Letter to The Editor - Being Named on a Partner’s Death Certificate

     The Prime Minister is right (‘Hate mail - Fears of malicious campaign’, 10/8) that, during the run-up to the marriage postal vote, ‘the views of all sides should not be censored, even if offensive and extreme.’ That is an essential aspect of free speech. On this question there are obviously powerful arguments on both sides: it is not a simple black-and-white matter. Views which one commentator sincerely believes to be truthful and relevant may well appear to an ideological opponent as ‘misleading and deceptive’.
     Is a compromise possible? Defenders of traditional marriage are unlikely to object, for example, to gay partners having ‘rights such as next of kin or being named on a partner’s death certificate’ (Letters).
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Signs of Collapse By John Steele

     Previously I have reported on the trend of the financial elites seeking bug out locations in places like New Zealand, as well as building expensive underground security fortifications at their homes:

    It seems now that elites lower down the food chain are starting to move in the same direction; a recent story is of http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-08-09-why-a-former-facebook-executive-quit-the-tech-industry-moved-to-the-woods-and-bought-guns-and-ammo-collapse-is-coming.html.

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Squeezing the Life Out of Our Cities by John Steele

     As pointed out in a recent article by Judith Sloan, “We’re Squeezing the Life Out of Our Cities,” http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/columnists/judith-sloan/were-squeezing-the-life-out-of-our-cities/news-story/c9ef0c2c59ec79a12ec983247e2eba20, immigration is making once liveable cities, unliveable:

“So what are the undesirable features of the galloping rate of growth of Melbourne’s population?
For starters, the new infrastructure projects that would normally be associated with such strong population growth have struggled to keep up. Think schools, hospitals, additional public transport and roads, particularly those linking different parts of the city — the list goes on.
The congestion on the roads and public transport at certain times of the day and week is something to behold. If I take the train to the city during peak times, the experience is akin to travelling in a sardine can. Even though we are not many stops from the beginning of the line, there is no hope of getting a seat or even finding a secure standing spot.
Driving is equally unbearable. Consider also the developments that have been allowed to occur in our precinct. On the arterial roads, the big houses have been sold, pulled down and replaced mostly by tacky-looking, albeit expensive, apartment blocks.
Nothing else has changed in terms of the local schools, local transport, local shops and other local amenities. There are many more people living in the area, but none of the supporting facilities has been altered. Evidently, we locals are being unreasonable trying to block this sort of development; we are guilty of selfish nimbyism and we just need to get with the program.
And that program is medium and high-density living, whether the longstanding incumbents like it or not. I used to think that it was our democratic right to express opinions about how our local suburb should develop, but apparently I was mistaken.”

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Reduce Immigration Write-On: A Simple Thing Which We All MUST Do! By James Reed

     There are now many different immigration initiatives from a variety of sources which ALL need our support ALL the time. Come election time/s the "Reduce Immigration Write-On" is also one to consider. The idea was mentioned to us by Denis McCormack, a long-time fighter of the immigration/multiculturalism/Asianisation madness, and involves the “Reduce Immigration” write-on to ballot papers. All perfectly legal and it will not invalidate your vote. It is an easy way of sending a message to the ruling elites that the people care, and are watching. To find out more visit the great site:  https://reduceimmigration.wordpress.com/

“Australia’s annual immigration numbers have more than doubled between 1999 and 2016. Net overseas migration in 2016 contributed the majority (56%) of our annual population growth rate of 1.6%, one of the highest in the developed world.
Bipartisanship across the major political parties has kept the idea of a lower immigration policy from becoming a real electoral issue, let alone the political reality. Both major parties are committed to high immigration. The REDUCE IMMIGRATION campaign does not oppose all immigration, but believes that policy change is needed because high immigration adversely affects our environmental and economic sustainability, social cohesion and cultural integrity.
Around 70% of Australians are concerned about increased immigration into Australia and our high rate of population growth.
This write-on campaign encourages Australian voters to express their objection to excessive immigration and to influence our immigration policy by adding a message to ballot papers in local, state and federal elections. Such write-on activity does not invalidate the ballot, does not make the vote informal, and does not contravene any laws.”

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The Scottish wind-power racket By John Constable and Matt Ridley

     Imagine a sausage factory – the luckiest, most profitable sausage factory in the world. Its machines crank out their sausages, and lorries carry them to supermarkets. So far, so normal.

     But this particular factory makes as many sausages as the management and staff choose. If they feel like taking the day off, the lorries and shelves stay empty. If they want to go a bit wild, they sometimes make so many sausages that there aren’t enough lorries to take them away. Or they carry on cranking out sausages even if the shelves are already full.

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There Exists an Abundance By Wallace Klinck

     Our economy is static rather than dynamic in the sense that as a society we cannot access what we have already produced until we produce even more—not to purchase what we are producing but to buy goods produced in the previous costing cycle.

      In order to purchase the goods upon which we are currently working when they are completed we must first engage in a whole new and additional round of production.  This is consequent to a price-system that pre-maturely cancels purchasing-power and leaves a deficiency when the final goods come off the production line.  

