Sheep and Sheeple Go Round in Circles! By James Reed

The great sheep mystery! Hundreds of sheep walk in a circle for over 10 days in North China's Inner Mongolia. Presumably this is not a video scam. The sheep seem to be healthy.


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A Covid Tale of Two Countries By Brian Simpson

As Paul Alexander explains below, and as I have been writing about for over a year, the Covid vaxxes do not stop transmission, and even in Big Pharma’s terms, have an efficacy that fades after a few months. This is a perfect set-up for evolutionary pressure to be put on the virus to mutate, which is exactly what has occurred now. Thus, an “arms” race with the virus has been put in place that he virus can easily win. Natural immunity, achieved by protecting the most vulnerable, but letting people’s immune systems fight the bug, in my opinion would have been far preferable to destroying lives. But, not profitable for Big Pharma.


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Banks Nudging You Towards “Sustainability” By James Reed

Nudge theory is now part of social psychology, comprising ways of getting people to change their behaviour without strict coercion, such as by incentives; it is the carrot covered in sugar, rather than the stick, which was used by the oppressive state during the Covid mandates. You know police bashing protesters and things like that. Now it is something banks and other institutions are getting into, to change behaviour to produce “sustainability.” Of course, it is a total illusion, for if things are as bad as even the IPCC and groups like Extinction Rebellion say, it is far too late for nudging. And indeed, the system, as seen in the attacks upon farming, has itself moved to more extremes. No doubt though this will all fit into a bad social credit system, just around the corner if we let it.

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The Coming Population Crash By Chris Knight (Florida)

The environmentalists have been expressing angst about the world population hitting eight billion, and rightly so if they all intend to invade the West, as seems to be occurring at the southern US border and Europe. But, as detailed in summary form below, there are numerous forces that are set to produce a population crash, one being the Covid vaxxes, as well as the coming collapse of sperm quality and quantity with extinction a possibility this century.


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Blocking the Sun to Fight Illusory Global Warming By James Reed

The Biden regime is now beginning an investigation in geoengineering to block the sun to deal with supposed global warming. Well, what could go wrong with this? The climate gurus tell us that the climatic system is the most complex on earth, non-linear, and not adequately explained by any models. So, who is to know what could happen? Too bad if some runaway effect causes a new ice age. If we are right, quoting alternative authorities that there is no global warming, this could be a remote possibility.

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The Disaster of the (Marxist-Inspired) Sexual Revolution By Mrs Vera West

The sexual revolution, which was tried by Marxists and anarchists in the 1920s, did not get up and running, but did get going full speed in the 1960s, brought in the world as we know it now. It is one alien to the traditional Christian society that the West had known for over 1,000 years. The gender agenda, with the so-called fluid nature of sex would truly amaze Christian philosophers of the 19th century, and even atheists like Charles Darwin would be scratching his bald head for an answer. Yet, I think the answer come from basic Christianity, since so much of the sexual revolution was devised as an attack upon the Christian family, like the evils of pornography. Fortunately, those that push this tend not to reproduce, so in the long term, natural selection will win out again. They will go the way of the dinosaurs.


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G20: International Digital Passports By Richard Miller (London)

It seems that this is the season for globalist talkfests, which would not matter if they did not have the power to destroy our freedom, and were only dreamers. The latest, showing that the Covid mandates ride on like the horsemen of the apocalypse, is an international digital vaccine passport system, to operate when the next pandemic strikes, which for the globalists, is only a matter of time. “We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (International Health Regulations, 2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations,” reads the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration. It is something which needs to be fought in every nation, and if enough, such as African nations which have been good in standing up against such tyranny, make a stand, it may get put on the back burner again.

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Bioweapons … One Reason Why the Ukraine is Protected By Richard Miller (London)

This is mighty revealing, and nothing in the mainstream media … I even checked the Australian press to see if you guys did any better, but, no. Judicial Watch, based in the US, has received a pile of pages from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a component of the U.S. Department of Defense, revealing that the United States funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018. The details are below, but there is almost certainly going to be piles of evidence of this type of bioweapons research that occurred in the Ukraine for the US Department of Defense, that could not be done in the US. It would be, apart from money laundering, one reason why the US is fighting to protest the most corrupt country in Europe.


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The Gathering of the Demonic By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is how nasty they get. Apparently the FBI raid on Trump’s mansion did not reveal anything that the Democrats could nail on him, but a special council has been appointed to investigate Trump even further. It is all part of Biden’s threat that Trump will not be permitted to run, because any opposition to their regime is … a threat to “democracy.”


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Dwellers of the Parallel Economy By James Reed

Discussion of the parallel economy, defined in various ways, but is basically a set of economic alternatives to what we are presently living under, is now mainstream. It is often mixed up, perhaps intentionally, with the “black economy,” a world of crime and shadowy dealings. But it is not; being more about developing local self-reliance, and living with elegant frugalism. It intersects with the minimalism movement, of living better with less. I see this movement, coming from the back to the land movement of the 1960s as one of the good things to come from the Left, with useful insights for us to survive the hard times ahead. It involves doing many things environmentalists had recommended to cut down on waste, recycling, repairing and conserving, but done to save ourselves, rather than some planet in danger. The planet can look after itself as far as I am concerned; we are the ones needing saving.

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Nose Picking! Now Here is One Potential Health Issue We Don’t Think About! By Mrs Vera West

Well blow me over, Dr Mercola comes up with a new deadly health issue almost every day. If it did not cause heart disease, I would not get out of bed each day. And who would have thought that there might be a link between nose picking and Alzheimer’s? Read on, but put on gloves, just to be sure.


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How Safe? How Effective? By Brian Simpson

The mainstream media in Taiwan, as documented in the YouTube video linked below, reports that the number of deaths this year from the Covid-19 vaccines, 865, now exceed the number of deaths from the virus itself, 845. This is now part of the course, as a recent Swiss study has found that the mRNA Covid vaxxes are injuring, to various degrees, the hearts of all recipients. If people were a bit more scientifically literate, and rational sceptics, maybe they could have avoided this dark fate. Certainly, the worst case Covid event will challenge all received conservative philosophies, which presuppose something to conserve. Such is the pathos of allowing the lunatics to take control of the asylum.


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How Do the Covid Jabs Injure You? By Brian Simpson

For those who may be interested about how the Covid vaxxes injured them, and may well kill them, presumably something to think about, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Drs. Peter McCullough, Greg Nigh and Anthony Kyriakopoulos, have a paper entitled, “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The Role of G-quadruplexes, Exosomes and MicroRNAs,” explaining possible mechanisms by which the vaxxes may suppress the immune system and cause cardiac neurological diseases. The key is the G4 (guanine 4) DNA produced by the vax, which is far in excess of the virus. This DNA is linked to cancer and neurological diseases, as it causes proteins to misfold, thus producing prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Alzheimer’s. Further, the mRNA vax interferes with Type 1 interferon response of the immune system, which simply means that the injected person becomes more susceptible to diseases, as immune response is weakened. More technical details below. If one has been vaxxed this is worth knowing, and if one has not, more good reasons to be a “pure blood.”


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In Canada, the Drive is to Classify the Unvaccinated as Mentally Ill and Needing Psychiatric Medication! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is one for those thinking that Covid is now over, and that it is a waste of time discussing adverse effects, and that attention should go back to more important matters, like … I don’t know what, presumably something more important that life. Whistle blower Dr. William Makis states that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is suggesting to Ontario doctors that "unvaccinated" people are mentally ill and in need of psychiatric medication. This is certainly the endgame of the Covid tyranny, since it would make vaccination by force of anything which Big Pharma tosses off the shelf, compulsory. Sounds mighty like assault to me, and completely at variance with informed medical consent. It is a clear case of the need for Nuremberg 2.0 over Covid, as this is now out of control.


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Respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV) and the Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Monkeypox was a fizzler, but RSV, as it is usually called, is having a major impact upon children and vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, ill, and immune-suppressed. Normally this common virus causes a mild illness, but Covid lockdowns have led to less children getting exposed to the RSV, so infections now are on the rise and more severe. Or, that is the mainstream explanation.


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Multiculturalism and the Destruction of Western Identity By Richard Miller (London)

Immigration in Europe is now contributing to up to 90 percent of demographic growth, as is occurring in Britain. London, is now majority non-white, and this is becoming the new normal across Europe. Sweden now has 17 percent of its population foreign born. Kyösti Tarvainen, professor at the Aalto University of Helsinki, Folkbladet, April 13, 2021, has said: "Therefore, there has been a huge cultural change in the immigrant population, as its largest group has gone from being Finnish to being Muslim... with immigration unchanged, ethnic Swedes will be a minority in 2065." Philippe Van Parijs, Belgian academic and economist, De Standaard, September 5, 2022, also said: "Brussels is no longer Belgium.... There are more Brussels residents of Moroccan origin than Flemings or Walloons." The great Replacement has been part of the New World Order agenda, to break down resistance to globalism. Yet it is much more likely to lead to social collapse. That too fits the Great Reset agenda, but I doubt whether the elites have thought this one through deep enough. Once the collapse comes they will have to live underground until food runs out. Then, they come to the surface for an unpleasant world, assuming their security does not take their resources, underground.


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Macron Calls for World Government By Richard Miller (London)

French President Emmanuel Macron, when not going into hysterics over climate change, talks about world government. That is standard stuff in the West, which will be rule by the technocratic elites, a taste of which we got from the Covid mandates. But the French president seems to think China will be subservient to this type of New World Order. I do not see that happening, as China wants to be number one in its own drive for world domination, under, of course, the dictates of the same super-elites, who have ruled the world since Adam was a boy.


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Is it Really a Good idea to Bomb the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant? Nuclear Armageddon? By Richard Miller (London)

Once again shelling is occurring far too close to the nuclear power station at Zaporizhzhia in the Ukraine. There is not much information available at the present time, with the Russians saying the Ukrainians, and the Ukrainians, the Russians. After all, we almost got into World War III last week over the missiles that lobbed in Poland, that were said by the mainstream media to be Russian, but which turned out to be Ukrainian, that for some magical reason got lost. Sure, if you believe that I have a used missile to sell you!


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Some Good News on the Legal Front Re Covid Mandates By Ian Wilson LL. B

Great patriot and Covid mandate fighter, George Christensen has done an excellent summary of some recent Australian decisions indicating victory of battlers against the system, typically involving workers who were unvaxxed getting sacked, and then being seen by commissions, such as the Fair Work Commission, as being wrongly sacked. While large scale legal attacks on the entire mandate framework did not succeed, still, much like toxic torts and the legal cases against cigarettes in the early days, lawyers will need to chip away at things. I do not see any sort of global Nuremberg 2.0 in the near-term, but, it is not impossible down the track. Just keep on, keeping on, relentless and regardless!


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Vaxxie Vaxxie October 2022 By Dr Graham Lyons

Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed

Wore your mask and took your tests

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