Civilian Guns Really Do Save Lives By John Steele

     The gun banners always argue that wicked guns, of their own agency, get up, grow legs,  and take lives, and can’t save anyone, although, when it suits them, private security for their elites can have guns saving their live, saving them. But, consider this wonderful story:

“A good guy with a gun shot and killed an attacker at an Alabama mall “within seconds” of that attacker shooting and wounding two people. WVTM reports that the good guy, a Hoover, Alabama, police officer, shot the gunman, who was then pronounced dead at the scene. The incident occurred at Riverchase Galleria. Hoover Police Chief Nick Derzis said, “From the time that shooting took place, they engaged and it was safe within seconds that it happened. You don’t see that too often. So very, very proud of that.” Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato said, “Unfortunately, an individual lost his life. Unfortunately, one of our police officers had to engage that individual. He did so as a professional. He did so at the risk of his own life. But he stepped in to protect thousands, and I’m grateful for that.”

     It must be a fairy tale, a dream come true. And, on another anti-gun argument, that even given this, gun use still results in loss of life, how about the loss of life caused by Big Pharma and doctor-caused illness?

“New statistics from the National Institutes of Health show that more than 72,000 people died from drug overdoses during 2017. Of those, a staggering 49,060 people are said to have died as a result of opioid abuse. The opioid pain-reliever is one of Big Pharma’s most profitable cash-cows, and now, American citizens are paying the price — with their lives. Annual death tolls from opioids alone are now exceeding deaths from car accidents (40,100), fatal shootings (15,549), homicides (17,284) and even suicide (almost 45,000). All told, about 200 people died an opioid-related death every day in 2017. Earlier estimates also confirmed that the number of people Big Pharma killed with opioids in a single year was higher than the number of causalities the U.S. incurred during the Vietnam and Iraq wars combined. While all these lives (and the lives of their loved ones) are being torn apart, Big Pharma has been raking in billions. And the same industry that caused this massive epidemic of death now stands to profit by selling new, pharmaceutical “cures” for the problem they created.’

      So, before banning guns, we need, by the anti-gunners’ argument, to ban Big pharma first. If the incidents where guns save lives can be so brutally discounted by them, then by the same illogic, so can we discount any benefits from Big Pharma. That’s the magic of logic for you.



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