Ireland to be a Woke Totalitarian Nightmare By Richard Miller (London)

Ireland’s parliament is set to vote on the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022, which will criminalize the possession of material deemed hateful. And what is such material? Basically, anything that the present globalist regime does not like, ranging from immigration opposition, to opposing the transgender agenda. It’s all hate, anything critical of the Left, but not so long ago was part of the public debate. Thus, for example, a recent video by Paul Joseph Watson, criticising the complete dominance of inter-racial couples in TV ads, given that only 7 percent of the UK population are such couples, could well be hit, even though the point raised is perfectly valid.


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The Ideology of “Democracy” Now; Anti-Democratic Means, Not Being Woke By Chris Knight (Florida)

We are hearing, especially from Biden and the US Democrats that so many things are a threat to something called “democracy,” which is never defined. Thus, even people voting for Republican MAGA candidates, which one would have thought was a legal choice, is proclaimed to be against “democracy.” But used in such a way the term becomes drained of meaning, becoming little more than meaning anything the present regime does not like. It is exactly what the woke did with the idea of “racism,’ which almost everyone is tired of hearing about now.


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The Great Economic-Demographic Replacement of Whites, Everywhere By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is not just a matter of racial swamping, Camp of the Saints style, which takes a little time. The UN never rests, and is constantly working on ways to bury Western civilisation, and whites, especially Euro-whites, everywhere, who have been highly successful creators of civilisation. With the world now about to hit eight billion people, the numbers in the Third world exploding, the cry is being made for global economic equity, both from climate change reparations, and reparations for past racism, and the ultimate sin of creating Western civilisation, which through technology and medicine has allowed so many of the Third World to live. It will put the West on a trajectory to collapse, as the drain on resources will be economically damaging. Yet, that is like mother’s milk to the Left … well maybe a wrong metaphor, since they generally hate mothers, at least white mothers.

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The Trajectory to Destroy the Australian Economy By James Reed

Pauline Hanson rightly observes that labor has put Australia’s economy on a trajectory of destruction with its pledge to assist the Third World with climate change projects. However, this is just the beginning, as reported at the blog last week, the UN hopes to see a vast wealth redistribution in the form of climate reparations, where the West pays the Third World so much, that it essentially ceases to exist, a fitting punishment for developing modern civilisation which as allowed so much of the Third World to even exist at all. Obviously, we must organise to oppose this, rallying the ever-eager population for resistance.

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DeSantis Rewarded for Lockdown Scepticism By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream media is, apart from an article in the Sun, not discussing the role of Covid policies in DeSantis’ great win. That DeSantis as a Republican was able to get the votes of both blacks and Hispanics, alarmed the establishment. But it was done because DeSantis took a stand against the Covid mandates. One Dissent Righter, who supports Trump downplays this, but Trump cannot be excused for Operation Warp Speed, which gave us the Covid vax crisis in the first place. Trump is more responsible than Big Pharma for the problems the world now faces, such as excess mortality.

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"This Is Very Serious, We're In Trouble": Jordan Peterson By James Reed

Jordan Peterson does not mince words in this must-see video. He says that the elites, both the climate change fanatics, and those pushing for war with Russia are insane in a clinical sense. I agree; they are certainly clinical psychopaths. Thus, the lunatics are now controlling the asylum.

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Fine Meats for the Globalists; Bugs for Us if We are “Lucky” By James Reed

The globalist climate change elites arrived at the COP27 talkfest in over 400 private jets, emitting two metric tons of carbon dioxide per hour, dwarfing the emission of a private car (0.53 metric tons per hour). But that is not all; these Dark Lords want the West to give up its wealth to the Third World, while China gets a free pass, as if China would listen to them anyway. All this bull dust is emitted after gouging themselves with fine meats, which may produce more gas than cows! And as they and the World Economic Forum have told us, the future of food for us little people, if we eat at all, is insects if we are lucky. They have to be stopped. The US election shows in part that the suffering is not great enough yet, but it will be.

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The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Covid Cover-Ups By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola details how the US CDC engaged in cover-ups and false claims about the efficacy of the Pfizer jab, as well as sitting on a study showing four types of serious adverse events in elderly people who received Pfizer’s Covid jab: acute myocardial infarction, disseminated intravascular coagulation, immune thrombocytopenia, and pulmonary embolism. Now, why might that be?

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Sky Rocketing Excess Deaths By Richard Miller (London)

More on the extraordinary rise in excess mortality following the Covid vax rollouts. Our favourite fox mentions how The Telegraph paper had an article,  titled, “Silent crisis of soaring excess deaths gripping Britain is only tip of the iceberg. ” The report is of a health crisis which is seeing about 1,000 excess deaths per week, which are not due to Covid. Excess deaths are deaths that are above the statisitical norm.  "There have been 18,734 deaths due to Covid this year, but since May, there were 24,440 deaths where the primary cause was another condition.

Over the past six months, non-Covid excess deaths have been running at three times the rate of Covid deaths."

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Election Fraud, the Standard in Arizona By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just an update for Australia readers about how the mid-term elections in Arizona are being stolen, right before people’s eyes. Trump is jumping up and down now, but in the end, will do nothing. It is almost as if they are all players in a rehearsed play, going through the motions … which they all are. After all, no-one has ever given a satisfactory explanation of why Trump invited the faithful to Washington DC while the 2020 election was to be confirmed for the Democrats. That he trusted Pence staggers belief. No, he was doing exactly what he was told to do, and the same thing happens in Australia as well with the major parties taking heir turns to advance the globalist agenda. It is exactly how the oligarchy works.


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The Liability of Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)


A recent poll from YouGov of 413 Republicans and Republican-leaning independents,  found that 42 percent want DeSantis to be the party’s nominee two years from now, while 35 percent would prefer former president Donald Trump. This is immediate backlash from Trump’s endorsement of disastrous candidates in the mid-term elections, but really the rot was there in the Trump presidency from the beginning, with his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and his spoilt rotten daughtreer, Ivanka traking key admin roles. Their policies were pure liberal Left and neutralised everything that Trump had run on. Oddly the Democrats never complained about the clear conflict of interst in having family members in such roles, no doubt because they coiuld see the destruction tht hrey were doing. Kushner is seen as no friend ofamericaa in this article from 2018:

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“Living in the Latter Days” - Defending Australia By Viv Forbes

Australians are living in the latter days of the Anglo/American Empire.

For centuries now, world power centres have been moving west – from Mongolia, to Europe, to Britain, to North America, and now Asia beckons.

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The IMF and the Covid Plandemic By James Reed

The globalist financial organisation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been busy throughout its existence working away to undermine national autonomy through its conditionality requires upon loans for so-called “development,” primarily for Third World countries. But, that is not all, for with the Covid plandemic the policy objective was Vaccinate, Calibrate, Accelerate, as detailed in the IMF Managing Director’s Global Policy Agenda for 2021. 

No stone was left unturned, with the document warning of  “a climate emergency that demands immediate action, while we also navigate the new opportunities, and risks, of the digital revolution.” IMF priorities are to 1) “vaccinate the world population to stem the spread of the pandemic,” 2) “calibrate policies to limit scarring, support the recovery, and counter growing divergences within and between countries,” and 3) “accelerate the transformation of the global economy to achieve a more inclusive, greener, and digital recovery.” Using the economic whip, the drive was made to promote mass vaccination. Covid was seen as an opportunity to promote the globalists policies and values that the organisation had pushed since its beginning: “Policymakers should seize the moment to accelerate the transformation of the global economy. The global economy is faced with a sweeping range of disruptive forces—the existential threat posed by climate change, a technological revolution, growing disparities in income and opportunity, demographic shifts, and political polarization, compounding divergences across and within countries. Decisively tackling these issues, to both counter the risks and capitalize on the opportunities, will be essential to strengthening resilience and long-term sustainability.”

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Why green energy is not green at all By Viv Forbes

"Green" policies are destroying the natural environment and changing local weather.  This is part of a futile U.N. scheme claiming to improve the climate of the world.

All green energy degrades its environment.

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The Dark Secrets of Science By James Reed

Reference is given below to the critique of mainstream science documentary, Science for Hire. The Covid plandemic has served as a mirror for revealing the systematic corruption of mainstream science, from suppression of debate about the origin of Covid-19, to all aspects of the ill-health effects of the Covid-19 vaxxes. Yet this is only one part of the corruption of science, which has been there from early in the 20th century, when the likes of Rockefeller moved to promote what is now mainstream allopathic medicine centred around pharmaceuticals, over holistic treatments such as homeopathy. While these alternative medicines have made a recent comeback, including nutrition and exercise, the Big Pharma backed mainstream medicine continues to battle against these alternative paradigms which may threaten their empire.   


