The Left Celebrate Abortion By Mrs Vera West

I noted this material, shocking, simply shocking, where the culture of the Left celebrates abortion. It shows, I think, their mentality, their evil mentality, since abortion was supposed to be an act by desperate women, not something done for artistic expression. We see new horrors every day, so we really need to build parallel societies so as to not live with these horrid Leftists. And watch tehm implode.


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The Climate “Justice” Depopulation Agenda By James Reed

With the reports of world population reaching eight billion – I suppose they counted every one of us little vegemites - the environmentalists, or the population freak out wing of it, went into over-drive. Too many people, most must go, at least in the longer term. But, in the short term the great masses flocking to the West in the US and Europe, are not law-breaking, illegal aliens, but people displaced from climate change, who, as Democrats have said, will replace locals who are failing to have children, or more likely, are damaged from the vaxxes. The entire agenda, from Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb (1968) smells of ideology.


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Financial Analyst Ed Dowd on the Excess Death Apocalypse By Chris Knight (Florida)

Wall Street insider, Ed Dowd has spoken with the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, on the excess deaths that have occurred after the Covid vax rollout. His team of data collectors and analysts believe that over 2,400 Americans are dying each day, which is 900,000 per year, most likely from the vax, as there is no other even remotely plausible explanation. Global deaths from the Covid vaxxes have been estimated to be over 20 million people, around the same number of dead from World War I. And, that is far from being a “life saver.”


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The Narcissism of the Left and Environmentalism By James Reed

Michael Shellenberger puts the case that behind the climate change fanaticism, seen for example in the anti-oilers, who glue themselves to paintings, is narcissism. It is the over-blown expression of self. As Shellenberger details, and many other have too, there is no foundation to the crisis narrative, yet the anti-oilers have a unique sense of doom. It must only come from a fear of them losing, of their precious hides being tanned. And this is not unexpected, given that he me-generation characterised the 1960s babies, and now their children are even more spoilt. They have not had to suffer, as the generation that went through World War I and II did, so they have absorbed a philosophy of entitlement, dangerously mixed with Leftism. But, this is unstable, and the very forces of chaos, that they are dimly aware of, will destroy them as natural selection returns, at long last.

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No Fifth Jab? Come Now! By James Reed

It seemed a certain pick that Aussies would be booted into having a fifth jab, then a sixth, and so on for infinity. However, even though Covid numbers are growing, the health elites have recommended against getting a fifth jab, which is very odd, given the euphoria that the elites have had for these shots. The official explanation is that a fifth shot has, from Singapore evidence, has little impact upon transmission. But it is now accepted that the vaxxes never prevented transmission, as admitted by Pfizer itself. So, I think there may be something more to this issue; perhaps a subtle recognition that all may not be well in vaccine land.  


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Revealing Admissions by Mainstream Media By Chris Knight (Florida)

Most reports of links between the Covid mRNA vaxxes and heart inflammation (myocarditis), occurs in the alternative press, and scientific reports, often not yet peer-reviewed. The mainstream media generally keep their heads down about any possibility that the vaxxes could be anything other than life saving health foods. But, one small exception was a November 12 NBC report that did state that the may be a link between the vaxxes and the heart condition. The report said: “Myocarditis is a condition that has long been linked to a number of viral infections, including influenza, coxsackieviruses, as well as Covid,” the report says. “It has also been observed as an infrequent but worrisome side effect of the mRNA Covid vaccines.”

It then states: “there have been around 1,000 reports of vaccine-related myocarditis or pericarditis in children under age 18, primarily young males, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” As detailed below, this is an under-estimate, but at least the ice has been broken for the mainstream media daring to talk about this issue.

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German Officials Freak Out about Prospects of Being Wiped Off the Map By Richard Miller (London)

A once confidential German government report, leaked to the German publication Der Spiegel, has warned that a Russian invasion of Europe is likely leading to Germany being wiped off the map. These officials see a war between NATO and Russia occurring. General Eberhard Zorn, a name that would be good for someone in a Marvel movie, has ordered the country's army to put itself on a war footing in the face of “existential” threats. As I see it, if such a conflict does occur, it will be nuclear bombs exchanged, and one way or another, will be over sooner rather than later. That is perhaps the only good thing about nuclear war; if you survive the initial blast and fallout, you get to see that no-one in the end, won.


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The Deep State Model of Dystopia Based Upon Communist China By James Reed

John Whitehead puts the case, soundly, that what we are seeing being assembled in the West, notably highly visible with the Covid plandemic, is a surveillance state, modelled upon the methods employed in communist China, riding rough over individual liberties and freedoms. What could be more obvious that something was wrong, as shown in the state of Victoria, with the then longest lockdowns in the world, at a huge economic and health cost, but ultimately futile, as Omicron and its variants escaped the vax anyway? We have not got the full scale “social credit” scores yet, but without organised resistance, that will surely come in the next plandemic. Monkeypox was a fizzer, disappearing into a particular “community,” but Bill Gates and the World Health Organization have told us that the next “pandemic” is just around the corner. I expect this one will be genuinely dangerous, and that will be an even greater challenge to the freedom movement


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Here's Why a Majority of Leftists (and Conservatives) Would Not Survive an Economic Collapse By John Steel

I think it was the pessimist anti-philosopher, Emil Cioran (1911-1995), Romanian anti-philosopher, author of books like. A Short History of Decay (1949), who dismissed mainstream philosophers saying, that what would they know, being decadent, they have not suffered. If he did not say that, can I be attributed that saying? Anyway, that went through my mind when reading an email sent to me, no internet URL, on why Leftists will not survive the coming collapse, by Brandon Smith. The reasons are lack of mental toughness, coming from over-civilisation, being made weak from creature comforts that have decreased physical and mental resilience. As well, there is an anti-prepping mentality based upon believing the government will save one, surely the most foolish belief of all time, for governments have killed more people than even the deadliest viruses. But, I fear many, if not most conservatives, and I have the likes of Donald Trump in mind as a write, will fare little better if say an EMP event occurs. I found my favourite Black doomster, Angry Prepper good on this:


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Cyberwarfare Against the Population By Chris Knight (Florida)

China is well into engaging in cyber espionage, and apart from destroying competitors, has stolen up to $ 600 billion in trade secrets and intellectual property every year for decades, with little being done by the deracinated Left-infested West. The globalist though are working to replicate this surveillance grid to control th little people, the same way Chinese “social credit” is controlling their citizens. Cyber warfare is being used to attack individuals opposing the New World Order, through censorship of critics beginning with Covid. There are many examples of this, including leading doctors who have been critical of the vax regime, to social critics like Dr Mercola, who has had multiple attacks on his website. Of course, deplatforming has been common. If the elites get up “social credit” China style in the West, one can be cancelled at the touch of a key board.


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The Real Hospital Collapse By Chis Knight (Florida)

The real hospital crisis is now unfolding. First, are pressures from rising Covid vax injuries, such as myocarditis cases, especially among the young, something that we have covered in detail. But, thee is also the problem of doctors and nurses leaving the hospital system in droves, because of the stress generated by Covid, Covid vaxxes, and the aftermath. This is detailed below with some telling quotes from those at the sharp end of the syringe. Clearly one needs to try and be as health as possible now to avoid getting into this medical dilemma.


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Covid Vaxxes and the Great Replacement of Whites By Charles Taylor (Florida)


With his glasses placed over his nose, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), has said that illegal aliens are needed to do the low paying work needed for the elites to keep getting rich. It does not matter that millions are sick or dead from Covid, the immigration thirst trumps all: “Now more than ever, we’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to, the only way we’re gonna have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants!” Schumer said in an appearance. “The DREAMers and all of them!”

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It was Not Russia, but the Ukraine … will Poland Declare War on Zelensky? By James Reed

Both false President Biden and Poland have said that the missile which struck Poland, killing two people was not Russian, but a mistaken Ukrainian missile. Well, odd that Zelensky immediately after the attack said that he knew it was a Russian missile and that NATO should now evoke Article 5. And the mainstream media jumped into the line of “Russia missile strike,’ because that is what they want. But will they still want it when a Russian nuke drops on their offices? Maybe not.


