Leftists Planning for War By Peter West

     While we are still having debates about turning the other cheek, and whether or not one is justified defending one’s family from attackers seeking to eat us, or terrorists seeking to stab us:
and/or family, the Left is getting ready to do just that, at least in America.

     Far Left groups  are already undertaking terrorist and military training, to use extreme violence against conservatives. It is no longer, “Nazis,” that they seek to fight, but anyone opposing any aspect of the Left agenda. Look, here are some articles so you can judge this for yourself:
     Expect to see this in Australia, as we are always a few years behind the US in the decay and degeneracy stakes.

Please Roll Over and Die and Let Muslim Men “Fertilise Your Women” By Peter Ewer.

     Now here is something which really goes a long way in promoting multicult/multiracial harmony, especially at a time when there are tensions between local populations, who are being displaced, and migrant populations, who are surging to dominance:

     For the sake of accuracy, which is needed for people like us who are basically rabbits targeted for eradication, here is the punch line:

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Letter to The Editor - Pursues an Obviously Divisive Course

     Galarrwuy Yunupingu has given a clear and noble account of the traditional Aboriginal process of settlement, but seems unaware of how, after the history of the last two or three centuries, it is irrelevant to constitutional procedures in the Australia of today.  Another mistake he makes is to imagine that Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten can speak on the issue of constitutional recognition for all Australians. They cannot, and true democracy demands that any change must be effected by means of a properly conducted referendum. Finally, there is a contradiction between his professions that he and the authors of the Uluru statement wish to be part of a unified nation, while he pursues an obviously divisive course which does not represent the wishes of all Aboriginals anyway.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

Are There Really Multiple Universes? By Dr John Jensen

     Physicists and philosophers seem to have fallen in love with the idea of the multiverse: that there are other universes, not spatially connected to our own. There was first the splitting universe idea in quantum mechanics, to deal with the collapse of the wave packet problem, but today with string theory, it seems that everything goes;
     Now, a popular idea of the multiverse is that all realities are actualised. Every possible world is real, in some universe. There is a world where I am not a fat, aging professor of physics in a third-rate US campus, but instead, a young hot-blooded Nobel Prize winner.

     To reduce this idea to absurdity, let as consider this possible world: one of the omnipotent multiverse annihilators! If all realities are actualised then there is one possible world where cosmic killers exist, who would seek to destroy all other universes. Argue by assumption that such psychopaths have the power to annihilate universes.
    Thus, on the assumption that the multiverse exists, it follows that it would not exist, since the cosmic killers would have annihilated us. Since they have not, they do not exist. It follows that the multiverse does not exist. Physicists need to go back to the drawing board. 

Letter to The Editor - Republics and Presidents Simply Can’t Compete

     My defence of the spiritual nature of monarchy and its unifying capacity within the realm has struck a few nerves (letters, 1/8). Yes, of course there have been some very bad monarchs and others have been unable to successfully protect their peoples from disorder; but the majority of kings and queens, and not only those of Britain, have by and large ruled well and not betrayed the ideal. History has, too, a lengthy list of corrupt republics.
     It is significant that the world’s arts and literature are filled with the joyful celebration of royalty. By their very nature republics and presidents simply can’t compete, and no amount of derision can hide this.   
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

An Uncomfortable Issue By John Steele

     Here is an uncomfortable issue for conservatives. It has long been pointed out at many stronger sites that European women support refugee intake more than men. Why might this be?
    There is one proposal based on the fact that the majority of the refugees are young men of military age, who have fled the country to save their bacon, rather than women and children, who have been left behind:

    The latest news story has it that older women are cashing in on this flood of young men:

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Letter to The Editor - Lust For Power

     Tony Abbott effectively nails the republican issue on the head (‘Imagine Bill our Head of Fate’, 2/8) by reminding us that the Crown gives us ‘national continuity and a focus of loyalty that’s above politics’. Something enormously valuable that has been bequeathed to Australia by the British people’s 1100 year-old constitutional history will be lost if the republican campaign is successful. Abbott could have added that a constitutional monarchy, based on sacred tradition, is by far the best protection of a people against tyranny, whether that is based on inadequate ideology pushed by ‘green-left’ witchdoctors, lust for power in unbalanced persons or financial greed of cliques of merchants.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic.

