Le Pen on the Four Sovereignties by James Reed

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has vowed to “destroy the New World Order” when she is elected President of France, warning the European elites that she will “dismantle their corrupt, self-serving institutions with my own two hands if I have to.”
See: http://yournewswire.com/marine-le-pen-destroy-new-world-order/.

“The people have spoken and their message is clear: the New World Order is finished,” Marine Le Pen said.
“The elite are not safe hiding behind their propaganda fuelled media institutions, making unaccountable decisions in Brussels, and silencing citizens who speak out against this insanity. When I am President a tidal wave of revulsion will be coming their way, the likes of which has never been seen before.”

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What! I’m Not on the World’s Most Powerful People List? by Uncle Len, the Powerless, Meditates

Imagine my surprise when conducting the in-depth research that extreme right wingers know, love and expect from yours truly Uncle Len, I came across: http://www3.forbes.com/business/the-worlds-most-powerful-people-2016/21/.

Predictably the list was of leading US, Russian, European political leaders, with a few bankers thrown in for good measure. We all know the names, but the ones who really rule, were not there. You know, those who regularly meet around a pentagram shaped table with Satan, Prince of Darkness, to give him orders.
I am glad that I live in a world where I am not on any such list. Poor in body, but mighty free in spirit. Remember the old rhythm: two men looked out through the same bars; one sees mud, the other the stars. (Frederick Langridge, 1896)

Offending Islam, by Doing Anything by Ian Wilson LL.B

The pollies work out the best way of deceiving us over reforms to section 18 C, so that it is not weakened and faithfully serves the ethnic/multicult elite. But, Anne Aly, Australia’s first female Muslim MP, believes that that race discrimination laws should be expanded to cover insults based on religion as well, so that tougher speech laws will make it illegal to offend Muslims because of their religion: https://wentworthreport.com/2017/03/31/australian-mp-wants-to-make-it-illegal-to-cause-religious-offence-to-muslims/; https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/03/australia-muslim-mp-wants-to-make-offending-muslims-a-criminal-offense; https://heatst.com/world/australian-mp-wants-to-make-it-illegal-to-cause-religious-offence-to-muslims/.

Victoria and now the ACT have religious vilification laws, suppressing free speech in exactly the same way section 18 C does.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Age
Your latest report on the struggle for the return to Australians of unequivocally free speech on race (‘Senate to kill changes in race hate law’, 21/3) seems to indicate that the necessary significant reform of the Racial Discrimination Act will be largely or wholly stymied not by principled argument but by the desire of a majority of MPs to avoid ‘alienating ethnic communities’ - that is, to achieve electoral advantage.

There is an old saying: ‘Unhappy is the land that has no heroes.’ It seems that here, as in overseas nations such as Germany, France and Canada, honourable dissidents on controversies involving race are likely to be publicly pilloried, with their self-sacrifice needed to awaken the whole community eventually to the vital need of free speech to maintain political freedom for all.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Liberal senator James Paterson describes ‘Holocaust deniers’ as ‘serious wrongdoers’ who should not be able to ‘avoid liability’ under a reformed section 18C (‘Reform 18C now or risk losing it’, 17/3). I wonder why this defender of free speech is unwilling to extend it to dissident historians, irrespective of how right or wrong they may be. Indeed, I wonder why he does not use the truer term ‘Holocaust revisionists’ and on what grounds he declares them to be wrongdoers.

An inadequately discussed aspect of the current free speech controversy is the position under present or reformed legislation of revisionist historians. The principle of free speech demands that no particular religious, political, historical or scientific view be peculiarly privileged as a result of special pleading.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Fear the Lawyer Class by Ian Wilson LL.B

In the US a federal District Court judge has considered ordering President Trump to double the 50,000 refugee inflow to the United States: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/03/16/judge-considers-ordering-50000-refugees/. This was held even though each new immigrant is subsidized at about US $ 1,600 per year for decades.

