False News Alert! The New York Times Now Blames Israel for 9/11! By Charles Taylor

     The New York Times continues its attack upon all nationalism, taking a short breath from vilifying Trump, to blaming Israel for 9/11, as Pam Geller notes:

The New York Times is suddenly and retroactively blaming Israel for motivating the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, without much evidence to support the claim. A recent Times news article about deadly attacks in Africa by affiliates of the terrorist group Al Qaeda blames them on President Trump’s decision to obey an American law that required him to move the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The Times reports, “The attacks came fully seven months after President Trump moved the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the disputed holy city, which Mr. Trump recognized as the country’s capital. Widely seen as inflaming tensions and as a demonstration of the administration’s favoritism toward Israel in its long conflict with the Palestinians, the move drew condemnation at the time from many corners, including Al Qaeda and other extremist militant organizations.”

The Times mentions that the Jerusalem embassy move “drew condemnation … from many corners” but fails to mention that it also drew praise from many corners, including from the elected government of Israel and many American Jews and Christian Zionists. But that’s just a mild precursor compared to the Times September 11 revisionism, which comes in a paragraph of the article that immediately follows the description of Jerusalem. The Times reports, “The suffering of the Palestinians has long been an animating cause for Al Qaeda, a stand-in for the victimization of Muslims at the hands of Western powers. Biographies of Osama bin Laden say that as an adolescent, he cried watching news coverage of displaced Palestinians who had been forced off their land.”

These are new claims by the Times, which has previously had rejected them. For example, on September 23, 2001, a former Jerusalem bureau chief of the paper, Serge Schmemann, wrote, “the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11 were apparently not about Israel and the Palestinians, at least not directly. … There were no indications that the architects of the attack had American support for Israel as their primary motivation.”

On October 12, 2001, the Times published an op-ed by a former US diplomat, Dennis Ross, headlined, “Bin Laden’s Terrorism Isn’t About The Palestinians.” Ross wrote that any claim that the attack on America “was about the plight of the Palestinians” was as “absurd” as Saddam Hussein’s claim that he had invaded Kuwait in 1990 to help the Palestinians. Not even the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, bought this nonsense. The Times reported in 2002:

Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, sought to distance himself unequivocally from Al Qaeda in an interview published today, warning Osama bin Laden to stop justifying attacks in the name of Palestinians. “I’m telling him directly not to hide behind the Palestinian cause,” Mr. Arafat was quoted as saying in The Sunday Times of London, referring to recent statements by Al Qaeda leaders. “Why is bin Laden talking about Palestine now?” Mr. Arafat said. “He never helped us. He was working in another, completely different area and against our interests.” That 2002 Times report referred to “Al Qaeda, which has in the past mentioned the Palestinian issue only glancingly.”

     So, The Times has gone back upon what it had previously published? Why the sudden change? All I can offer by way of explanation is that globalist Leftist organisations have an agenda to attack all nationalisms as a matter of principle, and Israel is also a target, given that it quite rightly has a wall for national protection. I imagine that the Left would want to tear that wall down as well, as part of its program of destroying Israel.

     The Israeli border/West Bank walls are magnificent structures and America needs them as well, because they work!

“Dr. Nachman Shai, an Israeli parliamentarian (Zionist Union) and a member of the powerful Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, told The Media Line that “the concept behind Zionism at the beginning of the 20th century was not to build walls, but for Jews to live among their neighbors without limitations. “But since then, we have been building one after the other, including above-ground and underground barriers, and now Israel is surrounded with walls, each one a bit different than the other.” The “wall” most comparable to what Trump is suggesting is the one along the southern border with Egypt. That barrier—a “smart” barbed-wire structure equipped with cameras, radar and motion detectors—“was erected to prevent illegal [African] migrants from crossing over a once- porous border into Israel,” Yehuda Ben Meir, head of the National Security and Public Opinion Project at the Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security Studies, related to The Media Line.

“It was constructed in cooperation with Cairo and includes some military crossing points so that the Israeli and Egyptian armies can collaborate when needed,” he added. Today, there are approximately 40,000 African migrants and asylum seekers in Israel, according to the Interior Ministry. About 70 percent are Eritrean and 20% are Sudanese and almost all of them arrived between 2006 and 2012. In 2010, the height of the wave, about 1,500 illegally crossed from Sinai into Israel each month. After breaking ground in 2010, Israel completed the 242-km. (150-mile) fence in December 2013 at a cost of around $450 million. Whereas about 9,500 Africans crossed into Israel illegally in the first six months of 2012, less than three dozen did so in the first six months of 2013, at which time the major components of the barrier had been completed.

Illegal immigration through Sinai dropped to 11 cases in 2016 and 0 in 2017. The fence also has dramatically reduced the smuggling of contraband into Israel and there have been no security breaches from Sinai since then (although the local ISIS-affiliated group has fired rockets at the Israeli Red-Sea resort city of Eilat on a few occasions). With Israel’s southern fence halting immigration completely, both the Trump administration and many U.S. advocates of tougher immigration policies have taken notice. Notably, Elta North America, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries, was one of eight companies chosen to build a prototype for the planned wall along the frontier with Mexico. The other “wall” worth mentioning is the security barrier built by Israel primarily in the West Bank, which effectively ended the phenomenon of suicide bombings.”

     Israel shows that walls then certainly do work, and their construction firms built them easily on the small amount of money that Trump is likely to have. So, why not contract with these guys to get the Wall up? 
That is why the American Left, wanting open borders, have made the fight against Trump’s wall, their main mission in life, until the next big thing.



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