Becoming a Machine By James Reed

     An article, “Worker Implants ‘Only a Matter of Time’” The Australian, August 3, 2017, p. 6, reports on the alarming trend of workers being “enhanced” by implanted technology in their bodies, to be  able to perform their jobs better – for the corporates.
     It is expected that body and brain implants will be common by 2030, and of course, 70 percent of people will support it; 70 percent of people will support anything I suppose. The elites, though tend to ignore surveys that do not support their globalism, such that 71 percent of US liberals, surprisingly enough, support US immigration restriction of all legal and illegal immigration:
     People have become machines, as a prelude to being replaced by machines; here is yet another article celebrating our robot replacement future, and the end of the human world: “Rise of the Robot,” The Australian, August 3, 2017, p. 10.  Really, now, it is just a race between which horseman of the apocalypse gets us first: economic/cultural/ethnoracial breakdown, or the technological apocalypse.

Hacking ATMs? But, What is an ATM? By Uncle Len, Shaken, but Not Stirred by IT

     I probably know the least about technology at this site, but I did have a great Uncle Murphy, after whom, Murphy’s Law is named, which has to count for something. Everything will go wrong at the worst possible time: http://www.murphys-laws.com/.

     Now take ATM machines. I don’t even know what that stands for, if it stands for anything, but I have seen them. Yes, people who have money, get money out of them. These little boxes of joy seem to be everywhere, like telephone boxes once were, but you don’t see them anymore, do you? But, ATMs? Being on the dole, eternally, I would not know about that.

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The Knives of Jihad By John Steele

     Good work Aussie Security guys for stopping the jihadists gassing a plane, which may have crashed into a city. However, mass immigration has potentially made the West into the next battle field, and it is only a matter of time before some catastrophe like that, or worse, happens.

     An example of this “battleground Australia” is seen in the incident involving Islamist Numan Haider, who had been identified by ASIO as a national security risk. He was interviewed by two Victorian police, who almost died from the incident. Here is the account given by The Australian: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/national-security/it-was-him-or-my-partner-when-cop-knew-he-had-to-kill-jihadist/news-story/f16cb379b6f1d774e27aa3b54c9d97a2

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A Ripper Anti-Immigration Article By James Reed

     A recent article has noted that about sixty percent of US respondents in two surveys want to stop all legal and illegal immigration. The polls, which gave people the freedom to voice their real thoughts, surprisingly showed that white American college graduates are more, not less, opposed to immigration than the average American. Almost three-of-four white liberals hide their preference for zero net immigration, and they are more likely than moderates and conservatives in doing this. In fact, 71 percent of liberals support immigration restriction. That is good, but it will do nothing unless these people take action, and they are unlikely to do so, because it would threaten their jobs and creature comforts.

     Now to Australia. An article in Quadrant, July 26, 2017, E. R. Drabik, “The Great Immigration Non-Debate,” https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2017/07/great-immigration-non-debate/, points out that Australia is going in the opposite direction of much of the West, which has questioned continual mass migration, at least to some degree. Australia is accelerating its immigration like there is no tomorrow, because there probably won’t be at this rate:

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A Footnote to My Criticisms of the Pope By Peter West

     If readers think that I am giving the Pope a hard time, a product of my own Catholic dark night of the soul, then have a look at the seething, blistering attack made by Mike Adams. I won’t quote in detail because it may not even be legal, at least by civil law standards:
     We do live in uncivil times.

Laughing All the Way to the Apocalypse By Paul Walker

     An insightful article by Miranda Devine, “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Climate Monster,” at http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/rendezview/whos-afraid-of-the-big-bad-climate-monster/news-story/5079c031c43e3de67572402640cc6fc0, makes the point that many have got rich from peddling the idea of a climate catastrophe.

     She says that Al Gore is back with a new film and we can expect more hysteria:

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A Needless Death By Sad Uncle Len

     Uncle Len, who liberals would dismiss as a racist, joined Aboriginal activists, and mainly young people in Rundle Mall, in a place far away, called Adelaide,  on the 24th July, to protest about the penalty given to a White man who ran over a 14-year old Aboriginal boy in his ute: http://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/nitv-news/article/2017/07/21/driver-not-guilty-indigenous-teen-elijah-doughtys-manslaughter.  The lad was killed after stealing a motor bike in the Western Australian Goldfields region.

     One report said this: “Instead, the teenager, who wasn’t wearing a helmet, tumbled under the car after the impact and died instantly from severe injuries to his neck, chest, pelvis and right leg, a fractured skull and bruised lungs.

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All the News Fit to Report By James Reed

     Recovering from a massive hangover, I will try my best to be coherent, at least between coffees. If I was in Texas, in this mood, I could soon be able to go out and run over protesters, and not be punished:
This law is insane. There are already too many deaths and injuries from cars and someone has to do something about motor vehicles.

     I read Uncle Len’s article about the Aboriginal lad being killed by the White driver and agree with him that a kid dying over a motor bike, a hunk of metal for a human life, is just wrong:
https://newmatilda.com/2017/07/23/groundhog-day-elijah-doughty-joins-a-long-list-of-deaths-with-no-justice/. This is crass materialism before human life. Plenty of kids steal bikes and cars, and then after disciple are put back on the right track. What chance is there now?

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The following passage on the Fabian Manifesto of 1893 is from English Saga by Arthur Bryant:

 “.... By attacking the private ownership of property they [the socialists] struck unconsciously at the foundation on which in the historic policy of England’s individual liberty had always rested.  Because the privilege of ownership had ceased to be widespread as in the past and had become restricted to the few, they supposed that its destruction would extend to the freedom of many.
They forgot that, apart from economic liberty, political liberty has little meaning. Only so long as a man knows that he can defy superior power and still support himself and his loved ones is he a free man. Without that knowledge, whatever his standard of living or theoretical status, he is a kind of slave".

The UN and White Genocide By Chris Knight

     Back in the year 2000, there was a UN document prepared which championed the idea of “replacement migration” in Europe, to deal with the alleged problem of a declining and ageing population: http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/migration/migration.htm.  No prizes for guessing the conclusions: migration is the big answer to every problem, provided that it is the migration of non-White people to the West. They meant it when talking about “replacement.”

     Documents such as this are actually quite common, and form the standard tool kit of the pro-migration lobby. It would be a mistake to identify one document as being the key, just as old salts activists decades ago, used to single out the Lima Declaration as being the main bad guy document leading to what we now call globalism. There is no one document, but rather a cultural movement among the power elite to push for changes, undermining the traditional world.

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Letter to The Editor - Could any God worth worshipping want otherwise?

     Greg Clarke is right that the direction of our religious curriculum overall should be ‘to increase religious literacy’, but this will be best done by the ‘comparative religion’ that he is unduly wary of. Children should be encouraged to learn about the ways in which people throughout history have responded to the sacred, but should not be propagandized to accept one particular viewpoint. Encouraging respect for alternative belief positions is an important way in which society maintains a climate of intellectual freedom and civil peace. Exclusivist fanaticism, whether that of a particular religion or that of atheists, should be politely disparaged.
     No matter how strongly you believe in a particular approach to religion, your children are entitled to freely make up their own minds in due course.  Could any God worth worshipping want otherwise?
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Selfish Interests ahead of those of Australians as a whole

     Marcia Langton asks (‘Put nation first, Langton tells indigenous MPs’, 26/7): ‘Are the indigenous parliamentary representatives serving party interests rather than the national interest?’ I ask: ‘Is the Aboriginal lobby, whose numbers have been inflated by a questionable mode of definition of Aboriginality, putting its own selfish interests ahead of those of Australians as a whole?’
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Yes, We have No Bananas…I Mean…Sperm! By Brian Simpson

     Here is the really bad, unexpected news. Sperm quality in the West is crashing, but Australian sperm are some of the worse in the West, the lazy sods. Here is the scientific paper for our scientifically savvy readers: https://academic.oup.com/humupd/article/doi/10.1093/humupd/dmx022/4035689/Temporal-trends-in-sperm-count-a-systematic-review.

     And, here is the alarmist article for people more like me, who like a good apocalyptic scare, to get the animal spirits running: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-40719743

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