Bernart Salt’s Weird Urban Algebra: Much Too Salty! by Brain Simpson

Bernard Salt (“Global Cities Offer Us a Lesson on Population,” The Australian, December 1, 2016, p. 28) offers us a lesson in urban algebra, or comparative urban development. He compares various global cities with Melbourne and finds that Melbourne is almost a population desert.
New York contains 24 million residents; Manhattan Island has a population density of four times that of Melbourne and Paris, six times. Thus compared to America and European standards Australian cities have only a modest population density.

The sub-text here, no doubt is that Australia should become just as dense as America and European cities. All that however, ignores numerous factors, such as the ecological support base of such cities, such as water supply. New York has no such problem with water. As well, Manhattan and Paris can maintain the population levels that they support because they serve as concentrated business and cultural centres, supported by vast resources outside of their cities, constantly shipped and trucked in. The cities are highly artificial constructs.

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Crushed by Debt (Not the 1 Percenters Who Have $116.6 Trillion) by James Reed

As a very informative article by Claire Connelly states “homes are less affordable, jobs are less secure, a growing number of people are forced into part-time work, and more and more people are struggling to pay their bills and must therefore cope with a greater burden of debt.” (ABC News, December 8, 2016)
Around 15 percent of willing labourers are not working, all while negative economic growth is occurring, with the ABS stating that a 0.5 percent contraction in the seasonally-adjusted GDP growth for the September quarter had occurred. The article observes: “There has been a deliberate attack on worker’s capacity to gain wages – it is not an accident that real wages are flat.”

Meanwhile, during the last six years, the rich have gotten richer and the poor, vastly poorer, according to the Swiss bank Suisse’s 2016 review of the world’s wealth. Nearly half of the world’s wealth ($US 255 trillion) is owned by 0.7 percent of the population:
Houston, we have a problem.

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian

Dr Peter Abelson, the Mayor of Mosman, is perfectly entitled to decline an invitation to attend a Jewish function because of his deep concern about Israeli occupation of the West Bank ('Rabbi pans mayor's anti-Israel "boycott"', 16/1). He is seeking to send a message to Israel and its supporters and has the right to do so. His action does not necessarily mean that he is failing to represent Jews who live in Mosman: that responsibility does not require him to attend this particular function or to be silent about Middle Eastern events.

He is not 'holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel' - some Jews, yes, but not all Jews. Nor are the pronouncements of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance to be taken as Holy Writ. That body appears to be too ready to censor political opinions it feels to be against certain Jewish interests.
NJ, Belgrave , Vic

The Sensible Religiosity of the Masses by Bruce Bennett

An article on the eve of Christmas Eve by Tim Montgomerie (“Western Elites Would Do Well to Understand the Masses’ Religiosity,” The Australian, December 23, 2016, p. 8), he points out that one of the mistakes made by Hillary Clinton was to assume that Christians would reject Donald Trump. But Trump promised Christians judges who would oppose abortion rights and uphold religious freedom.

Montgomerie goes on to say that journalists, primarily non-religious, have little knowledge about religion and tend to be dismissive of it. Perhaps they should all read a little booklet by psychologist Ronald Conway, On the Need for Religion in a Secular Society (1989).
Conway argues that religion, especially Christianity, is not about social work and worldly behaviour. Religion is about attitudes towards God and the divine, and how man should live in the light of such questions.

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Anti-gay, Sexist and Too White! Why, the NSW Labor, Of Course! by Mrs Vera West

My dear, at first I thought that they were referring to us, but then I remembered that the establishment policy is to keep quiet and ignore us, and let us just wither away… well at least me at my advanced old age.
But no, the reference is to the too white, sexist and homophobic NSW Labor, by Rose Jackson, NSW Labor’s assistant secretary:

Homophobic? Apparently there has not been an openly lesbian or gay person elected to a lower house constituency. I am shocked. And so it goes on.
Well, Jackson may be a woman, but she is white, and in accordance to the philosophy of white privilege, she should put her money where her mouth is, resign and let a migrant take her job. Do it Rose, and I am sure that the halo that will appear around your head will null the pain of unemployment.

The Myth of Martin Luther King and Abe Lincoln: Founders of the New Morality by Charles Taylor

One of the central figures who began the present regime of politically correct morality is Martin Luther King, and Martin Luther King Day is, in the United States, on the third Monday in January each year here in the United States, an honour bestowed upon no other American. The media go into a frenzy of adulation for “Dr” King. Does he deserve this?

First, his name is Michael King. King was the son of a black preacher known as “Daddy King.” In 1935 Daddy King decided to name himself after the Protestant reformer Martin Luther, and he asked his congregation to refer to his son as “Martin Luther King Jr.” However, the name change was never legalised and there is no evidence that King was ever bothered by this.

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Questioning Alleged Black Athletic Superiority by Charles Taylor

Black athletic superiority, over Whites and Asians, has been widely supported by those believing that racial differences are real: including White racialists and the pro-Black movement.
Eighty per cent of American pro-basketball players are Black and two thirds of American pro-footballers. So are most heavy weight American boxers (but not lighter weights). The marathon has been dominated by East Africans.

All true and undeniable. The racial theory then goes on to claim that Blacks dominate these sports because of a higher ratio of fast twitch to slow twitch muscle fibers. Never mind the fact that this distinction between muscle fibers is questioned by some physiologists and that its identification criteria are said to be logically circular, and that there may be a slow-to-fast muscle fire transition: In any case, Blacks, they say, have the genetic edge – they are just too good for the wore-out old White man.

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The Revolt Against the Globalists: Images of Disgust and Rebellion by John Steele

Look closely at the faces and eyes of Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn as they are forced to listen to Meryl Streep deliver an anti-Trump, pro-political correctness speech. This is the same person who gave a standing ovation to child-rapist Roman Polanski (;
These men radiate the look of disgust and rebellion, not because Trump is anything sacred, but because Streep and her ilk are attacking White Western civilisation, the people and culture which has allowed her to live beyond the imagination of even the richest queens of the past.

Streep, Madonna and Hillary Clinton etc. etc. would not last long if they had to face a world outside of the comfort zone of the urban consumerist wombs that they now live in. I expect that the coming collapse from the compounding and converging catastrophes, spoken of each day at this and other sites (,  will bring home natural selection and survival of the fittest with a vengeance.

Beware of the Resurrected Nazi Supercow! by Brian Simpson

The beef industry may never be the same again, as scientists go, not “back to the future,” but back to the past. Or, once they realise the political ramifications, they may forget the whole idea.

The aurochs – said in this article to be as big as an elephant (wrong, they were big, but not that big), roamed Europe for 250,000 years, until being hunted to extinction in 1627.
Now, not exactly through genetic engineering, but selective breeding, geneticists believe that they can produce large cattle very close to the aurochs. These new “supercows” have already been released in Romania, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Croatia, and are apparently doing just fine. Even wolves are not much of a problem, as the animals are so big and strong, they just mince them.

However, be aware that the Nazis revered these beasts, as part of their Germanic/Aryan bad, bad, more bad mythology (, so humanity better not go there even if it could generate a billion dollar industry, and lots of juicy profits and steaks.

The Collapsing Cities by Michael Ferguson

I heard a YouTube video by economist Aaron Clarey, a neo-masculinity blogger, “Why Hasn’t the Economy Collapsed Yet?’ at, and his central argument was that Western economies such as the United States, have collapsed, but we haven’t seen a “Mad Max” situation of anarchy because the system keeps the monster alive by constant resuscitation. That analogy though, doesn’t hold for cities.

A number of sites have commented this week that many cities are on the verge of an almost Mad Max collapse. A Wired article has reported that Robert Muggah (,  using data on 2,100 cities worldwide, has found these cities to be violent, unsafe and unsustainable. At least 30 cities are on the brink of disaster, because of a number of factors ranging from unemployment, ethno-racial conflict, terrorism, natural disasters, income inequality etc.

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German Women are Hiding their Blonde Hair Under Caps: All is Going Well, According to the Grand Plan by Mrs Vera West

German women are hiding their hair to avoid racial profiling by migrants who, it is alleged, are targeting Nordic/Germanic women for sexual violence. A 16-year-old girl has uploaded a video, which apparently violates Facebook’s new “hate speech’ guidelines, because only Whites can be “racist.”

But the plea has been posted at
Here is a transcript of what she says about the death of Germany. Keep in mind, that this fate is what the globalists have for us in Australia too, with some variation:

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The Logic of Homelessness and Sleeping Rough: Some Meditations by Uncle Len, PhD in Bumology

Once again, large bags of emails have been piling into central office, cluttering the desk space, inquiring about the fate of everyone’s favourite degenerate, Uncle Len.

I live, barely. The hot weather in the shed has produced an attack of the mutants, with cockroaches as big as cats, and rats as big as small dogs. The combined forces of Mordor have waged war against my meagre possessions. But I have fought back, bravely, with chemical weapons purchased from Billy Bunter, the local hardware store. I almost poisoned myself in the process, but I killed all of the blitters. Until tomorrow. I trust

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Sev Ozdowski provides several good suggestions for reform of the Australian Human Rights Commission ('How to restore public confidence in the human rights commission', 20/1), but he fails to justify its existence. Simply asserting that 'Australians whose rights are being breached or who are unlawfully discriminated against deserve protection' is not an argument. Our traditional legal system can provide adequate protection and is less liable to manipulation by 'the political Left' and 'progressives championing political correctness and social justice'.

Brigitte Dwyer is thus right ('It may not be ideal, but we are saving lives at sea', 20/1) to warn against the dangers of 'the idealism embodied in the human rights movement'. We do not want to see in Australia Italy's problem of 'a facility built for15 people hosting up to 1500 immigrants' or the violence against women by migrants experienced in Germany. To defend our patch successfully, we are going to have to be very tough-minded indeed. It is about more than just diminishing deaths by drowning.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Obama’s Last Shot by John Steele

Writing in the Harvard Law Review (, soon-to-be yesterday’s man, Hussein Obama said, among other things, that prayer is not enough, but that America needs even more gun control. All that from a man who has killed many innocent civilians (,  and who is always guarded by big guys with lots and lots of…guns. He should be the first to go unarmed to prove his sincerity.

On the bright side, the gun side, Occidental Observer, not known for being much of a survivalist warrior site, has published an extract from Stefan Vestappen’s new book, A Masters Guide to the Way of the Warrior (Woodbridge Press, 2016).  The section published gives a concise argument as to why every free citizen, mentally capable and law abiding, should own a gun and know how to use it:

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Letter to The Editor

To the Weekend Australian Magazine
Disparaging Australia Day (‘Our day of dilemma’, Jan 21-22), Nikki Gemmell wrongly states that ‘many of the people resolutely not joining in the rejoicing are the ones who were here first.’ Wrong! No living Australian was here in 1788. Equally wrong is her claim that indigenous culture is ‘front and centre of our national being.’ That honour goes to British culture. Yes, the world changed ‘most grievously’ for the Aboriginal peoples after 1788, but history cannot be undone; and many of their descendants benefit greatly from the culture and infrastructure of our modern nation.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic


We must always keep the fact firmly fixed in our minds, that genuine democracy is decentralised control of policy making. This is in harmony with the Christian philosophy that all power and authority should arise from within the Individual, who should have the greatest possible self-determination.

There are two basic philosophies in the world, each diametrically opposed to the other; obviously these two philosophies and the policies arising from them, result in two different types of organisation. All organisation has to do with the association of individuals.

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The Treason of the Intellectuals by James Reed

Over the Christmas break period, I set about cleaning up my book shelf, getting ready for the grim reaper. Don’t leave it until it is too late I say. So I write this as I flip through some older books all on the theme of the intellectuals and the new class. The idea of the “treason of the intellectuals” is now pretty well out there so out go these books, committed to the flames to increase my carbon footprint and help prevent the next ice age, in a small way.

Paul Johnson, Intellectuals, (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1988); a big book with lots of dirt on so called great minds like Rousseau, Shelly, Marx, Ibsen, Hemingway, Bertrand Russell, Brecht, Sarte, Norman Mailer. There is something wrong with all of them personally, and they all hold to the idea that they are superior to us common folk and that society will be better if their ideas were adopted. In fact, as shown by Marx and others, their ideas are disasters, responsible for untold human misery.

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What if the First Humans Came from Australia, Not Africa? The Myth of the Aborigines as a First People by Brian Simpson

I return to an issue that I briefly discussed last year: what if the first humans came from Australia, not Africa, contrary to the received “Out-Of-Africa” anthropological hypothesis? Here I will explore this interesting idea further, citing Internet sources.

One article “Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow – Part 1,” at, says that the original molecular geneticists who first coined the “African Eve” name, had “conceded errors in their original research then dismissed Africa and repositioned Australia as the birthplace of Homo Sapiens sapiens.” The article quotes one as saying: “It seems too far out to admit, but while Homo erectus was muddling around the rest of the world, a few erectus had got to Australia and did something dramatically different – not even with stone tools – but it is here that Homo sapiens emerged and evolved.”

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Post-Truth? by James Reed

The Oxford English Dictionary organisation claimed that the word of the year for 2016 was “post-truth.” 
“Post-truth,” the OED says, is used as an adjective “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.”

The definition seems to imply that there can be “subjective facts,” which is more than a little odd, since “facts” have always been associated with objectivity. It also implies that there is such a thing as truth. That, of course, is not a problem for us, but for the postmodern Left it is, because, well, everything is a social construction, and that certainly includes truth. So the whole post-truth concept appears to be inconsistent with the rest of the absurd Leftoid ideology.
Be that as it may, post-truth has been used by the chattering class of the Left to explain everything they don’t like, such as Brexit and the triumph of Donald Trump. (The Australian, December 10-11, 2016, p. 20) The “deluded” masses, who haven’t yet fulfilled their revolutionary role, have been swayed by emotion and subjective factors.  This seems to be a return to classical Marxism, with its ideas of hegemony and false consciousness. It just goes to show that the Left have really no new ideas, but just turn over the compost in the garbage can of their decaying philosophies.

The Costs of Foreign Domination of Australian Agriculture by James Reed

The  ATOs Corporate Tax Transparency List for 2014-2015, has revealed the ugly truth that dozens of foreign multinational companies that have made billions buying and selling Australian agricultural commodities have paid no tax: Apparently these multinationals all made losses, some for the second year in a row. The companies span the entire Australian agricultural sector of grain, wool, dairy, wine, pork and other commodities.
If such companies make losses then why are they still operating here? Clearly we Australians, due to our absurdly biased tax laws, written to benefit the multinationals over locals, are being taken once again down the river. Wake up Australia!