The Vassal State Bites Back By James Reed

     Of course this is correct: Well, maybe not the use of “an”

“At this point it clearly is the case that under the erratic 32-year-old Swiss-educated Kim Jong Un, Washington has found the perfect boogie man to scare South Korea and Japan into embracing Washington’s agenda to maximize pressure, military as well as economic, against Russia and against China. James R. Lilley’s Davos remark to me is borne out by the recent militaristic and foreign policy actions of North Korean Supreme Commander, Jim Jong Un. It seems it wasn’t even necessary for the United States to “create North Korea.” Washington only had to cultivate the infantile personality of Kim Jong Un.”

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Inter-Racial Ideology Criticised By Brian Simpson

     A recent article reports that race matters in dating, with most men allegedly wanting Asian women, and the majority of all females preferring White men:

     The data is based on AYI use, which is the largest Facebook dating app, having over 70 million users. While most men preferred Asian women, Asian men did not, and it is claimed that men from all racial groups preferred women from races other than their own. This, of course, contradicts the claim that most men prefer Asian women, explicitly.

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Transgender Marriage

We received the following email today:

    Launched today in the wake of the High Court decision, explains why there is a mismatch between the postal survey question and the bills put forward in parliament. 

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Jihadists Bring the Joy of Diversity to Europe By Peter West

     There are more than 50,000 jihadists now living in Europe, which is a real victory for multicultural diversity, exciting food, dancing, culture, “end racism now!” and anything else you would like to throw in the great cauldron of modernity:

“in an Aug. 31 interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo, EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove estimated more than 50,000 jihadists are now living in Europe.
“Three years ago, it was easy to identify someone who has become radicalized,” de Kerchove told El Mundo. “Now, most fanatics disguise their convictions. We do not have exact figures, but it is not difficult to do approximate calculations. United Kingdom, it is not a secret, it has been published, it has 20,000. France, 17,000. Spain much less, but more than 5,000, I suppose. In Belgium almost 500 have gone to Syria and there are about 2,000 radicals or more. I would not venture to a specific figure, but tens of thousands, more than 50,000.”

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The Wretched Wages of Writing By James Reed

     I don’t write as much as I used to, as age is getting to me. Fortunately over the years, I helped recruit other writers, most fitter than me. Soon, they too will face inevitable decline, and death. Death from the paper/computer disease of …sitting.

     Apparently sitting is a real killer:

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Ecosex Nonsense and the Dreadful Decline of Christian Sexual Morality By Mrs Vera West

     Apparently there is an “ecosexual” movement, which advocates having “sex with the Earth,” to save it:
As usual, there is an academic involved, UC Santa Cruz Professor Elizabeth Stephens, a pioneer in the “ecosexual” movement. Here is what another site said:

“We chatted with Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., and Beth Stephens, Ph.D., performance artists, ecosexual experts, and the authors of ‘The Explorer’s Guide to Planet Orgasm’ to get the scoop on this trend. They describe being ecosexual as this: ‘you don’t look at the Earth as your mother, you look at it as your lover.’ You also experience nature ‘as sensual, erotic, or sexy.’ This could mean anything getting off while writhing around naked in the mud to simply getting joy out of doing it in a hot tub or going on a naked hike.”

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The Disgraceful Lionel Murphy By Tom North

     The papers have oodles of material about Lionel Murphy, based on documents which have just been released. The High Court judge, and former Whitlam government attorney-general, was looking to be the first Australian High Court judge to be forcibly removed from office.

     The allegations were extensive beyond even the charges of perverting the course of justice, from which he was acquitted, and include associations with a crime boss, receiving “sexual favours from women” i.e. prostitutes, supplied by the criminal connection, being a silent partner in an illegal brothel,  and so on. It would easily have been enough to sink him, but Murphy got lucky and begun to die from cancer, so the inquiry was called off in August 1986: The Australian, September 15, 2017, p. 1.

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Western Christianity at an End? Time to Wake Up or Die By Chris Knight

     The threat of same sex marriage, and the assault upon traditional institutions is arising at a time when Christianity is in rapid decline in the West. This issue has been commented upon before at this site, but there is more bad news, that you need to hear.

     White Christians are now a minority in the United States:

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Attorney-General George Brandis will have the power to block legal action or appeal an injunction

     “It will be unlawful to vilify, intimidate or threaten to harm a person either because of views they hold on the survey or in relation to their religious conviction, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status,” a government spokesman said.
“That will be a sunset provision, it will only last for the period of the postal plebiscite.”

     The protections are similar to those already enacted in various state jurisdictions around Australia but do not currently exist at a Commonwealth level.
The laws, to be rushed through both chambers of Parliament by Thursday night, will apply to “conduct” during the campaign, which could include advertising, leaflet materials or behaviour.

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Letter to The Editor - Society Under Attack

Dear Reader,
This is interesting and shows you should never give up on your letter writing.
The following was sent to the Shepparton News on the 14th August 2017 and published today (13th September 2017) on the eve of the ‘postal ballot’.

