Assimilation, the idea that small numbers of migrants, very gradually come to integrate into a dominant culture, and then blend in, is one of the great myths of liberalism. It has been debunked, first by recent Islamic immigration, not only with home-grown terrorism:, but also with the process of endless chain migration which has now been set into motion:, and its dispossessing effects upon the dwindling numbers of locals:
Secondly, the assimilation thesis is defeated by the sheer numbers of migrants which have completely transformed Western society. Australia, in particular is paraded as a “successful” multicultural society because the elites have been completely able to transform its Anglo-Saxon basis, 99 percent at Federation, to one where nearly half of all Australians, which only has a legal meaning, were either born overseas or have at least one parent who was: This is “successsful” because the transformation was done without a civil revolt, because of the deracination of Anglos and white pathology, something which needs discussion all on its own. It is not “successful’ considering the ethnic interests: of the displaced group, any more than Aboriginalists see their displacement as “successful.”