The (Flawed) Chinese New World Order By James Reed

US commentator Brandon Smith notes that globalist elites, such as George Soros, and most of the elites of the World Economic Forum, praise communist China. Recently, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum gave an interview to the Chinese government controlled CGTN at the APEC Summit and praised China as a role model for many other nations. As well, many of the Covid elites, such as medico-technocrat Dr Fauci, supported Chinese modes of lockdowns, and still do. China is thus a model of the technocratic dystopia that the Great Reset are speculating about. We see a military tyranny openly oppressing its own population, where terrorism becomes a way of life. Locking people, indeed welding them into buildings, with no food or water, to slowly die, is a horror that few states have inflicted upon their population. It may have been toned down a little now, but could be back at any time. Is this to be the new world ruler of the New World Order? Be afraid, be very afraid.  


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My Bad Feeling about Zelensky Proven True By James Reed

It is nasty; Ukrainian President Zelensky has announced that he is intending to ban all religions related to Russia. Why would someone ban such a basic freedom, that of religion? Zelensky said that it was to “guarantee spiritual independence to Ukraine.” He is doing this even though there a literally millions of Ukrainians, who may not even support Russia, but still follow Russian Orthodox religion. This includes a mixed family with some Russian heritage. Of course, the further claim was made that the Russian orthodox churches were fronts for Russian agents. Sorry, I do not believe this. Anyway, even if true, simply put agents inside the churches; they may end up saving their souls too!

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The Normalisation of Paedophilia By Mrs Vera West

Following the public controversy over the advertisement involving children with paedophilic overtones, the issue of the normalisation of paedophilia has been discussed, as summarised by an article at the Epoch What is disturbing is that the pattern we saw in the 1960s with the gender agenda being repeated, where some Leftist academics begin chipping away at taboos, then formulating a philosophy seeing the practitioners as “victims,” in need of being relieved of their oppression. That is the first stage, and is already been surpassed, going to the next stage of attempting to reach social normality. The need for resistance is now, for this practice is truly an assault upon childhood innocence, not some sort of adventure in liberation. I agree that this is a very uncomfortable topic, especially to old Christian ladies like me, but what is more uncomfortable is ignoring this, and doing nothing. The world now is mighty unpleasant, and we have to “face reality.” 


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Attack on US Power Grid By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Not much is known about the attack upon two US power substations. Although there are around 55, 000 such stations, engineers predict that it only requires nine stations to be taken out to bring down the entire power grid by cascading failure. Here is a video by Nate of Canadian Prepper detailing why this is much a problem. No doubt the situation would be much worse for Australia, with the life blood of the modern world, seeping away. This will be part of World War III, which will be unlike the last big war, with systems collapse, done by terrorist sleeper cells that awake.

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Topher Field, Libertarian of the Year on the Re-election of Dan Andrews By James Reed

As we are a Christman conservative organisation, we do not write with the sort of “earthy” or “gamey” metaphors other conservatives might use, as Mr fields introduces in his article, as, sadly appropriate as it is. The metaphor that he plants in one’s mind does not get “unseen.” Still, with a self-censored version, the take he gives on the re-election of the Andrews government comes from a type of postmodern decadence that seems to have developed from the long weekend culture of hedonistic consumerism, and retreat from Christian values, begun in the 1960s, and now in full swing. I agree with this, but in a previous article quoted Left-wing sources who argued that the changing of Australian culture, to multicultural diversity, favouring Labor, is the main cause. Both explanations are likely to be correct indicating a tough battle ahead, that resists the one paragraph simplistic solution. We somehow need to undo the Left, and given the penetration into all institutions, that will not be easy. But, fight on we must.


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France’s Greatest Living Author Says Great Replacement of White French in Progress By Richard Miller (London)

France’s greatest living author Michel Houellebecq, has said in an interview that mass migration to France will sweep away white French people, and thus, the Great Replacement, as described by fellow French intellectual, Renaud Camus, is real, and happening. But, what is the bet that Houellebecq’s status as number one will do a tumble for supporting an inconvenient truth? The elites have chopped down much taller trees. The replacement of whites across the West is celebrated by the Left, but when critics point it out, it is a Right-wing conspiracy. And, that is adequate reason for believing it is true, apart from the evidence of one’s eyes.

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James Cameron on Toxic Masculinity By John Steele

Hollywood icon James Cameron, who made the films, Terminator, Terminator 2, and now the woke, Avatar 2, has proclaimed that his early works were poisoned by testosterone, which is presumably bad. Thus, it must be the case that T-levels have rapidly declined now if Avatar is any guide (as  he has implied himself); if so, good for him, as for all I care he could devour soy and estrogen all day. Whatever gets you through the night. And, as others have asked, will the proceeds of the toxic masculinity film era be donated to say, women’s shelters or to trans people?

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Insider Whistle-Blower: It Came from Wuhan! By Brian Simpson

Scientist Andrew Huff, who worked at the Wuhan lab, that has been thought by many to be responsible for the lab leak of Covid-19, has written a book, entitled, The Truth About Wuhan, where he shows that even though the lab leak did occur from the Wuhan lab, the coronavirus research was funded by the US government. The Chinese gain-of-function genetic engineering research was done with negligent biosecurity, so the virus escaped. ““China knew from day one that this was a genetically engineered agent,” Huff wrote. “The US government is to blame for the transfer of dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese. 

“I was terrified by what I saw,” the army veteran from Michigan told The Sun. “We were just handing them bioweapon technology.””

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The Lies the Government Tells Us By Brian Simpson

Dr Robert Malone has published his book on the Covid plandemic,  Lies My Government Told Me: And the Better Future Coming, where he outlines in detail the tyranny which we all know so well arising from the Covid mandates and agenda. Like most of us, I do not have the money to buy books nowadays, needing my limited funds just to keep my head about the sea of inflation. Fortunately, there are good reviews available, and as usual, Dr Mercola, who has enough funds to buy books, has an excellent review; extract below. We have covered Dr Malone’s views on the mass psychosis that seemed to have engulfed the population over Covid. Some say that this view is taking the blame away from the technocrats and globalist elites who have manipulated things to be in their favour. However, I do not think so; both theses are true, and unless we completely deny agency to the ordinary people, there was mass compliance with the Covid mandates and vaxxes, at an astonishing level. Witness the diverse multicult Victoria returning Dan Andrews, something conservatives are having as much trouble thinking about as fellow US conservatives have with the failed “red wave.” Only now does there seem to be reluctance of many to keep on the endless chain of vaxxes.

As a sophisticated thinker, Dr Malone sees the main causes  here as multifactorial, with many global players with interlocking agendas. The common thing though is that their agenda opposes our traditional freedoms, as the lockdowns showed. The agenda of the globalists is centralised power and control, so the answer must be the opposite to undo this; the creation of self-sustainable decentralized systems and self-governance. The globalists have ready to go programmable central bank digital currencies, digital identity and an international vaccine passports. So, while the longer-term strategy is to build alternative, parallel societies with more social and financial self-reliance, such as Douglas social credit, the immediate quest must be to defeat these programs.

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Blood Supply Safe Issue; Shedding and Beyond: The New Zealand Case of Baby Will By Chris Knight (Florida)

The case of Baby Will in New Zealand, involved parents who refused to allow blood from vaccinated people to be used in a life-saving operation for their baby’s heart surgery. The parents claim to have unvaccinated blood donors; the medicos claim that this pool of donors is too small and has not been tested. Apparently, doing the required tests on blood samples was not an option; I do not know why. The authorities maintain that blood from the vaccinated is perfectly safe. The matter is in court now, and not decided at the time of writing. However, there are some dissenting opinions about the blood supply issue. We remain neutral on the issue and are merely reporting in the public interest in free debate. That said, as detailed below, I would support the medical authorities on this one if no testing of unvaxxed blood is available, but with reservations, as detailed below.

There is also the related issue of shedding, discussed below.

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The Beginning of Civil War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A great presentation by, detailing why some form of civil war, or at least a breakdown will occur in America. The basic argument is that two cultures have developed, which are now incompatible with each other; it is no longer the North and South, but localists or nationalists versus the globalist leftist elites. The takeaway is that there is nothing sacred about having 50 states in a nation, and that a smaller, more streamlined nation, with homogenous values would have greater social cohesion, and hence be ultimately stronger.  

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It is Not Too Late to Resist Covid Oppression! By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone has quoted an essay by Professor Jem Bendell, “It’s not too late to stop being a tool of oppression,” which gives a nice overview of all that is wrong with the Covid vax regime, in a concise form, without undue technicalities, for those science challenged, nothing wrong with that of course.  In short, everything is wrong, from the origin of Covid, to the lockdowns, to the idea that an experimental vaccine should have been rolled out over the world’s population without the expected testing, including animal studies. Now there is an unfolding of numerous adverse effects, with the rise in excess mortality being an indication of the shape of Covid vax things to come.   


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The End of Farming in the Netherlands? But, Farmers Fight Back! By Richard Miller (London)

The latest atmospheric gas hated by the environmentalists is nitrogen, or rather nitrous compounds, often produced by farming, but from many other aspects of industry as well. In the Netherlands, the farming centre of Europe, the drive to cut nitrogen emissions is now manifested in buying up, and closing down farms. No thought about how food production will be kept up, since the EU technocrats probably want the population to eat bugs rather than dairy and meat. However, the farmers are fighting back with their own political party, BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) — meaning Farmer-Citizen Movement. It is starting to have an electoral impact, and we hope that it can save the farms before the great green madness eliminates them, and rings in the reign of hunger, if not, terror.


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Chinese Electoral Interference By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The likes of Hillary Clinton are still going on about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election. But recently the mainstream media admitted major interference by China, all in favour of the Democrats, and nothing happens. TikTok, controlled by the CCP, has become a political weapon; we do not know what influence TikTok had even on the Australian election that delivered a Labor party more sympathetic to communist China.


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Sudden Death of Doctors By Chris Knight (Florida)

Not only are athletes falling with heart issues, and dying, but doctors as well. The main documentation of this comes from Canada, where 93 doctors have died recently. These were some of the first to get the Covid shots, being required, as medical professionals to conform, but most would have anyway, given their faith in the great secular god, Big Pharma.


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Spinning to Armageddon? By James Reed

A squirrel started spinning in Hungary yesterday; what is happening to the animals? We have covered the phenomenon of the sheep going around in circles. Something is throwing these animals out of kilter. Could it be a coming change in the magnetic poles? I don’t know being not able to understand science.

The Dawn of the Euthanasia Society By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

A Canadian citizen has applied for medically assisted dying, euthanasia, in Canada, not only because of his back pain, but being homeless. He can barely survive on his pension. So, he chooses death. Now those supporting euthanasia argued that it was for cases of terminal illness and severe, untreatable pain. But, the next level is for death to the homeless and whoever does not fit into society. Then it will be active euthanasia where those who dissent are put to sleep, like naughty dogs. It is a very slippery slope.


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Japanese Professor Masanori Fukushima Warns of a Threat to Billions By Brian Simpson

Japanese Professor Masanori Fukushima of Kyoto University, has warned that the Covid vaxxes could be endangering the lives of billions. That is surely significant if anything is any more. Natural immunity should have been the road taken, with protections centred upon the vulnerable. Instead the vaccine road for all was followed, which now is resulting in the pandemic of the vaccinated, with skyrocketing excess mortality. Instead of admitting that a wrong course was taken, the health technocrats double down. Professor Fukushima sees the world on the road to disaster.


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Turtles All the Way Down By Mrs Vera West

I have not yet got a copy of the vaccine critique, Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (2022), which from is going for $ 43.55 in paperback, which is a lot of money for me. So, the best I can do to cover this book, which has been praised is to quote a review by Australian academic Dr Brian Martin. If you are interested in the foundational critique of the vaccine paradigm, this is the book. Here is a summary of contents from


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The Covid Bivalent Booster … A Fizzler By Brian Simpson

The US CDC authorised Pfizer’s Covid bivalent booster on an emergency basis without the usual testing, after all, it was a supposed “emergency.” Academic writing at Children’s Health, have used the CDC’s own data to find that the effectiveness of the new vaccine was a mere 9 percent even though the CDC’s own rules demand a minimal efficacy of 50% for emergency use authorization. So, what next has Big Pharma have in store for us?


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