Migrants Can Walk on Water and Turn Unemployment into Jobs By James Reed

     According to The Australian, July17, 2017, p. 1, demographer Peter McDonald has argued at the Economic and Social Outlook Conference that migrants are not taking jobs away from the Australian-born population.  Between 2011 and 2016, employment grew by 730,000 people, and 600,000 of this was migrants who came in the same period. The migrants, mainly young are not in the same labour market as the unemployed, because the unemployed are unskilled, but the migrants, mainly Asians are skilled.

     On the contrary, what this means is that positions that could have gone to an Australian-born unemployed, through retraining, will just go to a migrant. We should live in a country where Australian-born get the cream of the jobs, not the crumbs falling from the migrants’ tables. The Australian population is thus becoming deskilled, with migration being taken as a magic solution for the  capitalists to get short-term profits, at the expense of nation building. In other words, while McDonald may be from one perspective technically correct, his entire approach begs the question in favour of migration.

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Be Afraid of “The Very Big Idea” By Paul Walker

     Malcolm Turnbull is backing the idea, recommended by the Referendum Council, which dismissed “minimalist” models of constitutional reform, of a special advisory board to the parliament, because, as one defender puts it "First Peoples have the right to be consulted on policies that affect them”: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/indigenous-voice-to-parliament-a-unifying-idea/news-story/2bc0391c2389a39efcc1d62b3b06a9d7.  To this it should be replied, that they already have this, and there is no need for constitutional change.  All people have the right to be consulted on policies that affect them, but one does not need constitutional change to do this. So, what’s the agenda?

     Constitutional change in this direction will set up a new super-parliament and throw the Australian system out of kilter.  But, it is good that at long last the elites have come out with their proposal.
     It will be an easy target to destroy. The difficulty will be that the new class will support anything that brings down traditional Australia, and they have the resources.  But, we have the righteous anger, and now is the time to really start grassroots protests. I will be delighted to see them lose this one, just like they lost the Republic referendum, just like they lost the US 2016 election and Brexit.  Make their defeat a most bitter one for them.

Locking Away Your Guns, and Throwing Away the Key to Your Freedom By John Steele

     Good people of Australia, you have excelled yourself in this one, by doing nothing, so that evil triumphs once more. What have our independents done about this one? 
I have in mind the changes across the country to firearms laws. Under the guise of making the community safer from guns, even though the country is awash with ILLEGAL guns brought into Australia by ethnic crime gangs, who basically rule the streets now:  http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/government-toughens-gun-laws-in-response-to-shootings-and-gangs-arms-race-20151027-gkk18x.html. The Authorities have lost control of this, and in any case have no ability to control it since organised crime now shades into the government, as it does throughout Asia:

     To give the illusion that something is being done, the government likes to crack down on law-abiding, primarily Anglo-Australians. The game plan since Howard’s gun grab in 1996: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuoBItG5FMU; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMjBhI3NhiY; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5vplwjX-Zo, has been to disarm the lawful citizens while doing nothing real about organised crime, because that would be contrary to globalism and multiculturalism.

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Trumping Chris Uhlmann’s Critique of Trump By Charles Taylor

     Australian journalist Chris Uhlmann is the darling of the globalist chattering class at the moment for his “brutal takedown of US president Donald Trump and his behaviour at the G20 summit”: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4679588/Social-media-reacts-journalist-Chris-Uhlmann-Trump.html. Trump was an “uneasy, lonely, awkward figure and you got the strong sense some of the leaders are trying to find the best way to work around him.”

     This is true, but only goes against the rest of the globalist wolf pack. These leaders represent the interests of the 1 percenters, and the Dark Lords standing in the Shadows above them. They despise the ordinary people, and there are whole books about this now, and daily quotes from news services such as Breitbart to confirm it. Here is a sample from today: http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2017/07/09/seven-times-american-elites-said-immigrants-better-people/.

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The Endgame of Progressive Politics By James Reed

     Our universities are not yet as insane as some U.S. ones, but getting there. Consider the political correct mania of Evergreen State College, which had a day of absence, where whites were banned from campus. Cutting to the chase, a progressive Left Jewish professor, who had fought “racism” all of his life objected to this, and was subjected to the violence and hysteria that the Left usually have for the Alt Right. Students demanded that he resign: http://www.torontosun.com/2017/06/01/activists-demand-professor-resign-for-opposing-campus-no-whites-day-at-evergreen-state-college.