As well, according to a Center for Immigration Studies report, by S. A. Camarota (et al.), Mapping Immigration’s Impact on Public Schools (March 2017), at http://cis.org/sites/cis.org/files/camarota-pumas_0.pdf, migration is absorbing US school resources and overcrowding classrooms, with a near-term meltdown of the school system, on the agenda.

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Social Construction on the Nose by Brian Simpson

Race, we are told, is a social construction, with no foundation in biology. We should see this as pc rubbish, since the same is now said about sex and gender. Surprisingly enough, it is not said about physical things such as alleged climatic change, which is oh so real and threatening for the Left. Surely, it too, must be a social construct, and therefore, not real, an illusion of society. Society is a god that for the radical Left magically creates the universe. Such a stupid philosophy for spoilt baby boomers.

Nevertheless, real science still struggles to produce research that shows the falseness of the Leftoid position. For example, a recent paper, A. Zaidi (et al.), “Investigating the Case of Human Nose Shape and Climate Adaptation,” PLoS Genetics, March 16, 2017, has confirmed the “Thomson Nose rule” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Thomson_(anatomist)),  that people in cold climates, such as northern Europe have longer tighter noses to humidify and warm air, while this is not needed in Africa, hence wider nostrils to cool air. Although this feature has been said to be purely random, due to genetic drift, these researchers refuted this claim by showing that the statistical variation could not be accounted for by chance alone.
Socially construct that!

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Is Trump a Winner, or a Loser? by Charles Taylor

How badly did the chattering class wanted to get a copy of Trump’s tax returns during the election to show that he minimised taxes, just like the Clintons? Now it has happened and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow revealed it all in a program. Unfortunately for the Left, it was revealed that Trump actually paid more, not less, tax than Obama, with Trump paying an effective tax rate of 24.5 percent and Obama, 19 percent: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/03/16/report-maddows-trump-tax-scoop-sparks-battle-between-nbc-msnbc-bosses/.

Revealing a private citizen’s tax records, illegally obtained, is a federal offence. Trump could go after her, but he seems too weak to fight back against his enemies. I think that his continuous displays of weakness will over the months lead to the public deserting him in support. Rather than being a winner, as he says he always is, he is fast looking like a loser, that the Left can whip as they see fit, breaking the law with no fear of punishment from a president who has yet to prove himself. Would-be “gangsta” rappers can even threaten to make his wife into their prostitute, and he does nothing.

Integration/Multicult Nonsense by James Reed

In the Politics, Book V, Aristotle said: “Another cause of revolution is differences of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit. A state is not the growth of a day. Hence the reception of strangers, in colonies either at a time of their foundation or afterwards has generally produced revolution.”
Such wisdom has not been part of Australian politics, obsessed as it is, with globalism and manic growth capitalism since the beginning.

Whenever there is public concern about mass immigration and multiculturalism, the power elites roll out the old “they will integrate” mantra, as they have been doing since 1947, when all this really got going.

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Why it is a Good Idea to be Friends with Russia by John Steele

The neo-conmen and “Dumocrats” have been itching for war with Russia, something that they hoped Hillary Clinton would have given them. It was never even a remotely sensible military option, since Russia has been developing new age weapons, such as a tidal weapon or nuclear drone, that can burrow into the sea floor, and be activated at some point, causing a massive tidal wave: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-18-secret-russian-weapon-could-wipe-out-nyc-boston-and-d-c-in-minutes-with-a-massive-radioactive-tidal-wave.html.

While the US under Obama has been concerned about transgenderism and bathrooms, the manly warrior Russians have been developing, well, manly weapons that are not politically correct. The Russians are moving into the Star Wars realm, with plasma and Tesla Haarp weapons, and probably much more. You don’t really want to fight these guys.
Thus, the idea recently put forward by Ann Coulter, to make Russia a sister country, a friend and not an enemy, makes a lot of sense: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/03/15/ann-coulter-lets-make-russia-sister-country/. If Trump can do this, he may head off World War 4 and the end of human civilisation.

