A Disturbing Fact about Cryptocurrency Exchange FTX By James Reed

I have been only loosely following the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, mainly examining the money laundering through the Ukraine aspects, right into the corrupt US Democrats. But, as reported by Natural News.com, FTX was a corporate partner of the world Economic Forum. This is “stake holder capitalism,” a neo-Marxist idea of corporations putting woke politics above the classical model of profit making. At least with the old school model, corporations kept out of politics, or at least to the extent that it did not affect their interests. But what we are seeing, and FTX was an example, is a form of capitalism, where while profits are still important, “The Message” comes first. Hollywood, Disney, marvel and the like seem to b going down that road now. One can hope: go woke, go broke!


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The Hair of Michelle Obama By Charles Taylor (Florida)

You would have thought that logic alone would have indicated that if someone reaches the position of First Lady, then she is not subject to racial oppression. But not so for Michelle Obama, who has said that she was not able to wear her hair in African braids because of … racism! Why, if she did, who knows what could happen? But surely this is nonsense as a public that voted the Obamas in, with the usual electoral fraud, is sheeple,  and would not notice if she was not what she seemed to be, and even if she was bald.


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What is an Anti-Vaxxer to Do? By Brian Simpson

There have been calls for a “pandemic amnesty,” especially following the Republicans gaining the US house. There is some concern that an inquiry might begin that could continue into 2024, where maybe, if electoral fraud can be hosed down, the Democrats may fall. I doubt it, looking at things from Australia, but, you never know. But as an intellectual point, the Epochetimes.com has recently discussed this issue, seeing it as something of a moral problem. However, the Covid mandates go far beyond merely ethics, as immoral as the mandates were. There was grave harm done to people’s health, and if the depopulation material is even partially right, we are just seeing the beginnings of a die off of a mass of humanity that has been vaxxed; the excess mortality statistics is one argument for this.  This then is a basic crime against humanity as some European lawyers are arguing in court cases. They may not be successful, arguing before judges who are likely fully vaxxed up, and brains full of mRNA spike proteins, but the legal point remains. Like so many crimes, this one should not be forgiven, or forgotten.


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On Trusting Doctors After Covid By Mrs Vera West

No doubt about the Spectator.com.au., it has done a grand job in offering old school hard-hitting journalism on the Covid business. Here is some insightful material on a case indicating that trust of the medical system has been eroded by the doings over Covid. Personally, I avoid doctors as much as possible and try and monitor my own health, with the maxim that prevention is better than cure, even at my ripe old age!


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Not Our Future Pledge By James Reed

Desperately seeking some elements of positivity and hope, I found this idea of a pledge of resistance, to essentially the dystopian world the globalists are now assembling, well depicted in the articles at the blog today. A pledge of resistance, a refusal to submit to what the elites are doing would be a good rally point for people.


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Hacking the Human Essence By James Reed

Globalism has moved on from mere economic domination, and has embraced new measures of human domination, such as digital identity, programmable central bank digital currency, a Chinese communist style social credit system, human augmentation by AI and the Internet of Bodies (IoB), all to be integrated into one dystopian package. Transhumanism is the general philosophy depicting the new totalitarian world view. As Dr Mercola describes, as it will involve an increasing replacement of ordinary humans by machines and AI enhanced humans, the ordinary people become useless eaters, who are creating climate change, and so, depopulation strategies are on the agenda. The human essence is thus hackable, and they intend to hack it. For most ordinary people, shying away from the science behind this, the program might seem inconceivable. For the globalists, it is all just a matter of time before it all falls into place. If we let it.


