What! Hillary Clinton Wants Europe to Cut Immigration! (What’s the Catch?) By Richard Miller

     At the moment the chattering class has their frilly knickers in a knot (gender neutral frill of course, no sexism please), because a Latino media commentator, Anna Paulina, said in response to a question about the continual media presence of Hillary Clinton, that she was like “herpes”! Wow, did that stir up the pop, I mean pot, comparing the old girl to a lingering sexually transmitted disease. Sure, we Christians don’t talk crude like that, but remember, we are an absolute minority now, and thus we have to react to what happens in the establish, even if that means, as journalists, rolling in the manure.

     It seems Ana is a rare American, who although Latino, supports Trump, is pro-gun and wants to stop the South American invasion of North America. And, she is a soldier, and extremely pretty. Gasp! The Left has almost choked on this package and are moving fast to shut her down. Ann Coulter, a beauty with brains herself, once wrote something that no man would dare to write today, that many of the Leftist women are obese and unattractive physically and that this may impact upon their politics. Yes, I think that is cruel, but who am I to tell a woman what to say?  I really don’t know, but respect their opinion to state such shamefully  shaming things, because, following the US Democrats, women must always be believed.

     And, what about Hilary Clinton, who has never gone away, but seems to be hated even more than in the election, with unpopularity growing by the day? Trump, racist, squark! Trump, racist, scream, eyes on stalks, like a monstrous snail:

     Has this led to Hillary now saying that Europe should limit immigration? How can that be?

“Failed U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said Europe should send signals that it will cut immigration, in order to combat the rise of populist parties. In an interview with Britain’s left-wing newspaper The Guardian, Clinton said that while she admired “the very generous and compassionate approaches” taken on mass migration from the third world, “particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel”, globalist parties in Europe need to change tack in order to maintain voters’ confidence in centrist politics. “[European politicians] must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able [to] continue to provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic,” she said.”

     Well, I cannot see that happening, for it is end game now.



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