The Amazing, the Incredible, Transgender Fish By Paul Walker

     Surprisingly enough, synthetic chemicals, such as the human contraceptive pill and other endocrine disruptor chemicals, flushed into oceans, is feminising fish populations, to such a degree that some species now have transgender      
and intersex fish. Some “male” fish have begun producing eggs:

     I can imagine how this will be used; see, we told you so: sex is just a social construction. And, in this case they may be right, because it really is human activity which is doing this. But, there won’t be any grants or jobs for the fish, only declining fish populations, and ultimate ecological destruction. Is there a lesson in this? Are humans set to go the same way? There are so many scenarios of doom circulating that I am suffering from “doom overload,” and need to see a good comedy just to lift my spirits. Anything with Leslie Nielsen (1926-2010), will be fine: A good scotch would also go down well.

Stephen Hawking’s Crazy Climate Crusade By James Reed

     Well, try and beat this one, in the theatre of the absurd stakes: Physicist Stephen Hawking who really should have had an “s” put on the end of his name, has gone from saying that the Earth will be doomed in 100 years time, to claiming that Trump pulling out of the sacred Paris Accord, will result in the Earth becoming like Venus, with 250 C temperatures, hot enough to melt lead, and yield sulphuric acid rain.

     Even the most fanatical climate changes scientists think that this is a bit much, although it could happen in a billion years or so, when the sun expands and the oceans evaporate. But, that is a long time off, assuming it happens at all.  We will not be here, and hopefully in Heaven with the angels. Some, though, the maths types, will be with the angles, or rather, in Hawking’s case, the curves:;

TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI: Countdown to Global Nuclear Annihilation By John Steele

     U.S. and North Korean tensions have moved to another level of anxiety, with North Korea having now tested its first intercontinental missile capable of hitting Darwin. This is years ahead of the predictions of the so-called experts, who constantly poo-poo the North Korea threat. China will do nothing to stop North Korea, which is one of its strategic assets:  So, assume that North Korea will be able to hit the US and/or Australia with nukes.

     It is also wise to assume that North Korea will keep its word in using those missiles. Hence, the point of no return has been reached, and there is likely to be war between the US and North Korea in the near future, with South Korea being destroyed, and maybe Japan to boot:

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Letter to The Editor - The Distance Between Christ and the Church

     Elizabeth Farrelly sees the Church as ‘the patriarchal superstructure’ that is built ‘like a skyscraper on a well’  (‘Be a saviour to your spiritual beliefs, free Christ’, 8/7), but I see it as a noble, if flawed, institution that offers me a sacred space in which to worship with my local neighbours every Sunday. I see it also as the organisation which introduced me to Jesus and his teaching. Without it, I might never have attended to his beautiful words and deeds.

     Yes, churches and church people have by no means always believed and acted in accordance with the gospel wisdom at the heart of our sacred tradition, but we should not exaggerate the distance between Christ and the Church. Both are always needed.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

The Incredible Racist Babies By Mrs Vera West

     With the “race is a social construction” school in dominance of intellectual life in the decadent and decaying West, fanatically pursued in our disgraceful “occupied territory” of the universities,  surprisingly, sometimes, a few drips of truth manages to seep through the thought barriers, to land on the hot desert landscapes of political correctness, to briefly sizzle, then evaporate.

     It seems that race-based bias to one’s own kind now begins at six-to-nine-months, with infants having a preference for their own race and a bias against other races:;
    Once upon a time, this would be regarded as natural, but today, where it is necessary to genocide Whites, primarily Northern Europeans, the Establishment is disturbed at the implications of such studies. Solutions are sought, such as introducing babies, primarily Whites, to non-Whites as soon as possible, to get the whole dispossession  process rolling. You see, it is not good for global capitalism, to have any “us” and “them,” at least as far as the West goes. We would not want anyone to start to think that passive genocide of the White race  is a bad thing, would we?

The Cecil Effect By John Steele

     The mainstream media whipped up a feeding frenzy about the killing of one lion, they called “Cecil,” by a “millionaire dentist” Walter Palmer, on a reserve in Zimbabwe on July 1, 2015. He had to go into hiding to escape the madness that was generated, but now, long after the bs has dried and blown away, he is free to drive his new Porsche to a cocktail bar: Good for him.

