The Hyper-Cucked West By John Steele

     As pointed out in a confronting article at, Europe, and arguably the rest of the West, has not woken up to the realities of the cold winds of war which are blowing through societies at an alarming pace.
    The death toll from Islamic terrorism so far is: Madrid: 191. London: 58. Amsterdam: 1. Paris: 148. Brussels: 36. Copenhagen: 2. Nice: 86. Stockholm: 4. Berlin: 12. Manchester: 22.  There are, as well, hundreds of Europeans murdered in  Bali,  Sousse,  Dakka, Jerusalem,  Sharm el Sheikh and Istanbul. On average there have been terrorist attacks in Europe on an average of one every nine days. But, as the Gatestone article cited above notes,  Europe is fighting back with teddy bears, candles, flowers, vigils, Twitter hashtags and cartoons.”

     We have often commented on how this is likely to end, but recently Roosh v, who himself is non-White, has given a frank statement on where open borders immigration leads. Are you ready for it? The May 15, 2017 article is entitled “The Barbarians Will Solve Your Sterile Existence”:

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Why We Need to Fear North Korean Nuclear Missiles By James Reed

     There is a school of capitalist business-as-usualism, which holds that we should not be concerned about North Korean nuclear attacks on the West because the Americans have the technology to shoot down the missiles. Recently the US shot down a mock ICBM just to show that it means business.
    However, the only successful tests have been conducted in daylight, not night, let alone in ultra-bad weather. The US has had around a 50 percent success rate shooting down 10 missiles in 18 tests, with the missiles moving over a known path: The Australian, June 1, 2017, p. 9.
This is far from satisfactory because a mass launch of missiles means that almost 50 percent of targeted cities will be destroyed. Hopefully, not our city, but who knows what tomorrow will bring:

The Race War of South Africa By Paul Walker

     The papers have reported that South Africa is heading to a bloody race war, with growing numbers of farm invasions, and the threat of further illegal confiscations of white farms: Liberal globalists objected to this article, as the recognition of the clear failure of the multiracial dream is unpalatable to them.

     Meanwhile the victims of this supposed war begin to pile up, not just in farm invasions and deaths and tortures:;,  but in the day-to-day ghoulish rapes/murders.
    The latest horror: Hannah Cornelius, a 21-year-old student, who was raped, stabbed and strangled to death in Stellenbosch South Africa, by four blacks who had carjacked her. Two suspects have, at the time of writing, been caught. No doubt, this will not be seen as a hate crime:

Islam, Immigration, Refugees and Terrorism By Bruce Bennett

     The ASIO director-general has said that there is “absolutely no evidence” of a link between Australia’s refugee intake and terrorism: The Weekend Australian, May 27-28, 2017, p.1. This was a bit hard to swallow, and even The Australian said that the remarks were made “despite multiple Islamic terrorist acts in the past three years involving individuals on humanitarian visas, or their children.”

     The debate exploded with the Attorney General defending the ASIO boss’s comments: The Australian, May 31, 2017, p. 1, saying that Middle East refugees are not the source of the terrorism problem. There is, he observed, many aspects to the Islamic terrorism problem, including the radicalisation of young people by terrorist organisations. True, but trivially true. This is really a superficial response to the issue, as other experts admitted that even if the actual refugees were not a terrorist risk, the sons and daughters of refugees were at danger of radicalisation: The Australian, June 1, 2017, p.1. Thus, it is true that merely being a refugee from the Middle East did not automatically make one a terrorist, but who has said that? No Australian  authority has said that the children of refugees have radicalised solely because their parents were refugees, for clearly other cultural factors must be at work.

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The Silence of the Lambs By Bruce Bennett

     Another day, another slaughter from terrorists, this time in Manchester, where a home-grown Islamic terrorist suicide bomber murdered 22 people, including mothers and children. Salman Abedi was the British-born son of Libyan refugees, and recently returned to Britain from Libya, and had been in contact with Syrian Islamic fundamentalists:

     Abedi is thought to be only one of many ready suicide bombers, and Manchester police, along with most of Britain is on red-alert. Even in sleepy Australia, authorities intend to check all bags taken into the weekend football, which is a sound idea. The lack of security in Australia is just making it easy for the Manchester tragedy to be repeated here.
Indeed, the NSW coroner has found that the NSW police took too long to storm the Lindt café during the Monis siege, as well as numerous other errors: The Australian, May 25, 2017, p. 1.  In response, the NSW police will be given rifles to deal with terror threats. One hopes, given other incidents where innocent bystanders took friendly fire:,  that adequate training with rifles will be given.

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The Trojan Horse of ‘Constitutional’ Recognition By Nigel Jackson

     The ongoing campaign for ‘constitutional’ recognition of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is an enormous and dangerous scam, no matter how idealistic or not its various proponents are. An attempt to work a vast fraud on the Australian people is in progress; and it is difficult not to believe that there is a ‘third party’, financially and thus politically powerful, behind the whole adventure.

     This critical situation became even more apparent in a huge article in The Australian (20-21 May), ‘Renewing the Faith of 67’ by Nicolas Rothwell, journalist, authority on Aboriginal affairs and long-time advocate for ‘constitutional’ recognition. Although this article is far from impartial and thus genuinely comprehensive, it gives a useful summary of the moves towards ‘Aboriginal sovereignty’ (and thus future national division) since the 1967 referendum. It shows (unintentionally) that a clear pattern emerges of a long-term plan to destabilise the Australian nation, just as former communist Geoff McDonald predicted in his 1982 book Red Over Black.

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Letter to The Editor

If you are trying to understand Scott Morrison’s Budget, which someone has described as a ‘Labor Budget’, then the following quote from Mr Robert Menzies (Leader of the Liberal Party) in The Age, March 3, 1941, p. 7, may bring some enlightenment.
Mr. Menzies is reported to have said:

“I always tell my Opposition friends that the only difference between us is that I am theoretically non-Socialist, yet an amazingly practical Socialist, while they are theoretical Socialists. People will take things from us they wouldn’t take from the Labor party. That is outstandingly true in Australia. It is a question of speed. The whole process has been a magnificent justification of the Parliamentary system despite its superior critics. You get two views which, in theory, are violently opposed. In practice the extreme course of today is a commonplace of tomorrow. I claim to think, and that seems to be a most unpopular pastime with a great number of people.”

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So, We have Only 100 Years Left for Naked Lady Lap Dancing! By Paul Walker

     Sorry for mentioning naked ladies in the title, but trust me, it is relevant and not gratuitous sensationalism just to get Google hits. You see Stephen Hawking, who is ok in the IQ department, has said that humanity seriously needs to start looking for a new planet because within 100 years, this one will be pretty much finished, from everything from pollution to nuclear war and the population bomb:

     Well, let us suppose that this is so, just for the sake of argument. What is to stop the new planet from being destroyed in record time too? If we can’t save this one, then what likelihood is there of saving the next? And, the one after that? At some point we will reach the limit of space exploration and have to face our own hubris. Why not do it now? In fact, with the slow development of space travel, and the problems of long-term life in space, it is most unlikely that our future will be in the stars:;;
    Meanwhile, in his down time Professor Hawking likes to frolic with the naked ladies at a Californian sex club, as far as that is possible for someone with motor neuron disease in a wheelchair:
    My guess is that given he has previously said that we had 1,000 years to get off the planet, we should take the latest news with a bag of salt.

Last One Out Turn Off the Lights By James Reed

     See, I told you so. No good will come from this seductive high tech society. Dutch intelligence chief Rob Bertholee, has said that the world may be close to a “serious act of digital sabotage” which could trigger unrest, “chaos and disorder.” See:
Bertholee  said at a cyber-security conference in The Hague,  that sabotage of critical infrastructure “is the kind of thing that might keep you awake at night.” Digital threats “are not imaginary, they are everywhere around us.” “In my opinion, we might be closer to a serious act of digital sabotage than a lot of people can imagine.”
For example, apart from the existing “ransomware” attack, in 2012 the computers at Saudi Arabia’s largest oil company came under brief attack, and three years later Ukrainian electricity companies were hacked resulting in  a massive blackout lasting several hours.

“Imagine what would happen if the entire banking system were sabotaged for a day, two days, for a week.” “Or if there was a breakdown in our transportation network. Or if air traffic controllers faced cyberattacks while directing flights. The consequences could be catastrophic.” “Sabotage on one of these sectors could have major public repercussions, causing unrest, chaos and disorder.”
    Islamic terrorists may move in this direction, but conventional powers are also likely to resort to cyber-attacks, and may well be undertaking them now.
    I for one, am stocking up on candles and matches for when the lights go out – forever.

Letter to The Editor

     Maurice Newman asks a very pertinent question (‘Turnbull stood applauding as Liberal inheritance sank from view’, 22/5): ‘Who now will champion our freedoms?’  The answer is: those who care for and fight for truth. Ah yes, but what does this mean?
     The nature of truth is a metaphysical mystery, which is why in the founding narrative of our culture Jesus does not try to reply to Pontius Pilate’s question ‘What is truth?’ In all traditional societies it has been the role of religion, of the guardians of the sacred, to maintain for communities access to truth and, at the same time, to ensure that truth is mediated into worldly human society. This fundamental reality is beautifully symbolised in the Old Testament by the account of Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28:12).
     Unfortunately Christian sacred tradition has become ossified and attenuated. It no longer serves as an adequate guide. Instead we observe the growth of literalist evangelicalism and fundamentalism, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, secular dreaming by those on the left whom Eric Voegelin, one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, stigmatised as ‘modern gnostics’. Neither, as Carl Jung warned, is commensurate to the challenges of our times.
     Our new champions, then, will be young persons who have seen through this cultural confusion and reconnected with gateways to metaphysical reality.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

French Voters are Getting What They Voted For By Peter Ewer

    If we can trust the French election results, and Ms Le Pen with her female strength, has given no indication that we cannot, then the majority of French people must be mighty happy with the state of France, much like these Italians: Not to worry, for most of the migrants will go to Northern Europe anyway:

    France can therefore be happy with:, and the creation of no-go zones for women:;  Or, you can read it in French, while the language still exists:

Letter to The Editor

     Australia has badly needed for some time the statement on 'constitutional' recognition provided by Greg Sheridan ('Misguided, squeamish liberals are failing Aborigines', 25/5). Yes, any such recognition is fundamentally unjust as well as being nationally divisive. While Sheridan is right to object to the one-sided government campaign in support of this misguided project, the Liberals are by no means the only culprits. What about the foolish idealists of the left who have learned nothing from their predecessors' contribution to the disaster that is Zimbabwe? And what about external enemies only too eager to weaken our nation in pursuit of their own ambitions? 
NJ, Belgrave, Vic   


EU is Short for European Undoing Peter West

     The EU is just a form of globalism designed to ethnically destroy primarily Northern European people as an ethnic group and demographically displace them. The European Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos recently gave a speech at the “Conference on Migration, Security and how they affect the Future of Europe” in Geneva:

     He said:

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Are Men the Real Aggressors in Partner Abuse? By Mrs Vera West

     According to the US CDC:, a national study has shown that, contrary to the ideological claims of feminism, made each day to brainwash students in our schools and universities, more men than women are victims of partner abuse, and over 40 percent of men are victims of severe physical violence. Men are frequently the victims of psychological aggression.

     If one examines data about sexual abuse in US prisons, then more men than women are raped in the US: Looks like men deserve  “liberation” too.  Ask yourself, would a man who stabbed his partner have the usual prison term waived merely because it might damage his career? Not likely. But an Oxford female student stabbed her boyfriend and avoided jail for just this reason:

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From Gas to Ovens By Adrian Davis

    Trump previously bombed Syria because, it was alleged that President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, such as gas: There have been numerous critiques of this, not just from the fringes, but even more mainstream sources:, and of course, Putin denies that chemical weapons were used.

    Now, moving on from gas, the latest claim is that Syria is now operating genocidal ovens, burning the dead: “The most important human rights story of the week seems to have been largely overshadowed by political headlines. The report that should consume the international community is the revelation that U.S. satellite photos have identified crematoria at Syrian President Bashar Assad’s Sednaya prison. Assad built these killing centers to destroy the evidence of his mass murder of innocent civilians and political opponents in Syria, amid a growing genocide.”

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The Psychology of Prohibiting Outside Thought By James Reed

     There is an insight piece by Justin Murphy,, which deals, from the perspective of the Left, with the Left-wing dominance of the culture of discourse in the West.
Why does the Left close down Right wing thought, on moral grounds? Actually he should have probed deeper and recognised that the Left openly resort to violence to shut down anyone they see as a threat. On university campuses, even notices challenging aspects of globalisation get torn down. Therefore, the article is somewhat superficial and does not address the clear fact that the Left has state-legitimated terrorists who freely break the law, and are permitted to get away with it. These terrorists within a few years move into positions of power and continue the agenda of national suicide and racial destruction.

    Still, for its limits, the article has some merits, although written in the usual academic language:

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Letter to The Editor

     The great majority of Australians are unlikely to endorse 'constitutional' recognition of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, no matter what formula is produced at the  Uluru meeting ('Call to be bold on recognition', 25/5). This is because it is so obviously against the national interest as a whole. We are not willing to yield the sovereignty of any part of our nation to a very small ethnic group, no matter what their ancestry or the past sufferings of their ancestors during dispossession.

     Thus, their talk of 'indigenous sovereignty' at once arouses our opposition. So do demands that 'substantive change' must 'tell the truth about history.' We insist on maintaining open debate on all aspects of human history. Moreover, the current public debate in the media is not doing justice to non-Aboriginal Australians. A good example is the extraordinary assertion by Cheryl Saunders ('Constitutional recognition is a work in progress', 24/5) that the question of the meaning of recognition 'can only be answered by those being recognised.' Those doing the recognising have rights too!
NJ, Belgrave, Vic   

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Unemployment Rubbery Figures By James Reed

     The government tells us that the “official’ unemployment rate in Australia is 5.7 percent, which is “vote for me, good.” But, as pointed out in an article by the razor-sharp Adam Creighton (The Australian, May 22, 2017, p. 12), the official figure is nonsense, with the unemployment rate being at almost three times that, at 15 percent.

     Rather than 732,000 Australians not being able to find work, more than 2.26 million are unemployed. The way the government fakes the figures is to use a definition of "employment” that has any one working more than an hour a week as employed!  To be unemployed, the test is much harder: one needs to have applied for a job in the past four weeks and be ready to start work.

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We, gathered at the 2017 National Constitutional Convention, coming from all points of the southern sky, make this statement from the heart:

Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign Nations of the Australian continent and its adjacent islands, and possessed it under our own laws and customs.
This our ancestors did, according to the reckoning of our culture, from the Creation, according to the common law from ‘time immemorial’, and according to science more than 60,000 years ago.
This sovereignty is a spiritual notion: the ancestral tie between the land, or ‘mother nature’, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto, and must one day return thither to be united with our ancestors. This link is the basis of the ownership of the soil, or better, of sovereignty. It has never been ceded or extinguished, and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown.
How could it be otherwise? That peoples possessed a land for sixty millennia and this sacred link disappears from world history in merely the last two hundred years?
With substantive constitutional change and structural reform, we believe this ancient sovereignty can shine through as a fuller expression of Australia’s nationhood.
Proportionally, we are the most incarcerated people on the planet. We are not an innately criminal people. Our children are aliened from their families at unprecedented rates. This cannot be because we have no love for them. And our youth languish in detention in obscene numbers. They should be our hope for the future.
These dimensions of our crisis tell plainly the structural nature of our problem. This is the torment of our powerlessness.
We seek constitutional reforms to empower our people and take a rightful place in our own country. When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country.
We call for the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution. Makarrata is the culmination of our agenda: the coming together after a struggle. It captures our aspirations for a fair and truthful relationship with the people of Australia and a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination.
We seek a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations and truth-telling about our history.
In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard. We leave base camp and start our trek across this vast country. We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.

Today, There is Not Even a "Brisbane Line" By James Reed

     There is a lot in the papers recently about what a great bloke and leader Bob Menzies was: “Menzies Taught Us to Strive and Never Yield”: The Australian , May 22, 2017, p. 12.

     Now wait a minute! This is the same Bob Menzies called “pig iron bob,’ who gladly sold Australian steel to the imperial Japanese, who then used it to make weapons to be fired back at Aussies? See: If you research this on the net, you will see trade unionist sites and also old, not new Left sites, which in those days supported Aussie workers, as advancing the pig iron bob criticism. You will also find academics poo-pooing this, saying that it is an urban myth, just like the “Brisbane line,” Bob’s alleged plan to abandon all of Australia above a hypothetical line going through Brisbane.

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