Despacito: Ode to a Decadent and Dying Culture By Mrs Vera West

     The Latin dance song “Despacito” (“Slowly”) has had 3.9 billion hits:

There, now it has a few more.
Most people, would have looked at the film clip, because the song is not much, because of its sex content, hot Latin dirty dancing, big girls, and tough gang banger guys, Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee. Muscle and tats, yeah!

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The Poverty of Australian Conservative Journalism By Peter Ewer

     The differences in coverage of the Las Vegas shooting between Australian and American “conservative” journalists is stark. For example, Ann Coulter, who has published numerous best-selling books, said this:

“If the media are going to keep wailing about how vital a free press is, could they start reporting stuff?
There’s a remarkable number of dangling facts about Stephen Paddock’s mass murder in Las Vegas, which the media have shown little inclination to investigate. It’s almost as if they’re worried that too much investigation will ruin it.
For example:
Who was the woman shouting, “YOU’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!” right before the concert? Is any reporter interested in finding out? Probably a random crazy lady, but that’s not typical pre-concert behavior.
Why is it taking so long to find out if anyone else went into Paddock’s hotel room since he checked in last Thursday? I’m perfectly prepared to accept that he was the only one who entered that room, but can we see the surveillance video?
The sum-total of the information we know about Marilou Danley, the woman who’s been living with Paddock for years is the following: She was out of the country at the time of the attack. She’s not involved.
Paddock had apparently assembled an enormous arsenal of weapons. Did she know about it? Did he tell her why? Had his behavior changed recently? Why wasn’t he with her on her trip? Had they broken up? And why did Paddock recently wire $100,000 to the Philippines?
Within hours of the first indictments in the Duke lacrosse case—later, all thrown out—the media was bristling with information about the players’ parents, the homes they grew up in, the ritziness of their neighborhoods, and the tuition at their Catholic high schools. Doesn’t any reporter want to ask Danley anything?”

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Becoming a Man: Well, Hurray Up! By Mrs Vera West

     My bee in my bonnet lately is about manhood, its fall, and how it could rise again like a phoenix from the ashes. To warm up, here is a great quote from an article on the same topic by Guillaume Durocher “Neither Wrath, Nor Cowardice:

“Anyone who studies the thought and ways of our ancestors can only be struck by their manly vigour and toughness. Material comfort and mass miseducation have taken their toll on modern Western man, turning him, with every generation, into a more and more effeminate creature. The ancients knew that without manly courage, political and personal freedom is impossible. One will not take the inevitable risks of living the truth without courage. Today, the great bulk of the men of the West do not have the courage to dare to even think the truth, let alone speak the truth, let alone act upon the truth. For the ancients, knowledge of the truth meant having the courage to even die for one’s beliefs if that were necessary. Effeminate cowardice was, for them, a great evil.”

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Beyond the University By James Reed

     This is a very interesting discussion by psychology professor Jordan Peterson, about the need to set up an online university:

     The argument is that the existing universities in the West are intellectually corrupt because of the death grip which cultural Marxism and other toxic doctrines such as postmodernism have on them. There is much written along these lines and the examples of absurdities flowing from the university system are many:

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The BioHistory of the Decline and Fall of the West By Brian Simpson

     In my big bag of books and material that I lug to the community library to work on articles, I have a copy of Jim Penman’s The Hungary Ape: Biology and the Fall of Civilisations  (The Author, 1992). Although Jim has a PhD in history, he is well know for his very successful businesses such as Jim’s Mowing and a multitude of other Jim’s businesses.

     The 1992 book, produced outside of the academy showed a fine critical mind at work. He predicted a complete collapse of Western civilisation and its culture, such as science and technology, and a swamping of the West by the Third World. The decline was due to a kind of decline in biochemical vigour, and by personality and attitude characteristics, such as oral restraint, which are distinguishing features  of high level cultures. The collapse of restraint will lead to the collapse of the West.

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Letter to The Editor - His coup was designed to ensure that his native land would not fall victim to a Leninist-style tyranny

     Intellectual probity demands a fairer public commentary on icons of the ‘hard right’. The usually reliable Jennifer Oriel defers regrettably to political correctness (‘Red October led us to genocide’, 9/10). No, it’s not admirable that ‘Nazi is a term of derision’ and that ‘Hitler is held up for scorn’ in our educational establishments. A subtler and more nuanced analysis would be more accurate and honest. And if our ‘young people’ learn about ‘the horrors of the Holocaust’, it’s unlikely that they also learn about the current horror of the persecution of Holocaust revisionists.

    Nor should the government of General Franco in Spain be misrepresented as a ‘fascist dictatorship’ (Matthew Campbell, ‘Catalan separatists feed on a history of violence’). Franco was a Catholic Christian patriot and former army officer of exceptional courage and competence. His coup was designed to ensure that his native land would not fall victim to a Leninist-style tyranny such as Russians then languished under.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Dissident Dispatches By Peter West

     I have now finished reading the 506 pages of Andrew Fraser’s Dissident Dispatches: An Alt Right Guide to Christian Theology, (Arktos, London, 2017). Obviously enough, there is an enormous amount of material here, and some of it is complex for a simple person like me. The philosophers here will eat it up, but I am sure they will find it a depressing read, because Fraser basically documents the same decay that we see in the universities, in theological colleges. Maybe this out-of-control liberalism is worse, because some of the characters seem to be little more than cultural Marxist Social Justice Warriors, although “wankers” would be a better word for the “W” place. They are the “Communist Party at prayer.”