Holy War and the Weapons Just Flow in by John Steel

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has warned that Europe is headed for “wars of religion”: https://www.rt.com/news/380970-europe-religion-wars-turkey/. I, for one, feel that such wars are already here.
Although there has been mention of this at this site, the claim needs to be read against the massive arsenal of weapons that was intercepted in Spain, including thousands of assault rifles, machine guns, grenades, howitzers and anti-aircraft guns: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3092362/shocking-police-pictures-reveal-10000-weapon-arsenal-intended-for-the-hands-of-terrorists-including-howitzers-machine-guns-and-grenades/. The weapons were intended for criminals and terrorists. Here is a photograph of what came into Europe on one particular day:
Clearly, the smuggling of this many arms into any country is an open declaration of war. It is plain to see, and we have been told. That is, if experience is not enough.

In November 2015, Islamic terrorists armed with assault rifles, in gun-controlled Paris killed 130 people. Imagine what will be done with even heavier firepower.
It is perhaps not surprising that the elites across the world are getting into survivalism big time, to the extent of purchasing underground doomsday bunkers: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-18-the-wealthy-are-going-underground-as-luxury-doomsday-bunkers-sprawl-across-kansas.html; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3538525/Where-pandemonium-strikes-Super-rich-buying-underground-bunkers-installing-panic-rooms-luxury-apartments-protect-against-revolutions-natural-disasters.html.
The rich can certainly see the writing (in blood) on the wall.

Hi. My Name is River and I have a Drinking Problem! by Uncle Len, Who is Not So Crazy After All

What! In an act of environmental political correctness, the New Zealand government has given personhood status to the Whanganui river, which the Maori regard as sacred: https://www.rt.com/viral/380870-nz-river-legal-status/. The river thus has the same rights as someone like Uncle Len, also thought to be a person. Actually, the river will have more rights than me, because as the eternally dispossessed Anglo, my only real right is to die.

Your guess is as good as mine where this will all lead, and probably your guess is better than mine, because I don’t know where it will lead, beyond there being even more madness down the track, until the world just can’t take any more and just blows up. No, that won’t happen. What will happen, projecting all of this onwards, is that the Western tradition will be dismantled. Too bad for anyone wanting to eat.

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Sometimes the Chattering Class are Just Plain Stupid by Mrs Vera West

Actress Scarlett Johansson did a sketch on Saturday Night Live, the show that pushes libtard trash: http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/03/12/snl-scarlett-johansson-mock-ivanka-trump-complicit-perfume-ad/. If you look at the coverage of this on the false news mainstream sites, you will see this satire portrayed as brilliant. It is nothing of the sort, and needs to be torn up. So, to start, here is Breitbart’s description.

“Johansson, who hosted the NBC comedy show for the fifth time Saturday night, is pictured in the sketch walking into a room filled with gold fixtures and where champagne is being served to party guests. Every man knows her name. Every woman knows her face,” a commercial voice-over plays over the ad. “When she walks into a room, all eyes are on her. She’s Ivanka. And a woman like her deserves a fragrance all her own. A scent made just for her. Because she’s beautiful. She’s powerful. She’s… Complicit,” the ad continues...

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Camille Paglia Rips the Heart Out of PC Feminism by Mrs Vera West

You have to love Camille Paglia, for being all so right at least 50 percent of the time. She is back in the headlines after her attack on transgenderism: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/sam-dorman/camille-paglia-transgender-mania-symptom-cultural-collapse, and her defence of masculinity and masculine virtues: https://www.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303997604579240022857012920, with her new book, Free Women Free Men; Sex, Gender, Feminism, (Pantheon, 2017).

For our purposes, what is useful is her attack on anti-male feminists. In particular, she says that men should have the same rights as women, and today they don’t:

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Does John Howard “Cherish Western Civilisation”? by James Reed

The Australia, March 14, 2017, p1, had a masthead, “John Howard: why it’s time to cherish Western civilisation.” There was an article by him on page 12 praising the Ramsay Centre, which I suppose, is better than nothing.

But, the question in my mind is how can the likes of Howard be seen as supporters of Western civilisation? In my opinion,  their economic rationalism was undermining of the basic social capital of the institutions comprising Western civilisation. Howard did nothing to deal with section 18 C, or fight for free speech. He began a massive Asian migration program that began the displacement of elite jobs once held by European Australians, well documented in Dr Peter Wilkinson’s book, The Howard Legacy: Displacement of Traditional Australia from the Professional and Managerial Classes: http://www.theindependentaustralian.com.au/node/10. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

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The Parable of the Skittles by Charles Taylor

During the election, Donald Trump Jr upset the libtard applecart by comparing Syrian refugees to a bowl of skittles (a lolly): if three in the bowl were poisoned clearly you wouldn’t take any if you had no way of finding the bad ones.

The Australian, March 23, 2017, p. 1, reports that over 500 Iraqi and Syrian refuges in the past year have been refused entry because their names were on an international security watch list, and at least 30 of them were on ASIO’s national security terrorism watch list, and an unnamed number of others having adverse national security profiles. All are capable of Lindt café style sieges and attacks like that seen in Paris in 2015. The illegal guns are coming into the country and the criminals and terrorists are well armed. Wasn’t banning guns for ordinary people a great idea, that is, if you want a population of ducks ready for duck season.

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The Arrogance of the New Conquistadors by Paul Walker

Turkey’s leader Tayyip Erdogan has been snarling that Europeans “will not walk safely on the streets” if his ministers are not permitted to campaign in Europe to expand his powers. The exact words of his threat, which once would be taken as an act of war, were: 

“If you continue to behave like this, tomorrow in no part of the world, no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully.”

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Section 18 C: We have Not Seen Anything Yet by James Reed

The Australian has been busy, busy, busy, proclaiming that Mal Turnbull is on a “crusade for free speech.” The Australian, March 22, 2017, p. 1. Turnbull has proposed that section 18 C will retain the offences of  “intimidate,” but abolish “insult,” “humiliate” and “offend,” and have a raided bar standard of “harass.” The standard of the reasonable member of the Australian community would now be added.  What this means, in effect is that nothing much will change. The court will simply redefine their terms and it will be multicult business as usual keeping the dying Anglo-Australians under control.

I note that The Australian, March 22, 2017, p1, says that Senator Nick Xenophon was an “immediate barrier to the reform plan, signalling he could accept changes to how complaints are handled by the Australian Human Rights commission but would oppose the most sweeping alterations to the race-hate laws.” I am not surprised. Ask yourself why he is opposing these very lukewarm changes. Got the answer? South Australians need to toss this guy out of office when he next comes up for re-election.

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Take that Katana! by John Steele

This is not of earth-shattering political importance, but Professor Greg Olson, a blonde professor at Northwestern University, is creating a new generation of super-tough, lighter steels: https://www.wired.com/2001/02/dragonslayer/. There is hope of using these steels throughout industry and the military, but at the moment, in the experimental stage, his team has made a super sword, the dragonslayer, a Beowulf sword.

There is a great mythology associated with the Japanese katana, a sword said to be able to cut rifle barrels in half. It is simply not true: I have used a katana, albeit a cheaper, but still a good one, to cut a forest of weeds, and when I hit a piece of mild steel pipe, the katana bit deeply into the pipe, but was severely chipped. It would not have cut through the pipe of about one inch diameter.
However, turning this all around, Olson’s team have made a  sword capable of cutting a katana in half. I am sure that the Japanese and white fan boys will be saddened to hear that: http://srg.northwestern.edu/.

So Hard Done By by P. Button

Sorry, but I can’t help noticing how many of those of the “Stolen Generation,” who have for years been claiming racial discrimination because they were taken from their Aboriginal parents, had white foster parents who  sent them to very good schools, some, top private colleges. I know that being taken away from one’s natural parents is intrinsically traumatic, but, unless there was an official policy to commit genocide (that is murder), which appears not to have been, is it so wrong to take children away from harm and give them a good education? Apparently, yes. I am not questioning this directly, only thinking through the consequences.

Let us not even get into the issue of mixed race, because, well, it is illegal to talk about, and races don’t exist, being social constructions, unless the power elites say that they do, then they exist exactly as they say they do. Amazing,  but this is not to be questioned.

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