To hear our Representatives trying to justify support for this issue whilst other important issues hurting their constituents are of little moment for them as they bicker and squabble among themselves worse than little children.
It is ‘adversarial politics’  at its worst as they try and confuse voters in their grab for Power. It is a very good reason to place the ‘sitting Member’ last next time you are required to vote.
In the meantime, voting negative in the plebiscite might keep the nasty wolf at bay a little longer.
Now it is up to you!

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The End of Free Speech By Charles Taylor

     In Europe, to protect the ethnics at the expense of native European populations, severe restrictions on free speech are imposed. While jihadists essentially are free to advocate what they desire, such as rape and genocide rhetoric, for Whites,  even “racist” memes now can land them in jail on terrorism charges, along with having copies of a book freely purchasable on, according to this article:

     This shifts things to a new level, since the same things done by Left groups does not merit punishment. Hell, even rapists get off with a warning if you belong to the right ethno-racial group:
In Sweden the police cannot even cope  with the  large number of rapes since migrants came:

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At Last: the Pope’s Agenda Exposed By Peter West

     The migrant’s Pope has been at it again, this time turning his attention to Trump’s decision to wind down Obama’s crazy scheme which prevented some tens of thousands of illegals from deportation, saying that the decision is not “pro-life,” and young people should not be torn from their roots. Ok, well they should not have been illegals in the first place if they were so concerned about “roots,” and not jumping queues  to serve their selfish economic benefit.

     Behind all of this, though, is economic gain to the Catholic Church, with the Church getting an enormous amount of money for refugee resettlement. As Steve Bannon has said:

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Gays Against Gay Marriage? After “Yes,” the Apocalypse By Mrs Vera West

     Believe it or not, there are gays who oppose same sex marriage:

    The same sex vote has been pushed as merely doing the right thing for “equality,” just as the Aboriginal referendum is so pushed. But, there are less than hidden consequences, as the article above notes:

“This Marriage Bill seeks to enshrine Gender Theory into the Marriage Act. You may think there are two genders but actually, there are around 112.
Here are a few (list available at Tumblr):

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The Mouse Utopia Experiment By Brian Simpson

     Ethologist/psychologist, John Calhoun (1917-1995), conducted an experiment with a population of mice, to test the effects of overpopulation and crowding, where food resources were not the limiting factor for growth:
J. Calhoun, “Population Density and Social Pathology,” Scientific American, vol. 206, 1962, pp. 139-148.
He had an area which would permit 3,840 mice to feed and survive. However, he observed that as mice numbers grew, a breakdown in social structure happened, with an increased killing of young, copious quantities of mouse homosexual behaviour, and a rapid rise in the level of aggression. The population crashed and headed to extinction:

“Many [female rats] were unable to carry pregnancy to full term or to survive delivery of their litters if they did. An even greater number, after successfully giving birth, fell short in their maternal functions. Among the males, the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep. The social organization of the animals showed equal disruption. ...
The common source of these disturbances became most dramatically apparent in the populations of our first series of three experiments, in which we observed the development of what we called a behavioral sink. The animals would crowd together in greatest number in one of the four interconnecting pens in which the colony was maintained. As many as 60 of the 80 rats in each experimental population would assemble in one pen during periods of feeding. Individual rats would rarely eat except in the company of other rats. As a result extreme population densities developed in the pen adopted for eating, leaving the others with sparse populations.
... In the experiments in which the behavioral sink developed, infant mortality ran as high as 96 percent among the most disoriented groups in the population.”
J. Calhoun, “Population Density and Social pathology,” California Medicine, vol. 113, 1970, p. 54.

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100 Trillion Asians? Go Harvey Go! By Tom North

     How many Asians and non-Whites do the globalist elites want in Australia? Some may say, an infinite number, but that is silly because the universe itself may not be infinite: One could go on forever citing references about this one.

     Perhaps a more realistic measure is a googleplex number of Asians, which is a 1 followed by 100 zeros (, more diversity than all of the atomic particles in the known universe! That too, creates a logical problem, since migrants are usually made of matter, but the immigration obsessed elite will ignore physical realities, since they do so now.

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A Slippery Slope to Moral Panic: Refuting the Martin Niemöller Argument By Charles Taylor

     Trump, by banning transgenders in the military is apparently on the path to Nazism, since one of the Nazi’s first victims was Magnus Hirschfield who was a leading advocate for transgender rights:

“The Nazis knew that most Germans had negative feelings about homosexuals. They realized that their conservative countrymen felt uncomfortable with the liberated sexuality of Weimar’s Berlin, which was, in many ways, the world’s first and foremost gay capital. The Nazis surmised that no one would protest the closing of gay bars and clubs in Berlin, the round up and questioning of suspected homosexuals or the dispatch of thousands to concentration camps. Whether they hated homosexuals on moral or religious grounds or simply felt uncomfortable in their presence or were afraid that speaking up for them would harm them, most Germans kept quiet, because they weren’t homosexual….
U.S. President Donald Trump is probably making similar calculations. Many people detest transgender people or fear them, as evidenced in the ongoing debate about so-called bathroom bills. Others who may not wish them harm and theoretically support giving them full equality might nonetheless feel uncomfortable with the very essence of transsexualism. Or they might rationalize that perhaps Trump has a point. After all, there are army commanders who claim that transgender people in the military are problematic. And there’s the issue of federal funding for their medical needs.
And even those who are critical of Trump’s decision to ban transgender people from the military probably won’t go out on a limb to fight it. They aren’t transgender, after all, and may not even know any transgender people. This is not the kind of do or die clash that one needs to go overboard with. The limited reaction so far and the fact that tens of thousands haven’t mobilized and taken to the streets already, as they did when Trump first announced the Muslim travel ban, could be the result of August vacations, or a sign of things to come.
There is no need to compare Trump to Hitler to assert that his decision sets a dangerous precedent. Single-handedly, with no immediate cause and only to satisfy his homophobic base, Trump stripped a group of people of a right they had only recently earned. He didn’t order them to don a pink star, but he marked them as outcasts nonetheless. He’s done so before with Muslims, illegal immigrants and journalists. Now he’s coming for transgender people.”

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The Pope’s Great Psychology Adventure By Peter Ewer

     Hey buddy, can you lend me a dime? What’s a dime? Never mind, did you hear this one?
“Pope Francis once underwent psychoanalysis with a Jewish analyst, according to a new book-length interview of the pontiff conducted by a French academic.
Francis said that he saw the psychoanalyst weekly for about six months when he was 42 years old.

     It’s unclear why the pope specified the analyst’s religion. The full English-language text of the anecdote is not yet available.
Francis went to see the psychoanalyst “to clarify certain things,” he said. Francis said that analyst was “a very good person who helped me very much.”
     Ok, back to the footie. Meat pies with dead horse really go down well in the cold.

The Death of Hollywood? Yiiipppeeee! By James Reed

     It may be too soon to hope, but a recent article says that not only is Hollywood out of ideas, but its profits are in free fall, even with the Chinese market, where the communists take 75 cents out of every dollar, which just rubs salt into a deep wound:

“The ideological conformity within Hollywood is not only destroying the greatness that comes from artistic tension, is not only shelving great stories, it is alienating and insulting half the customers.
Moreover, going to the movies today is not just an expensive risk when it comes to the quality of the product, but the theaters themselves are terrible at policing the talkers and texters who ruin the experience.
Going to the movies used to be a form of escape from the tyranny of everyday life. No more. Around 80% of movies disappoint, the rudeness of others aggravates, and the hyper-politicization of too much of the product and its pitchmen (the actors) drains your ability to remain spellbound.
Hollywood failed to listen to the canary in the coalmine that was the home video business. That pillar collapsed some ten years ago. Instead of looking inwards, instead of realizing that the quality of the product was such that no one wanted to experience it again at home, the studios blamed piracy, video games, and television.
Sorry, no.
The only problem is that your industry sucks and that it keeps getting suckier.”

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Anti-White Racists Trip Over Their Own DNA Bootlaces By Brian Simpson

     One of the things TV talk show hosts like to do on mainstream media is to get some poor White “supremacist” kind of guy, and make him look stupid. It has been done since the 1960s, and usually the victim walks into the trap and, unprepared for the totally unfair attack, is eaten alive. Of course, there is a mandatory hostile audience assembled, for what does one expect in a racial war?

     The recent attacks on White nationalists have involved getting the victim to submit to a DNA test, then reporting on the findings, which, of course, will reveal, a large percentage of “African” genes, defined as genes commonly associated with African descent. If not, they choose someone else.  Here are some articles where a White nationalist is presumably “discredited” because his genetic ancestry is 86 percent European and 14 percent sub-Saharan African:

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Why Feminists Love Islam and Hate the West: Against Jordan Peterson, in a Friendly Way By Mrs Vera West

     Here is Professor Jordan Peterson’s take on why feminists love Islam and hate the West:
The argument has been made previously by Matt Forney, and shock, horror, Andrew Anglin, that Islam for the feminists is a sh*t test for Western men. The radical Jihadist is the ultimate bad boy, who gets the girls “hot,” as the street talk goes. What does this say about such women, who get “hot” today, but punished for “zina” when the regime changes, tomorrow:

     I think that Peterson’s proposition is false, and  extremely superficial. Some dopey women out on the street with signs may feel this, as would those old predator women, who in Europe are supporting young Muslim men with resources for sex, but Peterson’s explanation fails in generality. Male homosexuals and heterosexual Left also support radical jihadists, as well as any cause which is contrary to traditionalism. A good scientific explanation seeks to integrate a wide range of phenomena and provide a unified explanation for them.

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