Who Says That Lying and Corruption does Not Pay! It does in the Modern Cesspool! By Chris Knight

     Welcome to Clown world, where, “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqPtz5qN7HM

     There is a story in circulation, that Jussie Smollett, B-Grade actor who engaged in making false police report alleging that he had been almost lynched by Trump supporters, has been offered a job at CNN:

“While Empire actor Jussie Smollett has been having a tough week so far, there appears to be a silver lining: cable news channel CNN has offered Smollett a job as an investigative reporter and on-air anchor after witnessing his skills at fabricating a story entirely out of thin air. CNN producers were reportedly impressed throughout the ongoing saga of Smollett's apparent hoax attack on himself. They realized early on the facts didn't add up but were fascinated with how well the actor kept the narrative going. An HR rep quickly reached out to Smollett to see if he'd be interested in taking on a position at the news organization after news broke that the entire thing was probably fabricated. "Smollett has exactly the kind of skills we look for at our fine organization," said CNN correspondent Brian Stelter. "He picked a narrative, made up all the relevant facts and details, and stuck with his story in spite of glaring holes in the plot. It's hard to find people who understand our core values here at CNN, but Smollett seems to be just the guy for us." The actor has accepted the offer and is now undergoing training to learn how to weave even more intricate narratives ex nihilo, according to insiders.”


     Now, that just smacks of obvious satirical “false news,” and it is, just as false as the Smollett story, and the multitudes of progressive bleeding hearts who jumped on the ghost train, hoping to go to the high moral mountain of anti-racism: look at me, mum! Yes, the story is false, so far. But in the future who knows what progressive group will move to help out their main man?     As far as pushing false news, the mainstream globalist press has bigger fish to fry:

“Journalists from the New York Times, Washington Post, and Bloomberg promoted a “completely fake” statistic “that doesn’t seem to exist” about sexism in technology this week. Last week, the New York Times published an article claiming, “In a 2016 experiment conducted by the tech recruiting firm Speak With a Geek, 5,000 résumés with identical information were submitted to firms. When identifying details were removed from the résumés, 54 percent of the women received interview offers; when gendered names and other biographical information were given, only 5 percent of them did.” The validity of these statistics which subsequently went viral on social media, however, were called into question by Vox staff writer Kelsey Piper. “This statistic was so far off their experiences and mine that I was instantly suspicious. So I dug into it,” posted Piper on Twitter. “The ‘study’ was conducted by tech recruiting firm ‘Speak With a Geek’. It was first covered [at CNET]. It also got coverage a few other places. No one, anywhere, linked to the study. The study does not appear to have been published anywhere.”

“Speak With a Geek, the recruiting firm cited, no longer has a web page. Their social media accounts are dead and have been for a while,” she continued, adding, “The study doesn’t seem to exist. You can’t read it anywhere. The only info we have is what’s in the media.” Piper then noted that the statistics don’t make any sense, before concluding, “I think a sleazy recruiting co now out of business did something weird — not speculating as to what — and got numbers totally out of line with reality and all other research in the area. They got a couple writeups from a couple of outlets… that were okay with the fact no methodology was public and the details of the study were unclear and that there was no study, or even a blog post by the people who say they did the study, to link to. Then, through some kind of telephone, this ended up in the New York Times.” An editor for Quanta Magazine and a Bloomberg writer were just two journalists who acknowledged that the statistics they shared were actually fake news. “I just deleted this tweet, because of evidence that the data might be unreliable. The author of the NYTmag article is going to dig deeper and correct the piece if necessary,” declared Quanta editor Natalie Wolchover, while Bloomberg Opinion writer Noah Smith admitted, “Unfortunately, a study showing massive sexism in the tech industry, which was retweeted over a thousand times earlier today, including by me, appears to have been completely fake.”

     So, there you have it, conclusive proof out of their own mouths of false news. Indeed, the mainstream media is simply one closed cycle of self-confirming bs.



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