The Threat to Freedom, Yet Again By Peter West

     We have been pounding away in these pages about the undermining of the value of free speech in the West. In case readers think that all this this is some personal quirk, I introduced “The Australian” test; if you can find the same sort of argument, no doubt more mildly put, in that globalist newspaper, then you know that we are onto something.

     So, on free speech consider Jennifer Oriel, “Political Correctness is Closing Australian Minds,” The Australian, September 25, 2017, p. 12:

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Letter to The Editor - One Wonders Why this Obvious Strategy is Rejected Out of Hand.

     Commentary on the recent German elections is being skewed by unjust prejudice against Alternative for Germany (‘Compromise won’t come easy for Angela and her new coalition’, 28/9).  Angela Merkel has not in the past offered a ‘staunch defence of democracy and Western values’; instead she has presided over a regime that trampled over the principle of intellectual freedom.
     Insult terms (‘populist’, ‘xenophobic’, ‘bombast’, ‘ugly rhetoric’) are inappropriate for any party which can win 12/6% of the vote in a nation of the intelligent such as Germany. It is a pity that Merkel cannot form a centre-right alliance with the AFD and the Free Democrats; and one wonders why this obvious strategy is rejected out of hand.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Do Not Use Empty Repetitions

     There may be more to prayer than rationalist critic Ian Robinson understands (28/9). The ‘controlled scientific study’ he relies on may be methodologically inappropriate, hence the old saying that ‘you cannot knit a cake.’
     Most prayers are not petitions. They are vehicles of potential transformation in a person. Tradition tells us that the art of prayer, of entering into touch with a higher level of being, needs to be learned. It is said that to pray a person must feel his nothingness in comparison with the divine. This is why Jesus said: ‘In praying, do not use empty repetitions.’
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Let’s not compound the error!

     Peter Hartcher is right that the legal definition of marriage ‘has not stood since time immemorial’ (‘An Australian tradition we need to remember’, 23/9), but what has remained constant is the nature of marriage itself. Although it is not true of every individual person, in general human beings are monogamous, and rightly so, because that is the best and safest way for children to be successfully raised to maturity. That is what the churches and their biblical doctrine are defending.

     Australia does not have a ‘proud progressive tradition’ in this context. The increased number of divorces and separations, leaving children without one or both parents in the family home, that has occurred in recent years is not progress but retrogression, resulting partly from foolish legislation. Let’s not compound the error.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Tony Abbott is right to warn that if people fear them, they should vote ‘no’.

     Peter van Onselen produces a few furphies himself in his defence of a ‘yes’ decision for the postal survey (‘”No” side offers a masterclass in debating techniques’, 23-24/9). First of all, slippery slopes really do exist. The ‘no’ lobby has produced convincing evidence that an apparently innocuous change to the law could lead to several undesirable results, including compulsory application of ‘radical and gender programs in schools’ and serious attacks on the free speech of traditionalists.
     Secondly, while a comparison of children of same-sex couples to ‘the Stolen Generations’ may be excessive, that does not dispel the argument that children do significantly better with their own biological parents in a firm marriage.
     Thirdly, a ‘yes’ victory may not mean that every ‘yes’ voter endorsed political correctness or Safe Schools, but it will certainly strengthen those trends; so Tony Abbott is right to warn that if people fear them, they should vote ‘no’.
     Finally, same-sex marriage isn’t just about alleged ‘equal rights and freedom’, it’s about giving to one small minority at the expense of other persons, especially children.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Same Sex, Time for a Bex By Mrs Vera West

     How I miss Bex tablets, taking a Bex with a cup of tea, then a nap really helped with psycho-political neurosis. What a pity that they were highly addictive and caused kidney disease. And, now we have the brain ache of the same sex plebby, and the endless debate and conflict that goes with it.

     Good to see that some of the points made earlier in this debate by some of us are getting presented by others, not that they have been influenced in any way by us. The rational mind reaches the same conclusion.
     For example, the threat that same sex marriage would have on parent’s rights to their children’s education, has now been put in an advertisement, telling us, that based on the Canadian experience, a Yes vote will lead to the celebration of homosexuality in schools:

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European People Built Minoan Civilisation By Brian Simpson

     Continuing my theme of European achievements, researchers using DNA analysis have concluded that the same people who built the bronze-age Minoan civilisation, also built Europe. DNA analysis of Minoan skeletons revealed that ancient and modern Europeans had the closest genetic relationship with the Neolithic inhabitants who reached Crete:

“A team of researchers in the United States and Greece has used mitochondrial DNA analysis of Minoan skeletal remains to determine the likely ancestors of these ancient people.
Mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of cells, contain their own DNA, or genetic code. Because mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mothers to their children via the human egg, it contains information about maternal ancestry.
One of the buildings in Knossos restored by British archeologist Sir Arthur Evans. Knossos was the major civil center of the Minoans.
Results published May 14 in Nature Communications suggest that the Minoan civilization arose from the population already living in Bronze Age Crete. The findings indicate that these people probably were descendents of the first humans to reach Crete about 9,000 years ago, and that they have the greatest genetic similarity with modern European populations. Dr. George Stamatoyannopoulos, University of Washington professor of medicine and genome sciences, is the paper’s senior author. He believes that the data highlight the importance of DNA analysis as a tool for understanding human history.
“About 9,000 years ago,” he noted, “there was an extensive migration of Neolithic humans from the regions of Anatolia that today comprise parts of Turkey and the Middle East. At the same time, the first Neolithic inhabitants reached Crete.”
“Our mitochondrial DNA analysis shows that the Minoan’s strongest genetic relationships are with these Neolithic humans, as well as with ancient and modern Europeans,” he explained.
“These results suggest the Minoan civilization arose 5,000 years ago in Crete from an ancestral Neolithic population that had arrived in the region about 4,000 years earlier,” he said. “Our data suggest that the Neolithic population that gave rise to the Minoans also migrated into Europe and gave rise to modern European peoples.”

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Who Sheds a Tear for the Neanderthals? By Brian Simpson

     As one contemplates personal death, one likes, I suppose, to reflect back on achievements, to tell oneself that it was all worthwhile and a job well done. Likewise for civilisations, when they die.

     The Neanderthals were a form of the hominin linage who are now extinct. Bigger, more muscular and maybe even smarter than primitive Homo sapiens, they nevertheless became extinct about 40,000 years ago.  DNA analysis shows that Neanderthals interbred with the ancestors of modern humans, or what I think is more realistic, modern humans interbred with Neanderthals.

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How Does a Police State Happen? by Jeremy Lee

     If the idea of a Police State was announced in advance, it would never happen! The people would resist, find leaders, rise up and stop it. But, of course, the loss of personal freedom never happens in one moment of time, but gradually, inch by inch, never moving fast enough to cause too much opposition, taking a backward step now and then, in order to take two forward steps later.

     How do we recognise it? And what do we do about it? There is a hundred and one symptoms, chief being absence of justice for the weak. When one person cannot find justice, all are endangered.

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Letter to The Editor - Germany needs to curb immigration, as does Australia

     While one does not admire every statement attributed to spokespeople for the Alternative for Germany party, its success in the recent elections may have some benefits for Germany and for world culture. Peter Hartcher notes (‘Two elections, no shock’, 26/9) that ‘until now, Germans didn’t have a way of talking openly about the problems of immigration.’ The lack of free speech in Germany since World War Two has indeed become a scandal and needs to be addressed. The group shunning of the AFD by other parties is a hangover from that repressive period.

     Quite plainly Germany needs to curb immigration, as does Australia; and the reinforcement of Germany’s national identity and pride can be achieved without a return to the errors of Nazism.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - One or more Hidden, Distorting Factors in German Politics

     The best result now for Germany, but it won’t happen, is for Angela Merkel to establish a coalition government with the Free Democrats and the Alternative for Germany. As you note in your editorial (‘A chastened Merkel soldiers on’, 26/9) ‘she must accept that Germany is not immune to anti-immigration sentiment’, and, that being so, any kind of partnership with the Greens just does not make sense.

     A centre-right coalition could ensure that only reasonable and responsible policies are accepted from the AFD as a junior partner, and that Germany regains national pride and greater free speech without any danger of lapsing towards Nazi authoritarianism. That it won’t happen, and that all the other parties have officially shunned the AFD, suggests that there are one or more hidden, distorting factors in German politics.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

News from the Front Line By James Reed

     The mainstream media, especially the electronic version, which, if it is possible, is even more dumbed down than the print and internet versions, has been gloating that Germany’s Angela Merkel has won her fourth term as chancellor. For the chattering class, this open borders pro-Islam communist, represents the ideal politician, and her victory allegedly shows that Nordic/Northern European people want to be replaced by migrants, and make a new non-White Europe, abandoning traditional culture and genetics. Many don’t yet say it this boldly yet, but they soon all will:

     Yet, commo Merkel did much worse than expected, and her Destroy Germany Now Party, if that is its name, scored the poorest results since WWII. The Alternative for Germany (AfG), scored higher than expected, and although results are still coming in by carrier pigeon, as I pen this with a feather and ink, it looks like this nationalist party will win about 14 percent of the vote and get perhaps 88 seats in the Bundestag. There is still some fight left.
     Then there is New Zealand, where the elections have led to a hung parliament, with the nationalist New Zealand First Party, an anti-immigration party, holding the balance of power. The leader, Winston Peters, seems to be letting both the Nationals and Labour, a Labour Party even more politically correct than ours, if that is possible, sweat about the future rulers of the country.

The Strange Death of the West By Peter West

     Is all of this talk about White genocide and the collapse of the West, “over-the-top”? Perhaps those who deal only with economic issues may think so. But, economic continuity depends upon a stable society, and there is not much economics in civil war zones. Any economy depends first upon the continuity of supporting institutions, and if these are threatened, there goes your economy.

     Let me introduce another test, called The Australian test. If there are claims made in this direction in that newspaper, which is itself globalist and pro-immigration, then you know that we must be onto something. Thus, if we find someone normally supporting mass immigration and multiculturalism saying, “Well, there may be a wee problem here,” then we know that there is a mighty big problem. If that same person begins to speak in Peter West terms of “disaster” – well, watch out!

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The Dove of Freedom, Has Flown By Brian Simpson

     The loss of freedom of thought can be seen in many areas of modern society, from gun ownership, to sexuality issues and race.  Here, I will briefly mention two areas by way of illustration.

     In the West scientific research on race and race differences faces passive to moderate aggressive suppression, ranging from lack of financial support, to outright university suppression via sackings and physical attacks by deranged Leftoid students. A concise summary of the assault on race research has recently been given by Nelson Rosit, “Assault on Psychology: Research on Race differences Anathematized,” at:

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A Sad Tale of False Female Equality By John Steele

     Part of the masculine survival mentality is knowing one’s limits and being aware of danger; situational awareness. For anyone who feels that they need to beef up on the very basics of self-defence, beyond physical techniques, have a look at this website, which is full of goodies:

     If you spend a couple of hours reading articles at this site it could save your life. In a nutshell, learn the signs of trouble, always keep in an alert, but relaxed mode of awareness, and know your limits. In war, I have killed men, and have the PTSD that comes with it, but this experience has indicated to me how truly frail humans are. We die very easily. The experience from both sides is very unpleasant and to be avoided.

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Top 10 moments of marriage madness you must remember when voting Posted By Bernard Gaynor



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Vaccinate, This By Mrs Vera West

     Vaccinations have become something of a magic bullet of the age, supposedly giving people Superman-like protection against disease. But, is this magic bullet view correct, or is a more kryptonite position a better fit of reality?
     The flu which hit Australia this year, hit harder because the strain mutated after the vaccine had been produced: The Australian, September, 14, 2017, p. 4. There were 155,000 confirmed cases, which is 70 percent more than the entire 2016 flu season. Yet, the concern was made that vaccination rates were still not high enough.
But, wait. If the flu mutated, and hence the vaccine, made for the pre-mutation flu was rendered inadequate, the vaccine rate is besides the point. The fact remains that there is a continuous arms race between bugs and humans, and often the bugs have the upper hand. In this case the mutation was too fast for the vaccine.
It is also interesting to note that research indicates that bacteria can adapt to conditions in outer space, and get stronger and reproduce faster:
Although the bacteria decreased in size, they tended to group together in collective patterns for protection. This suggests that space travel could be extra dangerous due to the increased virulence of bacteria. The elite who hope to leave Earth on space ships, to let us all burn down here, may well die of common bacteria infections, if they get their fantasy ships off the ground.

Letter to The Editor - Tweaking Triggs’ accolades

The article, “Triggs’ one important contribution to human rights” by Greg Walsh (News Weekly, August 26, 2017), is objectionable for a number of reasons.

1. The so-called Anti-Discrimination Act is rotten to the core. Is it necessary to recite the shocking cases of Andrew Bolt, the Queensland University of Technology students, the late Bill Leak and the memorial to the Japanese sex-slave women?

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Dick Smith and the Reduce Immigration Write On By James Reed

     I have followed the media response to Dick Smith’s strategy dealing with immigration, which was to launch an attack on the growth economy. It has received almost no sympathetic response in the MSM: The Weekend Australian, September 16-17, 2017, p. 22. This is to be expected, since the MSM is pro-growth to the core.

     It has not been a wise use of money by Dick. The growth mad pro-immigration lobby accept none of his assumptions. They think that the more migrants that are brought in the more jobs are created. No matter about IT displacing jobs, migrants have so much magic that they can solve every problem.

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Doomsday September 23, 2017? By James Reed

     There have been reports that the world will end Biblical style on September 23, 2017:

     The predictions are based on numerology, centred around the number 33. However, the world will not end on that day, but rather a series of events eventually leading to the Second Coming.

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