Poland Fights Back By Richard Miller

     Unlike the rest of the West, the Eastern European countries are waking up to the problems of the New Order:

“LGBT campaigners’ demands such as ‘gender ideology’ and the promotion of alternative sexual lifestyles to young children at school present a serious threat to Poland, the head of the nation’s ruling party has said. Speaking at a conference organised by the group Catholic Action on Wednesday, Jaroslaw Kaczynski denounced ”an attack on the family and children”, following the signing of a 12-point ‘LGBT + Declaration’ by Warsaw’s liberal mayor. “We are dealing with a direct attack on the family and children… the sexualisation of children, that entire LGBT movement, gender,” he said, denouncing ‘gender theory’ which claims that sex is a social construct and that people can ‘choose’ their own gender, and which the Warsaw Declaration says must be promoted in schools. “These ideologies, philosophies, all of this is imported, these are not internal Polish mechanisms,” Kaczynski told the conference in Wloclawek.

“They are a threat to Polish identity, to our nation, to its existence and thus to the Polish state,” he added. “Communism was not defeated” when the Berlin Wall fell, the Law and Justice (PiS) party leader said, asserting that freedom of speech and religion are under attack from a post-1989 “formation” of pro-EU and media forces which have been deeply hostile to the Church and Polish patriotism. The Roman Catholic Church in Poland was among voices highly critical of the Warsaw Declaration, expressing “deep concern” over education plans declaring schools must adopt ‘LGBT-inclusive’ education guidelines, warning that the plan “contradicts the constitutional right of parents to raise their children according to their own belief”.

     Is it any wonder that the particular Soros Foundation wants the EU to accelerate its “war” on Poland?

“George Soros’s Stefan Batory Foundation has demanded Brussels step up its war on patriotic Poland, asserting that the EU’s survival rests on “the progressive battle” to force globalism on the central European nation. A paper by the NGO, founded by the open borders-backing billionaire in 1988 with the goal of turning then-Communist Poland into an “open society”, praised the European Commission for taking action against Polish efforts to reform what the government argues is a corrupt judicial system lacking in accountability. Despite EU undermining of national sovereignty fueling widespread, growing anger at the bloc in Poland, lawyers at the foundation called on Brussels to step up its attacks on the central European nation, alleging that the fight for supposed judicial “independence” was vital for protecting “human rights” throughout the union. “The battle for the rule of law in Poland… is effectively a battle for the survival of the EU,” proclaims the Soros-backed NGO, which has spent recent years working on projects to “prepare Polish society for refugees”, to “form positive attitudes towards” mass third world migration, and training tens of thousands of professionals and officials in various roles to fight “prejudice” as well as “hateful online comments”.

Poland’s conservative Law and Justice (PiS) has repeatedly spoken out against EU moves to encroach on member states’ sovereignty since the party was the first in the post-Communist era to gain enough seats to rule without a coalition when it swept to power in 2015 elections, with the promise of reversing the Europhile, globalist previous government’s vow to resettle huge numbers of migrants in the country. Jacek Czaputowicz, Polish foreign affairs minister, and his Hungarian counterpart, Péter Szijjártó, told a press conference in Budapest this week that the two countries would continue to defend a Christian, pro-sovereignty Europe in the face of attempts by the Brussels establishment to force mass migration “down nations’ throats.”

     I wonder what the great philosopher Karl Popper (1902-1994), whom Soros allegedly borrows from, would have thought about this war on Poland, given Popper’s opposition to all forms of fascism, totalitarianism, ands dominating centralised control in favour of an “open society”?

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.



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