The Same Sex Apocalypse By Mrs Vera West

     Are conservatives and Christian – I know that there are still some out there – taking the same sex marriage vote seriously, seeing it as the existential threat, which it is? By that I mean exactly what Paul Kelly has said (The Weekend Australian, August 12-13, 2017, p. 15), namely that a “Yes” vote is likely to be returned, and religious freedom “will have a second and far more important consequence — an assault on religious freedoms made possible by inadequate laws that will see a major shift in Australian society.”

     These avenues include: “intimidation against individuals, schools, charities, businesses, adoption agencies and civic organisations. This includes consumer boycotts promoted by social media and even commercial boycotts against other commercial entities.” Those supporting traditional marriage will be treated just like immigration critics are now.

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Exit the Queen? Enter the Republic? By James Reed

     Big Mal has said that he will not begin his Republic push until the Queen dies or abdicates, but plans for our Queen to step down and let Prince Charles take the throne have appeared in the mainstream media:
We, of course love the “people’s prince,” but be aware that the Left will see this as their chance to get a Republic up in Australia, because everything decent, must be defiled and destroyed.
     So, put the Republic battle up on your fridge along with the fast-approaching postal vote on same sex marriage.

Letter to The Editor - Stampede Other Australians into Premature Acquiescence

     Graham Richardson says that ‘gay marriage is an idea whose time has come’ (‘Expensive opinion poll lets PM ditch principles’, 14/8). This remark is of the same quality as claims that the monarchy is ‘out of date’. It is vivid but has no validity.
     Observation of the current controversy suggests that the nation is not ready yet to make a final decision on whether or not to adjust the legal definition of marriage. Whatever the result of the postal vote, it should be used as another tool to get an end result that takes note of the welfare of all Australians present and future and not just of gay people. The best possible compromise is yet to be articulated.
     The whole debate has many ramifications and supporters of a ‘yes’ vote should not try to ungenerously stampede other Australians into premature acquiescence.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - A Provisional ‘NO’ in the Postal Vote Remains the Wisest Option

     In the current marriage debate, it ought to be widely admitted that more than the welfare of gay people is at stake. Also to be fairly considered are the welfare of children (in a number of contexts), the welfare of adherents of Christianity and other religious traditions and the welfare of the whole nation. Issues of freedom of speech and religion are intimately tied up in the controversy.
     In recent correspondence to ‘The Age’ there have been too many over-simplistic remarks, including ‘smart jests’, at the expense of supporters of the ‘No’ case. My feeling is that the nation is muddled and divided on this issue. More thought needs to be given to how best the needs of all parties can be met in the best possible compromise for us all. Thus a provisional ‘no’ in the postal vote remains the wisest option.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

All “Our” Politicians Have Divided Loyalties By Bruce Bennett

     It seems that Barnaby is a New Zealander, and that a whole host of other MPs may not have done enough to denounce their foreign citizenship, in accordance with section 44 of the constitution. The Australian of August 15, 2017, p.1, mentions that “South Australian senator Nick Xenophon yesterday conceded he never heard back from Greek and Cypriot authorities when he attempted to renounce any possible foreign citizenship, raising fresh questions about his election.” Well, he should have done more, as this was his duty. This is one MP who needs to go, given his blockage of reforms to section 18 C.  And what an irony if an old Australia clause takes out modern multiculturalism and political correctness.
     There are a host of Labor MPs that could be hit as well. But, in reality, with a few exceptions such as Pauline Hanson, what is called “our” politicians are nothing of the sort, but are the puppets of the globalists, and they dance to the cosmopolitan tunes they play. All are happy to see Australia as an Asian Republic with same sex marriage, run by an Aboriginal review council, with no freedom of speech.
     In my opinion, they are all have alliances to a foreign power, and thus are from our point of view, traitors.