     Hunting is a natural activity of most flesh-eating animals, and philosophers such as Roger Scruton (On Hunting, (1999): and the Spanish philosopher  Jose Ortega Gasset (Meditations on Hunting, (1996):, have argued that  that hunting is part of human nature. According to Gasset:

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Trump and the Might of the West By Charles Taylor

     Despite having some major set-backs, where it looked like Trump was to be another neo-con, the Bannon-influence seems to be having some impact, as seen in his Poland speech. In case you missed it, the core message was: the West has the strength to survive, and deserves to. Here is the speech, in all its glory:

“PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. That’s so nice. The United States has many great diplomats, but there is truly no better ambassador for our country than our beautiful First Lady, Melania. Thank you, Melania. That was very nice. (Applause.)
We’ve come to your nation to deliver a very important message: America loves Poland, and America loves the Polish people. (Applause.) Thank you.

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Once There Was a Liberal Party You Could Believe In


Mass Immigration: Benign Anglo Saxon Genocide By Peter West

      The elites have been doing cartwheels in joy about the news fresh from the Australian Census, with 49.3 percent of Australians being migrants, or having at least one parent who was a migrant: “Migrant Nation Born as Christian Heritage Fades”:

     The elites have moved far on from demographically displacing Anglo-Saxons, constituting 97 percent of the population at Federation (see Alan James, New Britannia: The Rise and Decline of Anglo-Australia, Renewal Publications, 2013), have achieved their goal of setting in motion the dispossession of Whites, and are now in mop-up operations, working on eliminating all aspects of White culture, such as religion, the traditional family and culture.

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Economic Collapse Updated Again: Have We Collapsed Yet? How about Now? By James Reed

     Be patient little Hobbits, the collapse of this dark system will take place in due course. It will not fall away until it is ready, and the white ants of destiny have eaten their fill.
For example, Venezuela’s already currency collapse is getting worse, with the bolivar in free fall. There are shortages of basics, and violence is on the rise:, with complete economic collapse only a few non-shopping days away:

     The economic contagion is likely to spread throughout the region: Who knows where it will lead, a kind of zombie apocalypse of financial contamination, that only a global world could produce.

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Science and Sex differences By Mrs Vera West

     While the gender agenda pushes on the idea that there is no real biological basis to gender, and individuals who have gender confusion and childhood gender dysphoria should have access to corrective surgery – even though it is all a social construction:, hard science continues to find a large number of biologically based sex differences.

     For your interest, M. Gershoni and S. Pietrokovski, “The Landscape of Sex-Differential Transcriptome and its Consequent Selection in Human Adults,” BMC Biology, (2017), outlined 1,559 genetic difference between males and females that are not only related to sex organ differences, but to other organs such as the brain, skin and muscle.
Science is still discovering what it biologically means to be male or female, so even on this basis, let alone with reference to psychological data, there should be a profound questioning of the gender agenda, which takes gender/sex, as a purely arbitrary social construction. Rather, it is the gender agenda, which is a Leftist social construction, a product of bad social science and bad politics:

Fertile, Educated Asians are Replacing Us By Peter West

     As written about previously at this site by yours truly:, the elites have been over-joyed about the Census results showing a further decline in traditional Anglo- Australia, and Christianity.

     In my article I argued that the common-sense view from the street, not reflected in so-called official statistics, is that Australia is already heading to White minority status, and that Anglo-Saxons are definitely a minority now. Asian immigration has already begun to replace even the traditional elites and professionals: The White new class welcome this trend and intend to do everything in their power to push it through to completion.

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Who’s Afraid of Asteroid Strikes? By Brian Simpson

     Mike Adam’s sites are featuring an article which quotes astrophysicist Dr Alan Fitzsimons at the Queen University Belfast Astrophysics Research Centre, who says that there is a disturbing probability that an asteroid strike could wipe out the human race.  There are millions of large Near Earth  asteroids, many as big as 10-story buildings out in orbit, capable of impacting with the Earth:

     In January 2017, asteroid 2017 BX passed by the Earth without any threat of collision.  But, in  November 2016, there was a narrow miss between the Earth and the asteroid 2016 VA, missing the Earth by only 77,00 kilometres, which is not much in cosmological terms, a bee’s whisker. In 2013, another small asteroid exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia, causing extensive damage. An air-burst asteroid exploded over Tunguska in Russia in Siberia in 1908, exploding with the energy equivalent of 185 Hiroshima bombs. So, it happens.

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The Muhammad Ali Principle: A Multicultural Argument against Multiracialism and Race Mixing By Peter J. White PhD

     Here I will tackle a topic that conservatives fear to talk about: race mixing, developing an argument best expressed by the late former heavy-weight boxing champion of the world, Muhammad Ali.

     Those who write about this from the right tend to be somewhat extreme, if not hateful, but I will show that there is a “multicultural” approach to the question, which does not depend upon hate at all. For a scholarly introduction to the political correctness of race mixing see Peter Frost, Fair Women, Dark Men: The Forgotten Roots of Color Prejudice, (Cybereditions, 2005), where the title says it all. For a more sober overview: W. B. Provine, “Geneticists and the Biology of Race Crossing,” Science, vol. 182, 1973, pp. 790-796.

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Salt of the Godless By James Reed

     I was not surprised to find Mr Big Australia immigrationist Bernard Salt (The Weekend Australian, July 1-2, 2017, p. 17) expressing no concern about the decline of Christianity in Australia. It is a little difficult to pin down his exact position, but the article to me seems to see the rise of atheism as an expression of a positive view of humanity, and that the movement towards secular humanism is a strength, just like diversity, immigration, blah, blah, blah. Like so many of the faith of multiculturalism, he embraces relativist and humanist ideals. As noted by Jennifer Oriel, anti-Christianity is “invariably couched in the language of diversity, inclusion and minority right.” The Australian, July, 3, 2017, p. 12.

     Christianity supplied the moral foundation for the free world, and the decline of Christianity will not lead to atheism replacing it. Mass immigration will bring forth, as it has in Europe the new religion of the New World order, Islam, to fill the vacuum. Atheist materialism is unstable: atheists are generally white, affluent and don’t reproduce. Hence, they will be demographically replaced by the energies of Islam. The soul of the West would be dead.

Anyone for White Race Hate? By John Steele

     There are large number of sites discussing the disturbing trend of open expression of race hate against Whites:

     Here is a sample from this little monster above:

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Letter to The Editor - Look again at Douglas Social Credit

     Many voices in the letters column (4/7) are worried about the growth of world population, Melbourne’s burgeoning size and our increasingly deficient infrastructure. Public opposition to further immigration is growing. What to do?
     Is it possible that one cause of the growing problem is the kind of financial system operating in the world, which appears to be controlled by the super-wealthy?  It seems that many Australian businesses are forced to support increased immigration in order to survive financially, even though their owners know that long term this is against the interest of the whole population. Should we look again at Douglas social credit and other proposals for reform of the money system?
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Holocaust Revisionists

     Matt Ridley entertains and informs perceptively with his take on how insult terminology is carefully coined and then deployed to wrong foot ideological opponents (‘Left leads the right in manufacturing words of mass distraction’, 4/7).  However, his claim that ‘denier’ is ‘a revolting word’ seems over the top. There are those who deny that man-made global warming is occurring and endangering mankind; there are also a few erratics who deny that the Holocaust happened. It’s OK to call them deniers.
     It is a pity, though, that Ridley did not seize the opportunity to point out that most of those who are damned as ‘Holocaust deniers’ are really only Holocaust revisionists. Such historians readily agree that the Nazi regime was anti-Jewish from start to finish and that many injustices and crimes against Jews were perpetrated under its authority; they simply claim that the facts have been significantly exaggerated. What is revolting in this case is not the term itself but its misuse involving a new context of persecution.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Higher Worlds Really Do Exist

    The supernatural is much more than ‘mythology’ and ‘legends’ as Patrick Ball imagines (5/7) and it is hard to see how any person can be designated Christian who disbelieves in it, when Jesus is quoted as having said that his kingdom ‘is not of this world.’
     The supernatural aspect of religion, which is something not limited only to Christianity, is essential as the basis of hope and salvation or ‘life beyond the veil’. The higher worlds really do exist, which is why the universe of the materialists and atheists, who close the door on them, appears so thin and meagre, no matter how many galaxies are counted.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Surviving the Coming Crash By John Steele

     We would not be doing our duty to readers if all we did were to supply hope about the coming age of prosperity.  I hope that this can be rung in by the creation of an alternative social credit economy, I really do. However, I am pretty much a short-term thinker, from the military perspective, a grunt, and I am concerned about day-to-day survival, rather than great flights of philosophy.  I just don’t have the patience for it, and struggle even to get through articles by my friends and colleagues at this site. It is my fault, but I am too old a dog to learn new tricks now.

     From my tent outpost here in the Victorian scrub, through the bitter cold nights, while I drink billy-boiled tea by my camp fire, I see the coming of hard times. For many hard times are here already, with many sites telling the story of people just not being able to get by:

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