     Fraser, a retired law professor, and author of the ethno-racial treatise, The WASP Question (Arktos, London, 2011), went to study at a theological college because he thought that the study of Christian theology would aid in his understanding of the ethno-pathology, of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, not supporting their own group interest, but working, either consciously or unconsciously, to destroy their kind.

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No Hopes over the Family law Act By Mrs Vera West

     Long-suffering men, don’t get your hopes up over the suggestions of an overhaul of the Family Law Act. This Act was an early politically correct attack upon men and the family, and has brought untold misery to many, the brainchild of Fabian socialist Lionel Murphy.
     The reforms are basically to save money and court time, so that disputes are solved faster: The Australian, September 28, 2017, p. 1. Yes, but so what if the initial basis from which this law starts is flawed?
     No fault divorce, said to be necessary for feminism and all that jazz, has been a disaster. Put reform of this law, on a long list of “things to do after the collapse.”
    Here is what one lawyer, who was on the receiving end of family law thinks about it:

The Fall of Fish By Brian Simpson

     There has been concerns for a number of years now about the decline, if not crash, of fish populations across the world, with one prediction being the end of ocean fish populations by 2050:

     More recent studies indicate that the end of fish date has shifted much closer, with a University of Washington study finding that populations of older fish have dropped by 72 percent on average, and for some species, such as red snapper, by more than 95 percent. Older fish tend to be veteran reproducers, and have more offspring. Natural News was quite alarmed about this and proclaimed that the collapse of fish populations “may lead to the fall of human civilization”:

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Sperm, Dying Like Beached Whales on the Polluted Beaches of Modernity By Mrs Vera West

     I have written about the issue of the decline of sperm, and of manhood before at this noble site, but now bring an update.

     Researchers from the Hadassah-Hebrew University, H. Levine (et al.), “Temporal Trends in Sperm Count: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis,” Human Reproduction Update, (2017); doi: 10.1093/humupd/dmx022,  conducted a meta-analysis, a type of statistical synthesis of published studies (more complex: simple linear models, meta-regression models, and sensitivity analyses), and found a 59.3 percent decline in total sperm count among men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. There was not found to be a statistically significant decline in sperm count in South America or Africa, but much fewer studies have been conducted there which makes the sample of studies therefore unrepresented in this respect.

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Hugh in Hell? By Mrs Vera West

     We as Christians pray for the souls of all of the departed, especially the most evil ones, in the hope that prior to death they recognise the evil of their ways and repent and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

     Hugh Hefner, who founded the Playboy empire, lived an evil life of sex and debauchery, and contributed to the destruction of the West. He, to the very end, thought that he was a “progressive,” moving the West away from the puritanism of Christianity with his shameful hedonistic lifestyle of sexual indulgence. Hefner said that his proudest achievement was to make premarital sex acceptable. That was the Playboy philosophy, and Hefner actually thought that he was an intellectual, rather than just a mere pornographer:

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Protected Only by Tractors Tom North

     By the time you read this, the results will be known, but they are likely to be negative. Catalan has conducted a “banned” referendum about independence from Spain, and the Spanish government has responded as any despot would do, seizing over 2.5 million ballots, as the Madrid Deep State uses the police to squash the referendum:

     The High Court, surprise, surprise, ruled that the referendum was illegal, even though this essentially begs the question about the “legality” of such a decision, and legal body itself.  As well, the court ordered Google to delete an app which Catalan separatists were using to publicise the referendum. There’s free speech for you!

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Why Our Schools are in Chaos By James Reed

     Before leaving teaching I clearly saw why students were doing so poorly, especially boys; political correctness and the trendy progressive agenda by Left wing teachers were destroying our youth, particularly by the actions of feminist teachers.

     Now we again have the public angst of wearing the fact that the average Australian student is barely equal to the most disadvantaged of Singapore’s students: The Australia, September 27, 2017, p. 1. In other word’s our students are absolutely hopeless at the basics, maths, reading and science. And, the sacred economy is going to suffer. Yet the corrupt corporate class continues to support trendy progressive issues, even though the longer-term consequences will be contrary to their economic interests. Maybe the great deluded think that immigration will cure all, even apocalypses.

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Politically Correct Football By Chris Knight

     American football has embraced political correctness big time, with bended knee protests against Trump, and the White people who keep this stupid multiracial sport afloat. For example:

“There has to be an uncomfortable element in the discourse for anything to change,” Popovich explained. “Whether it’s the LGBT movement, women’s suffrage, race, it doesn’t matter. People have to be made to feel uncomfortable, and especially white people because we’re comfortable. We still have no clue of what being born white means.”