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Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): Is This from a Bioweapons Lab, Too? By Brian Simpson

The latest virus doing the rounds is Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), which is usually mild for health adults, but could be dangerous for young children and the elderly. So where did this virus come from? The official account is that it came from Africa in 1956. However, there vis an alternative case, documented below, that,  “[t]his was a time when research was being undertaken into the mass production of the polio viral vaccine. In order to conduct the research, viruses were grown in monkey kidney cells. As a result hundreds of thousands of monkeys were shipped to the US.

In late 1955 a troop of chimpanzees at the Walter Reed Army Institute began coughing and sneezing. Morris et al isolated the agent that caused the respiratory illness in one of the chimps and called it Chimpanzee Coryza Agent Virus (CCA). The remaining 13 chimps all developed antibodies to this newly isolated virus.

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Cattle Owners, Watch this One: Theileria By Farmer Bob

Here is information from the US on a new tick disease, theileria, spread from the Asian longhorn tick. This disease is making inroads into cattle in the US. I did a search of the web to see if it has reached Australia yet, and was astonished to find that it has been here since 2012, and is so widespread it affects a quarter of all cattle. I am ashamed to say that I had previously never heard of it, having no problem at all with ticks. To deal with theileria, the trick is to control ticks, all ticks in cattle herds, by a combination of methods, including chemicals, pasture spelling and even the use of animals to eat the ticks, such as chickens and opossums.


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Why There Needs to be Tribunals of Covid Justice By Chris Knight (Florida)

A recent article as has put the case for NOT having tribunals of justice over the Covid lockdowns, and the entire Covid business, including vaccination injuries. The argument is that such trials could have dangers of their own, and may not secure justice. Yes, but that is an argument against all operation of the criminal law and the jury system, so if absolute security is needed then abandon punishment completely. Yet to do so would lead to a world before the rule of law, where individuals sought justice themselves.


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Just in Case You Thought They had Moved on … Mask Mandates Again! By Mrs Vera West

The medical technocrats have re-introduced mask mandates in New South Wales hospitals as covid-19 cases continue to rise. We know that this will do nothing, but at least it helps get more plastic into ecosystems.


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Just in Case You Thought They had Moved On … Vaccine Passports for ALL International Travel: G 20! By James Reed

Hot and steaming from the G20 globalist conference, the decision has been made by leaders, so-called, that vaccinate passports will be adopted to facilitate international travel. This includes any vaccine the World Health organization decides you must have, and WHO gets its orders direct from Big Pharma, as the Covid plandemic showed. The solution, as as is for mass opposition, which I am sure the “people” will be getting around to any day now. In the meantime, well, overseas travel is something we little people cannot afford anyway, so no great loss even if it is not defeated, which would be hard for Australians to do on their own.

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Brain Inflammation and the mRNA Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Here is yet another alarming issue associated with the Covid vaxxes, an increase in cases of severe brain inflammation. This is reflected in the large insurance databases. New research has shown that people receiving the mRNA vax have been found to have a 40 to 70 percent risk of such brain inflammation. The cases of inflammation of the brain, or nerve sheaths can have effects ranging from mild to severe, causing death. There has been an under-reporting of the effects according to researchers such as Dr Jessica Rose. This is certainly a condition that one does not want to have, especially if the social situation gets particularly bad, re war, social breakdown etc.


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Greenwashing By James Reed

The hypocrisy of corporations doing “net-zero” emission stunts has ironically been called out by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who called this “greenwashing.” All this offsetting is insignificant as the UN says that financing, to the figure of up to $340 billion per year by 2030, is needed. Such measures will gut Western economies, almost certainly producing economic collapse. Remember that the UN has targeted farming and agriculture. So, the climate change agenda is now very radical, far beyond the comfortable greenwashing policies, that basically make the new class, like academics feel good about themselves.


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