The Far-From Righteous Mind By James Reed

     Here is my brief take on the book sent to me by the noble editor to review, Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind: Why good People are Divided by Politics and Religion, (Vintage books, New York, 2013).  I was genuinely hoping to find some answers here, but was disappointed for my vast investment of time spent ploughing through 449 pages. Was I told the inner secrets of psychology, or how human nature ticked?

     Well, early in the book I was introduced to moral problems. How best to enlighten a Christian audience when the profane is involved? Just push ahead and offer an apology, because this is not my fault.  But, Professor Haidt really likes his example of a moral problem, and I quote: “A man goes to the supermarket and buys a chicken. But before cooking the chicken, he has sexual intercourse with it. Then he cooks it and eats it.” (p. 4) I did not expect to be hit by such a shocking example so early in a popular, yet still scholarly book. Worse, it is not clear why this is a moral problem, rather than one needing to be deal with by mental health workers. It may well be that there is nothing morally wrong here from a secular humanist framework, unless masturbation is wrong (which from a Christian framework, it arguably is), but that does not mean that the activity does not exhibit psycho-pathological sexual disorders. It is the wrong example to illustrate a moral/ethical problem, and I found myself questioning many of Haidt’s claims in the book: but where is the argument for that?

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Letter to The Editor - High Court Judicial Adventurers

     As James Paterson notes (‘Radical approach to Indigenous recognition will fail’, 25/7), the Referendum Council’s recommendations have 'far-reaching implications for all of us.’ He does not, however, seem to have grasped the problems associated with the proposal for a ‘declaration of recognition.’  From one point of view, why do we need an official statement of the obvious? On the other hand, is it so obvious? Government should be wary of making historical assertions about controversial matters. That’s the stuff of totalitarianism. There is some doubt as to whether our Aboriginals really were the ‘first people’ on this continent or whether they displaced an earlier group. Then again, no present-day Aboriginals existed in time before other present-day Australians.
     And who knows what radical implications future High Court judicial adventurers might claim to read into even the declaration’s seemingly innocuous statement about ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’?
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Europe and the West: “Wake Up or “Shrivel and Disappear” By Peter Ewer

     At a closed door meeting of eastern European leaders in Budapest, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has launched an attack on the European Union, saying the EU would wither and die if it did not change its policy towards Israel:

     Contrary to what is pushed in the immigration-mad media in the West, Netanyahu wisely urged Europe to close their doors to refugees from Africa and the Middle East.

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The Debt Deluge By James Reed

     The entire world is now in debt by $ 217 trillion, which is the number 217 followed by twelve zeroes: $ 217,000,000,000,000. This is 327 percent of the world’s annual economic output (GPD), according to the Institute of International Finance.
     Even China, the so-called miracle economy, is running on debt, which has increased its borrowings by $ 2 trillion, and the IMP is concerned about China’s rising debt levels. Already, China’s debt levels are unsustainable, in conventional economic terms, being 260 percent of its GDP:

     The elephant in the room here is: just precisely whom does every nation owe such unsustainable debt to? The answer is: the international financial system, run by the masters of the New World Order. Governments long ago gave the Masters of the Universe, the power to control credit, and now they rule the world. Having a One World Government may be what many want, but the more sophisticated Demons see this as too much work. What does it really matter who is elected when they can be ruled effectively by the power of money?

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Big Walls Make for Better Neigbours By Peter Ewer

     Forget fences, in this day and age of mass immigration invasions: nations need walls, thick, long and strong:

     How’s this for a headline: “Orban: ‘Europe Must Regain Sovereignty From The Soros Empire’, Build Border Wall to Stop ‘Muslimized Europe’”.  The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has made a passionate defence of  European values and identity at the Bálványos Summer University camp in Romania. He called on European nations to end their association with billionaire open-borders, mass immigration  financier George Soros, who Orban saw, has his vast wealth to fund pro-mass migration organisations to create a “new, mixed, Muslimized Europe. ” Orban said that the EU was in an “alliance against the people’s will” with the financier.
Orban said:

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China and Russia, are a Tag Team Match By James Reed

     The hawks who are pining for the US to go to war against Russia, something temporarily stopped by the election of President Trump, should pause and think hard about China’s recent military exercises with Russia, China’s first involvement in European inland waters, in the Baltic Sea.

