Pope Appoints Atheist Pro-Abortion Economist to Pontifical Academy for Life! By Peter West

Once upon a time in the Catholic Church, this would be regarded as absurd, but now it is a sign of the woke times, and a Pope who is fully committed to the globalist woke agenda. “And now I have put Marianna Mazzucato in the Pontifical Academy for Life,” the Pope stated. “She is a great economist from the United States. I put her there to give a little more humanity to it.' He did not deal with the issue that she is pro-abortion. Instead the Pope avoided the issue: Women have their own way of solving problems, which is not man’s way.” It sounds like he lifted that from a student paper in Feminism 101. It is indeed sad to see this happen to the Catholic Church, but that is part of the crisis of Western civilisation.


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Now, Truly Third World By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is perhaps a symbol of Western decline. While Third World countries are working to eliminate outdoor toileting, Washington DC has moved to decriminalization of certain public nuisances, such as urinating in public. It is not surprising, since even though there was no legal reform, a lot of San Francisco has been turned into a great outdoor toilet by a growing population of homeless people, living in tents, if they are lucky.


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Sewage Flows at Climate Change Talkfest By Richard Miller (London)

This one is irresistible to note; the climate change COP27 talkfest faced a flood of foul-smelling sewerage from a pipe leak. I wonder, were the higher powers telling us something?


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UN Seeking Control Over Agriculture By James Reed

The clear and present danger of the UN, and related globalist organisations such as the World Economic Forum, from the sustained attacks upon agriculture will be world famine. We have already seen food shortages from just the Ukraine War, but in many respects the climate change agenda sets out to undermine the foundations of food production. Of course, they do not say that they are attempting to reduce the world population, but to make food production more “sustainable,” which is the typical “fair is foul, and foul is fair” principle. But this idea is even more stupid than the alternative fuel, agenda, which is a related tyranny, since the infrastructure to get up the alternative food does not exist at the needed scale yet. It is unlikely to be got up in time, yet as shown in the Netherlands, the political class is already moving on undermining farming, with no clear alternative, let alone one which is healthy.


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Shonky Climate Change Models By James Reed

With the COP27 talkfest of the elites in its second week, with climate fanatics falling over each other in mechanisms of social control. But, what if there is no climate change crisis at all? Then the fundamental premise underlying this debate will collapse. And that is what Dr Roy Spencer, a leading climatologist. He writes: “The claim by the Biden Administration that climate change has placed us in a moment of “profound crisis” ignores the fact that the energy policy changes being promoted are based upon computer model simulations which have produced average warming rates at least DOUBLE those observed in the last 40+ years.

Just about every climate claim made by politicians, and even many vocal scientists, has been either an exaggeration or a lie.

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Money for Jam … or, Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

This is revealing. Pfizer pulled in around $80 billion in yearly revenue from sales of Covid vaccines and the antiviral drug Paxlovid. Pfizer expects these profits to continue as Covid becomes like the flu. Governments have come to cease buying their vax, leading Pfizer to triple the price of a vax from $ 19-$30 to $130 per shot. It has been estimated that each individual shot costs $1.18 to make, so the new price represents a 10,000 per cent mark-up. Who else sees a problem here?


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The Virtue of Natural Immunity By Brian Simpson

It is getting late in the day, with most of humanity having had one or two Covid jabs, and all in principle facing the adverse effects detailed each day at the blog, summarised from numerous publications across the world. Still, it is necessary for true bloods to maintain the lie. To this end we note research from Qatar, presumably not available yet in translation, which examined the national data base for Covid vaccines. It was found that SARS-CoV-2 infection-induced immunity is stronger than mRNA COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity. The authors then seem to contradict themselves by still recommending vaccination, but I suppose that is what has to be said now, even in material that presents results contrary to the main stream Covid narrative.


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Building a Decentralised World By James Reed

The general conclusion reached by critics of the über centralised control philosophy of the present globalist New World Orderers, is to begin building parallel economies and societies, which will be sustainable when the globalist system inevitably collapses. People will have economic life boats to keep afloat. Alternative finance such as social credit principle will be part of this would be a range of localists methodologies, such as permaculture, urban farms, even growing food in pots is a start. Dr Malone gives his take on how we should now start building a decentralised world. It is interesting to note that a minority of environmentalists do not go with the globalist agenda, and have followed “small is beautiful” thinkers such as Leopold Kohr (1909-1994) and E. F. Schumacher (1911-1977), advocating a simpler way. It would be instructive to work into a coherent whole these approaches which are anti-centralist, along with homesteading, as in the work of Mother Earth news.com, and others with Douglas social credit, and other decentralist freedom philosophies to confront the coming collapse of the globalist regime.


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Dr Naomi Wolf on the Covid Vax Assault on Human Reproduction and Sexuality By Mrs Vera Wolf

Dr Naomi Wolf, noted Leftist feminist author became concerned about women’s health issues from the Covid vax, after she received numerous reports of women having unusual menstrual problems, from skipped periods to massive bleeding. Research led her to become a major social critic of the vaxxes. In the video linked below she summarises the threat that the spike proteins are posing, as these chemicals are known to reach the ovaries. It is a plausible hypothesis that such mRNA spike proteins are responsible for the adverse effects now being seen.


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The Crime of Crushing Informed Medical Consent By Brian Simpson

One of the major crimes committed by the Covid establishment was the disregarding of the time-honoured principle of informed medical consent. A population was coerced, and was subjected to experimental vaccines, that had been pushed through by Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. People across the West were faced with a loss of jobs, and freedom of movement, being subject to appalling lockdowns. Protesters were attacked by violent police, with many shocking videos still available on this. The public was not only assured that there were no risks from these “lifesaving” vaxxes, but were told that they would stop transmission, which Omicron showed was not true. It is difficult to work out where the nativity ends and lies and deception begin. There definitely needs to be a legal reckoning  on this, which could come down the track if it does turn out that the vaxxes have had worse than expected ill-effects. Then the litigation will begin, as in mass torts cases. If Big Pharma is legally protected, the governments must be the litigation targets.


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Donald Trump to Run Again … but, so What? By Charles Taylor

When I heard that Trump was begging son-in-law Jared and Trump’s daughter to join his election announcement, and no doubt to come back in if he got elected, and wreck his presidency again, as documented by article I have put at this blog, I sincerely hoped that Ron DeSantis would take him on, and defeat him. Donald Duck is yet another smoke screen and pressure valve, proven by his disastrous January 6 actions, which remain unexplained. I can only see someone inviting the faithful into what was a fed trap, as an act of treason, something way beyond even stupidity. He will do it again. Go Ron, go!


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Corrupt Green Deals from the Climate Change Elites By James Reed

What we are seeing exhibited at the COP27 climate freak-out conference of the globalist elites is a knock down refutation of the climate change crisis narrative. Who can really take seriously the claim that conventional meat farming must be abandoned in favour of we the people eating tasteless, possible harmful insect gunk, while at the conference the elites dined on the finest meats money could buy? And we the people need to abandon our cars and take public transport, while over 400 private jets moved these bs artists into the arena to proclaim the new corporate religious gospel of environmental corporate capitalism? All this in a country that imprisons more journalists than Russia, the evil empire, and Iran combined. That hardly promotes rational scientific debate.


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Straight to the Heart! By Brian Simpson

Why should we keep monitoring Covid vax injuries, for isn’t the business over now, and out attention should go back to other matters? Well, the bad news is not over, and may be just beginning. A recent scientific study has indicated that all people who have received a Covid vax jab have some level of heart injury, ranging from minor, to severe, and the more shots, the greater the risk of heart issues. This creates a scenario of a ticking time bomb. One piece of good news is that the Australian health authorities are not pushing for a fifth Covid jab, although these are available. Still, the issue now will be what effects the shots which have been taken will have, especially on human reproduction, discussed  at the blog by Mrs Vera West, a her article tomorrow.   


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Did RUSSIAN Missiles Hit Poland? By James Reed

The news headlines state that an alleged Russian missiles hit Poland, A member of NATO  near the  village of Przewodów, some 45 miles north of the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Two people were killed. The Polish radio station ZET reported the event but did not attribute the strikes to Russia. At the time of writing the American authorities have not yet pinned the tail on Russia, but no doubt, they will.

Article 5 of the Washington Treaty - NATO's founding agreement – states that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, “each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked”

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The Scandal of the Century By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Behind the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, collapse is the even bigger scandal, that $1 billion was stolen from customers, but $100 million given to the Democrats for the mid-term election steal.  Samuel Bankman-Fried laundered billions of dollars through the Ukraine, making his company a clearing house for crypto donations to the Ukraine, and washing the money so that donations to the Democrats could come back through FTX. Obviously, there are a multiple of crimes here as Biden funded the Ukraine, the Ukraine, FTX, who funded the Democrat’s election. And, the media kept this story under wraps until after the US mid-terms were over. Talk about making America into a Third, or is it Fourth, World country?


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Eight Billion People … Sure, but the Sperm Apocalypse is Here By Mrs Vera West

Of course, there has been media angst about the world population reached eight billion this week. That comes from environmentalists who are well into the climate change hysteria. But, such a population rise may be relatively short-term, as there is another fertility crisis, perhaps even less discussed by the fertility crisis caused by the Covid vaxxes, which I cover in another article today.  The real environmental problem comes from hormone-altering chemicals which are having a devastating effect upon human sperm quantity and quality. Over the last five decades, sperm counts worldwide have halved, creating a future fertility crisis. There is no real why the sperm counts will not keep falling, so long as the environment is full of these chemicals. Some scientists have predicted that if such trends are not stopped, humans go extinct by 2045.


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The Covid Collectivist Agenda By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, at a now deleted post, details the collectivist, and indeed totalitarian, agenda behind the Covid plandemic. Writing in the American context, which is still clinging to the Covid narrative, he notes that U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention once again extended the COVID pandemic public health emergency declaration, until January 11, 2023, and perhaps may extend it further when that date is reached.

The Lancet published a report in September 2022, “The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic.” The paper called for “prosociality” reorientation so global populations can be controlled by a central authority, during global pandemic responses. To do so will require sovereign states surrendering their autonomy to the globalist health technocrats. This will involve over-riding the principles of informed consent and medical autonomy, forcing individuals to be vaccinated, most likely with experimental vaccines, as was done with Covid. This will go beyond even the bad Chinese style of “social credit” (a sad turn of phrase).

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The Invasion of the Human Genetic Essence By Chris Knight (Florida)

Leading cardiologist and Covid vax critic  Peter A. McCullough has given a summary of recent scientific research that the mRNA spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 and not mRNA or adenoviral DNA entered the human cell nucleus. So, this is not exactly proof that the Covid vaxxes do the same, but makes it highly probable, given that the same spike protein is at work. We were told at the beginning of the Covid plandemic that the mRNA spike protein did not move from the deltoid injection site, but this was soon shown to be false. It was also said that Covid-19 did not integrate itself into the human nuclei, but that too seems to be false.  If it follows, and there needs to be more research done on this, that the mRNA spike protein from the Covid vaxxes, which produce more spikes than even the vax, do integrate into human cell nucleus, then there is a major problem for the human future, given that this is one of the most pathogenic and lethal proteins ever discovered, or engineered. It is perhaps no wonder then, that there are the adverse effects being seen in the vaxxed such as a rapid rise in cancers.


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Paul Craig Roberts on Another Stolen US Election By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been writing about the flawed US electoral system since joining the merry crew at Alor.org blog back in 2020. The US mid-terms have been no different. Paul Craig Roberts goes into details, neatly summing it up. More details of specific electoral fraud can be found at the Gateway Pundit.com. Unless there is something extraordinary, I will not be covering any more of this. It is more of the same.


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Train Wreck Australia: Cutting Australian in Half … are You Ready? By James Reed

This is something that should be of concern to all Australians, particularly those in the western states. A train derailment has cut Australia’s rail network in half, breaking the east-west train connection, the main Melbourne-Adelaide train line. This cuts off Adelaide from the Port of Melbourne. The other train line from Sydney to Adelaide has been cut off by flooding. Thus, the mainstream media is predicting empty shelves and rising food prices in Adelaide, and Perth. Of course, when the trainlines are back in order, the food prices will not be going down.


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