Facing the Deathbed By James Reed

Death is the great leveller, so let’s talk about it. According to researchers at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, who research deathbed experiences, people’s lives do flash before their eyes. What is a fascinating find is that it was assumed that there was little or no brain activity after around 10 minutes of a cardiac arrest, as the brain was deprived of oxygen. However, it was found that there were signs of near-normal brain activity for up to an hour, even with oxygen deprivation. According to one researcher: “Our brain is very robust” and “is more resilient to oxygen deprivation” than expected, and the brain “can restore itself and have markers of normal brain activity.” Yet, some brains do not restore, and die.

The materialist will see this as a surprising result in neuro-anatomy, but a case could be made, that those patients who do have this amazing survival experience are those whose time is not yet up, and God had decided that He wants them to live on.



“It’s not a deathbed myth: Our lives really do flash before our eyes when we die, according to a new report from the NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

“I remember seeing my dad,” said one patient after flatlining.

“I caught glimpses of my life and felt pride, love, joy and sadness, all pouring into me,” recalled another after being pulled back from the brink.

“I do remember a being of light … standing near me. It was looming over me like a great tower of strength, yet radiating only warmth and love,” a third survivor shared.

These and many other haunting recollections were described by cardiac arrest patients who underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation as they hovered on death’s doorstep.

Typically, doctors have assumed there is little to no brain activity after about 10 minutes of cardiac arrest, when the heart stops beating, depriving the brain of oxygen.

However, the new research from NYU turns that misconception on its head.

“There are signs of normal and near normal brain activity found up to an hour into resuscitation,” Dr. Sam Parnia, an associate professor of medicine at NYU Langone Health, told The Post in a wide-ranging interview.

‘I was shown the consequences of my life, thousands of people that I’d interacted with and felt what they felt about me, saw their life and how I had impacted them. Next I saw the consequences of my life and the influence of my actions.’

The recollection of one revived patient whose identity has been preserved for privacy purposes

“We were not only able to show the markers of lucid consciousness — we were also able to show that these experiences are unique and universal. They’re different from dreams, illusions and delusions.”

Parnia is the lead author of a study published this week in the journal Resuscitation that studied brain activity and awareness among 53 patients who survived cardiac arrest at 25 hospitals, mostly in the US and UK.

The researchers were able to show that the brain is surprisingly more durable than most doctors had previously believed.

“Our brain is very robust” and “is more resilient to oxygen deprivation” than expected, said Parnia, adding that the organ “can restore itself and have markers of normal brain activity.”

Of the 53 surviving patients in the study, almost 40% reported having memories or conscious thoughts. Patients in the study asked that their identities not be revealed for privacy reasons.

The patients also had spikes in the gamma, delta, theta, alpha and beta brain waves associated with higher mental function, as recorded by an electroencephalogram, a technology that records brain activity with electrodes.


“There is a narrative arc in people who are having a near-death experience,” Parnia said of the common themes that survivors recalled. “Their consciousness becomes heightened, more vivid and more sharp.”

One of the most common shared experiences among people who have been revived following cardiac arrest is a 360-degree awareness of the space around them.

“In death, they have a perception that they are separate from their body,” Parnia said, “and then they can move around. But they’re in that [hospital] room and they’re gathering information. They felt that they were fully conscious.”

In that state of awareness, they’re often observing doctors and nurses working to save their lives, but their observation is completely placid and free of fear or distress.

And, yes, many people actually do see their lives pass before their eyes, much like in stories from folklore and popular media.

“Somehow in death their entire life comes to the fore,” said Parnia. “It’s a deep, purposeful and meaningful reevaluation of their lives.”

This review of their lives isn’t in any particular order, Parnia said, but more of a dive into morality and ethics. “It’s not a chronology. It’s a purposeful reevaluation of the things that we strive for in life, like a promotion at work.

“What becomes a primary reality is how we treat other people,” added Parnia, who is also director of critical care and resuscitation research at NYU Langone Health. “It’s not random flashbacks. There’s so much more.”

Another common theme is the sense of arriving at a place that feels utterly familiar: home. “Somewhere that they feel they recognize, and are going back to. They continue on the rest of this journey to a place that they feel is like home,” Parnia said.

“What’s interesting is that this is universal, in the US and in other countries.”

Science doesn’t yet fully understand how or why these common experiences occur, but Parnia believes the brain’s normal operating focus, which gets us through the day, becomes relaxed and “disinhibited” during near-death experiences.

“Normally, there are braking systems that keep us from accessing all aspects of our brain,” Parnia explained. “The rest of the functions of your brain are dampened.”

But, “as the brain shuts down, as a defense mechanism to preserve itself [during cardiac arrest], the brakes are off.”

That’s when people “get activation of other parts of the brain that have been dormant. You get access to your entire consciousness and things that you normally can’t access, all of your emotions, feelings, thoughts and memories.

“These are not hallucinations. These are very real experiences that occur in death,” Parnia added.

The research being conducted at NYU Langone Health and other research centers represents a breakthrough in resuscitation, a specialty that has lagged behind other areas of medical research.




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