     This is a metaphor of what the non-White majority future is going to be like –  diversity-tyranny on training wheels. Today, Whites should not turn up for university; tomorrow, don’t turn up for getting supermarket food, or medical attention and supplies, and basic security: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2003/12/how-to-kill-a-country/302845/;
    Such is the endgame of progressive politics, the great liberal death wish:

A Salmon a Day, Keeps the Cancer Away! By Mrs Vera West

     Continuing our update for older readers who will be facing life’s physical trials, it has now been admitted by the Establishment that omega-3 fatty acids, as found in salmon, walnuts and some other nuts, as well as chia seeds, helps the body fight cancer, especially colorectal cancer, by releasing chemicals which attack cancer cells:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4646602/Salmon-boost-chances-surviving-bowel-cancer.html.
    The full reference to the study is: British Journal of Cancer (2017) 116, 1612–1620. doi:10.1038/bjc.2017.135 www.bjcancer.com

     Published online 30 May 2017, “The differential expression of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid metabolising enzymes in colorectal cancer and its prognostic significance,” by A. Alnabulsi (et al.).
    From what I can understand of this, the same protective results can be obtained by using organic krill oil, which like salmon, is enriched by the antioxidant, astaxanthin. It is also admitted that eating oily fish, helps with Alzheimer’s prevention: http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/810663/Dementia-news-eating-oily-fish-protect-degenerative-brain-disease-research.
    So, get some oily fish in olive oil, and enjoy!  Your brain and bowels will thank you for it!

Letter to The Editor - The Fifth Column Within the Coalition

     Paul Kelly comments that 'the Liberals face ruin on the right' ('Centrist message right, but PM loses on philosophy', 12/7), but so, perhaps, does Australia itself.  If the two-party model is replaced by a three-party model (Liberals, ALP and One Nation/Australian Conservatives), there is a danger that the right will be permanently shut out of power at elections by a mutual exchange of preferences between the ALP and the ‘centrist’ liberals and by overall voter support of that arrangement.
     For fifty years I have studied the behaviour of the Liberal-National Coalition and feel that it has always been a more uneasy community than its official spokesmen and most of its prominent supporters have admitted.  Now the more leftish 'liberal' side, sensing power, as Christopher Pyne recently noted, is ready to ditch the 'conservatives', feeling that henceforth they can be kept on the outer (as has happened to the National Front in France).

      One reason for the decay of power of the right within the coalition and the nation itself is the cowardice and dishonesty that has been shown towards individuals and groups on the so-called 'extreme right', some of whom are authentic conservatives.  A policy designed to maximise votes, and placate financially powerful interests, has meant that the Coalition has been fighting for decades with one arm tied behind its back.
Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic 

How Does One Make the Precious Babies of the Left, Happy? By Paul Walker

     There is plenty of evidence that the ruling elites hate the ordinary White working people – here are some smelly quotes from US elites: http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2017/07/09/seven-times-american-elites-said-immigrants-better-people/, thanks to Charles Taylor. The globalists want immigrants for economic and race genocide reasons, and the Left want them, well, because they are the new cool group who are going to “make revolution, baby,” because the white working class failed to fulfil their 1960s dreams.

     Why then have the Left rioted at the G20 in Hamburg, Germany: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/07/08/g20-shops-looted-firebombs-thrown-second-night-hard-left-rioting-hamburg/?  Simply because, that is what the Left does. It is an intrinsically violent ideology, and violence provides an outlet for frustrated idealistic, brainwashed rebellious young, who have too much affluence and time on their hands.
     Rioting is also good business for the surveillance state, which can use this excuse for new measures to limit freedoms. And, the Leftoid rioters, whose parents are usually in power, grow up to become part of the ruling elite, having served their apprenticeship of evil.
     It is a system where nothing goes to waste, and everything is recycled in the great compost heap of modernity.

Vaccination Endgame By Mrs Vera West

     Come August 1, 2017, newborns in the UK will be given the hep B vaccination, even though the recent increase in cases are among immigrants: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4678522/ALL-newborns-given-hepatitis-B-jab.html. Regardless of the vaccination soundness debate, this is bizarre, since babies are not usually IV drug users or engaging in unsafe sex in bars!

The Shape of Dumpsters to Come By Uncle Len, the Dumpster Diving Champ

     Many centuries ago, I grew up on a pig farm in Queensland. My old man, who was a bigger drunk than even I would be, decided that it would make sense to feed the pigs on food scraps from supermarkets, stores and even fish shops, to have more money for booze.  So, after school, in my school uniform, we would go and collect the waste, tipping the scraps onto the tray of an old FC Holden (remember them?) ute. Kids would viciously humiliate me, identifying me as filth and scrap. My father enjoyed this, sitting in the car, having yet another beer, in anticipation of the big drinking session with his mates after about 5.30 pm, once the 6 o’clock swill ended in the 1960s.

     To save money so that the maximum amount of alcohol could be consumed, we ate what scraps we could salvage from the ute. I did grow food when I got older, and searched for wild bush food and shot the odd bunny, so eventually this humiliation was phased out, especially after I refused to help any more, after I stuck up for my mother in conversation against him while we were at a farmer’s supply centre, and he struck me in the head with a large padlock, leading me unconscious to die on the railway track. When I regained consciousness, I ran into the centre, where he was having a beer with some guys, and hit him in the nose with all my might, then ran. That was my first night on the streets, the start of lifetime of homelessness.  Life is wonderful, isn’t it?

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Bill Gates: Shocking Immigration Limitation Statements By James Reed

     Things must be getting really, really bad, when one of the leading 1 percenters, starts saying some of the things we say.
In an interview published July 2 in the German paper Welt Am Sonntag, Gates said about the ongoing European migration crisis:
“On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees. But the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this – which in turn motivates more people to leave Africa. Germany cannot possibly take in the huge number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe.”
     This is the basic ‘tragedy of the commons” applied to immigration: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/162/3859/1243.full.

     This will be even more so, now that millions of Africans are on the ready to migrate to Europe, given the success of the “Arab invasion” (as Pope Francis joyfully calls it: http://www.politico.eu/article/pope-francis-arab-invasion-of-europe-is-a-reality/),  of  Middle Easterners:
     Most Europeans oppose mass migration (http://project28.eu/), but for their traitorous elites, immigration is like mother’s milk. Some believe that this conflict cannot but explode into civil wars more violent than any yet seen in human history: https://www.amazon.com/White-World-Stopping-Planned-Extermination/dp/193778732X.
Time, which is fast running out, will tell.

Bad New(?) and Good Health News By Mrs. Vera West

     Perhaps this is bad news, depending on how it is viewed. A recent study at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has found that chemotherapy may actually spread cancer: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-07-12-chemotherapy-warning-as-study-finds-it-actually-multiplies-cancer-throughout-the-body-almost-always-killing-the-patient.html.  This may be done by either enabling cancer cells to spread throughout the body by increasing the amount of blood vessels , or by allowing the stronger growth of cancer cells: http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/9/397/eaan0026.

     On the good news side, evidence continues to accumulate indicating that yoga and meditation can actually repair DNA, treating depression and some diseases, by reversing the metabolic and biochemical effects of stress, through gene expression: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fimmu.2017.00670/full.
     All our stressed political warriors may need to start mediation and yoga, instead of hard drinking, if they wish to last the long haul.

Getting it Wong about Globalism By James Reed

     When the libs are tossed out at the next election, Labor is going to give it to us, both barrels, so to speak. We are likely to get section 18 C style legislation over every politically correct subject you can think of, and then some: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/we-must-watch-our-step-on-alps-18c-plan-nick-xenophon/news-story/eca45350753c7305d10ad31089256119. Of course, gay marriage and the Republic will be on the top of the agenda, with the Aboriginal referendum probably coming under king Mal’s regime, before its fall.

     Globalism and free trade, even freer than what exists now, will be put into place, according to Senator Wong: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/foreign-affairs/wong-says-labor-will-embrace-globalisation-reject-protectionism/news-story/1981b17ca6150afe251691d91afda95d, which has already produced a state of excitement in the no borders, big Australia crowd: The Australian, July 6, 2017, p. 12.  I would expect open borders to come down the track, and after that more radical proposals, such as the dismantling of the Australian state and its merge into China as a satellite state. Who knows what is in store, when good men continue to do nothing and cling instead to consumer comfort.

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Feminism vs Reality By Mrs Vera West

     In an informative article, Alt right terrier Jim Goad, launches a broad side at feminists who maintain that the only thing separating men and women in sport is patriarchal oppression. Break down the barriers and we will soon see women beating men: http://takimag.com/article/ending_gender_discrimination_in_professional_sports_jim_goad/print#axzz4mf7xgrha.

     Goad discusses this proposition with reference to tennis great John McEnroe, who upset the liberal establishment by making the truthful observation that Black female tennis champion Serena Williams was not the best tennis player in the world, only the best female tennis player.  Immediately: racism! sexism!  But Williams herself said that she could not beat the top men, and in fact, the German, Karsten Braasch, who at the time was ranked #203 in the world, played Williams in 1998, and beat her 6-1, after he had played a round of golf and knocked down a few beers!

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Distrusting the Universities By James Reed

     A Pew poll has found that a majority of US Republicans believe that higher education is bad for America, which is 58 percent of people on the Right, and 45 percent of people across the political spectrum: http://www.alternet.org/right-wing/republicans-think-college-bad. By contrast, 72 percent of Democrats, and those from the left, had a positive view of higher education.

     This is not surprising given that the universities are under the black magic of the Left, who suppress all non-Leftoid thought, and have punks to beat, or kill anyone daring to oppose them. This is a good reason to dismantle this evil system, which for any reasons, including being a source of immigration and displacement of locals from jobs, has become out of control.

Pope Francis: Defender of Islam By Peter Ewer

     Pope Francis welcomes what he has called an “Arab invasion” of Europe, seeing it as a good thing, increasing diversity, which is equivalent, to decreasing the number of white Europeans: http://www.politico.eu/article/pope-francis-arab-invasion-of-europe-is-a-reality/.

     While the Dutch hide 10,000 refugee crimes: http://pamelageller.com/2017/07/dutch-hide-10000-refugees-crimes.html/, he has said:

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Salted Cosmopolitanism By James Reed

     Another day, another Bernard Salt article celebrating mass migration to Australia and its transforming, if not miraculous powers: “The Cosmopolitan Country,” at http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/inquirer/census-2016-migrants-make-a-cosmopolitan-country/news-story/da01bec138fc8600ea7bb84d1844ea80.

     Australia is the most diverse country on earth, blah, blah,  and will get more diverse, forever, blah, blah.  It will never end and the enrichment will continue, as millions of migrants flow in over time, endlessly transforming us. Three cheers!  Once we were an Anglo-Saxon country, which was really a fate worse than death,  but tomorrow… well who know…we will be diverse, diverse, and even more diverse, if not the most diverse of the diverse in our diverse diversity,  and Asian, Asian, and more Asian, all at the same wonderful  time.

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Are YOU Ready for the Economic Crash? By John Steele

     Well, despite intense efforts, we have not changed the economy yet, and my prediction is, that even though in the longer term we will see social credit flowing over this fine land, in the short term, there will be considerable pain, chaos, and utter misery, at best.

     Part of the reason is that, using the US example, people have not yet recovered from the last global financial crisis, according to a survey at GOBankingRates:
In fact, 60 percent of Americans have not yet recovered from the last global financial crisis, according to survey research. Few, if any people have any sort of strategy to survive another recession, let alone the super-economic crisis, which many predict will hit this year, or early next year. It is hard to predict when, but only those who have an interest in deception pretend that it is not coming. The storm will hit with an intensity that few people who have not lived through the Great Depression, have experienced:

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Our Childish Universities By Paul Walker

     My brother gave me this story, from his youngest son who is still at university. It seems that said son’s friend, an Anglo-Saxon, one of the few doing medicine at this university in Victoria (most are Asian), went onto Google images, and looked at a particular firearm.

     Now, all Australian universities are highly censored, with an automatic computer system that censors Right wing and conservative sites, as well as anything involving “weapons.” Radical Leftist and Islamic sites are not censored, but this may in part be because the software appears to operate in English, not Arabic. But, images are not yet censored. Why, gun banners need to see the weapons that they want to restrict. It would slow the process of disarming Anglo-Australia, to stop such research.

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Letter to The Editor - Separate Australian Monarch

     Michael Cooney may have said that ‘the Queen herself is undoubtedly more popular than the institution of the monarchy’ (‘Insight’, 15/7), but it must be remembered that the person and the institution are not entirely separate. Her Majesty’s prestige partly exists just because she is the reigning monarch; and monarchy can produce leaders of this calibre much more easily than any form of republic.
     This is why the largely ignored case for a separate Australian monarchy should be seriously considered. Wanting ‘our own head of state’ does not necessarily mean wanting a republic and a president.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic