Coral Reefs? What Ever Have They Done for Me? By James Reed

     Oh, shock! horror! so it seems that mass coral bleaching is killing off Australian coral reefs, and we should care:

“Researchers from The University of Western Australia (UWA), ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, and Western Australian Marine Science Institution have examined the impact of the 2016 mass bleaching event on reefs in Western Australia (WA). They found significant bleaching occurred in the inshore Kimberley region, despite Kimberley corals being known as exceptionally stress resistant. They also found mild bleaching at Rottnest Island and that the Ningaloo Reef escaped bleaching.
The 2016 mass bleaching event is the most severe global bleaching event to ever be recorded.
Coral bleaching occurs as the result of abnormal environmental conditions, such as heightened sea temperatures that cause corals to expel tiny photosynthetic algae, called ‘zooxanthellae.’ The loss of these colourful algae causes the corals to turn white, and ‘bleach’. Bleached corals can recover if the temperature drops and zooxanthellae are able to recolonise the coral, otherwise the coral may die.”

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Charlie Teo: Neurosurgeon reveals why he left his own charity

     “A SHOCKING amount of charity donations are spent on admin costs rather than the cause, Professor Charlie Teo claims.
Ben Graham, <>  November 18, 20179:02pm
     BIG charities in Australia are spending up to 98 per cent of donations on themselves instead of their causes, says Professor Charlie Teo.
The globally renowned neurosurgeon walked away from the brain cancer charity he set up in 2003, because of the huge amount of money spent on administration.
     Charities have burgeoned into a $103 billion industry in Australia which now accounts for almost 10 per cent of the workforce, he said in an interview with Weekend Sunrise.

“People don’t quite understand that a lot of the money they donate, hard-earned money, goes to the running of the charity and not to the cause itself,” the 60-year-old told the show.
“The defence is they need to spend this amount of money to run the charity. I can tell you I think that is untrue.
“The public would object if they knew the CEOs were driving a company car, putting it in company space, travelling first class, doing any travel at all.
“It is all about volunteerism. It is all about the cause, not the running of the charity itself. There is no reason why these cannot run lean.”
He pointed to ACNC figures which show some of Australia’s big charities are spending up to 98 per cent of donations on running costs....”

Time to Abandon South Africa By Peter Ewer

     South Africa, it has been said, is the future of the West, given its present cosmopolitan path:
  There are preparations being made for evacuation once the present anarchy spills over into civil war.

     Yet, it is avoidable. Whites need to abandon the place totally, even if it means losing everything. It should have been done in the early 1990s. Walk away with the clothes on their back and their faith in Jesus. The West may not want to take Whites, but Russia may be open to taking enterprising people who could rebuild from scratch. They may be even able to get their own ethnostate going under Russian nuclear protection from the multicult madness of the West.

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Letter to The Editor - these peoples would have fared far better than they did under Mugabe

     John Howard often talks good sense, but his statement that Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe was ‘just as odious as the white regime he so despised’ (‘John Howard lauds the fall of Mugabe’, 18/11) is a gross misrepresentation of the nature of the Rhodesian governments between 1965 and 1978.

     The Rhodesian Front rule under Ian Smith was an unusually noble political order and it is a tragedy that it was sabotaged by a combination of African terrorists, international meddlers and foolish idealists.  Smith and his colleagues rightly sought to maintain law and order and civilized standards in their land, after observing the disasters that had occurred in other ‘liberated’ African nations, most notably the Belgian Congo.  They recognized that fruitful advancement of Rhodesian Africans needed to be achieved slowly; and had they been left alone, these peoples would have fared far better than they did under Mugabe.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

The Shape of Transgender Things to Come By Mrs Vera West

     Perhaps by the time you read this the results of the plebby on same sex marriage will be out. I am quietly hoping for a No victory, but the forces of globalism and big business are against this, and these people rule. So, what next?

     The Coalition is hoping to hose things down with a religious freedom clause in the same sex marriage bill. I have argued that any such clause will get watered down in parliament, and probably tossed out by the High Court, you know, human rights and all that.  But, Christian conservatives are not facing the fact that once these laws are in, the Christian institutions will inevitably change.  Feminism and the women’s liberation movement have changed the church’s view of women and marriage; I doubt whether a resurrected St Paul would approve of what goes down today, even the dress of women in church, let alone everything else. Then, there is this:

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Letter to The Editor - they were overthrown by an unholy coalition of communist terrorists, unprincipled international meddlers and foolish idealists

     The fall of Robert Mugabe from power in Zimbabwe inevitably arouses thoughts of how much better than his were the Rhodesian Front governments led by Ian Smith in the Sixties and Seventies. They knew from the experience of other ‘liberated’ African nations such as Ghana and the Belgian Congo the disaster that awaited if they were to capitulate to ignorant or corrupt demands for ‘majority rule now’.  With nobility they sought to maintain law and order and civilized standards in their land, while supporting African advancement at a slow but realistic rate.

     It was a great tragedy, especially for the majority of Rhodesian Africans, that they were overthrown by an unholy coalition of communist terrorists, unprincipled international meddlers and foolish idealists.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

Genes, Epigenetics and Biodoomsday By Brian Simpson

     It was once thought that the only genetic changes possible were those carried by genes, which were separate from the environment, except when random genetic mutations occurred, which then changed the genes, allowing evolution by natural selection to occur. Then came epigenetics:

“that genetic changes caused by environmental factors may be passed down from one generation to another.  According to a team of researchers at the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) in Spain, the genetic changes may even be inherited by up to 14 generations thereafter.  The experts have examined the genetically engineered nematode roundworms called C.  elegans in order to carry out the study.  The roundworms are known to carry a specific gene that makes them glow bright under ultraviolet light once it is activated.

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Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese, 
15 Nov 2017 

Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP

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Why Conservatism is Doomed By Peter West

     Reading Tony Abbott’s piece; “Vote shows We Can Respect Views with which We Disagree”:
  I felt that conservatives “just don’t see it.” See what? The threat to Western civilisation posed by the progressives, who are not content to play nice and politely drink tea, but as shown in the US, which is a little ahead of us, will play hardball as hard as is needed:

     Abbott seems to think that the same sex vote went swimmingly well, when in fact there was intimidation and threats against the No side:

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Liberalism and Open Borders: Dissolving the Body Politic By Paul Walker

     Why has it all happened?  Multiculturalism, Asianisation, open borders?  In an informative article from last year, Ricardo Duchesne argues that all of these horrors have occurred because liberal nations lack a concept of the political:

     Up until the early 1960s western nations operated in an ethno-nationalist way, accepting the right to refuse entry to various ethnic groups. Except for small, but soon to be powerful groups from the Left, this was accepted as normal.  But then, this all changed, arguably for the worst. Here is Duchesne’s explanation, derived from philosopher Carl Schmitt:

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The Golden Rule: Those Who Have the “Gold” Rule By Michael Ferguson

     The rich are getting richer, and the poor, poorer, what else is new?  The top 1 percenters now own over 50 percent of the goodies:
  “The wealthiest one percent owned 42.5 percent of global wealth in 2008, the bank reports.

     “The downward trend reversed after 2008 and the share of the top one percent has been on an upward path ever since, passing the 2000 level in 2013 and achieving new peaks every year thereafter. According to our latest estimates, the top one percent own 50.1 percent of all household wealth in the world,” the report said.

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Letter to The Editor - Policy Shock: Greens Promote Mining and Farming in Australia

Back to Bolted-Down Industries
     Once upon a time Australia was attractive to processing, refining and manufacturing industries using our abundant mineral and food resources, our reliable low-cost coal-fired electricity and a workforce trained in technical skills.  No longer.

     Australia used to have 11 oil refineries, spread around the country. There are just 4 left, all over fifty years old, and all in danger of closing down. Green barriers to oil exploration have forced most of them to rely on costly imported crude oil.
     Now, for the first time in at least 60 years Australia no longer produces motor vehicles.

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Same Sex Aftermath; The End of Religious Freedom By Michael Ferguson

     No doubt the average Aussie punter is feeling good with him/herself, giving the “fair go” with the Yes vote, as he/she was told to do by the elites. But, what about religious freedom, does the average Aussie want a “fair go” there?

     According to this, there will be same sex marriage for Christmas, which I suppose will help the economy, such a wedding cake sales, but there will be free discussion about the scope of religious freedom next year:

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Europe Falls Apart: The Future of the West By Peter West

     We need to be constantly examining overseas trends to see what new horrors will be washing onto our shores, since all of the things concerning us, were tried out on populations in other countries. Testing, one, two, three.

     A French academic has said that France has divided into two societies and that this division needs to be seriously recognised:

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Guns are Good and Save Lives By John Steele

     The gun grabbers say that guns take lives, but it can be equally argued that guns are tools, capable of being used for good or evil and often save lives. Here are some examples from the United States:

     Then there is the classic American argument that ultimately only armed citizens can resist government tyranny:
     That argument does not get much track in Australia, but then again, not much does, because this is a culture which has not yet experienced great suffering, beyond a rise in beer prices.

The End of Europe By Chris Knight

     The German ministry of Defence issued a 102-page report, Strategic Forecast 2040, which was kept secret until recently. The report describes the breakup of the EU, and the breakdown of European nations by 2040. Nations are torn by internal conflict, and ultimately collapse:
     The elites, by design or foolishness or both, have set out to make the collapse of the West inevitable, with globalized immigration. The only question now is whether or not nuclear war will occur with the collapse, making a rebirth of civilisation, impossible. Grim thoughts, but somebody has to have the courage to state them.

Digging in for the End of Days By John Steele

     The Advertiser, October 28, 2017, p. 48-49, had an article, “Surviving the End or a Load of Bunker,” with no “?”.  The article looked into Australian survivalists getting bunkers, you know, if global nuclear war breaks out.  Survival complexes in the US and Europe can be expensive, costing millions.  They may be made from abandoned missile silos, minus the missiles.  Intelligent, rich people are now buying into what was once a field dominated by cranks like me.

     University types say that such survival preps are a “distraction” that takes people away from the social issues.  I disagree; one can have a Noah’s Ark as a fall back solution just in case we fail to beat the bad guys, which is a reasonable bet.  Sure, if all the plants and animals die off, it will not matter how many cans of baked beans one has.  Yet, the quest then may be just to stick things out for a long as possible.  Maybe there will be a Second coming. If not, survivors make the most the disaster, and go down fighting.
     After all, we have to die of something, so death may as well be heroic and interesting!

The Elephant in the Room Regarding the Citizenship Crisis By Ian Wilson LL.B

     Now it looks like another four MPs will face the High Court over their dual citizenship and the legality of holding office: The Australian, November 10, 2017, p. 1:
     All this will apparently be solved by a round of by-elections.  Many pollies want a referendum to get rid of section 44 (i) of the constitution.
     Instead, how about politicians getting their act together and obeying the Constitution before standing? Section 44 (i) is perfectly clear, and there is no excuse for not obeying it.
     Beyond this, we need to ask how the ineligibility of the various politicians affects votes on laws which have occurred.  If someone was ineligible to hold office, they were also ineligible to vote.  Consequently there needs to be an audit of how laws might be affected.  Nothing has been said by the politicians about this, their only concern is how to sweep everything under the carpet.

Middle East War? How Many Wars Do We Need? By James Reed

     Saudi Arabia is undergoing a geo-political realignment, turning away from the US, to embrace China, while all the ruling families continue their traditional battles against each other.  Sorting it all out gives me a pain in the neck… so here, all done:

     Add to all this increasing tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran:

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Go, One Nation, Go! By Tom North

    Fingers crossed, but One Nation seems set to make an electoral breakthrough in the Queensland state elections, set to gain 18 percent:

     With Labor at 35 percent and the LNP at 32 percent, we are likely to see a repeat of the New Zealand elections.  It serves the elites right, and is a great sign for nationalist politics.