The Mind, the Soul and the Limits of Science By James Reed

Robert Arvay, “The Vital Question that Physical Science Can Never Answer,” puts the case that the materialist view tht the mind is just the brain, is fundamentally mistaken. It is like studying the creation of music, by solely looking at the physical musical instruments. Agreed, but the materialist view dominates the modern university, and cognitive science departments move ahead with computer models of the brain, that presumably explain the mind, if the mind is accepted to exist at all over mere behavioural responses. This reductionism rejects the existence of the soul as well, since the existence of a soul, a non-material spiritual entity, is contrary to the entire paradigm.

While it is useful to argue against the thesis of reductionist materialism, it is worth recognising that this ideology is not pure science based, and just like neo-classical economics serves globalist interests. It is a philosophy accepted by the likes of the World Economic Forum, as it permits transhumanism a free reign. If man is a machine, not made in the image of God, then they see themselves free to play God.

“What is the only observable physical phenomenon that science cannot explain?  It is perhaps the most important one of all.

Let's use an analogy.  Suppose that the government were to commission a study about music.  Suppose further that the study were restricted to answering a specific question: how does music arise from a musical instrument?

The study might begin by surveying a particular musical instrument — let us say the French horn.  It would examine its shape, its parts, its constituent metals, and the acoustics involved in producing the music that emanates from it.  How far would such a study get in its mission of answering the question?  How does music arise from a musical instrument?

It would get nowhere, and for obvious reasons.  Music does not arise from a musical instrument; the music is played upon it.  In order for music to emanate from the instrument, one needs to account for the role of the musician, that of the composer, and even that of the listener.  The simple answer to the question, then, is that there is more to music than the instrument.

Government and academia are struggling to answer a similar question about the brain: how does a conscious mind arise from the physical brain?  Is it that there is more than only the brain, that produces conscious thought and experience — and even produces music?

[Regarding the question of how the brain] somehow displays consciousness or whether a mind arises from inanimate physical objects, "there is a clear explanatory gap between the physical and the mental," says Hedda Hassel Mørch, a philosopher at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Is there something about consciousness that cannot be accounted for by physical facts alone?

The suggestion is startling, especially in a science magazine that has trended toward left-leaning bias in recent years.  The mere suggestion that there might be any observed phenomenon "that cannot be accounted for by physical facts alone" is heresy in many of our institutions.

Our conscious awareness does not arise from the brain, but is rather the music of our spiritual nature flowing through our physical being.

In the formative years of the American Republic, there was little doubt that our rights come to us from "the Creator."  It was said by one of the Founders, John Adams, that "our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

With the passage of time, however, this essential belief, that we are the creatures of a universal God, became gradually supplanted by the misconception that we are creatures of an exclusively physical universe, entirely controlled by it, and not accountable to any power higher than the government.

The rest is history, an increasingly chaotic one.  Many of us are distressed as we observe our cherished nation descend into the depravities of corrupt government and the inevitable consequences thereof.  The streets of many large cities are overrun by drug-addicted denizens.  Illegal aliens receive government-funded social benefits that are denied to our wounded veterans of war.  Criminals are protected from punishment by leftist prosecutors.  The list is long and depressing.

This sort of degeneracy is what inevitably happens when people are regarded as physical objects with no spiritual component.  This is what happens when we "follow the science" in the absence of faith in divine principles.

When we are told that there is no scientific evidence of the divine, we need merely point to our brains, to our consciousness.  The evidence is overwhelming.  The music of the universe requires that its natural laws be composed by a mind, not the other way around.  As society descends into chaos and tyranny, as our situation grows ever more desperate, the need for partaking of the divine wisdom is becoming increasingly obvious.

It's our only hope



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