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The Really Secret Life of Plants By Brian Simpson

     I remember a book being around years ago called The Secret Life of Plants (1973), by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, which argued that plants were sentient, and that agriculture should take this fact into consideration. At the time I was sceptical and believed that if they were right, then probably we would end up eating nothing and starving!

     However, maybe I dismissed this claim too lightly:

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The White Pathology of the Left By Charles Taylor

     The Left newspaper The Guardian, has recently published a cartoon in its unfunny, “first dog on the Moon,” series, claiming that there is “unfortunately” not a plan, “to eradicate white people from the Earth.”

     The two dogs are discussing the present North Korea crisis, which seems to be blamed on “white supremacists” being in the White House. You have got to be kidding – imagine if there really were white supremacists wouldn’t these leftists melt into a puddle of political correctness then? Anyway, here is the full transcript of the cartoon:

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The Treason of the Intellectuals By James Reed

     I have been going through my old books, culling things out, to make it easier for those cleaning up after I die, perhaps in the coming nuclear Armageddon. Oh, wait, a contradiction; there will be no need to clean up, and no-one to do it anyway. But, I digress, perhaps getting on the senility train with Uncle Len.

     Here in my hand is a copy of Jewish intellectual,  Julien Benda, La Trahison des Clercs (The Treason of the Intellectuals) (1927). He argued that 19th and early 20th century intellectuals had departed from the cosmopolitan/universalist path, and had become apologists for nationalism, and what he called “racism,” but what others would call common sense.

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Orthodox Finance and Collectivist or Communist Movements are Symbiotic and Mutually Supporting By Wallace Klinck

     Marxist and extreme political ideologues in general typically do not debate.  Their characteristic strategic behaviour is to misrepresent, condemn and intimidate.  

     Their aim is to create social chaos, leaving an opening for them to seize the reins of political power.

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Mass Migration and the Fall of the West By Tom North

     Each day it is not too difficult to find hundreds of articles from countries across the world supporting the anti-immigration case. To prove my own point, I reach for today’s The Australian, and find: “Refugee Numbers Squeezing Suburb,” (August 5-6, 2017, p. 8) (“Middle-class progressives have no qualms about determining moral values. Yet a fairer approach would surely entail sacrificing comfort for a cause.”)

     Another critical approach is the historical one, of looking at past societies that were brought down by immigration. A case for the fall of Rome being based upon out-of-control immigration was made by Peter Heather, The Fall of The Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians, (Pan Books, 2006). The punch line is that Rome did not fall from all those things which conservatives like to think it fell from, such as too much tax, but because the state had been weakened by out-of-control immigration, and finished off by the barbarians.

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The Endgame of Islamic Immigration By Peter Ewer

     Few of us care about synagogues being built: how do they harm us? And, few of us would oppose the construction of a new synagogue, especially in iconic Jewish areas such as Bondi. It is simply part of Australian culture. Yet, as incredible as it sounds, the construction of a new synagogue has been stopped, not because of Nazi protests, but because of the Islamic terrorism threat. Here is a news summary of the key points: http://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/bondi-synagogue-ban-over-terrorism-risk-leaves-jewish-community-shocked-and-furious/news-story/6ec6252d613583df7797c7cac2b25de4:

“A LOCAL council has banned the construction of a synagogue in Bondi because it could be a terrorist target, in a shock move that religious leaders say has caved in to Islamic extremism and created a dangerous precedent.  The decision, which has rocked the longstanding Jewish community in the iconic suburb, was upheld in court this week as the nation reeled from the alleged airline terror threat and debate raged over increased security measures at airports and other public places.

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Speak Now or Lose Your Freedom By Bernard Gaynor

     In news that should worry all Australians, the Coalition government has today told public servants that they can be sacked for their political opinions.  From The Australian:

The Turnbull government will today seek to impose restrictions on public servants criticising the Coalition on social media, warning that employees risk disciplinary action for “liking” anti-government posts or privately emailing negative material to a friend from home.
Documents obtained by The Australian show public servants would also be warned they could be in breach of the public service code of conduct if they do not remove “nasty comments” about the government posted by others on the employee’s Facebook page.
You can read the new guidelines here.

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Class Warfare is Never the Answer By James Reed

     I admire Andrew Bolt and the great work that he is doing. However this column: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/labors-society-of-bludgers/news-story/0dbb091e314d4419413ccf785d2a352b, “Labor’s Society of Bludgers,” seems to be reverting back to old fashioned class warfare.
     Of course, we know that the vision of Labor, like all of the Left, is one of parasitism, to have the many feed off of the few, especially through its tax policy on high income earners, which they think will pull in $10.8 billion over the next four years. That is not new and is what socialists do, just like dogs like to mess up lamp posts.