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The Wages of Dysgenic Decline By Chris Knight (Florida)

Matthew Boose says what many conservatives fear to say, as biodiversity and the biological and racial aspect of humans is not so relevant to a mode of thought based upon the over-non-material aspect of the human condition. The elephant in the room, indeed the herd of such pachyderms, is the genetic decline of modern populations. In general, people today are not the same tough stuff as the pioneers of America and Australia, or even the ANZACS. We simply need to observe the generation of Zoomers, who are addicted to social media and recreational drugs. They continue the decline begun by the Boomers, the 1960s revolutionaries who set about dismantling the old conservative order. It makes it very difficult to oppose the nastiest enemies in history, that makes Mordor look like a Sunday school picnic, with people who are disconnected from reality. We should set to seek out what human quality remains, even though the enemies now fill the institutions, and even the opposition freedom groups. Seek quality over quantity.


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Home (and Shed) Renovation Tips for Those Who are Now Living in the Economic Apocalypse By Uncle Len, Shed Dweller

In these end times, you cannot beat home grown survival tips from those struggling to survive; life or death brilliantly focusses a person’s mind. In Europe, the focus is surviving their bitter winters with a fuel shortage crisis, and one father has made the innovation of insulating his home with cardboard, which is cheap and effective. I have slept rough out in the open on cardboard many times, and it is a true luxury for the homeless, warm and softens the ground somewhat if you have enough of it, and keep it dry. We Aussies are heading to summer, which will probably be a stinker, so that cardboard  is an idea for next winter, when poor people can no longer afford electricity. As for summer, basic common sense, to cool houses naturally, maybe even get mossy nets and secure the back area of the house and sleep there. We, the poor, will need to embrace the ideas and strategies of the homeless, as the New World Order Great Reset works to make us all, refugees in what was once our own country, and home. Of course, the answer is people acting, but until that, we have to survive somehow. See cardboard as a symbol of the new minimalist way of living.


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US Nuclear Expert David Pyne on the Coming Global Nuclear War By James Reed

Here is a linked interview with Canadian Prepper, with David Pyne   a former U.S. Army combat arms and Headquarters staff officer, who was in charge of armaments cooperation with the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas from 2000-2003, who  currently serves as Deputy Director of National Operations for the Task Force on National and Homeland Security. So, he knows his stuff on nuclear war, particularly on EMP attack, electro-magnetic pulses, that fry electronics. In summary he says, America is likely to see the invasion of Taiwan, probably this year. Russia, seeing America divided will up the attacks, perhaps launching EMP weapons on the Ukraine, and maybe mainland America. He estimates, as do others in the US security system, that a successful EMP attack could lead to infrastructure breakdown, given that most systems are not prepared for this, and that death of 90 percent of the population is likely. The issue of EMP attacks are not even being considered in Australia, and no conservative site I know of has mentioned this. Everyone has their own comfort zone of pet issues, but I do not think that conservative ideology is going to save us from any such attack once full-on war with China occurred; China, like Russia has super-EMP weapons that Australia has no defence against. We need to wake up to the near and clear danger.


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The Republican’s Great Diversity Fluff Up By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have been covering the failure of the “red wave,” that was supposed to sweep Republicans to power in both Houses. It did not occur, with many blaming Trump. But, beyond that one needs to look at the candidates, many diverse, and as woke as a poke. The Republicans, and Trump included, constantly put up candidates who hardly held to conservative values. For those interested in the details, here are the gruesome details.


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The 15 Minute City: Permeant Climate Lockdowns Under Climate Change Agenda By James Reed

The 15-minute city concept is taking off in Europe, and will soon be coming to a city near you. The propaganda is that cars in various cities will be limited, for the little people, who will only be able to use their cars in said cities for a certain limited time each year. The 15-minute thing is that use of public transport will enable one to do all that is needed in 15 minutes, or so they say. Those who exceed the limited car use will be fined, but all this is just a test ground for eliminating cars, full stop. It is simply another Fabian strategy.


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