The Great Spring Whiteout Sale: White Shift; White Genocide Charles Taylor

     A new book, explains the real consequences of immigration, and it  does have profound ethno-racial consequences, contrary to years of pro-immigration/ multiculturalism propaganda, and it does involve what has been called the Great Replacement:

     The new book is by Eric Kaufmann called Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities, and the book will apparently not be published until next year. Here is a bit from the page:

“Protests, counter-protests, and fearmongering by political commentators?can’t we all just get along? Whiteshift shows how rethinking ethnic diversity and populism can bring the partisan West together again and gives us a way forward. Across the West, anti-immigration populists are tearing a path through the usual politics of left and right. Immigration is remaking Europe and North America: over half of American babies are non-white, and by the end of the century, minorities and those of mixed race are projected to form the majority in many countries. We are in the midst of a transition phase where the left-right distinction is being overshadowed by a culture war pitting whites who dislike diversity against those who embrace it. Ethnic transformation will continue, but conservative whites are unlikely to exit quietly; their feelings of alienation are already redrawing political lines and convulsing societies across the West.

Drawing on detailed and extraordinary survey, demographic, and electoral data and enriched with illustrative stories, Whiteshift explores the majority response to ethnic change in Western Europe, North America, and Australasia. Eric Kaufmann, a leading expert on immigration, calls for us to move beyond empty and partisan talk about national identity and open up debate about the future of white majorities. He argues that we must ditch the “diversity myth” that whites will dwindle, replacing it with the concept of whiteshift?a new story of majority transformation that can help lift anxieties and heal today's widening political divisions.
A bold, original work, Whiteshift will redefine the way we think about ethnic diversity and populism.”

     Well, the usual bs. I did find in the scatterings above an idea about how the Great Displacement will be marketed upon the passive, childlike Euro-white populations, not from Whiteshift though:

“What then can be done? (Apart, of course, from widespread and vigorous miscegenation, which is the best answer, but perhaps tricky to arrange as public policy.) First, we need to raise still more taxes to help regenerate inner-city ghettos and to employ more young people, white and black. Tony Blair spoke very well on Wednesday, and Jack Straw has driven this process through with grim vigour. But this is a Gordon Brown issue too. The next answer was given by Doreen Lawrence, welcoming the report's emphasis on education: 'I truly believe in education our history, our background, is what separates us.' But, though teachers are the most effective anti-racist campaigners in the country, this means more than education in other religions it means a form of political education. Only people who understand the economic forces changing their world, threatening them but also creating new opportunities, have a chance of being immune to the old tribal chants.

And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain 'natural' beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off. The police are first in line to be burdened further, but a new Race Relations Act will impose the will of the state on millions of other lives too.
So it should - but not merely on the police, or the boys with spray-paint cans. Perhaps the big difference between working-class racism and middle-class racism is not that the former is more violent, but that the latter is more effective. The middle classes have sacrificed almost nothing to multi-racial pieties - often no more than smiling at the shopkeeper, inviting a black colleague for a drink or being pleased when your child knows as much about Diwali as Easter. That's the beam in our eyes -hypocritical abuse of the poor by people unwilling to pay higher taxes or review their own organisations and lives. We need a rethink in all big British institutions - venerable, liberal, conservative, commercial, public and educational - as they seriously ask themselves how eagerly porous they are to black people. Yes: employment quotas, publicly published numbers of ethnic-minority employees in annual reports. All that. They do it in America and South Africa. Until we start doing it here, why should anyone on the streets listen to a word, a single word, that the comfortable people have to say?”

     So much for liberalism and freedom, but thanks for the advanced warning; much appreciated. The elites are assuming that all goes swimmingly well with the economy, that there will not be a coming economic breakdown, which has the joyful consequence of waking up even the softest of individuals, when faced with starvation. Again, mass immigration requires food and water, and if that is missing, human population numbers crash like any other animal population. That too, assumes no nuclear bombs go off; even multiculturalism is not resistant to nuclear explosions, although one would think that it is divine from reading the texts of the glazed-eyed Left. Oh, then there is general social breakdown, but we don’t need to even go there, because that is far beyond the comprehension of the ethno-multicult lobby:



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