The End of “Mankind” (the Word) By Richard Miller

     At first blush I thought that the balloon had gone up, and it was the end of mankind. Well, heaven would be nice. But, then, I saw the fine print, namely that the EU insane thought police were banning the word “mankind.’ Presumably, the transhuman agenda of eliminating the human race, as Mike Adams thinks is going to happen, will be next cab off the rank:

“Liberal dogma now dictates that words beginning with the letters “m-a-n” are now “gender-biased” tools of the patriarchy which must be criminalized — at least in the European Union. The EU has decided to ban the use of “gender-biased” words and will be moving towards more gender neutral language. The outlawing of gender-specific language and more is all part of the new paradigm laid out in their new guide, Gender Neutral Language In The European Parliament. The policing of language is soon going to reach its apex — and it’s not going to be pretty. Language has a powerful effect on the way we think and feel. The erasure of male identity in language signifies a much greater problem than just battling so-called gender bias. Recall Ayn Rand’s Anthem, a dystopian fiction novel in which the notion of individuality has been erased entirely; gender-specific pronouns are not used. There is no “I,” only “we.” Perhaps it sounds a bit far-fetched, but every path begins with a single step — including the path to tyranny. Outlawing male identity and gender-specific language in government is only the beginning. And while the English language is being obliterated, identity and individuality may just be going down with it.”

     Of course, the elimination of personal identity, and property is just the way communism operates, and globalism is simply the modern version of the collectivist curse. It is now seen weaving through all the institutions, such as in increasingly absurd commandments regarding race and gender, such as that it is sexist for tall men to ask out on dates short women:

     The nest step, and it will be taken, is to create moral outrage and panic about any dates between cis men and women at all. It has long been a radical feminist claim that all heterosexual sex is rape:

     Mike Adams is correct, as far as I can see, in predicting that this insane pressure-cooker of the modern world is set to explode, with a never-before-seen force:

“You’re starting to see the systems of human civilization breaking down everywhere. The labor pool of reliable, young workers in America has all but vanished. Bankers are financial idiots who can’t answer basic questions about customer accounts. Corporate “security officers” who work at insurance companies can’t answer questions about the security of your social security number. Doctors now function as little more than Big Pharma’s human drug dispensing machines, and so-called “journalists” who have infested the corporate-run media are so dishonest and incompetent that they’ve utterly lost the ability to investigate anything at all. There isn’t a sector of society that is functioning like it should these days. Not even the universities, which have been transformed into snowflake indoctrination centers for the mentally gullible. Young people graduating from college today know less than they did before they entered the school. They become experts in anti-knowledge, or “fake facts” that they think are true. For example, nearly all college graduates today believe that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant that will destroy the planet, yet any honest scientist who graduated a generation earlier will confirm that carbon dioxide is the single most important nutrient for plants, responsible for the “greening” of rainforests, food crops, grasslands and even aquatic ecosystems. CO2 is the molecule of life, yet college graduates have been indoctrinated with anti-knowledge that claims CO2 is a poison.

What you really need to know is that society has crossed a tipping point, beyond which a catastrophic collapse — societal suicide — can no longer be reversed. The delusion of stock market profits is not going to bail out the mass destitution that’s coming soon for the American people. The “wealth” has all been stolen by the usual suspects: central banks and corrupt bureaucrats. Your dollars will one day be rendered worthless, which means your bank account “savings” will be worthless even if the numbers still appear on your bank account statements. Pensions will be wiped out. The real estate bubble has already begun to collapse, and the bond bubble won’t be far behind now that the Fed is tinkering with interest rates again (in another desperate effort to crash the stock market under Trump). The sobering truth is that what’s really coming for America won’t look that different from what has already happened in Venezuela. You’re going to see mass unemployment, an exploding population of homeless people and a dramatic worsening of the opioid crisis. Suicides will skyrocket, infectious disease will spread and the Democrats will incessantly demand you surrender more power to them to solve it all. Bigger government is the answer, you’ll be told… and oh, by the way, don’t forget to turn in your guns or you won’t qualify for government food stamps.

The suicide of humanity is under way and accelerating rapidly. It cannot be reversed. Now, we can only watch as it plays out over the next several years, accelerating in 2019 – 2020 and likely exploding with unimaginable chaos following the 2020 election (regardless of who wins). Violence will spill into the streets, where deranged, lunatic Leftists will have to be met with force to prevent them from burning down America’s cities. Martial law is a distinct possibility, yet even martial law cannot prevent the collapse of modern society, since the root causes go far beyond the mere lack of civility. America has raised a generation of chemically-intoxicated, emotionally fragile morons. The media has abandoned any last pretence of engaging in “news reporting.” The tech giants have sold out to the communists and globalists, and every cultural institution of our modern day has gone all-out to promote transgenderism and pedophilia while attacking morality, reason and truth. The vaccines cause brain damage, the food causes cancer and the institutions of science teach climate change quackery. Meanwhile, at least a million Americans are hooked on opioids and other painkillers, and the day the pharmacies run out is the day these people go “full zombie” on society. You will need to be armed to survive what’s coming, and the police and sheriff’s departments will be powerless. 911 services are already breaking down on a regular basis, with nationwide telecommunications infrastructure failing with stunning regularity. If you don’t yet own a pistol, a rifle and a shotgun, you’re already late to the game. There will be mass violence — especially in the cities — and only the prepared will survive.”

     For Australians, we can forget about the having a gun thing, because only the criminals who prey upon the population will be armed, all with illegal guns, of course:

     Yes, I am getting the New Year off to a good start.



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