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Some Sense from John Howard Mrs Vera West

     John Howard is doing a little to redeem his disgraceful time as prime minister in his No campaign. The latest is a full-page ad in The Weekend Australian, September 30-october 1, 2017, p. 10, which gives a good summary of the threats of a successful Yes vote. Most shocking for democracy, Labor and the Greens will not accept a successful No vote. There are no protections clearly forthcoming on religious freedom, and Howard mentions the disgraceful cases involving section 18 C, of the Racial Discrimination Act, as not engendering much confidence. What a pity he did not do anything about this when he was on watch, but like Abbott, bowed to the ethnic/multicult lobby.

     He notes, following the Safe Schools controversies, that education activists are “ready to introduce classroom material regarding gender issues unacceptable to the mainstream of Australian parents.”
John, this is already occurring and we have not seen anything yet, if they get the Yes vote up.

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The Pope and Mass Muslim Immigration By Peter West

     The Pope has been at it once again, saying that concern for “cultural identity” does not justify opposition to mass migration:

“In my constant listening to the particular churches in Europe I have perceived a profound uneasiness in the face of the massive arrival of migrants and refugees,” Francis said. “This uneasiness must be recognized and understood in the light of an historical juncture characterized by an economic crisis that has left deep wounds. This uneasiness has been aggravated, moreover, by the scope and composition of the migrant flows, by a substantial lack of preparedness in the host countries and by frequently inadequate national and community policies.”

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Letter to The Editor - Supposing that the ‘progressive Australia’ he favours is an improvement on the old

     Kit Carson is surely right (‘Say “yes” to a better Australia’, 1/10) to observe that the postal survey debate has morphed into a culture struggle between an ‘Old Australia’ and a proposed ‘New Australia’. Where he is grievously wrong is in supposing that the ‘progressive Australia’ he favours is an improvement on the old.
     A ‘no’ victory will assist conservatives and non-authoritarian liberals to defend a traditional Australia based on sacred revelation and metaphysical understanding, a nation in which key values are truth, freedom, honour, quality, hierarchy and equity.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Life Itself May be a Refugee By Brian Simpson

    According to this paper: Andrew M. Steer, Nicolas Bia, David K. Smith, Paul A. Clarke. Prebiotic synthesis of 2-deoxy-d-ribose from interstellar building blocks promoted by amino esters or amino nitriles. Chem. Commun., 2017; DOI: 10.1039/C7CC06083A, the DNA building blocks for life may have come from outer space in meteor showers:

“Dr Paul Clarke, from the University of York’s Department of Chemistry, said: “The origin of important biological molecules is one of the key fundamental questions in science. The molecules that form the building blocks of DNA had to come from somewhere; either they were present on Earth when it formed or they came from space, hitting earth in a meteor shower.
“Scientists had already shown that there were particular molecules present in space that came to Earth in an ice comet; this made our team at York think about investigating whether they could be used to make one of the building blocks of DNA. If this was possible, then it could mean that a building block of DNA was present before amino acids.”

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The Great Battle For No By Mrs Vera West

     People, especially girls and women, need to learn to say “NO”!  If people in the West had learnt to say No then we may not have some of the crises which we now face.

     The same sex marriage campaign Yes side, has sent out unsolicited text massages for the Yes side. The messages were sent using a “technology platform,” used by political parties. Obviously enough, all the usual suspects have defended this invasion of privacy. In fact, the electoral use could be in violation of the Privacy Act as well, and it would be good for lawyers to get onto this and see if the law can be used against them.

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The Roundup on Roundup By Brian Simpson

     Here is an interesting piece which Australian gardeners should read:  “Monsanto caught colluding with EPA in Roundup cancer cover-up”:
Look, on these articles, it is best to play safe journalism and just quote from the source, and then give the standard disclaimer: they said it, not us:

“Monsanto and the EPA have been caught red-handed in the midst of a legal controversy. Unsealed court documents have shown that not only is the EPA severely lacking in the standards department, but that the federal agency colluded with one of the nation’s most menacing companies, Monsanto. And in doing so, the EPA helped to keep Monsanto’s star product, Roundup, on store shelves and safe from being reviewed for its cancer-causing effects.
Court documents show that the EPA declared that Roundup was safe for use without ever testing the entire formulation’s effects, and instead relied on the industry testing done on just the key active ingredient, glyphosate.
As you can see in the graphic below, not only does the EPA not require testing of the actual product in its entirety, Monsanto itself as not conducted any studies on the chronic carcinogenic studies related to Roundup’s formulation. While this alone is certainly more than enough cause for concern — both about Roundup’s safety and the EPA’s apparent lack of integrity — this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.
While the EPA contends that glyphosate is safe, the World Health Organization and numerous independent studies on the chemical’s safety seem to disagree. The WHO made tremendous waves when they declared that glyphosate was a probable carcinogen, and several independent investigations of the product’s safety have shown that it’s linked to liver damage, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, digestive disorders and other ailments.”

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