     In September, the exercises shift to the Sea of Japan, another area of possible confrontation. China’s newspapers made clear that all of this was to strengthen the Chinese-Russian strategic partnership. The Global Times of China said that China’s navy “will surely get stronger and stronger and march further and further, which the West should get used to.”

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Letter to The Editor - Erroneous ‘faith-based theology’

     Tom Drake-Brockman is right to call for a major reorientation of Christian tradition (‘We need to reignite the self belief and values that Jesus held so dear’, 17/7), but his suggested ‘new creed of spiritual humanism’ is not the answer. The essence of Jesus’s teaching was not faithfulness, but an invitation to seek ‘the kingdom of heaven’, a search that requires a ‘new birth’ in the sense of a new understanding of human nature itself. At the heart of the gospels is a recipe for initiation within a metaphysical framework.
     Some scriptural passages, such as a few in in chapters 3, 5, 6 and 11 of John’s gospel, can, however, be adduced in support of the erroneous ‘faith-based theology’ which Luther forged into ‘an iron-clad dogma’; for the four canonical gospels are inconsistent and can be read in different ways; but their major thrust is the promotion of a salvation or gnosis that only a few can fully attain in this life, but which can bring partial light and comfort to all the pious faithful.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - They Might Have Made a Mistake

     The Coalition will be both sensible and ethical to continue its call for a plebiscite rather than a free parliamentary vote to determine whether Australia should significantly change its legal definition of marriage. Here are some answers to Peter van Onselen’s advocacy (‘Opposing gay marriage vote will hurt conservatives’, 15-16/7).
     There have been plebiscites in our history before and the seriousness of this present controversy demands another, if not a referendum. Moreover, the ALP wants a plebiscite on a republic. Now, while the plebiscite result might not be binding, if it proves favourable to change, it would undoubtedly be honoured by the parliament and opponents of change would not feel betrayed, which would be good for national unity.
     Opinion polls results are not always reflected in actual voting; nor do we want to live under government by such polls.
     That other Anglophone nations have gone one way does not mean we must follow; they might have made a mistake, for it is simply not true that their decisions have been happily accepted by supporters of the traditional definition of marriage. On the contrary, there is great concern at certain subsequent developments and other mooted possibilities.
     Finally, a free parliamentary vote, no matter what its result, would not be a truly representative way to proceed.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Germany, Migrants and Infectious Diseases By James Reed

     There is a bit of counter-evidence for the migration faith:;

     A report by the German federal government’s Robert Koch Institute, which monitors diseases has stated that there has been an across-the-board rise in infectious diseases since 2015 when Germany undertook its essentially open borders refugee migration program.
     Many professionals believe that this institution is still underrating the disease rates, with these diseases now being major problems in Germany:
adenoviral conjunctivitis,
chicken pox,
dengue fever,
E. coli,
haemophilus influenza,
hemorrhagic fever,
relapsing fever,
meningococcal disease,
and whooping cough.

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On Melanesian Blonde Hair By Brian Simpson

     This article goes back to a little snip that I took from The Australian, way back on May 5, 2012, p. 69, about blonde-hair found among the dark-skinned people of the Solomon Islands. I returned to find the article, which I put aside, when one of my students from the Solomon Islands, a really nice lad, said that there were a lot of people with dark skin and blonde hair. He said that while some  of them claimed to have European ancestors, he dismissed this and put the blondness down to diet. It seems that most of the lighter haired people often acted in a superior way, which deeply annoyed my student. More probing revealed that his girlfriend had gone off with one of these blonde types and he did not like them.

     Researching this I found the scientific article, E. Kenny (et al.), “Melanesian Blond Hair is Caused by an Amino Acid change in TYRp1,” Science, vol. 336, p. 554.  It seems, to cut the complexities, that the blonde hair is the product of a genetic mutation in gene TYRP1, and that’s that.  But since then, I have run into a biologist from the Solomon’s who had blonde hair and dark skin, and said that as a child he sang songs about his European ancestors. Even though he was a biologist, who knew much more science than me, he reacted aggressively to the mutation claim, and said that this line of thought was undermining his heritage. Now there is a pretty pickle for you!
     Who says that the exploration of racial differences is not fascinating, revealing the complexity and genuine diversity of the human species, with all the politics thrown in for good measure.

The Social Construction of Transgenderism By Mrs Vera West

     Dr Paul McHugh, who is a distinguished Service Professor at John Hopkins University and  former psychiatrist-in-chief for John Hopkins Hospital, has treated transgendered people for 40 years: He has made news headlines in the US for arguing that in his professional opinion, “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.” He has formulated his argument in a piece published at, and the title of the paper is: “Transgenderism: A Pathogenic meme,” which does not pull any punches.

     McHugh says: “first, though, let us address the basic assumption of the contemporary parade: the idea that exchange of one’s sex is possible. It, like the storied Emperor, is stark nakedly false. Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they “identify.”  In that lies their problematic future.

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My Kind of Wedding Reception! By Uncle Len, Gate Crasher

     A US bride has called off her US $30,000 wedding, for reasons that she is keeping to herself. She had pre-booked a swanky reception, and was left with the dilemma of what to do with the food. So, good soul that she is, she invited in homeless people: The Australian, July 17, 2017, p. 9.
    Now, as you would know, if you knew me, homeless people like me, are not the best at personal hygiene and we tend to roll in the mud and grime a bit. However, local businesses donated suits and dresses, and somewhere my US brothers and sister got in a shower. And, then it was, dive in, to boubon-glaxed meat balls, whatever that is, but it sounds meaty, goat cheese, roasted garlic bruschetta, chicken breasts with artichokes, Chardonnay cream sauce, and a great slab of wedding cake. After that, it was back to starving, so I hope the lads and lasses of the mean streets tanked up.

     The kind lady says that she does not know what to do with the wedding dress, but I am sure the homeless would know what to do. Uncle Len is not too proud, or gender challenged, to wear such an outfit while dumpster diving, or collecting hard rubbish, or bottles and cans for sale. After six months of bin action, I am sure that the ghosts of the wedding-not-to-be would be purged by the grey ooze of survival on the streets

The Existential Threat of AI By Brian Simpson

     Elon Musk, has joined with Stephen Hawking and claimed that AI is an existential threat to human beings, capable of eliminating all jobs, and sparking a war: The Australian, July 17, 2017, p. 22.   I did not find any more details about the war, but it could be a Luddite revolt of the people versus the machines, as popularised in the Big Arnie Terminator movies. It is possible, if people get hungry enough that they could actually do this, but I tend to view that they might just as easily meekly starve to death in some isolated corner. Time will tell.

     The Musk solution is regulation for the safe development of AI. That could prevent the Terminator scenario, but I am not sure. Once computers reach self-awareness, and infinitely expanding intelligence, which is what our “let’s do it” Dr. Frankenstein scientists are all on about, regulations will not count for much.

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A Decentralised World By Peter West

     While surfing the net in my woollen underwear and wet suit, I by accident came across this great quote about the decentralised world:

"This is what we humans call Planet Earth. A big, blue-green mass of globular rotation with a surface of around 510 million km².
Now, as you will observe, it is shown without borders or boundaries. Not because we National-Anarchists believe in the abolition of borders and boundaries, of course, the more the merrier, but due to the fact that we do not recognise the existing territories governed by the various nation-states or imperialist empires. We have turned our backs on their territorial designs and believe that fresh micronations must come into being; i.e. those formed by ordinary tribes, families and individuals.

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Puzzles for the Puzzled? By Peter Ewer

     A Women’s March in the US against the National Rifle Association  and gun rights, no doubt because these are well-known phallic symbols that require symbolic castration, fell to paradox:
The women were surrounded by armed guards, men, gasp, men! with those horrible phallic symbols, guns!  One of the protest themes was, “Real Men Don’t Need Guns.” OK, so the feminists are not real men, did anyone ever say that they were? Just “unreal” men, or womyn or whatever.  And, the power elite, working to take away the guns of ordinary people, while being heavily protected by their men with guns, is nothing new. This would not be a good conspiracy if there was consistent values and standards employed. Of course, the elites are not going to openly say yet that the agenda is to disarm the ordinary people while they remain protected, and able to oppress the ordinary people by having access to weapons. Maybe, just maybe, the plebs might get a wee bit angry about that, but probably not. In a little while it will all be too late for these sleepy folk, and then the cats can be let out of the bag. Pretty cruel though, to keep cats, even metaphorical ones, in bags, but, there you go.

     Moving right along, French president Macron has said anti-Zionism is a reinvented Form of anti-Semitism, speaking at a ceremony commemorating the victims of the mass roundup of Jews in Paris in WWII: Such a critique would indeed raise problems for those of the Left arguing as follows:;;

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The Sinking of the Ship of Catholicism By Peter West

     As a former Catholic, I have taken the liberty of criticising the mother church here over the years, predicting that it will be destroyed by political correctness, let alone its many scandals.
     I note that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, has said at the funeral mass of his friend Cardinal Joachim Meisner recently, that the Catholic church is like a boat “on the verge of capsizing.” The key sentence is  “that the Lord does not abandon His Church, even when the boat has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing.”
     One can, but hope and pray.

Letter to The Editor - Privileging Them Constitutionally Would Be a Big Mistake

     There is a simple answer to a question asked in your editorial (‘Indigenous recognition steps outside Constitution’, 19/7) as to whether the Referendum Council’s first proposal (for a constitutionally entrenched Aboriginal advisory body) ‘would presage continued agitation for a treaty?’  Of course it would.  Overseas experience in several countries shows that once the descendants of former native peoples are constitutionally privileged, their claims just multiply.
     You state that Parliament should ‘take advice from indigenous citizens’.  That would include all of us who were born here and have no other citizenship. Moreover, as most of those identifying as Aboriginal have mixed blood, it is hard to see why they deserve any more rights than the rest of us. Concern for Aboriginal welfare is admirable; but privileging them in any way constitutionally would be a big mistake.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Let’s Ban Police Having Guns! By John Steele

     Whenever there is a shooting, the gun controllers call for guns to be banned. Well, let me help them out here, by extending the “logic’ of their argument to the tragic US Minneapolis shooting case of White Australian Justine Damond (Ruszczky?), by Black officer Mohamed Noor:
     Official information is scanty at this time, but one line of thought has it, that this is a homicide, probably due to the officer thinking that her mobile phone was a gun. He shot first and asked questions later, much later. In due course we may know the grim details, or the story will just slip from news interest, as, after all, it is just an Australian, and conveniently, the police camera was off: The Australian, July, 18, 2017, p. 1

     Say, just imagine if the victim was Black… how many race riots would have occurred by now?  But, White lives don’t matter, so there will be no protests about this.
    My main point is that the gun controllers should now be demanding that police hand over their guns. It would be an excellent example to the wider community. If guns kill, then so do police guns.

Lock Up Your Cash, When Kid Soros Rides into Town! By Charles Taylor

     Billionaire globalist, George Soros, who must be close to 4,000 years of age, is working on eliminating paper money as part of his plot to create a single world government:
This comes, allegedly from a Soros-insider, who has said that young handsome George wants to end the use of anonymous cash and have all payments monitored by the state. Wouldn’t be nice for our side to have even one person with his infinite energy and abilities?

     This does seem to fit the picture. The Indians, in the first New World Order trial run, withdrew 86 percent of the cash in circulation and put a cap on cash transactions, as has been done in France. The European Union is moving towards eliminating cash altogether:

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The Bombastic Multicult By Bruce Bennett

     I have just  read, Judith Sloan, “Let’s Test the Bombastic Claims of Multiculturalism,” The Australian, July 18, 2017, p. 12;

     I must admit, I was surprised to find a criticism of immigration made in this paper, so as much as I hate to say it, this is welcome. Here are some punchy bits, if you didn’t read it:

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