guess them. I cannot recall a single question that would have the effect of making people think. Has it ever occurred to you that it is becoming very much the same in regard to all phases of our national life?

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Letter to The Editor

To the Sunday Age
The gentle and affirmative spirit of Bishop Philip Huggins (22/1) is admirable, as is his call for ‘leadership marked by courage, imagination and compassion.’ However, our leaders will also require a new realism of outlook which necessarily qualifies his summary of the condition of Australia. Despite his optimism, there are dangerous disharmonies within our social and political structure: diversity without understanding and the honouring of truth will result in future conflict. Then again, as the debate over section 18C shows, we lack adequate intellectual freedom and, in many quarters, even respect for the principle of free speech. As for Church renewal, yes, that is essential, but not so much in regard to sexual misdemeanours of some priests as in the field of basic theology which needs the repudiation of erroneous doctrines still at the centre of ‘orthodoxy’.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Conspiratorialism: A Philosophical Defence by Bruce Bennett

Our enemies say that we are conspiracy theorists. But what exactly is wrong with a conspiratorial thesis? A conspiracy is simply a secret plan or agreement to carry out a harmful act, with a political motive. A conspiracy theorist holds that insofar as human history is shaped by conscious, intentional and purposive human behaviour rather than chance events, it is conspiratorial in that sense. Those with money and power typically shape history. They have plans for what they want to achieve and they rightly believe that secrecy or semi-secrecy is the best way of achieving it.

We know that important conspiracies have occurred which have left their mark on the history of nations as well as on personal history. For example, there is good reason to believe that President Franklin D. Roosevelt provoked US entry into Pacific War, knowing full well that the Japanese intended to attack at Pearl Harbor. See: Eric Rusbridge, Betrayal at Pearl Harbor, (Summit Books, New York, 1991) and R. P. Forbes and G. Fowler, Pearl Harbor and the Secret of Lanakai and Isabel, The Barnes Review, vol. 11, 1996, pp. 19-22. He did this because of political pressure put on him by wealthy elites who wanted the US to destroy Germany.

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The Globalist War Against Cash, the Internet and Freedom by Richard Miller

In India millions of people are already in revolt against new anti-cash laws which has led to hundreds of millions of poor people being unable to access their savings:

The global financial elites want to eliminate cash as this will give them even more control over the ordinary people, and India is being used as a test-run for what is planned across the world. Without cash the New World Order overlords can readily control what one buys and what one does.
The Australian government, following calls from multinational finance companies, is examining abolishing the Australian hundred-dollar note, done under the guise of reducing the “black market economy”:
As Mike Adams points out, the attack on cash is part of a globalist offensive on freedom, including freedom of the internet (Natural, December 5, 2016) There is already censorship of the social media in German:

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Australia: A Multicultural Totalitarian Country by Ian Wilson LL.B.

Donald J. Trump uses the metaphor of a swamp, a politically-disease ridden cesspool, to describe Washington DC.  Australia, though, is in many respects worse, and the appropriate metaphor for us is a desert, waterless, lacking in the life of freedom.

Of course there is section 18 C, the very latest farce being that Australia’s Grand Mufti, Ibrahim Abu Mohammed (Grand Mufti since 2011), wants Muslims to be given the same protection as other ethnic groups under section 18 C of the Racial Discrimination Act:  But they are! Well, what he wants is an amendment to the Act to create what one Liberal senator has called a “national blasphemy law” to prohibit “religious vilification” of Muslims and all religions. (The Australian, January 19, 2017, p. 5)
Radical Islamists in the West have also been pushing for global blasphemy laws to suppress criticism of Islam. (The Australian, January 20, 2017, p. 13)

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The Triumph of Trump by Chris Knight

President Donald J. Trump’s inauguration speech was magnificent. He basically said that the power mad Washington DC elites had rule like tyrants for too long, and now it ends. It was a speech that brought tears to any patriot’s eye. Bill Clinton, on the stage with the rest of the folk Trump was attacking was looking with lust at Trump’s daughter Ivanka (you can see it on YouTube), and Obama looked like he had been kicked in the guts. He had.

There seems to be even a slight awareness that a profound revolution against globalist ideology is occurring. Here are some interesting words from someone who needs no introduction to this site,  Greg Sheridan, The Australian’s foreign editor, “Trump’s Triumph Explained: Xi and Obama Fuel America’s Revolt,” The Australian, January 19, 2017, p. 1.
“Two presidents, China’s Xi Jinping and America’s Barack Obama, have taken actions which do much to explain why Donald Trump is triumphant.
Xi Jinping, at the World Economic Forum at Davos no less, posed as the champion of globalisation, even preaching against protectionism and populism.
“Just blaming economic globalisation for the world’s problems is inconsistent with reality, and will not help solve them,” he said.
You have to admire Xi’s chutzpah. If every nation in the world practised globalisation in the way the Chinese government does, it would be a world of constant chaos and near inevitable conflict.

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The Great TPP Battle: Turnbull’s Last Stand by James Reed

The fight is one. Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s great “Big Australia”, mass migration globalist, is in love with the TPP. There is no problem about the loss of Australian legal sovereignty or jobs. He is, above all else, a globalist.
But Bill Shorten has smelt the battle smoke in the wind from the Trump triumph and has joined with the unions and the Greens in opposing it. Turnbull was outraged and called the Opposition leader a “shallow populist.” Well, it is a start. Worst, he said that Shorten had betrayed the interests of Australian “families!” (The Australian, January 17, 2017, p. 1)

What Australian “families’ do you think he is referring to? Those working class families that will be destroyed by waves of cheap migrant labour, even vaster than the swamping that is now occurring? Surely not. He must be thinking of the capitalist elite families of the upper crust of Australia who benefit now from mass migration and its demographic replacement of Anglo-Australia and stand to benefit more from globalist deals like the TPP. The big end of town.
Clearly what Australia needs is an alternative nationalist leader many orders of magnitude stronger than Trump to clear up over 70 years of civilisational decline.

The Cost of Women’s So-Called Liberation by Mrs Vera West

Although conservatives typically look at the rise of women’s liberation and feminism from the 1960s onwards in terms of social harms such as the destruction of the traditional family, there are other evils. One, is the increasing support for liberal policies such as welfarism, where women’s natural maternal instincts are manipulated by the elites to support policies not in their interest.
John R. Lott and Lawrence W. Kenny, “Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 107, 1999, pp. 1163-1198, reach the following conclusion based on research in the United States:

“This paper examines the growth of government during this century as a result of giving women the right to vote. Using cross-sectional time-series data for 1870-1940, we examine state government expenditures and revenue as well as voting by U.S. House and Senate state delegations and the passage of a wide range of different state laws. Suffrage coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue and more liberal voting patterns for federal representatives, and these effects continued growing over time as more women took advantage of the franchise. Contrary to many recent suggestions, the gender gap is not something that has arisen since the 1970s, and it helps explain why American government started growing when it did.” (p. 1163)

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God give us men

GOD, give us men! A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office can not buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
In public duty, and in private thinking;
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their large professions and their little deeds,
Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice sleeps.

Josiah Gilbert Holland

Criminals Have Illegal Guns by John Steele

Relevant to the Australian gun debate is a study conducted by the Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, which has that four out of five US criminals obtain their guns illegally:
The study examined guns recovered at Pittsburgh crime scenes in 2008. One in five guns were used by people who had no prior criminal record and thus were able to legally acquire a gun.

An article “Young, Dumb, Armed” at, tells us that although Australians have been disarmed, Melbourne (and probably Sydney) is a gun city, awash in illegal guns.

Malcolm Turnbull’s Ethnic Roots by Charles Taylor

Not that ethnicity and race matter, or explain anything at all for we Christian universalists, but, readers may be interested to know that Malcolm Turnbull, according to The Times of Israel, is Jewish as “his mother’s family was Jewish”:

The article says:
Turnbull revealed in a 2013 interview that his mother’s family was Jewish, making him possibly halachically Jewish as well, but that he’d never really researched his background.

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The confession of the criminal John Kerry by Thierry Meyssan


The war against Syria is the first to have been waged, for more than six years, in the digital era. A wealth of documents which should have remained secret for many years have already been published. Although they have been released in different countries, so that international public opinion is unaware of them, they already enable us to piece together the events concerned. The release of a recording of comments made in private by John Kerry last September reveals the policies of the Secretary of State and obliges all observers — including ourselves — to review our previous analyses.

The broadcast by The Last Refuge of the complete recording of the meeting between Secretary of State John Kerry and the members of the National Coalition (22 September 2016, at the Dutch delegation to the United Nations) calls into question what we thought we knew about the US position on Syria.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Age
Andrea Mason implies ('Annual debate is another step towards reconciliation', 25/1) that at present Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures are not 'honoured, respected and valued' by Australians generally; but such is not the case. Her prescription for 'a true nation-to-nation relationship' with our so-called 'first peoples' is unjustified by past and present realities and can only create future division and disunity among Australians. She provides no reason at all why 'recognition' of these peoples needs to be enshrined in the Constitution, which is a document currently embracing in its essential language all contemporary and future Australians. The transition of human society on this continent from Stone Age cultures to a modern nation with up-to-date infrastructure involved some wrongdoing on both sides but now benefits both sides. Far from 'closing the distance between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians', Mason's policy would widen it.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Will the definite June 2016 decision of the British people to withdraw from the European Union be frustrated by legal chicanery or not? The answer is not yet clear ('May blow: Top court rejects Brexit appeal', 25/1). The claim made that the UK Supreme Court case 'was about the legal process not politics' is unconvincing: it was about the one in order to facilitate the other. The aim was to overturn Brexit.
It may be that 'MP's are not expected to vote against triggering Article 50'; but that vote has not yet been taken. What if a majority of MP's in fact use their 'invaluable expertise and experience' (as one prominent Remain supporter puts it) to reverse the Leave decision in Parliament? That is plainly the wish of those who brought this case. Let us hope, for the honour of the UK Parliament and its status as a truly representative body, that such does not happen.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Secession: Dissenting Thoughts: On Saving Our Race and People by Peter West

Perhaps the elite are right in saying that the Australia of the past is finished. Don Watson, Paul Keating’s speechwriter had that “Australia” –  a multicultural, feminised post-Mabo minestrone – cannot be brought under a collective “national identity”: G. Pemberton, “Identity Crisis,” The Weekend Australia, June 25-26, 1994, p. 30.
And that was back in the good old days of the ‘90s.

As much as one would hate to agree with him, perhaps he is right: things have gone too far and a grand divorce is in order.
The idea of secession, the breakup of Australia, done by Whites, rather than as a product of Aboriginal recognition, has had its champions, who have come and gone. I have leaflets from the New Queensland Movement and the Western Australia Secession Association, which now seem to have fallen away.

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The Face of Hijrah: the Islamic Colonisation of the West by Charles Taylor

“No man will treat with indifference the principle of race. It is the key of history, and why history is so often confused is that it has been written by men who were ignorant of this principle and all the knowledge it involves.” Benjamin Disraeli, Endymion, 11, 1880.

French right intellectual, Guillaume Faye in The Colonisation of Europe (Arktos, 2016; originally published as La Colonisation de l’Europe (2000), argued that based on the evidence of the time, of Islamic terrorism, mass migration, gang rapes, the creation of no-go zones for police, Islam was set to colonise Europe. There is an Arabic word for this, “hijrah,” which is migration in the cause of Allah:  Faye saw this as leading to an inevitable ethnic civil war. That was said in the year 2000. Was Faye over-dramatic?

One-time French presidential candidate, and intellectual, Philippe de Villiers, has expressed similar sentiments to Faye, in his book Le moment est venu de dire ce que j’ai vu (The Time has Come to Tell What I Have Seen) saying that Europe faces “demographic conquest”: Some Islamists look forward to the end of blonde hair and blue eyes:,  perhaps anticipating what has, and is, happening to the Yazidi: Imagine if the same thing was said about any other ethnic or racial group!

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