The US and Greens Destroying Europe By Richard Miller (London)

The forces acting to destroy the West are numerous, far deadlier than the comparative forces that destroyed the Roman empire. Among those forces are the Greens and environmentalists, who merge into the reds, the communists. Right across Europe, the Greens have the same agenda, to affirm all the woke decisions of the European parliament, to mantle industry, while encouraging it to go to communist China, and to breakdown the social fabric by promoting open borders immigration of non-whites. Even the old-style anti-war ethos of the 1960s Left, has been replaced by a pro-war sentiment, where the Ukraine is to be supported at all costs, even if it means nuclear war with Russia, a country which while once communist, is now the axis of evil. Thus, affordable Russian oil and natural gas is rejected in favour of environmentally destructive wind and solar, which fail in any case to meet energy needs.

None of this is a coincidence; it is all part of the planned destruction of the West. Where these white ants expect to go,  if and when, the collapse of the West is final, is unclear.


“The unelected European Commission, committed to uphold “Western Values,” has issued a decree prohibiting Russians to bring personal items when they enter the EU. Although Europeans like the French, Germans, Italians, Poles and Hungarians, Russians can no longer come to an EU member state driving their own car, and they have to leave behind their laptops, mobile phones, shampoos and dozens of other necessary items. In what is essentially a demonstration of impotence, the political commissars of the EuSSR at Brussels have ordered the humiliation of any Russian who wants or needs to visit the EU.

Knowing the intellectual and moral level of the corrupt little woman that leads the Commission and of the other commissioners, this decision hardly comes as a surprise. She and the other commissioners are simply too dim-witted to realize that they have given yet another proof of their utter helplessness and incompetence. Most of all, the EU Politbureau is revealing a level of pettiness one only tends to find among preschoolers. It is the most convincing testimony of the collapse of the EU that has begun after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine in early 2022.

Against this background, the news from Europe suddenly becomes significant. Everything points to the accelerating speed of the political, economic, social and cultural collapse. Ironically, this process was initiated by the European ruling elites themselves, ultimately at the behest of their US overlords on the Potomac and Hudson Rivers.

The breakdown of Europe is apparent wherever one looks. There once was a time when trains in Europe, especially in countries like Germany and the Netherlands, ran on time and railway travel was reliable, safe and secure. Today, trains are suspended at random, and those that run, do so with long delays, to the effect that one does not know when one arrives at the chosen destination. Seating is often not available and at night, riding trains is even more of a gamble because passengers are at risk of being molested, abused and beaten up. Even more so in urban transportation, such as subways, buses and street cars.

Everything seems fragile and strange, either on the verge of collapsing or already in free fall. Whether it’s public transportation, insufficiently stocked supermarket shelves, the embarrassing increase of native Europeans begging in the streets or, worse even, the ever-growing numbers of homeless people, the collapse is evident.

In Italy, doctors and nurses, sick and tired of abysmal working conditions in Italian hospitals and longing for decent salaries, are leaving the country. They are taking up jobs in Saudi Arabia which, in an effort to improve its health system, is offering salaries of up to 20,000 Euros a month to medical professionals.

In many big European cities, streets are no longer safe, especially at night and in certain neighborhoods. Although this in itself is nothing new, the difference with earlier times is that the police has decided to stop patrolling in certain areas of places like Malmö, Brussels, and a number of Ruhr area cities in Germany.

At the same time, increasing numbers of “asylum seekers” mostly from the Islamic Near East and Africa, are coming to Europe. It has long been pointed out these people are not coming to indulge in European culture: to admire gothic cathedrals, baroque painting, and to listen to Bach and Mozart. They don’t give a hoot about what once made Europe such a wonderful and enviable place. Rather, they are coming for the handouts, the free lodging and to molest Europe’s women.

Now with the events in the Ukraine serving as a catalyst, it is becoming increasingly clear what is actually at hand: the planned and organized destruction of Europe for the benefit of the United States. Only after the collapse of the Soviet Union and socialism in Eastern Europe was it finally possible for the Washington regime to initiate the final phase of a project begun early in the 20th century.

Few realize that after the US conquest and occupation of much of Europe from 1943 to 1945, the Americans set up a local political organization primarily loyal to the US. Nothing new here, as all conquerors and colonizers have always done this throughout history. The US occupation authorities decided to turn the various European Social Democratic parties into their local loyal supporters. This choice was rather obvious, because Europe’s political conservatives and Roman Catholic and Protestant political parties were in favor of the US anyway. They were counting on the US to protect them from Communism.

As a matter of fact in the mid-1940s, Communists were a formidable political force all over Europe. In elections in 1945 and 1946 (in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Denmark and Norway), between one eighth and a quarter of the electorate voted Communist. In Czechoslovakia (1946) it was almost forty percent, a record. When between 1944 and 1949 the Iron Curtain had been let down across the continent, the US needed a more solid counterweight to neutralize the communist danger in the lands it occupied. Hence the choice fell on the Social Democrats. Although Marxist, they rejected revolutionary tactics in order to achieve political ascendancy.

From that moment, ambitious young and promising Social Democrats were made beneficiaries of travel grants and scholarships to the US and of assorted other junkets, turning them into the most loyal supporters of the US. That is, until the fall of the Berlin Wall and the ensuing collapse of the USSR. At that point, all Western European Social Democratic parties embraced neoliberalism (inherently at odds with their original political philosophy), thus becoming merely a kind of conservative parties. The ideological difference between the political Left and the political Right disappeared on the process and the terms were shorn of their political meaning.

However, with the Communist danger out of the way and the Social Democrats having lost their role as a barrier against Communism, the US still needed a reliable and loyal political support base inside their European vassal states. Reinforcement was soon found in the so-called “green” parties, a kind of Social Democratic parties, but with an added environmental platform and often with a decided feminist equity twist as well. These new parties appealed to the growing category of politically naive young urban professionals with romantic notions about “health food” and other fashionable issues. With their insistent clamor for “development aid” for the “Third World” they were also quintessentially racist, though hidden behind a veil of paternalism.

After in 1998 the German Green Party (Bündnis 90/Grüne) had entered the government in a coalition with the Social Democratic SPD, the greens soon got a chance to show their true colors. In 1999, led by green veteran Joschka Fischer, they were the most vociferous supporters of NATO bombing Yugoslavia to smithereens.

Today, the Greens hold more than ten percent of seats (73 out of 705) in the European Parliament, tasked with rubber stamping the decisions taken by the European Commission. Since 2021 the German Greens are in power again in a coalition with the Social Democrats. This government has been presiding over the dismantling of German industry and the destruction of its social fabric.

Promoting unreliable, environmentally disruptive wind and solar energy at the expense of affordable Russian oil and natural gas, fomenting the continued mass immigration of Africans and Asians, the Greens are also the main driving force in the German war party. Displaying a visceral hatred of Russia, Russians and everything Russian, the Greens are insistent on lavish arms deliveries to the Ukraine.

Wars have always served as a catalyst, accelerating processes already underway and exacerbating their negative effects, and the war in the Ukraine is no exception. Today just like three generations ago, the battle on the Eastern Front is leading to the destruction of Germany. It is also leading to the destruction of Europe, at least of the EU, and this is being done at the behest of the US.

As long as Europe has an industrial base and an attractive consumer market, there is always the risk it will someday ally itself with Russia, which the US will never condone. Therefore, the US has stepped up efforts to attract European capital and industry. It has been pointed out that the US wants to transfer Europe’s industry to its own shores and to turn Europe into a full-scale colony whose only role will be to buy US products.

The Social Democrats and especially the Greens are doing precisely what their US masters expect and are working overtime to bring this about.”



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