Myxo and Vaccination Miracles By Mrs Vera West

     A paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, P. Kerr (et al.), “Next Step in the Ongoing Arms Race Between Myxoma Virus and wild Rabbits in Australia is a Novel Disease Phenotype,” July 14, 2017, has raised the issue that pathogens may evolve to cause complete immune collapse of the host, by suppressing their entire immune system. The paper states: 

“The possibility that pathogens can become highly immunosuppressive in response to increases in host resistance needs to be considered where genetic and immunologic manipulations are used to enhance host resistance, as, for instance, in agriculture.”

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Charlottesville: The American Experiment Ends Rather Badly By Charles Taylor

     It is now the aftermath of the Charlottesville riots. If you read only the mainstream media, you would be reading that a group of neo-Nazis bashed poor innocent antifa folks, who were holding flowers, and then a crazed killer drove around killing people in his Mad Max car, or nearly that bad.

     Let’s start with the killing of Heather Heyer by 20-year-old James Alex Fields. Of course, the media was quick to portray this tragic event as a deliberate murder by a Nazi. Fields may or may not have been a Nazi, but it does not follow that he committed murder, and nor does this annul his legal rights. There is a case that he was attacked by antifa prior to the event and sped off to save himself, accidentally killing Heyer:

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The Don and the Mafia By Peter Ewer

     The Australian has published a big shock! horror! piece about Donald Trump and his alleged involvement with the US mafia in the Atlantic City construction industry: The Australian August 16, 2017, p. 6.
    So what? The mafia runs all of the construction companies in Atlantic City, and many elsewhere. In fact as documented by this book, the mafia runs a lot of businesses in Australia:

     It is just another great aspect of our rich cultural diversity blah, blah.

Oh No! Dick Smith is Going to “Stuff the Whole Economy”! By James Reed

     At this late stage of the game, it is good to have a strong drink and a sardonic laugh, while the ship of civilisation goes down.  Dick Smith is conducting a Grim Reaper style campaign, spending $1 million to advertise the ills of immigration. We all know these, “lagging infrastructure and services, cost of living, crime, social security dependence, problems with integration, overpopulated cities and degradation of the environment,” but Dick is going further attacking economic growth, wanting transparency in tax returns, and an inheritance tax: The Australian, August 16, 2017, p. 2. Good luck with all that!

     There is, of course no hope in achieving these aims, because without an alternative economic framework, such as the localist social credit, the globalists will simply gut you by moving off shore, which they do anyway. And, immigration is their economic religion, making our enemies rich.

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Uncle Len’s Amazing Transgender Encounter By Uncle Len, the Gender-Suspender

     Have I got a story for you…I am so excited that I just dropped a slimy sandwich which I rescued from the dumpster last night. Already the cockroaches are fighting for it on the floor of the shed, but once I finish this article, I will fight them all for it. This time, I may even win.

     I have met my first transgender person, and found her, or him, to be well…just a person like me. Here is how it happened. I was going through bins on North Terrace, Adelaide, looking for food, which the rich Asian students usually throw out. For new readers, I add the footnote that I am the resident homeless, near-senile dispossessed Anglo, a living symbol of your future. Right. Now where was I?

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Nuclear War Survival Skills By John Steele

     While many crazy people like me have been speaking about the prospects of a nuclear war, leading to World War III or is it IV now, the mainstream are seeking to educate the sheeple about nuclear war survival skills and prepping:

     British newspapers are advising people about nuclear war preparations, food and water storage, and construction of bomb shelters:

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Letter to The Editor - True Statesmanship Would Seek Other Ways of Honouring the Aboriginal Peoples

     Graham Richardson claims (‘Spouting feel-good fluff is no proof of foreman material’, 7/8) that constitutional recognition of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders is ‘within reach if both sides get behind the campaign.’  On the contrary, irrespective of what MPs do, the Australian people will almost certainly reject any form of constitutional recognition, provided that they have been adequately informed beforehand by a fully articulated ‘No’ case supported by equitable government funding (50% of allotted funds to each side).
     This is because there has been too much gung-ho talk by the Aboriginal lobby about a treaty and Aboriginal sovereignty, to say nothing of special seats in Parliament or an entrenched advisory body, and the people are too savvy not to realise that success in achieving constitutional recognition would be used as the basis for pushing the more wide-reaching demands in the future.  In short, widespread public faith in the whole campaign has been irretrievably lost. True statesmanship would recognize this and seek other ways of honouring the Aboriginal peoples, ways that do not threaten national unity and security and which are just to other Australians.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

High Tech Homelessness By Uncle Len, the Low Tech Homeless

     As a symbolic representation of the existential homelessness of modern Western man, I am always on the lookout for material to tell you about that affirms my raison d’etre, a word which I found on-line, but don’t know the meaning of, having no meaning or point for my existence.

     Anyway, I am getting off topic, which for me is remarkable. But, what was my topic? Think, Len, think. Your fans expect a lot from you, like coherence and all that. Now I remember, I have re-read my title….high tech homelessness. You see the high tech elite at Silicon Valley, which is, I suppose, an entire valley full of silicon, are living in their cars because of the high cost of living. HA! HA, again. Why don’t they just clean up all the silicon and make homes for people? Or, bring in more migrants, who through their economic magic will make even more homes?

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Here Comes the Australia Card Again By James Reed

     mThe political class have really wanted a national ID card, as it is just the thing which any fashionable authoritarian anti-freedom government has. This card was defeated in the past, but now it is coming back, like a zombie, to eat the flesh of our freedom:
     This time round terrorism is being used to scare us into adopting this most un-Australian of documents, and Pauline Hanson has fallen for the need for it, because of her knee-jerk fear of terrorism and welfare fraud:
     It will do nothing of the sort, and is useless against home-grown terrorism. They will just commit terrorism, with their ID card in their back pocket.
    Contact Pauline and tell her to wake up to the loss of freedom which this ID card is going to bring. We will join the family of Islamic and Middle Eastern countries in having this, and where it does nothing to stop terrorism.

Grenades! Now That’s Real Vibrancy and Vibration For You! By Peter West

     Forget about knife and car attacks, Sweden, a once Nordic country, now has embraced further diversity and  pluralism, with an increase in – yes, you guessed it – grenade attacks! Here is a reliable true news source on this one:

“The number of hand grenade attacks in Sweden has risen by 550 per cent in just three years, with police describing the situation as “completely unacceptable”.
Police data shows that in 2014 the Swedish force investigated eight grenade incidents, none of which involved a detonation.  But last year this figure inflated by a massive 550 per cent, as officers saw a total of 52 grenade-related incidents, 27 of which involved detonations.
At first, the grenade attacks were mostly directed at cars and homes linked to criminals and their relatives  — but from two years ago perpetrators began to target the nation’s “society and state”, an expert at Sweden’s National Police Department told SVT.”

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Letter to The Editor - Future Ideological Meddling with Proven National Treasure

     Noel Pearson is at best only half right in claiming (‘Memo Richo: Facts count, not lazy fictions’, 8/8) that ‘constitutional conservatives’ are ‘passionate advocates’ for the proposed ‘indigenous voice in Parliament’. What about the real conservatives on this issue: Keith Windschuttle, Andrew Bolt, John Roskam, Frank Salter and Greg Sheridan? Moreover, on this particular matter Julian Leeser cannot validly be described as a ‘hardcore constitutional conservative’. He has long been supporting constitutional recognition.
     The true conservative position is warm and respectful recognition of Aboriginal history and culture, but not by misuse of the Constitution. It would set a bad precedent, too, for future ideological meddling with what at present is a proven national treasure.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

The End of Sperm By Mrs Vera West

     Although this issue has been discussed before here, the context has been about the decline of the sperm quality of Western men, which a recent study concluded has fallen by more than 50 percent in 40 years, and is not slowing down:
How is that for a URL reference – somewhat self-defeating I think. Here is the old-fashioned reference:
H. Levine (et al.), “Temporal Trends in Sperm Count: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis,” Human Reproduction Update, 2017, pp. 1-14.

     Now this research has been quoted in the media as allegedly showing that Western sperm quality is undergoing decline. Gloating non-Whites, primarily Muslims have ground it in. Yet as Mike Adams has noted   there is still evidence that the decline in sperm quality is worldwide, and not exclusively due to factors such as diet, although that may be a contributing factor. The analysis had some indication that the decline in sperm quality was worldwide, including in still developing countries.

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The Feminist Left and Sharia Law By Mrs Vera West

     An interesting article at, details how Europe is adopting sharia law. In particular, the area which this is occurring is centred around women. Here is a key extract:

“Within days after the Islamic State conquered the city of Sirte in Libya two years ago, enormous billboards appeared in the Islamist stronghold warning women they must wear baggy robes that cover their entire bodies, and no perfume. These “sharia stipulations for hijab” included wearing dense material and a robe that does not “resemble the attire of unbelievers”.
Two years later, Europe’s three most important cities -- London, Paris and Berlin -- are adopting the same sharia trend.
Paris has said au revoir to “sexist” ads on public billboards. The Paris city council announced its ban after the Socialist Mayor Anne Hidalgo said the move meant that Paris was “leading the way” in the fight against sexism.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan also banned advertisements that promote “unrealistic expectations of women’s body image and health”.
Now Berlin is planning to ban images in which women are portrayed as “beautiful but weak, hysterical, dumb, crazy, naive, or ruled by their emotions”. Der Tagesspiegel’s Harald Martenstein said the policy “could have been adopted from the Taliban manifesto”.
The irony is that this wave of morality and “virtue” is coming from cities governed by uninhibited leftist politicians, who for years campaigned for sexual liberation.
There is a reason for this grotesque campaign banning these images. These cities host significant Muslim populations; and politicians -- the same who frantically are enacting mandatory multiculturalism -- want to please “Islam”. It is now a “feminist” talking point to advocate sharia policy, as does Linda Sarsour. The result is that, today, few feminists dare to criticize Islam.
It is happening everywhere. Dutch municipalities are “advising” their employees to not wear mini-skirts. There are women-only hours at Swedish swimming pools. German schools are sending letters to parents asking children to avoid wearing “revealing clothes”.
The first to suggest calling for a ban on posters or advertisements that “reduce women or men to sexual objects” was German Justice Minister Heiko Maas, a Social Democrat.”

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Letter to The Editor - Unjust and Destabilising Change to our Book of Rules

     Lyn Mitchell asks why Malcolm Turnbull is ‘taking on nearly all of Tony Abbott’s policies’ (8/8). Perhaps because they are wise and he is bowing, albeit reluctantly, to reality.  ‘Stopping the boats’ is a vital first step in curbing immigration into this continent and maintaining a reasonable quality of life here. A plebiscite on marriage gives all Australian citizens a chance to indicate their wishes. Climate change is a reality, but whether and to what degree it is caused by humankind is a question still being debated.
     On one issue the PM will be wise not to follow in Abbott’s footsteps: constitutional recognition. The Constitution should not be tampered with to favour one small group at the expense of the great majority. Recognition, yes, of course; it already happens in many ways; but not by unjust and destabilising change to our book of rules which has long protected our free way of life and largely civil society.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Difficulty of Changing the Constitution

     No better example of political gobbledegook could be found than the promise of the Leader of the Opposition to make the constitution ‘better, more equal, more Australian’ (‘Shorten backs Indigenous “voice”’, 6/8). Equality does not permit of degree. To what does he intend to ‘equalise’ our constitution, which is already completely Australian?
     It is chilling to see the ALP leader backing a ‘truth-telling commission’. Shades of Stalinism and Maoism! His language (‘the right-wing rump’ of the Liberal Party) is also coarse and uncivil. As for his support of a ‘treaty’, the Australian people are currently one; and a people does not enter into a treaty with itself. He says that Aboriginal Australians do not need a ‘lecture about the difficulty of changing the constitution,’ but he evidently does.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic