Torture of January 6 Political Prisoners By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Gateway Pundit documents the horrifying treatment of the January 6 Trump supporters, still held in prison without a trial, and tortured. That alone is reason for the breakup of America, as the rule of law is dead.


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The New Abnormal: Enter the Biosecurity State By Brian Simpson

We are now in the time of the new abnormal, with the old traditional liberal freedoms under threat, from failure of the institutions, such as the legal profession to defend fundamentals. While many seem to think that the Covid plandemic is over, no longer being physically locked down or wearing masks, what has been established from all this is an international vaccine passport, digital identity, a CCP style “social credit” system and a central bank digital currency (CBDC) form a digital control system. The elements of most of this has been put into place, and it would not have happened so fast if not for Covid, which is one argument that this was al planned, especially if the virus was cooked up in he Wuhan lab, which seems likely. What also moved by leaps and bounds was computer-based surveillance,


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Elon Musk: Will THEY “Musket” Him? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This should have occurred to me, but it did not. Elon Musk has certainly been stirring the pot with the flirtation of free speech, which the woke regard as fascist. Thus, given the violence of the Left it is not paranoia for Musky to say that he is not suicidal, and if he winds up dead, well, it was a globalist job. He intends to beef up his security, which is a good idea. It would probably be good if he has not already, get a concealed pistol carry permit, or, if open carry is permit, go the full hog and get a gun belt with six-shooters, double action of course. Of, given his tech, he could move to laser pistols and light sabres from Star Wars, if he has them. He could even get a chip in his brain to improve his mental security.


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Musk’s Neuralink and Animal Deaths By James Reed

Elon Musk, who has been creating waves with revelations that Twitter censored review of the Hunter Biden lap top, has had his team working away to be able to put chips in the human brain. If being a genetically modified organism was not bad enough, here we go on the next big technocratic thing. At least, unlike the Covid vaxxes, there appears to be animal studies. As detailed below, around 1,500 animals have been killed, although death details are in short supply. But planting chips in brains seems a dangerous thing, and if cars can burst into flames, who says that human brains may not also suffer a parallel fate? But, hopefully, Elon will be the first to have his brain implanted to show good faith.


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Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price on the Voice Referendum Funding Tricks By James Reed

Senator Price is watching the tricks that the labor party is getting up to roll in the Voice referendum, establishing a third chamber of parliament, contrary to denials, for everything that otherwise is desired could be done now without constitutional change. Although the Albo government has said that it will not be funding either side of the referendum, Senator Price has pointed out that $235.1 million will be allocated for the referendum, with $160 million is in a contingency reserve, $75.1 million ready for “preparation and support work” and “increasing First Nations enrolment and participation,” and $6.5 million is being allocated to National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) to support the referendum. I agree that that does not sound like an even handling of the issue, setting up a clear bias for the yes case. But, what else would we expect? And, in the light of the same sex vote, and the return of the Andrews government, there is an uphill battle coming, as we do not have the same demographics of the ANZAC generation by a long shot. The entire forces of racial brainwashing, created since the 1960s will be unleashed. Once the lawyer class get their delicate fingers on the constitution, well, game over. So, let’s try and win the battle that really counts. People have to act, by trying to convince all they know, and they in turn, that the Voice is part of an agenda to break up Australia.

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The Dark Claws of the CCP in Australia By James Reed

There have been concerns raised in many jurisdictions about CCP penetration into their societies, such as through measures like police stations, used to openly keep an eye on Han Chinese, as revealed in a recent disclosure in New York. Apparently, these stations have been in existence for years, but in our Leftist culture, that worships the CCP, not much has been done about them. Just try one’s luck in a place like California, for example.