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Disease Lockdowns are Now Part of the New Normal By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Covid mandates continue to impact upon the political landscape, having made totalitarian measures part of the new normal. For example, in the land of the once-free, the US, through the Transportation Safety Administration, has extended the ban on unvaccinated international visitors until January 8, 2023, so that no unvaccinated person can come to the US. Of course, non-white illegals are free to invade the southern border as part of the Great Replacement white genocide program of the Democrats. Even this policy would have been shouted down if Trump had proposed it, but here it is. The Biden administration has once more extended the Covid emergency declaration another 90 days. This gives the tyrants vast powers without Congressional approval, keeping the country under a  state of emergency. There is no effective end in sight of these measures so long as the present regime continues to rule, and Covid has given them so much that it is hard to believe that there was not a conspiracy to get this virus up and running. And, as noted below, the technocracy is just itching to lock us down again, with the same fervour that cops have to bash protesters, as seen in New York, and other jurisdictions.


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Just Imagine if He was Protesting Covid Mandates! By Paul Walker (Sydney)

An iconic Sydney activist who performed the terrible act of walking around the city with a sandwich board telling people to “smile” was arrested by police, but not before being forced to the ground, receiving brain trauma. I suppose that 78-year-old smilers are a terrible threat to public order, and the police knew what they were doing to protect the public from what might well be … if we were in America, urban terrorism! Smiling today, and who know what tomorrow?


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Africa Refutes the Covid Narrative By Brian Simpson

Covid mandate and vax critics like to use the case of Sweden against the mandates. But Africa is a much better refutation of the mainstream Covid narrative, and policies. The plandemic was almost non-existent in Africa, people did not wear masks, nor was there mass vaccinations. And social distancing did not occur. Africa was predicted by the Western technocrats to have been facing Covid doom, but it did not occur. Could there be a better refutation of everything we have had to put up with?


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Professor Robert Clancy on the Problems of the Covid Narrative By Brian Simpson

Professor Robert Clancy has been an outstanding mainstream academic critic of the Covid narrative, and right about everything too. In his recent Quadrant org.au opinion piece, he summarises the telling critique to has made over the Covid freak-out/plandemic. The core point, outside of some technical considerations, is that the Covid business was too much based upon commerce and social conformity, rather than genuine science, which involves relentless criticism and sceptical evaluation, none of which did occur. The cultist belief that the vaxxes would magically solve all problems is an example of this. Worse was the lockdowns, which were likely designed to soften up people by taking away liberties, so that they would take the vaxxes, unthinkingly, or the massive social blackmail to be vaxxes, or be sacked.


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There She (the US) Blows! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Fred Reed, contractarian, puts the case for coming American collapse. Nothing particularly new, but getting all the bad news at once is overwhelming. The core problem is that the multicult, diverse society lacks the resilience of the once homogeneous societies that the West largely had. In times of crisis and breakdown, the centre cannot hold. William Butler Yeats put it well in his poem, The Second Coming (1919):

Turning and turning in the widening gyre   

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Died Suddenly By Chris Knight (Florida)

At 7:59 p.m. on Saturday, November 19, Captain Patrick Ford collapsed at the controls of his American Eagle Embraer 175.  This was only seconds after the jet had left the runway in Chicago. The jet had reached about 2,000 feet, and was in danger of crashing.  The co-pilot managed to land the plane. Nothing has been further reported about the sudden death, which is now common.

A new film, died suddenly deals with these issues. The Stew Peters Network presented the film by filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. This film is one for those who think that the science behind the Covid vaxxes is not relevant now. It is; the film looks at what amounts to fifth generation warfare against the population in a depopulation agenda. What could be more relevant than this? See first hand the strange fibres found in those who have died, that has puzzled undertakers and embalmers across the world.

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The Ethics of Totalitarian Medication and Social Control By Brian Simpson

Not only academics, but the World Economic Forum, have contemplated giving people “morality pills,” to make them conform to the dictates of Big Pharma. Apparently, the professors of bioethics see no problem here, arguing that utilitarian considerations justify over-riding liberty and freedom. That, would not be justified, as I see it, even if the pandemics were at the Black Death level, since the cure is worse than the disease, as Covid has well established. But, what is worse is that, as Covid established, there could well be no basis to the said level of so-called severity of the pandemic, and as well, the vaccines may have their own defects. How then can one be forced to take, that which endangers one?


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For Drinkers, Choose Your Poison, Beer or Wine! By James (Reformed Drunk) Reed

I am living proof that too much alcohol can lead to all sorts of health issues, including cognitive decline. Strokes are one such thing too. But, which is worse for getting strokes, beer or wine? The answer, from research seems to be beer. I did not find any physiological explanation for why beer is so bad, for the source material seemed to indicate that this was an observational bit of epidemiology. Could the antioxidants in wine make some difference? Don’t know. Anyway, something to think about over the Christmas period for those who can still afford a drink.


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Pfizer is Rolling in Loot, Money Shower Time! By Chris Knight (Florida)

If fiat money was primarily paper, rather than computer entries, the masters of the Universe at Pfizer could have heaps of money showers, literally swimming in the stuff. After all, Pfizer’s annual revenue is expected to reach $101.3 billion in 2022, thanks to its mRNA jab, and its antiviral Paxlovid, that causes rebounds. It helps to have the entire social system plugging away for the vaxxes, with coercion being the name of the game, as the mandates well demonstrated. Get vaxxed and have your freedoms, what little they are, back. As detailed by Dr Mercola, critics do indeed need to question sharply the entire narrative of public health, and the activities of mainstream science especially, which failed to meet basic conditions of objectivity, and sceptical testing.


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A Tyrannical World Government or Nuclear War? By James Reed

I saw this piece by Michael Synder, reproduced at Zerohedge.com, which posed the question of either a World Government or a nuclear war. That, of course, are the negative side of things, as all of us, surely, would want to defeat both of these options. But as a mooting point, if these are the final alternatives, then what? In this worst-case scenario, I would choose nuclear war. It would be terrible, but still survivable. World Government will be much worse as it will destroy the very basis of life as we know it, and probably world Government will eliminate most resistance anyway.


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The WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Ensure a Chinese Communist-Style Medico-Police State By James Reed

The elements of a Chinese communist style medico-police state are being put into place. One worrying aspect of this is the World Health Organization’s move for a global pandemic treaty, which will give WHO the power to put into motion in the next pandemic, and perhaps even now, Covid mandates restrictions like those seen in China. This is a heart beat away, and both the US and Australia are set to sign. What can be done? As usual express your opposition to your local member. Encourage the independents to keep fighting this one. If it gets in, we will be in trouble, as WHO has said that a new pandemic is inevitable. And, they would know, wouldn’t they?


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At the Mercy of “Smart Meters” By James Reed

This is something many of us, especially those in Queensland  have not thought about, the dark side of so-called smart meters. Apparently, these wonders of technology are rationing electricity according to Senator Pauline Hanson, under the Queensland scheme, only the wealthiest households would have 24-hour access to electricity. As well,  power supplies could be denied to households to either penalize them or to reduce their carbon emissions, all part of the Great Reset. Pastor Dean Dwyer has said: ““With governments in complete control of your electricity connection, what would stop them from punitively switching you off if you couldn’t pay a traffic fine on time? What would stop them from imposing individual or household-restricted carbon budgets and turning you off when you’ve emitted your annual allotment? What would stop them from making more generous electricity tariffs contingent on buying an expensive electric vehicle or using public transport?”

Nothing; Chinese bad “social credit” is a hear beat away.

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Who Gave Albo Permission to Pay for Alleged Climate Change Damage? By Ken Grundy

Dear Editor


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Woke Lives on in Florida, Thanks to Judge By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As expected, a US District Court  judge here has struck down various provisions of our state, Florida’s Stop WOKE Act. The judge saw the Act, directed against Critical Race Theory as an attack on free speech which the university professors were somehow promoting, even though most of them reject free speech: “Our professors are critical to a healthy democracy, and the State of Florida’s decision to choose which viewpoints are worthy of illumination and which must remain in the shadows has implications for us all,” Walker ruled.

“If our ‘priests of democracy’ are not allowed to shed light on challenging ideas, then democracy will die in darkness,” he added. “But the First Amendment does not permit the State of Florida to muzzle its university professors, impose its own orthodoxy of viewpoints and cast us all into the dark.”

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