     A more urgent task for thinkers is to outline to the public the challenge which social credit poses to the established financial and economic system. This site has numerous articles on this, but let me tell the story simply. Today, many people are struggling to even buy a reasonable quantity of groceries to keep body and soul together. This is a dramatic illustration of the deficiency of purchasing power. There is no shortage of goods, but people do not have the money to get them. This intuition says that there is something fundamentally wrong with the present system and that we need to strive to find something better, to solve the fundamental economic problem.
     So, Andrew, how about a bit of thinking outside of the box, if you dare!

Another Good Reason to Close Down the Universities By James Reed

     It has been reported that Australia’s 38 public university Vice-Chancellors were paid on average $890,000. Eleven of the VCs got their scaly hands on over $ 1 million of taxpayers’ money: The Weekend Australian, August 5-6, 2017, p. 05. Well, they are called Vice-Chancellors.

     I am outraged at this vast waste of public money. I call on all concerned Australians to protest about this, to take to the streets in angry, legal demonstrations, demanding that the VCs be sacked and replaced by robots, or even monkeys, doing their jobs vastly cheaper and ten times more efficient.
Begin replacing all university academics by on-line teaching, and sack most lecturers. Close down the physical universities and make them into entertainment centres, homes or shopping complexes. Or, just bulldoze down the sandstone buildings, and leave the rubble as a symbol of the destruction which these bestial entities have caused humanity:
Don’t get nostalgic about it; if necessary I will get the legals done and  drive the crane with the wrecking ball, and do the demolition work myself. For free. We have had enough of the abuse of the universities.
     Ok, who is with me on the first protest march, hands up?

The Nazi Left By James Reed

     I don’t have money to buy books anymore, but I think I can do this review just from online comments, cobbling it together. Don’t tell anyone, it will just be a secret between you and me. Times are extremely hard in extreme Right journalism.

     Dinesh D’Souza, has just published The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left, (Regnery, 2017). The thesis of the book is that it is not President Trump and conservatives who are “Nazis,” as the Left likes to say, but they are themselves. So there! Take that! The American Left, as represented by the Democrats, has a racist past, and at present acts like typical fascists, attacking free speech, the right to associate, and everything good and noble. The rotters.

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The Great Death Wish of the Power Elite By Charles Taylor

     Every US Senator, except Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders, voted for the Russian sanctions, even though there is no evidence that Russia did interfere in the US elections. Even if it did, Russia performed a service of exposing corruption, if not criminality, but the power elite do not worry about that:

     All that counts is having something on Trump, who, for all his defects, has become a symbol of opposition to the New World Order, or as it is now called, globalism: http://www.unz.com/tsaker/sanctions-smoke-and-mirrors-from-a-kindergarten-on-lsd/.

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Hold Onto Your Hat: Here Comes Nuclear War! By James Reed

     That is the conclusion which I have made after reading the latest news reports, claiming that US is now preparing for a imminent  North Korean nuclear strike: The Weekend Australian, August 5-6, 2017, p. 15. I note the irony of many now calling for Australia to develop defences against missiles, not only from North Korea, but also our great trading partner China: The Australian, August 4, 2017, p. 1 Why then did you elites feed the dragon in the first place and help make it so strong? Why should the national security elite and other members of the nervous political class talk about the “Chinese nuclear menace” now, after helping to build this very thing? Pig Iron Bob would be proud. So much for the Asianisation rhetoric.

     From what I have read, even if the US can shoot down North Korea’s nuclear missiles – and that is a big “if” – it is certain that North Korea can destroy the city of Seoul, which would severely impact upon the world’s high tech infrastructure. Worse would be a successful EMP attack on the US, which could kill 90 percent of Americans: http://www.emp.news/2017-04-12-emp-commission-chairman-confirms-that-a-nuclear-emp-attack-could-kill-90-of-the-u-s-population.html. Probably even more Australians would die in an EMP attack, given our high level of urbanisation. Not many Australians are prepared for anything, beyond fast food, drugs and grog.

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Pope Francis, The Pope of No Hope By Peter West

     I am really getting to dislike this guy. If I wasn’t a Christian, I would have said a stronger word, like “hate.” But, you know the story, it’s not what we do. We love, but as I am full of original sin, I “dislike,” imperfect as I am. So, what has this bozo done now?

    Just to be sure I get this right, let me quote from the news service:

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Letter to The Editor - Such Irresponsibility is the Opposite of Statesmanship

     No, despite your editorial claim (‘Leaders should unite on push for republic’, 29/7), the monarchy is much more than ‘a colonial and imperial relic’.  Monarchy by its nature enshrines something that no republic can provide: a glorious and spiritual mystique which has extraordinary power to unite subjects in a loyalty that provides national strength as well as the sense of being part of a noble enterprise, divinely sanctified. The oneness of the monarch echoes the oneness of God.
     The world’s arts and literature are filled with the joyful celebration of royalty. You will never find there anything comparable for republican presidents or prime ministers. As for Mr Shorten’s plans, it looks as though in a shifty manner he and his fellow-republicans are trying to dodge a referendum on the fundamental question. Such irresponsibility is the opposite of statesmanship.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic