The UN Plan to Put the Final Nail in the Coffin of the West By Brian Simpson

     The global conspiracy-based New World order, United Nations has said that Trump must let the caravan of illegals swarm into America, because, well, immigration is divine and no Western country has any rights at all. Something like that, only more deceptive:

“The UN Refugee Agency, though, is commanding Trump to accept the caravan of refugees, which some estimates now put at 10,000-strong. In an interview with Voice of America, a spokesman for the UN Refugee Agency said: Our position globally is that the individuals who are fleeing persecution and violence need to be given access to territory and protection including refugee status and determination procedure. And, if the people who are fleeing persecution and violence enter Mexico, they need to be provided access to the Mexican asylum system and those entering the United States need to be provided access to the American asylum system.”

     This is said even though most of the illegals have rejected staying in Mexico, and are eager to chew up US social welfare, and take away jobs from poor Black Americans.

So, by the definition of a “refugee,” these people are not refugees. The UN’s game plan is to end Western civilisation, and why not, because it seems to be everybody’s game plan today?

“Without borders, civilization would disappear. According to a 2017 Gallup poll, 14 percent of the world’s adults, including almost a third of Africans, would emigrate if they could. That is about 710 million people—almost equal to the population of Europe. If everyone who wanted to leave could, the First World would be overwhelmed by the Third, and the end of white nations would smother the global engine of scientific advancement, economic growth and human progress. The United Nations “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration” therefore menaces the West. It almost sounds like a threat: The compact says governments should “eliminate all forms of discrimination” against migrants. The distinction between citizen and non-citizen is a form of “discrimination,” so this would end nationality. The compact also wants governments to “promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration.”

This sounds like control over public discussion of immigration, which already exists in unfree nations such as the Britain. The United Nations has already promoted disposession. In a report called “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?” the answer was a resounding “yes.” Of course, since the global fertility rate is decreasing, mass migration is only a temporary solution, pushing back the expiration date on pyramid-scheme “social security” that requires a constantly growing working-age population. The resulting crunch for welfare programs would only be postponed. “Replacement migration” also assumes newcomers will work, whereas 95 percent of migrants in Germany are on welfare.”

     Australia must reject the UN compact, and we will only see action if we contact people like Pauline Hanson and Fraser Anning, and get them moving on it.

Senator Fraser Anning
Electorate Office
(Principal Office)
Suite 2, Level 36, Waterfront Place
1 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
Postal address
GPO Box 228
Brisbane, QLD, 4001
(07) 3221 9099
(07) 3221 9399

Senator Pauline Hanson
Electorate Office
(Principal Office)
Suite 6, Level 36, Waterfront Place
1 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
Postal address
GPO Box 228
Brisbane, QLD, 4001
(07) 3221 7644
(07) 3221 8422



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