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Archaeology Anonymous By Brian Simpson

Today we are covering the fact that wokeness, formerly called political correctness, has now infiltrated the harder sciences. Archaeology sits on the borderline of hard and soft, but is a target of the Left since it can furnish refutations, by historical evidence of most of the received Left wing ideology about human nature. There are many examples of this dealing with race, discussed below, but relevant to the Voice referendum is the idea that the Aborigines were the first inhabitants of the continent of Australia, based upon 40,000-year-old fossils found at Lake Mungo. That claim does not receive challenge today, while everything centred around European origins is subjected to deconstruction, basically along the lines, that Europeans do not exist, only migrants, so do not resist the Great Replacement, since you don’t exist except for purposes of punishment via the racism industry. Hence, with the universities no more that arenas of Leftist tyranny, it is a good idea for counter-thought to be underground, at least until the present academic system collapses from its own internal rottenness. Then comes the great rebuilding.

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Pornography is Satanic By Mrs Vera West

I have argued in the blog for a long time that pornography, the product of the 1960s cultural revolution, constitutes an attack not only upon the family, family values and morality, but is particularly damaging to the sexual function. It is surprising that the churches did not fight this issue harder, as it is obvious where it was going to go. But, the issue is much more than a secular policy issue. Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, an exorcist for the Archdiocese of Washington, has said that what we are seeing here is spiritual warfare, with pornography being a direct Satanic weapon. I think this is literally true, as unpopular as such thought may be in our secularised consumer society.


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The Underground Civilisation By Brian Simpson

As a high school science teacher, I once shared the faith in science. And it is a faith that one acquires going to university and doing a science degree. The same thing occurs with all professions too, such as law, and medicine. One joins the “brotherhood,” or is it “sisterhood” (?) now in these woke times. And as detailed at the American, there has been, at least since the Covid plandemic an increasing move for even the physical STEM sciences to move to woke and political correctness. The trend has been going on, perhaps not at the present fanatical pace since the 1960s, first with undermining race science, then picked up pace with the climate change agenda, which continues now. While for the softer bs “sciences” like Psychology, the woke has penetrated into the actual discourse itself, this has been less so in the hard sciences, with a focus being upon the institutions, seen as excluding women, trans and diverse people. Hence a whole range of things, including affirmative action programs, and inclusion measures, even going softer on diverse folk during exams, if they have them at all. As argued below, this is set to erode Western science and technology, aiding communist China in its rise to world domination. Something to be concerned with, and an excellent reason for closing down the universities in a comprehensive program of higher education reform.


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Famine Coming to Germany By Richard Miller (London)

I have discussed, a bit light-hearted, the issue of people in Wales, and parts of Europe, now eating pet food. However, it may well be the tip of the iceberg, with state-imposed sanctions, and agendas to close down agriculture. This was first seen with the Netherlands shutting down farms to supposedly reduce nitrogen. Now we have Germany following the Netherlands in vastly restricting the use of nitrate fertilisers over large areas of farmland in North Rhine-Westphalia. The requirement of the climate change tyrants is for a 20 percent reduction, but that is just the beginning. Even with this, the kick-on effects will be catastrophic, possibly leading to social collapse. That is, if the global elites get their way; and of course; our day job is to stop the villains of this story.

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Eating Pet Food: A Sign of the Times By Richard Miller (London)

This is predictable when things get tough, and human food becomes expensive; eat pet food! Many pensioners were doing this long before the present crisis, but it is becoming more common now after the Ukraine disaster. The question then becomes to consume tin pet food or dry; a modern Hamlet’s question. I imagine that dry would go down a bit hard, so people might opt for the meaty tin food. But, unlike the pellets, it will need to be heated up, so there will be an energy issue.


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Killer Robots on the March! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

San Francisco is a test case. Killer robots for the police, remote controlled robots capable of carrying explosives and/or guns are now to be used. We can see where this leads. Today it is to deal with gunmen, but tomorrow the robots will be sent in after Covid protesters or the like. It is on the very slippery slope to robot cop dystopia.


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The Virus Does Not Stop Until Mankind Stops By Brian Simpson

I have been arguing this for some time; that the mass Covid vax program with a leaky virus that does not stop transmission, which is proven by the vaccinated getting Covid, multiple times, will lead to evolutionary pressure upon the virus to mutate. There is now scientific research, summarised below supporting this conjecture. We have yet to see a deadly version of Covid evolve, but this is possible now, regardless of the issue of the initial lab origin. The demons are out of their bottles now.

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A Pfizer Vax Injury: One Shot By Mrs Vera West

I have not reported on personal Covid vax injuries for a time, but here is another sad story of a father of two who had one shot of the Pfizer Covid vax, and developed severe heart reactions: “Because of the damage done to my heart I’m now in congestive heart failure with an ejection fraction of 10-25%, and I ended up having to get a subcutaneous ICD [implantable cardioverter-defibrillator] implant in the beginning of June 2022.

“I’m no longer able to work and have a hard time with anything that requires energy or exertion. Even something as minor as taking a shower can be difficult, which is why I have a shower chair now.”

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Communist Missiles Could Wipe Out Australia By James Reed

It is what we all knew, CCP missiles can strike Australian cities. But, so can Russian missiles, and they have been able to do this since the Cold War, yet the neo cons are itching for war with Russia, and Zelensky is doing his best to bring NATO into the conflict. I am not sure what the “solution” to such a geo-political conflict is, as Australia seems to have already nailed its hide to the wall of war. Maybe learning nuclear war survival skills:

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Concerning: The Hacking of Australian Health Records By James Reed

As far as I could find out, by internet surfing, or is it crawling for me (?), the Australian authorities have not nailed the parties who hacked health data records for a ransom. Rightly so, the government did not pay. Apparently, health data has been dumped on the dark web, which I suppose could leave people open to all sorts of problems like blackmail. And, this was done, some articles say, by a group of crim hackers. It shows what even higher-level crooks, namely the Russian and Chinese governments, could achieve if they put their minds to it. That is the sort of cyber-warfare that is just down the track; things like the entire grid going down, a sample of which just occurred in the US. Aussie are not even thinking about this yet.

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Explosion of Cancers After Covid Shots By Brian Simpson

Apart from the alarming issues of excess deaths, and heart issues, of people suddenly dying, a lesser discussed aspect of Covid vax injuries are the rise of cancers. This issue is getting mainstream discussion with Dr. Angus Dalgleish, professor of Oncology at St. George's University of London, in a letter to the British Medical Journal, arguing tht htew covid vaxxes should be halted: “Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder. I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes that many suggest, especially as the same pattern is being seen in Germany, Australia and the USA.”

Dr Dalgleish says that this rise ion cancers is being observed by fellow practitioners, but few are willing to make a public stand. And, it is early days yet.

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FTX Funding Bioweapons Shelters By Richard Miller (London)

People have been pondering the connection of the failed crypto exchange FTX, and allegations of money laundering to fund the US Democrats. That is likely to prove true. But, there are many angles here, with the Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe also serving as a shelter for US bioweapons research which could not have been conducted on the US mainland. This would explain the passion of the US injecting billions into the Ukraine, while abandoning other countries, and even leaving its southern border open. The Gateway Pundit has broken the story on this, something Australians do not get in the lamestream media, of course.


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Confirmed: The “Sudden Death” of Millions By Chris Knight (Florida)

While the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is not shouting about it, or publicising it greatly, there has been the sudden deaths of 1.1 million Americans since the rollout of the Covid vaxxes, these deaths considered to be “excess,” more than the statistical average and expected rate. CDC data shows that 101,000 excess deaths occurred in 2021 after Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, compared to 2020 before the jabs, and also while the strongest strain of Covid-19 was active. If this was the result of any other vaccine or medication, it would have been banned long ago.

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Zelensky Happy with World War III By Richard Miller (Florida)

We have been concerned with Ukrainian president Zelensky’s desire to involve NATO in war with Russia; his quickness in blaming Russia for the missile that lobbed on Poland killing two, was a Ukrainian missile, but he maintained for too long that it was Russian. He even demanded that NATO launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike upon Russia! What is disturbing here is if Zelensky had got any of his wishes, the Ukraine would be annihilated, reduced to nuclear ashes.  While many question the mental stability of Putin, which is a fair question, the same doubts should also be raised against Zelensky, who seems to have something of a national death wish.  Something is mighty wrong in the Ukraine.

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