The Covid Bivalent Booster … A Fizzler By Brian Simpson

The US CDC authorised Pfizer’s Covid bivalent booster on an emergency basis without the usual testing, after all, it was a supposed “emergency.” Academic writing at Children’s Health, have used the CDC’s own data to find that the effectiveness of the new vaccine was a mere 9 percent even though the CDC’s own rules demand a minimal efficacy of 50% for emergency use authorization. So, what next has Big Pharma have in store for us?


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Is China Caving in to Protests? By James Reed

I had feared that god emperor Xi would have moved in the tanks against the protesters, creating another Tiananmen Square. That was not necessary, as the Chinese police were able to break up most protests. But, the protests may continue, although there is a complex game beginning, with some lockdowns being eased, but while concentration camps still being built and set up.  So, we do not know exactly where this is going to go, but, Covid has yet to rip through the Chinese population, so we can expect a repeat of all that we have seen. The protests no doubt were Covid spreading events. Like in the West, the idea of natural immunity is water off a (Chinese) duck’s back.


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People on $ 150,000 Struggling … What! By James Reed

Well, well, well … according to Bill Shorten, who has shortened it, people earning up to $ 150,000 a year are struggling. I suppose if they have a family, a mortgage, and kiddies needing private piano lessons. But, some of us have to get by with less than the poverty level, which for Australia is $489 a week for a single adult and $1,027 a week for a couple with 2 children. If those on $ 150,000, poor vegemites, are struggling, then what about those of us, sailing around the iceberg of the poverty line? With crushing inflation, and economic collapse, many will need to live like the guy in 123, complete with the cute dairy sheep:


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Germany Embraces Islam because of White Woke Guilt … Makes Sense! By Richard Miller (London)

Well, it looks like German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is set to be even more destructive than Merkel. Here is an outline of how Germany is embracing Islam, making Germany perhaps number one now in Europe’s Great Replacement stakes. Pretty much all over for Germany now. Still, once Germany disappears, perhaps their ethno-masochistic complex will be satisfied? But, maybe not; they will cease to exist!


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The White House is Concerned about Free Speech on Twitter, but is Silent about Apple Colluding with Communist China! By James Reed

Yes, the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who is something of a caricature of woke, has said that the White House, which needs a name change to the Black House, has said that the White House is disturbed by Elon Musk even making grunts about restoring a grain of free speech to Twitter. Naturally, doing this would give critics a means of further refuting their woke bs. But, when it comes to Apple helping the CCP suppress the speech of Chinese dissidents, that is the actions of a private company, as if Twitter is not exactly the same.


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mRNA Coming from a Vaxxed Near You! By Brian Simpson

Leading US cardiologist and Covid Vax critic, Dr Peter McCullough, has put the case based upon available evidence, that the MRNA from the vaccinated, is being transferred to the unvaccinated, so no-one will miss out on a dose! And the kicker is that every shot is accumulative in the body and the body has no apparent way of eliminating the mRNA. He details the way such transfers occur, such as through breast milk, but I will briefly focus on the anxiety this revelation may cause.


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Treating Covid Critics with USSR style Psychiatric Tyranny By Richard Miller (London)

This is but one more step on the road to communist totalitarianism, as we saw in history with the USSR, and present-day china, both of which used psychiatry as a political weapon to silence enemies of the regime. Cardiologist Dr. Thomas Binder revealed how he was arrested 60 armed police officers, including 20 from the Kantonspolizei Aargau’s anti-terrorism unit, known as ARGUS, after he published a blog post on April 9, 2020. The blog was a scientific refutation of the Swiss Covid mandates, but the authorities did not case for debating science, as the Chief of State Police decaled Binder of being a security threat. He was diagnosed with a fictious disease “Corona Insanity,” and placed in a psychiatric institution, being pumped full of Big Pharma meds, just to show that they mean business.


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Still Think Musk is One of the Good Guys? By James Reed

Elon Musk encourages rock star status, and has made a big song and dance about restoring free speech to Twitter, but we will see where this goes as the tyrannically woke EU lines up for law suits. The White House is also watching, presumably ready for attack, as someone might say something on Twitter that the Democrat regime does not like.


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Dealing with Plastics the Chemical Way By James Reed

Here is excellent news for those who love plastics as much as me, but fear the Greenies moving on items, such as the disgraceful banning of plastic spoons, knives ands folks, which were truly a convenient invention. And as far as I am concerned, any creature dumb enough to swallow a plastic knife, deserves natural selection. But, I digress.


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Smart Cities as Global Concentration Camps By James Reed

The technocratic elites are all-out for the promotion of smart cities, all part of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will integrate living with the internet of things, with all aspects of life being IT controlled. Cash will disappear, voting will be electronic, and cameras will record your every move. Further down the track, IT will monitor your thoughts, using a Chinese style “social credit” system to ban you from everything, if you are bad. China is almost there with this now, and as the elites are now abandoning Western liberalism, and embracing Chinese-style totalitarianism, the smart city is the logical first step to get the game going. The Covid plandemic moved the pace forward greatly.

We have a real fight on our hands if we wish to preserve traditional freedom.

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Covid Vaxxes and Heart Inflammation Risk By Chris Knight (Florida)

Now even the US Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration, is cautiously admitting what Covid critics have been saying, that the mRNA Covid vax increases the risk of heart inflammation, myocarditis. The amount is said to be a staggering 133 times the background risk in the general population, which is almost a 13,200 percent increased risk, significant by any measure. Details for the more scientifically minded are below, but the policy significance is immediate. This alone should stop further vax roll outs, but as detailed at the blog today, in the US and Australia, getting vaxxed is still on the menu. Any other vaccine, which was not politically correct, would have been dropped long ago.


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Meditations on the Human “Mouse Utopia” Experiments By Brian Simpson

We have covered the mouse experiment by psychologist John Calhoun before, the so-called “mouse utopia,” where mice were given everything they needed, but eventually weakness set in, females lost interest in reproducing, and males went,  well, they did not like females anymore. In a few years the populations were extinct. Mike Adams has applied the same reasoning to the human population, and below quotes academics who have done the same. It is a version of the old maxim that strong men create rich societies, that eventually leads to decadence, producing weak men, who lose it all, requiring strong men to begin the cycle again. I think we are now in the destruction phase now, so expect strong men now to begin the rebuilding; we have intelligence, and souls, and need not end up like Calhoun’s mice!

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Covid Injections are Forever! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Most people in the West, the ordinary people, have got jabbed up, have been locked down, and are sick and tired of Covid. But, for the medical technocrats, Covid has been great business and will be forever. It is the virus that just keeps on giving. The White House has advised that we will be seeing new variants of Covid all the time, and only be endless jabs of Big Pharma vaxxes can one be “safe.” “Please, don’t wait,” Covid “czar” Ashish Jha said. “Get your Covid shot. Get your flu shot. That’s why God gave you two arms. Get one in each arm if you want.” This is not science but a cult-like mentality of vaccine worship.


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The Hubris of the “Experts” By James Reed

There has been a critique of the “experts” and intellectuals going back in time to the Romantic movement, a revolt against the excess scientism of the enlightenment. This has arisen most dramatically with the Covid plandemic, where we got a full-on look at how the technocratic elites like Dr Fauci do business. It is naked power politics, using science, or what pretends to be scientific objectivity as a façade. Most importantly, the experts usually get it wrong, full of false pride and intellectual arrogance. The damage done by their hubris is enormous. Thus, we the little people should have a methodological principle of distrusting experts; guilty until proven innocent.

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No-Go Zones; No Ambulances By Richard Miller (London)

The Left screamed at Trump when he spoke of no-go zones in woke Sweden, a country that desires the elimination of its white Nordic population above all else. As for the no-go zones, denied by the Left to even exist, well ask the ambulance drivers who will not go there. That makes sense too; a no-go zone is a place where one does not go! In my opinion it is right to not go into areas where one might be shot or blown up by a bomb or grenade. Still, it is exciting and vibrating.


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Mpox is Not Racist … Or, Is it? By James Reed

For some reason the name “monkeypox” was taken to be “racist” and the woke World Health Organization moved to change the name. I think submissions were taken and … drum roll … they came up with “mpox”! No, nothing scientific here, no reference to the molecular structure of the virus. Just use a “m” instead of “monkey.” But if “monkey” is racist, then the “m” is too, being a wolf call that does not fool anyone. Shame on you WHO!

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Covid Vax Depopulation and the Crash of Sperm: Again By Mrs Vera West

I covered this week the study showing the crash in human male sperm quality and quantity. I mentioned that the Covid vaxxes have been hypothesised to also play a part, and here is information on that. Actually, the study cited below is about men who have had a Covid infection, having one third less sperm compared to uninfected men over 3 months later. But since now it is a pandemic of the vaccinated, that does not matter much now. There will be few people, vaxxed or unvaxxed, who have not had Covid now. The issue is whether this sperm decline is permanent or temporary. We will see.

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The Ukraine Money Laundering Scam By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola has done a great job joining up the dots on the Ukraine situation which has become an endless sink for billions being tossed their way by the West. With an open southern border, and an invasion of the US in place, why is the most corrupt nation in Europe being supported to the tune of $ 98 billion so far? The issue of a giant money laundering scheme has been raised before, but the implosion of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has again raised suspicions of money laundering, with the US Democrats being the main beneficiaries. FTX’s founder, Sam Bankman-Fried was a top donor to the Democratic Party, second only to George Soros, and had ties to the World Economic Forum. Bankman-Fried is suspected of having absconded with $1 billion to $2 billion of client funds. Around $ 200 million was raised for Ukraine and distributed through FTX to a bank in Ukraine. However, it is known that the Ukrainian government only used $22 million of that money. The remaining $178 million is unaccounted for, and it is suspected as having been funnelled back for use by Democrats in the stolen 2022 election. Yet the Republicans are not investigating this. I wonder why; presumably the Democrats have something on them as well?

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Challenging the Covid Mandate Fines By Ian Wilson LL.B

The article from the Daily, had a headline that stated that a landmark case dealing with the legality of Covid mandate breaches, during New South Wales lockdown conditions could see nationwide challenges in other states.  Already over 33,000 NSW residents who were fined for Covid mandate breaches have had their fines withdrawn.  


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The Risk to Australia’s Power Grid By James Reed

I guess in this woke climate it is something; EnergyAustralia managing director Mark Collette has warned that shutting down fossil fuel power plants too soon could threaten the national power grid. He is right, but we know that the threats are greater from just looking at the US, especially Texas, and European experiences. The existing infrastructure, and present-day life style, was not built around unreliable renewables such as solar and wind, that either give too much power, or fall far short when the sun does not shine and winds do not blow. But traditional power plants are closing without the guarantee that alternatives can meet demand. That is a threat to industry and daily life, especially the vulnerable who depend upon electricity. “The head of a major energy company in Australia has warned that shutting down coal and gas power plants too early will expose the national power grid to significant risks.

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